Theben thePassa P360-221 DALI UP WH, thePassa P360-221 DALI UP GR User Manual

Presence detector
thePassa P360-221 DALI UP WH
thePassa P360-221 DALI UP GR
3. Proper use
The presence detector is used in passageways, stairca-
ses, garages, basements and warehouses for controlling the lighting and HVAC.
The presence detector is intended for indoor installation.
4. Installation
Passive infrared presence detector for ceiling installation
2 operating modes for lighting channel, switchable:
– 1 DALI broadcast lighting channel (factory setting) or – 2 DALI addressable lighting channels 2 separate detection zones
Rectangular detection area (max. 30 m x 5 m/150 m2)
Switch or constant light control mode
with standby function
Mixed light measurement suitable for uorescent lamps
(FL/PL/ESL), halogen/incandescent lamps and LEDs Adaptable 2-channel light measurement
Fully or semi-automatic operation, switchable
Reduction of time delay when present briey (short-term
presence) 1 presence channel for external DALI relay, e.g. for HVAC
Accessories: SendoPro 868-A management remote
control (optional) (SendoPro for short); theSenda S user remote control (optional) (theSenda S for short); the­Senda P service remote control (optional) (theSenda P for short); theSenda B app remote control (optional) and the corresponding "theSenda Plug" app (iOS/Android) (theSenda B/app for short)
Detection area
L The rectangular detection area enables the entire corridor
to be covered.
L The detection area is divided into two zones. These can
be activated or deactivated individually by remote control (only with 1 DALI broadcast lighting channel).
L Recommended installation height: 2.0 m – 6.0 m.
The sensitivity of the presence detector decreases when the installation height is increased. From a installation height of 3.5 m, the detection areas of several detectors in the edge zones should overlap.
L The detection range is reduced as the temperature
L The detection area is divided into different areas based on
the walking direction (frontal/across).
Detection areas: zone 1 and zone 2 (factory setting)
2. Safety
Assembly and installation should only be carried
out by a qualied electrician, somebody who has
completed appropriate professional training and has the knowledge and experience necessary to be able to recognise and avoid the potential dangers posed by electricity.
Before assembly/dismounting, disconnect the power supply and ensure that the parts are no longer live.
Read the entire manual and follow the instructions. Prior to commissioning and using the product, read
the operating instructions.
Installation height (A)
2.0 m 16 x 3.5 m (56 m2) 16 x 3.5 m (56 m2)
2.5 m 18 x 4 m (72 m2) 22 x 4 m (88 m2)
3.0 m 20 x 4.5 m (90 m2) 30 x 4.5 m (135 m2)
3.5 m 20 x 5 m (100 m2) 30 x 5 m (150 m2)
4.0 m 20 x 5 m (100 m2) 30 x 5 m (150 m2)
4.5 m 20 x 5 m (100 m2) 30 x 5 m (150 m2)
5.0 m 20 x 5 m (100 m2) 30 x 5 m (150 m2)
5.5 m 20 x 5 m (100 m2) 30 x 5 m (150 m2)
6.0 m 20 x 5 m (100 m2) 30 x 5 m (150 m2)
All gures are guidance values.
Zone 1 Zone 2
Walking persons frontal (r)
Walking persons across (t)
Detection areas: zone 1 or zone 2
L The alignment of both zone 1/zone 2 brightness measu-
rements must be taken into account!
L Direct light in uences the light measurement. Avoid pla-
cing  oor lamps or suspended lighting directly under the
Constant light control
The detector must be positioned in such a way that it only
detects arti cial light that it controls itself. Arti cial light
controlled by other detectors (or manually switched working lights) will affect the brightness measurement of the detector.
Installation height (A)
2.0 m 8 x 3.5 m (28 m
2.5 m 9 x 4 m (36 m
3.0 m 10 x 4.5 m (45 m
3.5 m 10 x 5 m (50 m
4.0 m 10 x 5 m (50 m
4.5 m 10 x 5 m (50 m
5.0 m 10 x 5 m (50 m
5.5 m 10 x 5 m (50 m
6.0 m 10 x 5 m (50 m
Walking persons frontal (r)
Walking persons across (t)
) 8 x 3.5 m (28 m2)
) 11 x 4 m (44 m2)
) 15 x 4.5 m (68 m2)
) 15 x 5 m (75 m2)
) 15 x 5 m (75 m2)
) 15 x 5 m (75 m2)
) 15 x 5 m (75 m2)
) 15 x 5 m (75 m2)
) 15 x 5 m (75 m2)
All  gures are guidance values.
