This manual is published for informational purposes only and the
information furnished herein should not be considered as all-inclusive or
meant to cover all contingencies. If more information is required, consult
your Thermo King Service Directory for the location and telephone number
of the local dealer.
There is nothing complicated about operating and maintaining your Thermo
King unit, but a few minutes studying this manual will be time well spent.
Performing pre-trip checks and enroute inspections on a regular basis will
minimize operating problems. A regular maintenance program will also help
to keep your unit in top operating condition. If factory recommended
procedures are followed, you will find that you have purchased the most
efficient and dependable temperature control system available.
All service requirements, major and minor, should be handled by a Thermo
King dealer for four very important reasons:
•They are equipped with the factory recommended tools to perform all
service functions
•They have factory trained and certified technicians
•They have genuine Thermo King replacement parts
•The warranty on your new unit is valid only when the repair and
replacement of component parts is performed by an authorized Thermo
King dealer
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Let your voice be heard!
Your feedback will help improve our manuals. The survey is accessible
through any internet-connected device with a web browser.
Scan the Quick Response (QR) code or click or type the web address http:// to complete the
Thermo King® recommends that all service be performed by a Thermo King
dealer and to be aware of several general safety practices.
Safety advisories appear throughout this manual as required. Your personal
safety and the proper operation of this unit depend upon the strict
observance of these precautions.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury and unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or propertydamage only accidents.
General Practices
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
Improper servicing can lead to fire, electrocution, or explosion. Never
service, repair, or troubleshoot a system unless you are a professional
service person.
HHaazzaarrddoouuss GGaasseess!!
Refrigerant in the presence of an open flame, spark, or electrical short
produces toxic gases that are severe respiratory irritants which can cause
serious injury or possible death.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
CCoonnffiinneedd SSppaaccee HHaazzaarrddss!!
Avoid engine operation in confined spaces and areas or circumstances
where fumes from the engine could become trapped and cause serious
injury or death.
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
When using ladders to install or service refrigeration systems, always
observe the ladder manufacturer’s safety labels and warnings. A work
platform or scaffolding is the recommended method for installations and
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
Never operate the unit unless you completely understand the controls;
otherwise serious injury may occur.
SSeerrvviiccee PPrroocceedduurreess!!
Turn the unit off before attempting to check the engine oil.
HHaazzaarrddoouuss PPrreessssuurreess!!
Do not remove expansion tank cap while coolant is hot.
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
Avoid direct contact with hot coolant.
Automatic Start/Stop Operation
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
The unit can start and run automatically any time the unit is turned on.
Units start automatically in both Cycle Sentry mode and Continuous mode.
Turn the unit Microprocessor On/Off switch Off before doing inspections or
working on any part of the unit.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
Thermo King units may have options that allow for remote starting from a
fully off state. Turn the unit Microprocessor On/Off Switch Off before doing
inspections or working on any part of the unit.
Electrical Hazard
HHaazzaarrddoouuss VVoollttaaggee!!
When servicing or repairing a temperature control unit, the possibility of
serious or even fatal injury from electrical shock exists. Extreme care must
be used when working with a refrigeration unit that is connected to a source
of operating power, even if the unit is not operating. Lethal voltage
potentials can exist at the unit power cord, inside the control box, at the
motors and within the wiring harnesses.
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
On SmartPower electric standby equipped units, always turn off the
external standby power source before handling, connecting, or
disconnecting the power cable. Always disconnect the standby power cord
before servicing the unit.
HHaazzaarrddoouuss VVoollttaaggee!!
The unit On/Off switch must be turned Off before connecting or
disconnecting the standby power plug. Never attempt to stop the unit by
disconnecting the power plug.
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
The unit power plug must be clean and dry before connecting it to a power
HHaazzaarrddoouuss VVoollttaaggee!!
A certified electrician should verify that the proper standby power
requirements are being supplied before connecting to a new power source.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Low Voltage
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Some SR-3 components are connected directly to un-switched
battery power. All connections and circuits labeled with a “2”
prefix are connected directly to battery power. Always
disconnect the battery before servicing the unit.
