Texas Instruments TVP4020 PERMEDIA 2 Reference Manual

Texas Instruments
Programmer’s Reference
Issue 4
Contents TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
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Copyright 1997, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Contents
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Contents TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
1. Introduction........................................................................................................1
1.1 How to use this manual.............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Further Reading.........................................................................................................................1
2. Overview ............................................................................................................2
2.1 TVP4020 Key Features.............................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Functional Overview .................................................................................................................. 3
3. Programming Model..........................................................................................6
3.1 PERMEDIA as a Register file .................................................................................................... 7
3.2 PERMEDIA I/O Interface ........................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Interrupts..................................................................................................................................20
3.4 Synchronization ....................................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Host Memory Bypass...............................................................................................................21
3.6 DMA Controller ........................................................................................................................ 22
3.7 Register Read back ................................................................................................................. 22
3.8 Byte Swapping......................................................................................................................... 23
3.9 Red and Blue Swapping .......................................................................................................... 23
4. Memory I/O and Organization.........................................................................25
4.1 Patched Data........................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Localbuffer............................................................................................................................... 25
4.3 Framebuffer ............................................................................................................................. 27
4.4 Double Buffering...................................................................................................................... 33
4.5 Texture Buffer.......................................................................................................................... 37
5. Graphics Programming...................................................................................40
5.1 The Graphics HyperPipeline.................................................................................................... 40
5.2 Delta Unit................................................................................................................................. 42
5.3 Rasterizer Unit......................................................................................................................... 48
5.4 Scissor/Stipple Unit.................................................................................................................. 68
5.5 Localbuffer Read and Write Units............................................................................................ 73
5.6 Stencil/Depth Test Unit............................................................................................................ 77
5.7 Texture Address Unit............................................................................................................... 85
5.8 Texture Read Unit....................................................................................................................88
5.9 YUV Unit.................................................................................................................................. 95
5.10 Framebuffer Read and Write Units........................................................................................ 98
5.11 Color DDA Unit .................................................................................................................... 105
5.12 Texture/Fog/Blend ............................................................................................................... 109
5.13 Color Format Unit................................................................................................................. 118
5.14 Logical Op Unit .................................................................................................................... 121
5.15 Host Out Unit ....................................................................................................................... 124
6. Initialization....................................................................................................130
6.1 Initializing PERMEDIA............................................................................................................ 130
6.2 System Initialization ............................................................................................................... 130
6.3 Window Initialization............................................................................................................... 134
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Contents
6.4 Application Initialization ..........................................................................................................137
6.5 Bypass Initialization................................................................................................................138
7. Programming Tips.........................................................................................139
7.1 PCI Bus Issues.......................................................................................................................139
7.2 Graphics Hyperpipeline..........................................................................................................141
7.3 Area Filling Techniques..........................................................................................................142
7.4 Copies and Downloads...........................................................................................................144
7.5 Multi Buffering.........................................................................................................................145
7.6 Overlays .................................................................................................................................146
7.7 Memory Organization.............................................................................................................146
7.8 Chroma Test...........................................................................................................................147
7.9 Configuration for 2D ...............................................................................................................147
8. Delta Programming Examples......................................................................148
Appendix A. Graphics Register Reference......................................................162
Appendix B. Pseudocode Definitions..............................................................272
Appendix C. Screen Widths Table ....................................................................274
Appendix D. A Gouraud Shaded Triangle without using the Delta Unit ......276
Appendix E. Register Tables ............................................................................284
Appendix F. TVP4010 and TVP4020 Differences.............................................294
Glossary .............................................................................................................300
Index ...................................................................................................................306
Contents TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
Table of Figures
Figure 2.1 External Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 3
Figure 3.1 DMA Tag Description Format..........................................................................................13
Figure 3.2 Indexed Format............................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5.1 Hyperpipeline .................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 5.2 Triangle Mesh................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 5.3 Triangle Fan..................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 5.4 Rasterizing a triangle........................................................................................................ 49
Figure 5.5 Polyline............................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 5.6 Relationship between Bitmask and Scanning Directions ................................................. 55
Figure 5.7 Copy Operation................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 5.8 Real Coordinate Representation...................................................................................... 61
Figure 5.9 Screen Scissor and User Scissor Tests........................................................................... 69
Figure 5.10 Scissor Mode Register................................................................................................... 70
Figure 5.11 AreaStippleMode Register ............................................................................................. 70
Figure 5.12 LBReadMode Register................................................................................................... 75
Figure 5.13 LBWriteMode Register ................................................................................................... 75
Figure 5.14 LBReadFormat / LBWriteFormat Register ..................................................................... 76
Figure 5.15 Depth Interpolation......................................................................................................... 80