Brightness measurement
The presence detector measures arti cial light and daylight
by means of two directed light measurements. Light measu­rement Z1 measures the brightness in zone 1. In zone 2, light measurement Z2 measures the brightness. The alignment of both brightness measurements has to be taken into account during installation. The installation location is the reference point for the lighting level. The brightness measurement can be adapted to the conditions in a room with the room correc­tion factor.
Switching mode
If the brightness measurement is deactivated, the lighting only switches based on the presence detection function (brightness setpoint value is set to «Measurement off» via the remote control).
Flush-mounted installation
with standard  ush-mounting box, size 1
Z1 Z2
2 m
2 m
Each light measurement zone maps a rectangle of about 2 x
4 m on the  oor. Depending on the operating mode and the
selected detection zone, the light measurements are assigned as follows:
1-channel (broadcast):
Selection of detec­tion zone
Only zone 1 Channel C1 - light Zone 1
Only zone 2 Channel C1 - light Zone 2
Zone 1 + zone 2 Channel C1 - light
Lighting channel Light measuring zone
Ø from zone 1 + zone 2
2-channel (addressable):
Lighting channel Light measuring zone
Channel C1 - light Zone 1
Channel C2 - light Zone 2
Ceiling installation
with ceiling installation box 73A (9070917), for installation diameter 72 mm (Ø 73 mm)
Surface-mounted installation
with back box 110A (9070912, 7070913)
The other detectors (slaves) merely provide presence
information (e.g. thePassa P360 Slave UP).
5. Connection
Use the same external conductor for all detectors and
L Several buttons can be connected to one control input.
L Illuminated buttons can only be used with a neutral con-
ductor connection.
L Up to 50 DALI operating devices can be connected to
each master device. Distribute the DALI operating devices evenly over the 3 external conductors.
L In the addressable operating mode, lighting channels C1
and C2 can be assigned to the required button inputs S1 and S2 via the remote control.
Individual switching
As master, the presence detector detects presence and
brightness and controls lighting.
*Only for the "addressable" operating mode
DA+ DA–S1 S2
Master/master parallel switching
Several masters can be used. Every master controls
its lighting groups according to its own brightness measurement. Time delays and brightness setpoint values are set indi-
vidually on each master. Presence is detected collectively by all the detectors.
Switch up to 10 detectors in parallel.
*Only for the "addressable" operating mode
DA+ DA–S1 S2
DA+ DA–S1 S2
Integrating an external DALI relay
No more than 1 external DALI relay can be connected on
one single DALI line (IEC 62386-208). The detector automatically detects the DALI relay.
Switch-on delay and time delay can be set using the
remote control.
*Only for the "addressable" operating mode
DA+ DA–S1 S2
Master/slave parallel switching
If the detection area of a single presence detector is
insuf cient (spacious rooms), a maximum of 10 detec-
tors can be connected in parallel by connecting the P terminals. Presence is detected collectively by all the detectors.
The master measures the brightness, processes the
button information and controls the lighting.
*Only for the "addressable" operating mode
DA+ DA–S1 S2
6. Start-up
Initial operation of thePassa P360-111 DALI
(broadcast) → factory setting
Configuring the lighting groups with SendoPro
Left function button
Up button
Right function button
Right button
L After the start-up phase (30 s), the detector is ready for
Initial operation of thePassa P360-221 DALI
(addressable), uncongured system
The operating mode can be switched from broadcast to
addressable with the SendoPro remote control or the the­Senda B/app:
Select the <thePassa P360-111 DALI> parameter as the
detector type.
Open the DALI conguration ("Control commands" menu in
the SendoPro).
Send the <Change over to addressable operating mode>
parameter to the detector.
After the changeover, select <thePassa P360-221> as the
detector type for further parameterization.
After the rst changeover to the addressable operating mode (thePassa P360-221 DALI), the detector restarts, identies all
connected DALI lights, assigns short addresses and manages them in a list.
▻ Depending on the system size, the LED on the detector
ashes (5 x ON briey every 3 s) for up to 3 min.
If no DALI EBs are connected to the detector or a DALI line is interrupted
▻ the LED ashes (LED is switched on and ashes 2 x OFF
briey every 3 s).
If the system is functioning, the detector switches to con­guration mode and waits for the conguration of the lighting
▻ The LED ashes (2 x ON briey every 3 s).
As long as the conguration has not been carried out, the
system is in the following operating state:
Detector is in broadcast mode.