Control circuits used in refrigeration units are low voltage (12 to 24 volts
dc). However, the large amount of amperage available can cause severe
burns if accidentally shorted to ground with metal objects, such as tools. Do
not wear jewelry, watches, or rings because they increase the risk of
shorting out electrical circuits and damaging equipment or causing severe
Refrigeration System Hazards
In the United States all technicians who maintain, service, repair, or dispose
of equipment that could release refrigerants into the atmosphere must be
EPA 608 certified. Thermo King recommends all service be performed by a
Thermo King dealer.
HHaazzaarrddoouuss GGaasseess!!
Refrigerant in the presence of an open flame, spark, or electrical short
produces toxic gases that are severe respiratory irritants which can cause
serious injury or possible death.
RReeffrriiggeerraanntt VVaappoorr HHaazzaarrdd!!
Do not inhale refrigerant. Use caution when working with refrigerant or a
refrigeration system in any confined area with a limited air supply.
Refrigerant displaces air and can cause oxygen depletion, resulting in
suffocation and possible death.
Refrigerant in a liquid state evaporates rapidly when exposed to the
atmosphere, freezing anything it contacts. Wear butyl lined gloves and
other clothing and eye wear when handling refrigerant to help prevent
Protect your eyes from contact with refrigerant oil. The oil can cause serious
eye injuries. Protect skin and clothing from prolonged or repeated contact
with refrigerant oil. To prevent irritation, wash your hands and clothing
thoroughly after handling the oil. Rubber gloves are recommended.
MMaatteerriiaall DDaammaaggee!!
Wipe up spills immediately. Refrigerant oil can damage paints and rubber
First Aid
•EEyyeess:: For contact with liquid, immediately flush eyes with large amounts
of water and get prompt medical attention.
•SSkkiinn:: Flush area with large amounts of warm water. Do not apply heat.
Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wrap burns with dry, sterile,
bulky dressing to protect from infection. Get prompt medical attention.
Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
•IInnhhaallaattiioonn:: Move victim to fresh air and use Cardio Pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to restore
breathing, if necessary. Stay with victim until emergency personnel
•FFrroosstt BBiittee:: In the event of frost bite , the objectives of First Aid are to
protect the frozen area from further injury, warm the affected area
rapidly, and to maintain respiration.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
•EEyyeess:: Immediately flush with large amounts of water for at least 15
minutes. Get prompt medical attention.
•SSkkiinn:: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and
water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
•IInnhhaallaattiioonn:: Move victim to fresh air and use Cardio Pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to restore
breathing, if necessary. Stay with victim until emergency personnel
•IInnggeessttiioonn:: Do not induce vomiting. Immediately contact local poison
control center or physician.
•EEyyeess:: Immediately flush with large amounts of water for at least 15
minutes. Get prompt medical attention.
•SSkkiinn:: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and
water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
•IInnggeessttiioonn:: Do not induce vomiting. Immediately contact local poison
control center or physician.
•EEyyeess:: Immediately flush with large amounts of water for at least 15
minutes. Get prompt medical attention. Wash skin with soap and water.
Take IMMEDIATE action after a person has received an electrical shock. Get
quick medical assistance, if possible.
The source of the shock must be quickly stopped, by either shutting off the
power or removing the victim. If the power cannot be shut off, the wire
should be cut with an non-conductive tool, such as a wood-handle axe or
thickly insulated cable cutters. Rescuers should wear insulated gloves and
safety glasses, and avoid looking at wires being cut. The ensuing flash can
cause burns and blindness.
If the victim must be removed from a live circuit, pull the victim away with a
non-conductive material. Use wood, rope, a belt or coat to pull or push the
victim away from the current. DO NOT TOUCH the victim. You will receive a
shock from current flowing through the victim’s body. After separating the
victim from power source, immediately check for signs of a pulse and
respiration. If no pulse is present, start Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR). If a pulse is present, respiration might be restored by using mouth-tomouth resuscitation. Call for emergency medical assistance.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Move victim to fresh air and use Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to restore breathing, if necessary. Stay with
victim until emergency personnel arrive.
Welding Precautions
Take precautions before electrically welding any portion of the unit or the
vehicle to which it is attached. Verify that welding currents are not allowed to
flow through the unit’s electronic circuits.