Figure 5.16 Depth Derivative Format ................................................................................................ 81
Figure 5.17 StencilMode Register ..................................................................................................... 81
Figure 5.18 StencilData Register....................................................................................................... 81
Figure 5.19 DepthMode Register ...................................................................................................... 82
Figure 5.20 Window Register............................................................................................................ 82
Figure 5.21 Texture Address Interpolation........................................................................................ 85
Figure 5.22 Fixed Point S and T Format ........................................................................................... 86
Figure 5.23 Fixed Point Q Format..................................................................................................... 86
Figure 5.24 TextureAddressMode..................................................................................................... 87
Figure 5.25 TextureReadMode Register........................................................................................... 90
Figure 5.26 TextureMapFormat Register .......................................................................................... 91
Figure 5.27 TextureDataFormat Register..........................................................................................91
Figure 5.28 TexelLUTMode Register ................................................................................................ 92
Figure 5.29 TexelLUTAddress register ............................................................................................. 92
Figure 5.30 YUVMode Register......................................................................................................... 97
Figure 5.31 ChromaUpperBound and ChromaLowerBound Registers RGB Format........................ 97
Figure 5.32 ChromaUpperBound and ChromaLowerBound Registers YUV Format ........................ 97
Figure 5.33 FBReadMode Register.................................................................................................103
Figure 5.34 FBWriteMode Register................................................................................................. 103
Figure 5.35 FBReadPixel Register.................................................................................................. 104
Figure 5.36 PackedDataLimits Register.......................................................................................... 104
Figure 5.37Color Representation .................................................................................................... 105
Figure 5.38 Color Interpolation........................................................................................................ 106
Figure 5.39 Fixed Point Color Format ............................................................................................. 106
Figure 5.40 ColorDDAMode Register.............................................................................................. 107
Figure 5.41 Fog Interpolation Over A Triangle ................................................................................ 111
Figure 5.42 Fog Interpolant Fixed Point Format..............................................................................112
Figure 5.43 Fogging ........................................................................................................................ 113
Figure 5.44 TextureColorMode Register......................................................................................... 115
Figure 5.45 Texel0 Register - RGB and YUV formats..................................................................... 115
Figure 5.46 FogMode Register........................................................................................................116
Figure 5.47 AlphaBlendMode Register............................................................................................ 116
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Contents
Figure 5.48 Dither Mode Register....................................................................................................119
Figure 5.49 LogicalOpMode Register ..............................................................................................123
Figure 5.50 FilterMode Register.......................................................................................................127
Figure 5.51 StatisticMode Register..................................................................................................127
Figure 5.52 PickResult Register.......................................................................................................127
Figure 8.1 Geometry of the Mesh and Clip regions. ........................................................................148
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Standard VGA Modes..........................................................................................................4
Table 2.2 VESA SVGA Modes.............................................................................................................5
Table 3.1 Memory Regions..................................................................................................................6
Table 3.2 Region 0 Address Map.........................................................................................................7
Table 4.1 Supported Color Formats..................................................................................................31
Table 5.1 Vertex Parameters.............................................................................................................42
Table 5.2 Draw Command Bit Field Assignments Affecting Delta.....................................................45
Table 5.3 DeltaMode Register Bit Field Assignments........................................................................46
Table 5.4 Rasterizer Command Registers.........................................................................................63
Table 5.5 Rasterizer Control Registers..............................................................................................64
Table 5.6 Render Command Register Fields.....................................................................................65
Table 5.7 Rasterizer Mode Register ..................................................................................................66
Table 5.8 Localbuffer Read/Write Modes...........................................................................................74
Table 5.9 Stencil Comparison Modes................................................................................................78
Table 5.10 Possible Update Operations for Stencil Planes ...............................................................78
Table 5.11 Stencil Operations............................................................................................................78
Table 5.12 Stencil Sources................................................................................................................79
Table 5.13 Depth Comparison Modes ...............................................................................................79
Table 5.14 Depth Sources. ................................................................................................................80
Table 5.15 Depth Interpolation Registers...........................................................................................82
Table 5.16 Texture Interpolation Registers........................................................................................86
Table 5.17 Chroma Test Modes.........................................................................................................96
Table 5.18 Framebuffer Read/Write Modes.....................................................................................100
Table 5.19 Color Interpolation Registers..........................................................................................107
Table 5.20 Logical Operations.........................................................................................................121
Table 5.21 Filter Modes ...................................................................................................................125
Table 7.1 Memory Organization.......................................................................................................147
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Introduction
TVP4020 is a high performance PCI/AGP graphics processor that balances high quality 3D polygon and textured graphics acceleration, windows acceleration and state-of-the-art MPEG1/MPEG2 playback with a fast integrated SVGA core, integrated RAMDAC and video ports. This document provides a high level overview of the architecture of the TVP4020 graphics processor and is intended as an introduction for design engineers and project managers planning the implementation of TVP4020 based systems.
TVP4020 sets the standard for 3D and multimedia acceleration, making it the ideal solution to meet the increasingly pervasive need for balanced 3D and multimedia acceleration - and all in a single, low cost PCI device.
This document has been written as the primary reference for programmers and system designers who wish to develop software to drive TVP4020. Information on programming the I/O registers can be found in the
TVP4020 is the second generation P
TVP4020 Hardware Reference Manual.
device. Compared with TVP4010, it provides greater flexibility, additional features and enhanced performance. Throughout this manual the terms TVP4020 and P
are used interchangeably.
An understanding of the principles of 2D and 3D graphics programming will be useful in reading this document.
How to use this manual
Chapter 2 gives an overview of P
. Chapter 3 details the programming model for the chip. Chapter 4 describes the data formats that P
supports in the
framebuffer, localbuffer and texture buffer. Chapter 5 describes how to use P Chapter 6 describes the initialization of P Chapter 7 provides tips for programming P
for graphics rendering.
. Chapter 8 provides examples of Delta programming. Appendix A details the P
Appendix B gives the format used in the pseudocode examples throughout the document.
Introduction TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
Appendix C gives a table used to set-up common screen widths.