Function is in switching mode (only presence detection,
no light measurement). All lights are controlled with 100% switch-on dimming
value. The operating mode is fully automatic device.
All connected buttons are active. Switching on and off as
well as dimming are possible. Time delay: 10 min.
Configuring the lighting groups with
theSenda B/app
Buttons or theSenda S
Down button
Select "thePassa P360-221 DALI" as the type in the
Select "Menu" (right function button) then "Control com-
mands" (left function button).
Open "DALI conguration" with "Open" (right function
For the DALI conguration, there are 3 options available:
y "Group assignment (unaddress.)": only DALI EBs without a
group address are processed.
y "Group assignment (all)": all connected DALI EBs are con-
gured. NOTE: All existing group assignments with group number 1 or 2 are deleted.
y "Change group assignment": the next existing EB is
searched for and selected.
Use the Up or Down button to select the required group
assignment and press "Send" (right function button) to
start the conguration.
L The remote control must be directed to the detector! The
LED is switched off.
▻ A DALI light starts to pulse (random order).
Select the required C1 or C2 channel with the button and
assign it to the DALI EB by pressing "Send" (right function button).
▻ As conrmation, the light dims to 20%. ▻ The next DALI light starts to pulse. One after the other,
the lighting groups are assigned to all the lights.
For group assignment (unaddress.) or (all): if all DALI EBs
are assigned to a lighting group, the detector terminates
the conguration process and restarts (startup phase of
30 s). The detector then switches to the normal opera-
ting mode and the conguration is completed.
L If necessary, the conguration process can be ended by
pressing "End" (left function button).
▻ In this case, the system is not ready for operation.
If "Change group assignment" has been selected, use the
right ">" button to switch to the next DALI EB without changing the lighting group.
When all required changes have been made, end the con-
guration process by pressing "End" (left function button).
Configuring the lighting groups with the theSenda B/app
Connect the theSenda B with the corresponding "theSenda
Plug" app.
Place the theSenda B under the detector (direct the remote
control towards the detector).
Select "thePassa P360-221 DALI" as the type in the "the-
Senda Plug" app.
In the "DALI conguration" menu, select the required group
For the DALI conguration, there are 3 options available:
y "Group assignment (unaddress.)": only DALI EBs without a
group address are processed.
y "Group assignment (all)": all connected DALI EBs are con-
gured. NOTE: All existing group assignments with group number 1 or 2 are deleted.
y "Change group assignment": the next existing EB is
searched for and selected.
▻ After selecting the required group assignment, the
detector is in the programming mode.
▻ A DALI light starts to pulse (random order).
Use to assign the required C1 or C2 channel to the DALI
For further steps, see "Conguring the lighting groups with
Configuring the lighting groups using buttons
Set the <Conguration button/RC> parameter to "Enabled".
All connected buttons can be used for the conguration.
Press any button 5 times briey (< 0.4 s) and press and
hold once (> 15 s).
▻ The LED is switched off. ▻ A DALI light starts to pulse (random order). ▻ The lighting group is assigned by pressing the approp-
riate button:
y 1 x short button press = channel C1y 2 x short button press = channel C2
▻ As conrmation, the light dims to 20% (3 s after the
last button press).
▻ The next DALI light starts to pulse. One after the other,
the lighting groups are assigned to all the lights.
If all DALI EBs are assigned to a lighting group, the
detector terminates the conguration process and
restarts (startup phase of 30 s).
▻ The detector switches to the normal operating mode
and the conguration is completed.
L If required, the conguration process can be ended by
pressing and holding any button for longer than 15 s. The detector restarts.
▻ In this case, the system is not ready for operation.
L Instead of using the button, the conguration can also
be carried out with the ON/OFF buttons on the theSenda B/S.
Checking the configuration
The assignment of the lighting groups can be checked by switching the individual lighting groups on or off using but­tons, the SendoPro remote control or the theSenda B/app (for SendoPro/theSenda B (app), select the "Control commands" menu).
L Changing the lighting group for DALI EBs: use the Sendo-
Pro or the theSenda B/app to change the DALI congura­tion via the "Change group assignment" command.
L With the button: the whole DALI conguration must be
L A video on conguring the lighting groups can be found at
Switch-on response (congured system)
If voltage is applied, the presence detector goes through two phases which are indicated by the LED:
1. Start-up phase (30 s)
The red LED ashes in one-second intervals; the lighting
is switched on with the switch on dimming value. The detector does not react to button commands or to
the theSenda B/S. If absent, the lighting is switched off after 30 s.