Observe the following precautions when welding to avoid damaging
electronic components.
•If the microprocessor has a power switch, turn it OFF before connecting
or disconnecting the battery.
•Disconnect power to the unit.
•Disconnect all wire harnesses from the microprocessor.
•If there are any electrical circuit breakers in the control box, switch them
•Close the control box.
•Components that could be damaged by welding sparks should be
removed from the unit.
•Use normal welding procedures, but keep the ground return electrode as
close to the area being welded as practical. This will reduce the likelihood
of stray welding currents passing through any electronic circuits.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Safety Nameplates
Observe all safety nameplates placed in various locations on the unit.
Figure 1. Proposition 65 Nameplate
Figure 2. Automatic Start Warning Nameplate
Figure 3. Caution Lifting Nameplate
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
Figure 4. Caution No Grab No Step Nameplate
Figure 5. High Voltage Nameplate
Unit Description
General Description
The T-1090 SPECTRUM™ is a self-powered multi-temperature cooling and
heating unit designed for straight trucks. The condensing unit is mounted on
the front of the truck cargo box. The remote evaporators are located in up to
three individual compartments inside the cargo box. The unit uses Chlorine
free R-404A refrigerant.
The basic models provide the following:
SSttaannddaarrdd UUnniitt ((MMooddeell 3300)):: Cooling and hot gas heating on engine
SSmmaarrttPPoowweerr™™ UUnniitt ((MMooddeell 5500)):: Cooling and hot gas heating on engine
operation and electric standby operation.
A three cylinder, EPA Tier 4, special clean and quiet diesel engine powers the
unit when in the truck is in route. SmartPower (Model 50) units are also
equipped with an electric motor for standby power operation while the truck
is stationary.
The SR-3 microprocessor based temperature control system and in-cab HMI
controller manage unit functions. CYCLE-SENTRY™, an exclusive Thermo
King feature, automatically starts and stops the unit according to
temperature demands. This continuous monitoring function optimizing the
unit’s performance and reduces fuel consumption while maintaining
temperature in multiple compartments.
The on-board Pretrip unit self check feature can be run before beginning the
daily distribution route to identify any possible unit malfunctions and help
prevent down time.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
UUnniitt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Design Features
•Microprocessor Controlled
•Continuous System Monitoring
•In-Cab HMI Controller
•Alarm Code Display
•Battery Voltage Display
•Coolant Temperature Display
•CYCLE-SENTRY Start/Stop Controls
•Engine and Electric SmartPower (Model 50) Hour Meter
•OptiSet Plus Temperature Profiles
•Smart Defrost
•Unit Self Check-pretripping
•Aerodynamic Thermo Plastic Injection Molded Skins with In-mold Color
•Air Cleaner, Dry Type
•Alternator, 12 Volt, 37 Amp
•Bypass Oil Filter
•Coolant Expansion Tank
•Economy Mode
•Fahrenheit and Celsius Display
•Fuel Filter, Spin On
•Oil Filter, Full Flow
•Serpentine Belt with Manual Tensioner
•R-404A Chlorine-free Refrigerant
•Robotic Welded Steel Frame
•X214 Compressor (T-590 and T-690)
•X430P Compressor (T890, T-1090 and T-1090 SPECTRUM)
•ETV (Electronic Throttling Valve) (T-690, T-890, T-1090 and T-1090
•TK374F Tier 4 Diesel Engine (T-590, T-690, and T-890)
•TK380F Tier 4 Diesel Engine (T-1090 and T-1090 SPECTRUM)
Engine power for the T-1090 SPECTRUM is provided by the TK380F, a three
cylinder, EPA Tier 4, special clean and quiet diesel engine rated at 19.3
continuous horsepower (14.4 kW) at 2425 RPM. A belt drive system transfers
energy to the compressor and alternator.
ELC (Extended Life Coolant)
The maintenance interval for ELC is eight years or 15,000 hours. A nameplate
near the coolant expansion tank identifies units with ELC. This coolant is Red
instead of the previous Green or Blue-Green coolants.
Figure 6. ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Nameplate
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Only OAT extended life coolants (Chevron Delo® XLC or
equivalent) should be added to Thermo King systems.