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Introduction
Appendix D describes how a Gouraud shaded triangle can be rendered without using the Delta Unit. This is helpful in understanding how the chip works and also when dealing with TVP4010 legacy.
Appendix E tabulates the TVP4020 registers. Appendix F describes the differences between TVP4010 and 2 A Glossary of technical terms follows the Appendices. An extensive index is included.
Further Reading
• TVP4020 Data Manual, Texas Instruments
• TVP4020 Architecture Overview, Texas Instruments
• OpenGL Programming Guide, Jackie Neider et al, Reading MA:
• Microsoft WIN32 Software Development Kit 3.1, Microsoft
• Windows NT 3.1 Graphics Programming, Emeryville CA, Ziff-Davis
• Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, James D. Foley et al,
Reading MA: Addison-Wesley
• Programmer’s Guide to the EGA, VGA and Super VGA Cards,
Richard F. Ferraro, Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201­62490-7
Overview TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
TVP4020 Key Features
Full support for Intel’s Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) and PCI
66 MHz operation
DMA and Execute mode support
Sideband addressing
Enhanced 3D graphics features and performance (at 83MHz)
83M perspective correct, bilinear filtered, texture mapped pixels/sec
42M perspective correct, bilinear filtered, texture mapped, depth buffered pixels/sec
800K texture mapped polygons/sec
True-color 3D graphics
Polygon based with Z buffer
Texture decompression
Full scene anti-aliasing
Enhanced GUI acceleration
Ultra-fast BLT engine and 2D rasterizer
Stretch BLTs, monochrome/color expansion and logic ops
8, 16, 24 and 32-bit packed framestore
MPEG2 compatible Video playback acceleration
YUV 4:4:4, YUV 4:2:2 and YUV 4:2:0 (native MPEG2 format)
Unlimited multiple playback windows (occluded)
Independent XY scaling and mirroring
Integrated geometry pipeline set-up processor
Integrated true-color 230 MHz RAMDAC
320x200 to 1600x1200 screen resolution
Clock synthesizer and Hardware cursor
Multi-mode video streams
Simultaneous input and output video
Optional scaling and filtering
Optional color space conversion and gamma correction
Fast on-chip SVGA
Flexible multi-function SDRAM or SGRAM memory (2, 4, 6 or 8 Mbytes)
Microsoft PC97 and Intel GPC97 compliance
Comprehensive suite of optimized software drivers
Reference board designs and manufacturing kits
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Overview
Memory I
Gra phics Hyperpipeline
Functional Overview
Memory Subsystem
provides flexible support for the memory subsystem (Fig. 2.1). This allows the system designer a wide choice of price/performance tradeoffs.
The same physical memory holds all data used by P
. Internally the data types are divided into texture, localbuffer and framebuffer. The localbuffer holds depth and stencil data; the framebuffer holds color data for display.
Host Bus SGRAM
Host Interface Conceptually P
Figure 2.1 External Interfaces
can be viewed as a register file. Control registers
are primed with the information required for a primitive, and then to start the chip drawing, a write is made to a Command register
registers can be accessed directly through the memory map.
Registers can be accessed either individually or in groups. The chip also supports a bypass route to the memory to allow direct
read/write of pixels, and implementation of algorithms not directly supported by P
Overview TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
Task Switching Where multiple applications wish to make simultaneous access to
P the loading of correct state. P
, it is the responsibility of the software driving the chip to handle
has been designed to support a
number of different software architectures.
• Synchronous operation means that a new task can load its context
without waiting for current rendering to complete
• All loadable state can be read back
• A Sync command is provided to flush all rendering. This can be polled
or it can return an interrupt
contains a fast VGA core. The P
SVGA is used for DOS VGA applications and during boot time before switching to use the Graphics Hyperpipeline. This document does not cover VGA programming. Specific information on P the
TVP4020 Hardware Reference Manual
’s VGA can be found in
. VGA information, such as standard registers, is described in the “Programmer’s Guide to the EGA, VGA and Super VGA Cards” by Richards F. Ferraro.
The following standard VGA modes are supported:
Mode (hex)
00 0 0* 0+ 01 1 1* 1+ 02 2 2* 2+ 03 3 3* 3+ 04 4 40 by 25 8 by 8 4/256K 1 Graph 320 by 200 05 5 40 by 25 8 by 8 4/256K bw 1 Graph 320 by 200 06 6 80 by 25 8 by 8 2/256K bw 1 Graph 640 by 200 07 7 7+ 0D D 40 by 25 8 by 8 16/256K 8 Graph 320 by 200 0E E 80 by 25 8 by 8 16/256K 4 Graph 640 by 200 0F F 80 by 25 8 by 14 bw 2 Graph 640 by 350 10 10 80 by 25 8 by 14 16/256K 2 Graph 640 by 350 11 11 80 by 30 8 by 16 2/256K 1 Graph 640 by 480 12 12 80 by 30 8 by 16 16/256K 1 Graph 640 by 480 13 13 40 by 25 8 by 8 256/256K 1 Graph 320 by 200
Alpha Format
40 by 25 40 by 25 40 by 25 40 by 25 40 by 25 40 by 25 80 by 25 80 by 25 80 by 25 80 by 25 80 by 25 80 by 25
80 by 25 80 by 25
Char Size Colors Max
8 by 8 8 by 14 9 by 16 8 by 8 8 by 14 9 by 16 8 by 8 8 by 14 9 by 16 8 by 8 8 by 14 9 by 16
9 by 14 9 by 16
16/256K bw 16/256K bw 16/256K bw 16/256K 16/256K 16/256K 16/256K bw 16/256K bw 16/256K bw 16/256K 16/256K 16/256K
bw bw
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8
Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha
Alpha Alpha
320 by 200 320 by 350 360 by 400 320 by 200 320 by 350 360 by 400 640 by 200 640 by 350 720 by 400 720 by 200 640 by 350 720 by 400
720 by 350 720 by 400
Table 2.1
Standard VGA Modes
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Overview
The following VESA SVGA modes are supported:
Mode (hex) Pixels Colors 100 640 by
101 640 by
Table 2.2 VESA SVGA Modes
ModeX is also supported.
