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MEC 320
SW version 3.3.X.X
Display readings
Push-button functions
Alarm handling
Log list
PM106 Rev 0 10/02/02
PM106 Rev0 10/02/02 Thomson Technology Page 1 of 20
Table of Contents
1. ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ...................................................................................................... 2
GENERAL PURPOSE............................................................................................................................. 2
INTENDED USERS................................................................................................................................ 2
CONTENTS/OVERALL STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................... 2
2. WARNINGS AND LEGAL INFORMATION .......................................................................... 3
LEGAL INFORMATION AND RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................................ 3
ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE AWARENESS .......................................................................................... 3
SAFETY ISSUES ................................................................................................................................... 3
DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................................... 3
3. DISPLAY PUSH-BUTTONS AND LEDS ................................................................................. 4
PUSH-BUTTON FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................. 4
LED FUNCTIONS................................................................................................................................. 6
4. DISPLAY AND MENU STRUCTURE ..................................................................................... 8
LCD DISPLAY ..................................................................................................................................... 8
MENU STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................. 8
STATUS LINE TEXT............................................................................................................................ 12
5. ALARM HANDLING AND LOG LIST .................................................................................. 17
ALARM HANDLING............................................................................................................................ 17
LOG LIST........................................................................................................................................... 18
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1. About this document
General purpose
This document is the Operator’s Manual for THOMSON TECHNOLOGY’s Automatic Gen-
set Controller, the MEC320. The document mainly includes general product information,
display readings, push-button and LED functions, alarm handling descriptions and
presentation of the log list.
The general purpose is to give the operator important information to be used in the daily
operation of the unit.
Intended users
This Operator’s Manual is mainly intended for the daily user. On the basis of this document,
the operator will be able to carry out simple procedures such as start/stop and control of the
generator set.
Contents/overall structure
The document is divided into chapters, and in order to make the structure simple and easy to
use, each chapter will begin from the top of a new page.
Please make sure to read this handbook before working with the MEC320
controller and the gen-set to be controlled. Failure to do this could result in
damage to the equipment or human injury.
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2. Warnings and legal information
Legal information and responsibility
THOMSON TECHNOLOGY takes no responsibility for installation or operation of the
generator set. If there is any doubt about how to install or operate the generator set
controlled by the unit, the company responsible for the installation or the operation of the set
must be contacted.
Electrostatic discharge awareness
Sufficient care must be taken to protect the terminals against static discharges during the
installation. Once the unit is installed and connected, these precautions are no longer
Safety issues
Installing the unit implies work with dangerous currents and voltages. Therefore, the
installation should only be carried out by authorised personnel who understand the risks
involved in working with live electrical equipment.
Throughout this document a number of notes and warnings will be presented. To ensure that
these are noticed, they will be highlighted in order to separate them from the general text.
The notes provide general information which will be helpful for the reader to
bear in mind.
The warnings indicate a potentially dangerous situation which could result in
death, personal injury or damaged equipment, if certain guidelines are not
Be aware of the hazardous live currents and voltages. Do not touch any AC
measurement inputs as this could lead to injury or death.
The units are not to be opened by unauthorised personnel. If opened anyway, the warranty will
be lost.
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3. Display push-buttons and LEDs
Push-button functions
The display unit holds a number of push-button functions which are described below.
ALARM STATUS: Shifts the display 3 lower lines to show the alarm list.
JUMP: Enters a specific menu number selection. All settings have a specific number
attached to them. The JUMP button enables the user to select and display any
setting without having to navigate through the menus (see later).
VIEW: Shifts the first line displaying in the setup menus. Push 2 sec. to switch to
master display in case more than 1 display is connected.
LOG: Displays the LOG SETUP window where you can choose between the Event,
Alarm and Battery logs. The logs are not deleted when the auxiliary supply is
switched off.
: Moves the cursor left for maneuvering in the menus.
: Increases the value of the selected set point (in the setup menu). In the daily
use display, this button function is used for scrolling the View lines in V1 or the
second line (in the setup menu) displaying of generator values.
ENTER: Is used to select the underscored entry in the fourth line of the display.
: Decreases the value of the selected set point (in the setup menu). In the daily
use display, this button function is used for scrolling the second line displaying
of generator values.
: Moves the cursor right for maneuvering in the menus.
EXIT: Jumps one step backwards in the menu (to previous display or to the entry
Reset/Silence: Resets an alarm and or silence the horn
Event log: Shift the display three lower lines the alarm list
Lamp test: Push to test the LED’s on display unit and on EPA300 units.
RUN/Manual: Start of the gen-set if ‘SEMI-AUTO’ or ‘MANUAL’ is selected.
OFF: Stop of the gen-set if ‘SEMI-AUTO’ or ‘MANUAL’ is selected.
(GB) CLOSE: Manual activation of close breaker sequence if ‘SEMI-AUTO’ is selected.
(GB) TRIP: Manual activation of open breaker sequence if ‘SEMI-AUTO’ is selected.
(MB) CLOSE: Manual activation of close breaker sequence if ‘SEMI-AUTO’ is selected.
(MB) TRIP: Manual activation of open breaker sequence if ‘SEMI-AUTO’ is selected.
AUTO/MODE: Place the controller in “AUTO” mode.
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