Conventional coolants should not be used (Typically identified
by green or blue-green color). If a conventional coolant is
combined with the Thermo King factory fill up to 25% by volume,
the coolant must be changed at the next service opportunity.
Above 25%, the coolant must be changed immediately.
Conventional coolants dilute/interact with the additive packages
of extended life coolant which significantly reduces the service
life of the coolant.
NNoottee:: The use of 55/45% pre-mixed ELC is recommended to ensure that
deionized water is being used. If 100% full strength concentrate is
used, deionized or distilled water is recommended instead of tap
water to ensure the integrity of the cooling system is maintained.
The centrifugal clutch engages fully at 600 ± 100 RPM on engine operation,
constantly turning the compressor, alternator, and fans at both high and low
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
UUnniitt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
speed. The clutch isolates the engine from the belt drive system during
electric standby operation on Model 50 units.
Reciprocating Compressor
The T-1090 SPECTRUM features the X430P, 4 cylinder reciprocating
compressor with 30.0 cu in (492 cc) displacement.
HMI Controller
The HMI Controller communicates with the Base Controller (located inside
the control box) and is used operate the unit and display unit information. It
also provides access to all the controller functions and menus.
CYCLE-SENTRY™™ Start/Stop System
The CYCLE-SENTRY Start/Stop fuel saving system provides optimum
operating economy.
RRiisskk ooff IInnjjuurryy!!
The unit can start at any time without warning. Press the OFF key on the
HMI control panel and place the microprocessor On/Off switch in the Off
position before inspecting or servicing any part of the unit.
The CYCLE-SENTRY system automatically starts the unit on microprocessor
demand and shuts down the unit when all demands are satisfied.
The system monitors and maintains the compartment temperature, the
engine block temperature, and battery charge levels at a point where quick,
easy starts are possible.
Frost will gradually build up on the evaporator coils as a result of normal
operation. Periodically this frost must be melted to prevent a loss of cooling
and airflow.
Defrost is accomplished by passing hot refrigerant gas through the
evaporator coil, thus melting the frost (or ice). Melted frost drains out of the
unit onto the ground through the drain tubes.
Defrost can be initiated at any time the evaporator coil temperature is below
42 F (5.5 C).
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
UUnniitt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
There are two methods of defrost initiation:
SSRR--22//SSRR--33 MMiiccrroopprroocceessssoorr CCoonnttrroolllleerr:: The Microprocessor Controller is
programmed to automatically initiate timed and forced defrost cycles. The
SR-2/SR-3 uses temperature sensors to determine if forced defrost is
MMaannuuaall DDeeffrroosstt:: Manual Defrost allows the operator to initiate a defrost
cycle by pressing the Defrost key. See “Initiating a Manual Defrost Cycle.”
T-90 series units are equipped with a wireless communication platform that
offers fleet owners the ability to monitor their refrigerated units. Cellular,
GPS, and Bluetooth capabilities communicate with Thermo King’s webbased TracKing™ application, and Bluetooth with the Thermo King Reefer
App. A third party interface offers a gateway for telematics providers to
communicate with the Thermo King unit. To learn more about the TracKing
features, contact your Thermo King dealer.
SmartPower Electric Standby (Model 50 Units
The SmartPower Electric Standby option allows the unit to be operated on
either the diesel engine or external electric power.
HHaazzaarrddoouuss VVoollttaaggee!!
High voltage AC power is present whenever the unit is operating in the
Electric Standby mode and whenever the unit is connected to external
standby power. Voltages of this magnitude can be lethal. Exercise extreme
caution when working on the unit.
SmartPower Standard Features
The following features are standard equipment on units equipped with
SmartPower Electric Standby.
AAuuttoommaattiicc DDiieesseell//EElleeccttrriicc SSeelleeccttiioonn:: The unit will automatically switch to
electric operation when a power cord is connected and the standby power is
switched On.
OOvveerrllooaadd RReellaayy:: The overload relay is self-resetting.
HHoott GGaass HHeeaatt:: Hot gas heat is utilized on all units.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
UUnniitt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
AAuuttoommaattiicc PPhhaassee CCoorrrreeccttiioonn:: The control system features two motor
contactors. This allows correct motor rotation regardless of phase rotation
on the incoming power.