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
Programming Model
This chapter describes the programming model for P
. It describes the interface conceptually rather than detailing specific registers and their exact usage. In-depth descriptions of how to program
Region Address Space Bytes Description Comments Config Configuration 256 PCI Configuration PCI special Zero Memory 128K Control Registers relocatable One Memory 8M Memory Region One relocatable Two Memory 8M Memory Region Two relocatable ROM Memory 64K Expansion ROM relocatable SVGA Memory & I/ O - SVGA Addr esses optional & fixed
Address Range Description Byte Swap
0000.0000 -> 0000.0FFF Control & Status No
0000.1000 -> 0000.1FFF Memory Control No
0000.2000 -> 0000.2FFF GP FIFO access No
0000.3000 -> 0000.3FFF Video Control No
0000.4000 -> 0000.4FFF RAMDAC No
0000.5000 -> 0000.57FF Video Str eam s General Purpose
0000.5800 -> 0000.5FFF Video Streams Control No
0000.6000 -> 0000.6FFF SVGA Control No
0000.7000 -> 0000.7FFF Reserved No
0000.8000 ->
0001.0000 -> 0001.0FFF Control & Status Yes
0001.1000 -> 0001.1FFF Memory Control Yes
0001.2000 -> 0001.2FFF GP FIFO access Yes
0001.3000 -> 0001.3FFF Video Control Yes
0001.4000 -> 0001.4FFF RAMDAC Yes
0001.5000 -> 0001.57FF Video Str eam s General Purpose
0001.5800 -> 0001.5FFF Video Streams Control No
0001.6000 -> 0001.6FFF SVGA Control Yes
0001.7000 -> 0001.7FFF Reserved Yes
for specific drawing operations can be found in later chapters. is divided into the following memory regions:
Table 3.1 Memory Regions
GP Registers No
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
0001.8000 ->
Table 3.2 Region 0 Address Map
as a Register file
The simplest way to view the interface to the P Processor is as a flat block of memory-mapped registers ( file). This register file appears as part of the address map for P
When a P
host software driver is initialized it can map the
GP Registers Yes
a register
register file into its address space. Each register has an associated address tag, giving its offset from the base of the register file (since all registers reside on a 64-bit boundary, the tag offset is measured in multiples of 8 bytes). The most straightforward way to load a value into a register is to write the data to its mapped address. In reality the chip interface comprises a 256 entry deep FIFO, and each write to a register causes the written value and the register’s address tag to be written as a new entry in the FIFO.
Programming P
to draw a primitive consists of writing values to the appropriate registers followed by a write to a command register. This last write triggers the start of drawing.
has approximately 200 registers. All registers are 32 bits wide and should be 32-bit addressed. Many registers are split into bit fields, and it should be noted that bit 0 is the least significant bit.
In future chip revisions the register file may be extended and currently unused bits in certain registers may be assigned new meanings. Software developers should ensure that only defined registers are written to and that undefined bits in registers are always written as zeros. The only exception to this rule is that in certain registers it is convenient to allow unmasked values to be written to registers which hold numeric data. These fields are marked as "not used" in Appendix A and elsewhere.
Register Types
Control Registers
Command Registers
Internal Registers
has three main types of register:
Control Registers are updated only by the host - the chip effectively uses them as read-only registers. Examples of control registers are the scissor clip min and max registers. Once initialized by the host, the chip
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
only reads these registers to determine the scissor clip extents. Most registers are control registers.
Command Registers are those which, when written to, cause some action to occur. Typically, the host will initialize the appropriate control registers and then write to a command register to initiate drawing. Some command registers such as ResetPickResult or Sync do not initiate rendering. Apart from these, there are two types of command registers: begin-draw and continue-draw. Begin-draw commands cause rendering to start with those values specified by the control registers. Continue­draw commands cause drawing to continue with internal register values as they were when the previous drawing operation completed. Making use of continue-draw commands can significantly reduce the amount of data that has to be loaded into P
when drawing multiple connected objects such as polylines. Examples of command registers include the Render and ContinueNewLine registers.
For convenience in this document we often refer to "sending a Render command to P
" rather than saying "the Render Command
register is written to, which initiates drawing" . Internal Registers are not accessible to host software. They are used
internally by the chip to keep track of changing values. Some control registers have corresponding internal registers. When a begin-draw command is sent and before rendering starts, the internal registers are updated with the values in the corresponding control registers. If a continue-draw command is sent then this update does not happen and drawing continues with the current values in the internal registers. For example, if a line is being drawn then the StartXDom and StartY control registers specify the (x, y) coordinates of the first point in the line. When a begin-draw command is sent these values are copied into internal registers. As the line drawing progresses these internal registers are updated to contain the (x, y) coordinates of the pixel being drawn. When drawing has completed the internal registers contain the (x, y) coordinates of the next point that would have been drawn. If a continue­draw command is now given, these final (x, y) internal values are not modified and further drawing uses these values. If a begin-draw command had been used the internal registers would have been re­loaded from the StartXDom and StartY registers.
