Thomson 21DG15CH User Manual




Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them closely, they concern your personal safety and can affect the operation of your equipment.
Television sets require venti lation to avoid overheating which can damagecomponents. Makesure that therearventilation openingsare not covered up by curtains, cloths, newspapers, etc. There must be enoughroominsidebuilt–inunits to allow coolingair to circulatefreely.
Do not install the set next to heating. Theappliance isdesignedtooperatein adry room. Shouldyou,forany
special reason, wish to use it outdoors (e.g. balcony, veranda, tent, etc.), always make sure it is properly protected against any form of
Do not place audio loudspeakers next to your TV set as the magnets in the spea­kers may cause coloured patches on the screen.

2. Cleaning

The screen should be cleaned using liquid window cleaner.
· Never use abrasive cleaners.
· Clean the front and cabinet using a soft cloth dipped in mild detergent. The use of solvents such as white spirit or alcohol–based products may damage your set.
· Make sure to clean the vents at the rear of your set regularly.
moisture (dew, rain, splashing). Before turning on a cold set in a warm room, wait until any
condensation on the screen has evaporated. Never open up the rear panel of the television set. Haveyour aerial installed by anauthorised dealer or specialist.
At the end of the evening TV programme or in the event of prolonged absence, you should switch off your set using the ON/OFF button.
Even if the ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position, the set is not completely disconnected from the mains. To disconnect the set completely,pull out the mains plug.
Remove the mains plug from the wall outlet in the following cases:
1. During thunderstorms. It is wise to disconnect the aerial plug too in thiscase.
2. If you notice any odour or smoke coming from your set.
Additional information: Your TV set is adequately shielded to prevent X–ray emission. Acceleration voltage does not exceed the maximum value of 26 kV. Work by unqualified technicians, modification of the high–voltage
setting or replacement of the tube with a model that does not comply with the manufacturer’s specifications can lead to a considerable increase in X–ray emission.
A set changed in any of the above ways no longer complies with the manufacturer’s specifications and should not beput back into service.

3. Demagnetisation

The earth’s magnetic field may affect your television set, causing coloured patches to appear on the screen. If this happens:
· Switch off the set using the ON/OFF button.
· Wait about an hour and then switch on again using the ON/OFF button. This operation demagnetises the screen automatically.If coloured patches are still visible, repeat the procedure.



1. Aerial Socket

Enables connection of the aerial and, if required, a video recorder (see manual for latter). To tune the channel reserved for your video recorder, start up the recorder then carry out
MANUAL CHANNEL SETTING operations. Store at programme 99 if you have a SECAM video recorder or at any programme ending with a 9
(9,19,29, etc.) if you have a P AL recorder. Each time you use the video recorder, switch to the channel assigned to it.

2. SCART Socket

This is used to connect:
– a VHS, 8 MM, S–VHS or Hi–8 video recorder or camcorder, – a PAY TV decoder, – a video games console. To use the connected device, select the audiovisual programme by pressing the
This selection is automatic for some devices. AV is displayed at the bottom of the screen. IfyouhaveanS-VIDEOdevice,pressthe
of the screen for a few seconds. When you switch off the device and if you have not changed channel during play, the TV set
automatically returns to the previous channel. If the TV set has beenswitchedon by the videorecorder,itwill be placedon stand–by when the video
recorder is switched off.
buttonagain. S-VIDEO is then displayedat the bottom

3. Audio / Video CINCH Sockets

These are used to connect a VHS or 8 mm camcorder . Press the
When you switch off the connected device, the TV set remains in audiovisual (AV) mode. Call up the channel you wish to watch using the numerical keypad on the remote control. In order to maintain the optimumsound and picture quality of yourTV set, avoidconnecting2 devices
to the SCART socket and the AUDIO/VIDEO sockets simultaneously.
button to select the audiovisual programme to view your recordings.
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