SmartPower Optional Features
The following features are available as options on units equipped with
Electric Standby.
•Auto Switching
Unit Protection Devices
HHiigghh PPrreessssuurree CCuuttoouutt SSwwiittcchh ((HHPPCCOO)):: This normally closed switch
monitors the discharge pressure at the compressor. It opens on high
discharge pressure to shut the unit down to prevent damage.
EElleeccttrroonniicc TThhrroottttlliinngg VVaallvvee ((EETTVV)):: This component is an electromechanical
control device used to limit the suction pressure to the compressor. The
valve is controlled by the microprocessor controller.
EEnnggiinnee OOiill PPrreessssuurree SSwwiittcchh//SSeennssoorr:: The engine oil pressure switch/sensor
is located on the filter head above the bypass oil filter. Engine oil pressure
should rise immediately on starting. If engine oil pressure drops below 10 ±
2 psig (69 ± 14 kPa), the switch/sensor signals the microprocessor to stop the
PPrreehheeaatt BBuuzzzzeerr:: The preheat buzzer sounds when the CYCLE-SENTRY
system energizes the glow plugs. This should warn anyone near the unit that
the CYCLE-SENTRY system is about to start the diesel engine.
CCoooollaanntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree SSeennssoorr:: This sensor provides an engine coolant
temperature input to the microprocessor. If the engine coolant temperature
is too high, the controller stops the unit and records an alarm.
EElleeccttrriicc MMoottoorr OOvveerrllooaadd RReellaayy ((MMooddeell 5500)):: The overload relay protects the
electric standby motor. The overload relay opens the circuit from the
contactor to the electric motor if the motor overloads for any reason and an
alarm will occur. The relay resets when the alarm code is cleared.
FFuusseess:: Sizes and functions are described in the Specifications chapter of this
Engine Compartment Components
CCoooollaanntt EExxppaannssiioonn TTaannkk:: The coolant level and temperature are monitored
by the base controller. If the coolant temperature becomes too high or the
level becomes too low, an alarm will occur.
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
UUnniitt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
The engine must have antifreeze protection to –30 F (–34 C). Check and add
coolant in the expansion tank as needed.
HHaazzaarrddoouuss PPrreessssuurreess!!
Do not remove expansion tank cap while coolant is hot.
EEnnggiinnee OOiill DDiippssttiicckk:: Use the engine oil dipstick to check the engine oil level.
RReecceeiivveerr TTaannkk SSiigghhtt GGllaassss:: The receiver tank sight glass is used to assist in
checking the amount of refrigerant in the system.
CCoommpprreessssoorr OOiill SSiigghhtt GGllaassss:: The compressor oil sight glass is used to
check the relative level of compressor oil in the compressor sump.
Unit Components
Figure 7. Front View of Unit
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
UUnniitt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Figure 8. Engine Compartment Components
1.Engine Oil Dipstick (on side of
2.Engine7.Dehydrator (Filter-Drier)
3.Coolant Expansion Tank8.Compressor
Coolant Overflow Bottle
5.Electric Motor
Base Controller On/Off Switch
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
UUnniitt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Figure 9. S-2 Remote Evaporator – Front View
Figure 10. S-3 Remote Evaporator – Front View
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
Operating Instructions for Premium
HMI Control Panel
Truck Premium Display HMI Control Panel
The Truck Premium Display is used to operate the unit, display unit
information, and access all Maintenance and Guarded Access Menus. The
Truck Premium Display communicates with the Base Controller via the
Controller Area Network (CAN) bus. It is connected to the Base Controller via
CAN Connector J14 on the interface board. The Truck Premium Display is
typically located in the vehicle driver’s compartment. It may be installed in
the truck instrument panel using a DIN mounting ring or under the
instrument panel using an under dash mounting kit.
Figure 11.Truck Premium HMI Control Panel
The HMI control panel consists of a display and 8 touch-sensitive keys.
The display is capable of showing both text and graphics.
The keys on the left and right sides of the display are dedicated single
function “hard” keys.