For the most part internal registers can be ignored. It is helpful to appreciate that they exist in order to understand the continue-draw commands.
Efficiency Issues and Register Types Software developers wishing to write device drivers for P
become familiar with the different type s of registers. Some control registers such as the StartXDom and StartY registers have to be
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
updated for almost every primitive whereas other control registers such as those for scissor clip or logical ops can be updated much less frequently. Pre-loading of the appropriate control registers can reduce the amount of data that has to be loaded into the chip for a given primitive thus improving efficiency. In addition, as described above, the final values in internal registers can sometimes be used for subsequent drawing operations.
The tables in Appendix D lists the graphics registers according to their type, name and address.
There are four ways of loading P
The host writes a value to the mapped address of the register
The host writes address-tag/data pairs to the FIFO.
The host writes address-tag/data pairs to the FIFO via DMA.
The host writes to raw memory mapped GP FIFO addresses.
I/O Interface
In cases where the host writes data values directly to the chip via the register file, consideration has to be given to FIFO overflow (unless PCI Disconnect is enabled). The InFIFOSpace register indicates how many free entries remain in the FIFO. Before writing to any register, the host must ensure that there is enough space left in the FIFO. The values in this register can be read at any time. When using DMA, the DMA controller will automatically e nsure that there is room in the FIFO befo re it performs further transfers. Thus a buffer of any size up to 64K, 32 bit words, can be passed to the DMA controller. The FIFO and DMA controller are described in more detail below.
PCI Disconnect The PCI bus protocol incorporates a feature known as PCI Disconnect,
which is supported by P
. PCI Disconnect is enabled by writing a one to bit zero of the DisconnectControl register which is at offset 0x68 in PCI Region 0. Once the P
is in this mode, if the host processor
attempts to write to the full FIFO then instead of the write being lost, the
chip will assert PCI Disconnect which will cause the host
processor to keep retrying the write cycle until it succeeds. This feature allows faster download of data to P
need not poll the InFIFOSpace register but should be used with care since whenever the PCI Disconnect is asserted the bus is effectively hogged by the host processor until such time as the P an entry in its FIFO. In general this mode should only be used either for operations where it is known that the P
, since the host
frees up
can consume data faster
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
than the host can generate it, or where there are no time critical peripherals sharing the PCI bus.
Idle bit In some systems, PCI Disconnect may cause interrupts to be lost if it
used too often or for too long. It is normal to only rely on this feature when it is known that the data to be sent to P
will be absorbed quickly enough that the disconnect will seldom be used. It also advisable to check that the Graphics Processor is not processing a large primitive before transferring data of this sort, and this may be done by checking the Graphics Processor Active bit in the PCI Disconnect register. Disconnect should not normally be enabled if this bit is set.
FIFO ControlFIFO Control The description in section §3.1 above considered the P
to be a register file. More precisely, when a data value is written to a register, this value and the address tag for that register are combined and put into the FIFO as a new entry. The actual register is not updated until P
processes this entry. In the case where P
performing a time consuming operation (
drawing a large texture
mapped polygon), and not draining the FIFO very quickly, it is possible for the FIFO to become full. If a write to a register is performed when the FIFO is full no entry is put into the FIFO and that write is effectively lost.
is busy
The input FIFO is 256 entries deep and each entry consists of a tag/data pair; an address word which addresses the register to be updated, followed by the data to be sent to the register. The InFIFOSpace register can be read to determine how many entries are free. The value returned by this register will never be greater than 256.
An example of loading P
registers using the FIFO is given below. The pseudocode fills a series of rectangles. Details of the conventions used in the pseudocode examples may be found in Appendix B.
Assume that the data to draw a single rectangle consists of 5 words (including the Render command).
dXDom(0x0); // common set-up dXSub(0x0); dY(1);
for (i = 0; i < nrects; ++i) {
while (*InFIFOSpace < 5)
; // wait for room
StartXDom (rect->x1); StartXSub (rect->x2); Count (rect->y2 - rect->y1); YStart(rect->y1);
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
The InFIFOSpace FIFO control register contains a count of the number of entries currently free in the FIFO. The chip increments this register for each entry it removes from the FIFO and decrements it every time the host puts an entry in the FIFO. Before writing to the input FIFO, the user must check that there is sufficient space by reading the InFIFOSpace register.
The Graphics Core FIFO interface provides a port through which both GC register addresses and data can be sent to the input FIFO. A range of 4 Kbytes of host space is provided although all data may be sent through one address in the range. ALL accesses go directly to the FIFO; the range is provided to allow for data transfer schemes which force the use of incrementing addresses.
Note that the GC registers cannot be read through this interface. Command buffers generated to be sent to the input FIFO interface, may be read directly by P
by using the DMA controller.
A data formatting scheme is provided to allow for multiple data words to be sent with one address word where adjacent or grouped registers are being written, or where one register is to be written many times.