2. Operation
The red LED is off. The constant light control or switching
mode are started.
▻ The detector is ready for operation.
7. Functions
Mixed light measurement Presence detection Articial light Button for manual lighting control Incident daylight
Lighting channel C1 (broadcast) Lighting channel C1, C2 (addressable)
The lighting is controlled by presence and brightness. In case
of little daylight and presence, the articial light is switched
on via the DALI interface and regulated to a constant bright­ness level. In case of sufcient daylight or absence, the lighting is swit­ched off via the DALI interface.
Constant light control
It compensates for daylight uctuations by controlling
the lighting. The total brightness is kept constant at the required
brightness level. The lighting is switched on with the switch on dimming
value and regulated to the set brightness setpoint value.
Depending on the "school" or "ofce" conguration type,
the presence detector responds as follows after manual dimming using the buttons:
"School" conguration type (in school and conference
y Manual dimming stops the constant light control.y When someone is present, the lighting remains at the
dimmed value (no brightness inuence).
y Switching off and on again leads to control mode.
"Ofce" conguration type (in single and open-plan
y After manual dimming, the constant light control remains
temporarily active with the current brightness value as the new brightness setpoint value.
y The new brightness setpoint value only applies while some-
one is present.
y After the lighting time delay, the set brightness setpoint
value is restored.
Switching mode
The switching response is controlled by presence and
brightness. The lighting channel switches on in darkness and when
someone is present. The lighting switches off if there is
sufcient brightness or during periods of absence after
the set lighting time delay. The light is switched on with the switch-on dimming
value. The button can be used to change the intensity of the
articial light when someone is present. If the lighting is
switched on with the button, it remains switched on for at least 30 min. If people have left the room (before), the lighting switches off after the set time delay.
Standby (orientation light)
After the lighting time delay, the lighting is set to the
standby dimming value (1–25% of the lamp output). The standby time can be set between 0 s and 60 min or
permanently. If the room brightness is above the brightness setpoint
value, the lighting switches off. If the room brightness is below the brightness setpoint value, the lighting swit­ches to the standby brightness. If someone reenters the room, the detector switches back automatically (fully automatic device) or after pressing the button (semi­automatic device) to the set brightness setpoint value.
Lighting time delay
The minimum time delay (10 s – 60 min) is adjustable
and can increase to max. 30 min or decrease back to the set minimum time.
With settings ≤ 2 min or ≥ 30 min, the time delay
remains unchanged at the set value. If someone briey
enters and leaves an unoccupied room within 30 s, the lighting switches off early after 2 min (short-term presence).
Button control
The lighting can be switched or dimmed manually via a
button. A short button press switches the light on or off; a long
button press dims the light (brighter or darker). If the lighting is switched off manually, it remains
switched off as long as people are present. The lighting switches on again after the time delay has elapsed.
Fully or semi-automatic device
Fully automatic device: the lighting is switched on and
off automatically. Semi-automatic device: the lighting must be switched on
manually. It is switched off automatically.
Staircase light function
If the staircase light function is activated, the detector is
used as a staircase automatic device. It is not possible to switch the lighting off manually. If the staircase light function is deactivated, the lighting
can be switched on and off manually.
eco and eco plus
Settings for ideal switching response and maximum energy savings.
8. Settings
The thePassa P360-221 DALI presence detector features two different operating modes:
Broadcast (factory setting)
Both operating modes can be selected with the SendoPro or the theSenda B/app.
Parameter Selection
Type thePassa P360-111 DALI (broadcast)
thePassa P360-221 DALI (addressable)
The presence detectors are supplied with basic settings
ready for operation. With SendoPro and the theSenda B/app, parameters can
be checked, adjusted and optimised during start-up. With the theSenda P, parameters can only be adjusted.
Broadcast <thePassa P360-111 DALI>
Teach-in via button
Press the button for > 15 s
▻ The currently measured brightness value is adopted as
the brightness setpoint value.
L The teach-in function via the button can be disabled using
the SendoPro or the theSenda B/app remote controls
when the "Conguration button/RC" parameter is set to
Parameters via remote control
The following parameters can be checked or changed via the remote control for support during start-up as well as servicing:
Parameter Description Can be
Detection zone
Function C1
Selection: Z1 / Z2 / Z1+Z2
Selection: switching/control
checked by Sendo­Pro/the­Senda B (app)
Can be changed by Sen­doPro/ theSenda B (app)
x x
x x
Can be changed by the­Senda P
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