The four keys under the display are “soft” keys. The functions of these soft
keys change depending on the operation being performed. If a soft key is
active the current key function is shown in the display directly above the key.
The display presents information to the operator. This information includes
setpoint and temperature for each zone, unit or zone operating information,
gauge readings, temperatures, and other information as selected by the
The Standard Display of box temperature and setpoint for three zones is
shown (Figure 12, p. 27). The Cycle Sentry Icon in the upper right of the
display shows the unit is running in Cycle Sentry Mode. Zone 1 has a
setpoint of -10°F, and a return air temperature of -8.2°F. The downward
pointing arrow shows this zone is cooling. Zone 2 has a setpoint of 35°F, and
a return air temperature of 35.8°F. The absence of an arrow indicates that
this zone is in null. Zone 3 has a setpoint of 50°F, and a return air
temperature of 48.8°F. The upward pointing arrow shows this zone is
NNoottee:: The zone temperature shown is always return air temperature.
The four keys under the display are termed “soft” keys. The functions of
these keys change depending on the operation being performed. The
function of each soft key is shown by labels in the display located directly
above each soft key. The soft key under each zone is used to turn that zone
on and off and allows the Setpoint for that zone to be changed. Pressing the
soft key under MENU accesses the MAIN MENU.
The keys on either side of the display are dedicated or "hard" keys. Their
function always remains the same.
This key is used to turn the unit on. First the display will briefly show the
Thermo King Logo and then the statement "Configuring System - Please
Wait". When the power-up sequence is complete the display shows the
Standard Display of box temperature and setpoint. For more information
see "Turning the Unit On and Off" later in this section.
This key is used to turn the unit off. First the display will briefly show
"System is Powering Down - Please Wait. Press On to Resume" and then
"Off" will appear momentarily. When the power-down sequence is
complete the display will be blank. For more information see "Turning the
Unit On and Off" later in this section.
This key is used to initiate a manual defrost cycle. For more information
see "Initiating a Manual Defrost Cycle" later in this section.
This key is used to lock out high speed operation in noise sensitive areas.
For more information see "Selecting High Speed Lockout" later in this
Note: The Thermo King Premium Truck HMI Control Panel features a High
Speed Lock-Out key as shown here. The Thermo King Truck HMI
Control Panel features a Cycle Sentry key in this position. When
using the Thermo King Premium Truck HMI Control Panel, Cycle
Sentry Mode or Continuous Mode is selected from the Main Menu –
Mode Submenu as shown later in this section.
Soft Keys
Figure 14.Soft Keys
The four "soft" keys under the display are multi-purpose keys. Their
function changes depending on the operation being performed. If a soft
key is active the key function is shown in the display directly above the
key. The keys are numbered from left to right, with Key 1 on the far left
and Key 4 on the far right.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Verify the Base Controller On/Off Switch is turned on before
turning on the HMI Control Panel. The Base Controller On/Off
switch is located on the outside of the control box side of the
If the HMI Control Panel is turned on and the Base Controller On/Off Switch
is turned off, the HMI display screen will briefly show LOST CONTROLLER
POWER. The HMI will then power down.
The unit is turned on by pressing the ON key and off by pressing the OFF
key. When the ON key is pressed, the display briefly shows the THERMO
KING Logo as the display initializes.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: The ON key must be held down until the Thermo King Logo
appears as shown (Figure 15, p. 29). If the ON key is not held
down long enough (approximately ½ second), the display may
flicker but the unit will not start up. If this occurs, hold the ON key
down until the Thermo King logo appears.
NNoottee:: With extremely cold ambient temperatures, it may take up to 15
seconds for the display to appear on initial startup.
Figure 15.ON Key
The startup screen shown (Figure 16, p. 30) appears while communications
are established and the unit prepares for operation.
If more than one language has been enabled, a prompt will appear to allow
the desired language to be chosen as shown (Figure 17, p. 30). Only
languages enabled from the Guarded Access Menu are available. If a
different language is desired, press the NO key.
Figure 17.NO key
The Language menu will appear as shown (Figure 18, p. 30). Press the + or keys to select the desired language. When the desired language is shown,
press the YES key to confirm the choice.
Figure 18.YES Key
TK 56704-1-OP-EN
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