Note. The FIFO interface can be accessed at 32 bit boundaries. This is to allow a direct copy from a DMA format buffer.
The DMA Interface Loading registers directly via the FIFO is often an inefficient way to
download data to P a small number of entries, P
. Given that the FIFO can accommodate only
has to be frequently interrogated to determine how much space is left. Also, consider the situation where a given API function requires a large amount of data to be sent to
. If the FIFO is written directly then a return from this function is not possible until almost all the data has been consumed by P This may take some time depending on the types of primitives being drawn.
To avoid these problems P
provides an on-chip DMA controller which can be used to load data from arbitrary sized (< 64K 32-bit words) host buffers into the FIFO. In its simplest form the host software has to prepare a host buffer containing register address tag descriptions and data values. It then writes the base address of this buffer to the DMAAddress register and the count of the number of words to transfer to the DMACount register. Writing to the DMACount register starts the DMA transfer and the host can now perform other work. In general, if the complete set of rendering commands required by a given call to a driver
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
function can be loaded into a single DMA buffer then the driver function can return. Meanwhile, in parallel, P
is reading data from the host buffer and loading it into its FIFO. FIFO overflow never occurs since the DMA controller automatically waits until there is room in the FIFO before doing any transfers.
The only restriction on the use of DMA control registers is that before attempting to reload the DMACount register the host software must wait until previous DMA has completed. It is valid to load the DMAAddress register while the previous DMA is in progress since the address is latched internally at the start of the DMA transfer. Many display driver functions can be implemented using the following skeleton structure:
do any pre-work DMAAddress(address of dma_buffer); while (TRUE) {
count = *DMACount; // note this is volatile if (count) { while (--count)
; // wait for count to expire } else break; // DMA completed } copy render data into DMA buffer DMACount(number of words in DMA buffer) return
Using DMA leaves the host free to return to the application, while in parallel, P
is performing the DMA and drawing. This can increase performance significantly over loading a FIFO directly. In addition, some algorithms require that data be loaded multiple times (e.g. drawing the same object across multiple clipping rectangles). Since the P
DMA only reads the buffer data, it can be downloaded many times simply by restarting the DMA. This can be very beneficial if composing the buffer data is a time consuming task.
A further optimization is to use a double buffered mechanism with two DMA buffers. This allows the second buffer to be filled before waiting for the previous DMA to complete thus further improving the parallelism between host and P
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
Cou n t or Ma sk
Addres s Tag
res erved
0 = Hold tag
1 = Increment tag
2 = Indexed ta g
3 = Reser ve d
do any pre-work get free DMA buffer and mark as in use put render data into this new buffer DMAAddress(address of new buffer) while (TRUE) {
count = *DMACount; // note this is volatile if (count) { while (--count)
; // wait for count to expire } else break; // DMA completed } DMACount(number of words in new buffer) mark the old buffer as free return
In general the DMA buffer format consists of a 32-bit address tag description word followed by one or more data words. The DMA buffer consists of one or more sets of these formats. The following paragraphs describe the different types of tag description words that can be used.
DMA Tag Description Format When DMA is performed each 32-bit tag description in the DMA buffer
conforms to the following format.
res erved
Figure 3.1
DMA Tag Description Format
There are 3 different tag addressing modes for DMA: hold, increment and indexed. The different DMA modes are provided to reduce the amount of data which needs to be transferred, hence making better use of the available DMA bandwidth. Each of these is described in the following sections. Each row in the following diagrams represents a 32­bit value in the DMA buffer. The address tag for each register is given in the Graphics Register Reference Appendix D.
Hold Format
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
address-tag with Count=n-1, Mode=0 value 1 ... value n
This is commonly used for image download by setting the SyncOnHostData bit in the Render command.. In this format the 32-bit tag description contains a tag value and a count specifying the number of data words following in the buffer. The DMA controller writes each of the data words to the same address tag. For example, this is useful for image download where pixel data is continuously written to the Color register. The bottom 9 bits specify the register to which the data should be written; the high-order 16 bits specify the number of data words (minus 1) which follow in the buffer and which should be written to the address tag (note that the 2-bit mode field for this format is zero so a given tag value can simply be loaded into the low order 16 bits).
A special case of this format is where the top 16 bits are zero indicating that a single data value follows the tag (
the 32-bit tag description is simply the address tag value itself). This allows simple DMA buffers to be constructed which consist of tag/data pairs. For example to render a horizontal span 10 pixels long starting from (2,5) the DMA buffer could look like this:
StartXDom 2 << 16 StartY 5 << 16 StartXSub12 << 16 Count 1 Render (trapezoid render command)
Increment Format
address-tag with Count=n-1, Mode=1 value 1 ... value n
This format is similar to the hold format except that as each data value is loaded the address tag is incremented (the value in the DMA buffer is not changed; P allows contiguous P
updates an internal copy). Thus, this mode
registers to be loaded by specifying a single 32-bit tag value followed by a data word for each register. The low-order 9 bits specify the address tag of the first register to be loaded. The 2 bit mode field is set to 1 and the high-order 16 bits are set to the count
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
(minus 1) of the number of registers to update. To enable use of this format, the P
register file has been organized so that registers which are frequently loaded together have adjacent address tags. For example, the 8 AreaStipplePattern registers can be loaded as follows:
AreaStipplePattern0, Count=7, Mode=1 row 0 bits row 1 bits ... row 7 bits
Indexed Format
address tags are 9 bit values. For the purposes of the Indexed DMA Format they are organized into major groups and within each group there are up to 16 tags. The low-order 4 bits of a tag give its offset within the group. The high-order 5 bits give the major group number. Appendix D Register Table, lists the individual registers with their Major Group and Offset.
