Texas Instruments UC2836N, UC2836DW, UC2836DWTR, UC2836DTR, UC2836D Datasheet

Complete Control for a High Current, Low Dropout, Linear Regulator
Fixed 5V or Adjustable Output Voltage
Accurate 2.5A Current Limiting with
Internal Current Sense Resistor
Remote Sense for Improved Load
External Shutdown
Under-Voltage Lockout and Reverse
Voltage Protection
Thermal Shutdown Protection
8 Pin Mini-Dip Package
(Surface Mount also Available)
The UC1835/6 families of linear controllers are optimized for the de­sign of low cost, low dropout, linear regulators. Using an external pass element, dropout voltages of less than 0.5V are readily obtained. These devices contain a high gain error amplifier, a 250mA output driver, and a precision reference. I n addition, current sense with fold­back provides for a 2.5A peak output current dropping to less than
0.5A at short circuit. These devices are available in fixed, 5V, (UC1835), or adjustable,
(UC1836), versions. In the fi xed 5 volt version, the only external parts required are an external pass element, an output capacitor, and a com­pensation capaci tor. On the adjustable version the output voltage can be set anywhere from 2.5V to 35V with two external resistors.
Additional features of these devices include under-voltage lockout for predictable start-up, thermal shutdown and short circuit current limiting to protect the dri ver device. On the fixed voltage version, a reverse voltage comparator mini mizes reverse load current in the event of a negative input to output differential.
High Efficiency Regulator Controller
Note: Pin numbers refer to 8-Pin DIL Pack age
UC1835 UC1836 UC2835 UC2836 UC3835 UC3836
UC1835 UC1836 UC2835 UC2836 UC3835 UC3836
SOIC-16 (TOP VIEW) DW Package
N/C 1 +V
IN 2
IN 3
N/C 4 Compensation/
N/C 6 Ground 7 N/C 8 N/C 9 Driver Source 10 N/C 11 V
OUT Sense 12
N/C 13 N/C 14 Driver Sink 15 N/C 16 Current Limit (-) 17 N/C 18 Sense Res isto r Out 19 Sense Res isto r Out 20
DIL-8, SOIC-8 (TOP VIEW) N or J Package, D Package
PLCC-20, LCC-20 (TOP VIEW) Q, L Packages
Input Supply Volt age ( +VIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –1.0V to + 40V
Driver Outp ut Current (Sink or Source) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600mA
Driver Sourc e to Sink Voltag e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 40V
Maximum Curren t Throu gh Sens e Resist or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A
OUT Sense Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –.3V to + 40V
Power Dissipation at T
A = 25°C (Note 2) . . . . . . . . . . . 1000mW
Power Dissipation at T
C = 25°C (Note 2). . . . . . . . . . . 2000mW
Operating Junct ion Te mp era tu re. . . . . . . . . . . -55°C to +150°C
Storage Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to +150°C
Lead Tempera tu re (Solderin g, 10 Seconds). . . . . . . . . . 300°C
Note 1: Voltages are refer ence d to grou nd, (Pin 3). Curre nt s are
positive into, negat ive ou t of, th e specified t er mina ls.
Consult Packaging Section of Datab ook for therma l
consideration s and limit ations of pac kage s.
Unless other wise stat ed, spe cifica tion s hold for TA = 0°C to + 70°C for the UC3835/6, –25°C to + 85°C for the UC2835/6 , and –55°C to +12 5°C for the UC1835/6, +V
IN = 6V, Driver Source= 0V, Drive r Sink = 5V, TA = TJ.
Input Supply
Supply Current +V
IN = 6V 2.75 4.0 mA
IN = 40V 3.75 6.0 mA
UVLO Threshold +V
IN Low to High, VOUT Sen se = 0 V 3.9 4.4 4.9 V
Threshold Hyster esis 0.1 0.35 V Reverse Current +V
IN = -1.0V, Driver Sink Open 6.0 20 mA
Regulating Voltage an d Err or Ampl ifier (UC1835 Family Only)
Regulating Level at V
OUT Sense (VREG) Driver Current = 10mA, TJ = 25 ° C 4.94 5.0 5.06 V
Over Temperature 4.9 5.1 V
Line Regulation +V
IN = 5.2V + 35V 15 40 mV
Load Regulation Driver Current = 0 to 250mA 6. 0 25 mV Bias Current at V
OUT Sense VOUT Sense = 5. 0 V 75 125 210 µA
Error Amp Transconductance ±100µA at Compensation/ Shut do wn P in 0.8 1.3 2.0 mS Maximum Comp ensa tion Outp ut Current Sink or Source, Driver Source Open 90 200 260 µ A
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