Major Group Offset
Figure 3.2
Indexed Format
This format allows up to 16 registers within a group to be loaded while still only specifying a single address tag description word.
address tag with Mask, Mode=2 value 1 ... value n
If the Mode of the address tag description word is set to indexed mode then the high-order 16 bits are used as a mask to indicate which registers within the group are to be used. The bottom 4 bits of the address tag description word are unused. The group is specified by bits 4 to 8. Each bit in the mask is used to represent a unique tag within the group. If a bit is set then the corresponding register will be loaded. The number of bits set in the mask determines the number of data words that should be following the tag description word in the DMA buffer. The data is stored in order of increasing corresponding address tag. For example,
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
0x003280F0 value 1 value 2 value 3
The Mode bits are set to 2 so this is indexed mode. The Mask field (0x0032) has 3 bits set so there are three data words following the tag description word. Bits 1, 4 and 5 are set so the tag offsets are 1, 4 and 5. The major group is given by the bits 4-8 which are 0x0F (in indexed mode bits 0-3 are ignored). Thus the actual registers to update have address tags 0x0F1, 0x0F4 and 0x0F5. These are updated with value 1, value 2 and value 3 respectively.
DMA Example The following pseudo-code shows the previous example of drawing a
series of rectangles but this time using the DMA controller. This example uses a single DMA buffer and the simplest Hold Mode for the tag description words in the buffer.
UINT32 *pbuf;
DMAAddress (physical address of dma_buffer) while (*DMACount != 0)
; // wait for DMA to complete
pbuf = dma_buffer;
*pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagdXDom; *pbuf++ = 0; *pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagdXSub; *pbuf++ = 0; *pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagdY; *pbuf++ = 1 << 16; for (i = 0; i < nrects; ++i) {
*pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagStartXDom; *pbuf++ = rect->x1 << 16; // Start dominant edge *pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagStartXSub *pbuf++ = rect->x2 << 16; // Start of subordinate edge *pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagCount; *pbuf++ = rect->y2 - rect->y1; *pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagYStart; *pbuf++ = rect->y1 << 16; *pbuf++ = PERMEDIATagRender;
*pbuf++ = PERMEDIA_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE; } // initiate DMA DMACount((int)(pbuf - dma_buffer))
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
The example assumes that a host buffer has been previously allocated and is pointed at by “dma_buffer”. It is worth noting that significantly less data would be required if indexed tags were used in this example.
DMA Buffer Addresses Host software must generate the correct DMA buffer address for the
P to P
DMA controller. Normally, this means that the address passed
must be the physical address of the DMA buffer in host memory. The buffer must also reside at contiguous physical addresses as accessed by P
. On a system which uses virtual memory for the address space of a task, some method of allocating contiguous physical memory, and mapping this into the address space of a task, must be used.
If the virtual memory buffer maps to non-contiguous physical memory then the buffer must be divided into sets of contiguous physical memory pages and each of these sets transferred separately. In such a situation the whole DMA buffer cannot be transferred in one go; the host software must wait for each set to be transferred. Often the best way to handle these fragmented transfers is via an interrupt handler.
DMA Interrupts
provides interrupt support, as an alternative means of determining when a DMA transfer is complete. This can provide considerable speed advantage. If enabled, the interrupt is generated whenever the DMACount register changes from having a non-zero to having a zero value. Since the DMACount register is decremented every time a data item is transferred from the DMA buffer this happens when the last data item is transferred from the DMA buffer.
To enable the DMA interrupt, the DMAInterruptEnable bit must be set in the IntEnable register. The interrupt handler should check the DMAFlag bit in the IntFlags register to determine that a DMA interrupt has actually occurred. To clear the interrupt a word should be written to the IntFlags register with the DMAFlag bit set to one.
A typical use of DMA interrupts might be as follows:
prepare DMA buffer DMACount(n); // start a DMA transfer prepare next DMA buffer while (*DMACount != 0) {
mask interrupts set DMA Interrupt Enable bit in IntEnable register sleep on interrupt handler wake up
unmask interrupts } DMACount(n) // start the next DMA sequence
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
The interrupt handler could then be
if (*IntFlags & DMA Flag bit) {
reset DMA Flag bit in IntFlags send wake up to main task
Interrupts are complicated and depend on the facilities provided by the host operating system. The above pseudocode only hints at the system details.
This scheme frees the processor for other work while DMA is being completed. Since the overhead of handling an interrupt is often quite high for the host processor, the scheme should be tuned to allow a period of polling before sleeping on the interrupt.
Output FIFO and Graphics Processor FIFO Interface To read data back from P
an output FIFO is provided. Each entry in this FIFO is 32-bits wide and it can hold tag or data values. Thus its format is unlike the input FIFO whose entries are always tag/data pairs (we can think of each entry in the input FIFO as being 41 bits wide – 9 bits for the tag and 32 bits for the data). The type of data written by
to the output FIFO is controlled by the FilterMode register. This register allows filtering of output data in various categories including the following:
Depth: output in this category results from an image upload of the Depth buffer.
Stencil: output in this category results from an image upload of the Stencil buffer.
Color: output in this category results from an image upload of the framebuffer.
Synchronization: synchronization data is sent in response to a Sync command.
The data for the FilterMode register consists of 2 bits per category. If the least significant of these two bits is set (0x1) then output of the register tag for that category is enabled; if the most significant bit is set (0x2) then output of the data for that category is enabled. Both tag and data output can be enabled at the same time. In this case the tag is written first to the FIFO followed by the data. The FilterMode register is described in more detail in section §5.15.
For example, to perform an image upload from the framebuffer, the FilterMode register should have data output enabled for the Color category. Then, the rectangular area to be uploaded should be described to the Rasterizer. Each pixel that is read from the framebuffer will then be placed into the output FIFO. If the output FIFO becomes full,
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
then P
will block internally until space becomes available. It is the programmer’s responsibility to read all data from the output FIFO. For example, it is important to know how many pixels should result from an image upload and to read exactly this many from the FIFO.
To read data from the output FIFO the OutputFIFOWords register should first be read to determine the number of entries in the FIFO (reading from the FIFO when it is empty returns undefined data). Then this many 32-bit data items are read from the FIFO. This procedure is repeated until all the expected data or tag items have been read. The address of the output FIFO is described below.
NB all expected data must be read back. P
will block if the output FIFO becomes full. Programmers must be careful to avoid the deadlock condition that will result if the host is waiting for space to become free in the input FIFO while P
is waiting for the host to read data from
the output FIFO. Graphics Processor FIFO Interface
has a sequence of 1K x 32 bit addresses in the PCI Region 0 address map called the Graphics Processor FIFO Interface. To read from the output FIFO any address in this range can be read (normally a program will choose the first address and use this as the address for the output FIFO). All 32-bit addresses in this region perform the same function – the range of addresses is provided for data transfer schemes which force the use of incrementing addresses.
Writing to a location in this address range provides raw access to the input FIFO. Again, the first address is normally chosen. Thus the same address can be used for both input and output FIFOs. Reading gives access to the output FIFO; writing gives access to the input FIFO.
Writing to the input FIFO by this method is different from writing to the memory mapped register file. Since the register file has a unique address for each register, writing to this unique address allows P
to determine the register for which the write is intended. This allows a tag/data pair to be constructed and inserted into the input FIFO. When writing to the raw FIFO address an address tag description must first be written followed by the associated data. In fact, the format of the tag descriptions and the data that follows is identical to that described above for DMA buffers. Instead of using the P transfer data to P
by constructing a DMA-style buffer of data and
DMA it is possible to
then copying each item in this buffer to the raw input FIFO address. Based on the tag descriptions and data written P
constructs tag/data pairs to enter as real FIFO entries. The DMA mechanism can be thought of as an automatic way of writing to the raw input FIFO address.
Programming Model TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual
Note, that when writing to the raw FIFO address the FIFO full condition must still be checked by reading the InFIFOSpace register. However, writing tag descriptions does not cause any entries to be entered into the FIFO – such a write simply establishes a set of tags to be paired with the subsequent data. Thus, free space need be ensured only for actual data items that are written (not the tag values). For example, in the simplest case where each tag is followed by a single data item, assuming that the FIFO is empty, then 32 writes are possible before checking again for free space.
See the
TVP4020 Hardware Reference Manual
for more details of the
Graphics Processor FIFO Interface address range.
All interrupts can be individually enabled and disabled. Refer to the
TVP4020 Hardware Reference Manual
for more details.
There are two main cases where the host must synchronize with
before reading back from P
before directly accessing the memory via the bypass mechanism
Also the host must synchronize with P
framebuffer management tasks such as double buffering, though this may be better handled using the SuspendUntilFrameBlank command. Synchronizing with P
implies waiting for any pending DMA to complete and waiting for the chip to complete any processing currently being performed. The following pseudo-code shows the general scheme:
TVP4020 Programmers Reference Manual Programming Model
PERMEDIAData data;
// wait for DMA to complete while (*DMACount != 0) {
poll or wait for interrupt
while (*InFIFOSpace < 2) {
; // wait for free space in the FIFO
// enable sync output and send the Sync command data.Word = 0; data.FilterMode.Synchronization = 0x1; FilterMode(data.Word); Sync(0x0);
/* wait for the sync output data */ do {
while (*OutFIFOWords == 0)
; // poll waiting for data in output FIFO
} while (*OutputFIFO != Sync_tag);
Initially, we wait for DMA to complete as normal. We then have to wait for space to become free in the FIFO (since the DMA controller actually loads the FIFO). We need space for 2 registers: one to enable generation of an output sync value, and the Sync command itself. The enable flag can be set at initialization time. The output value will be generated only when a Sync command has actually been sent, and
has then completed all processing.
Rather than polling, it is possible to use a Sync interrupt as mentioned in the previous section. As well as enabling the interrupt and setting the filter mode, the data sent in the Sync command must have the most significant bit set in order to generate the interrupt. The interrupt is generated when the tag or data reaches the output end of the Host Out FIFO. Use of the Sync interrupt has to be considered carefully as
will generally empty the FIFO more quickly than it takes to set-
up and handle the interrupt.
Host Memory Bypass
Normally, the host will access memory indirectly via commands sent to the P
FIFO interface. However, P
does provide the whole memory as part of its address space so that it can be memory mapped by an application. Access to the memory via this route is independent of
the P
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