User's Guide
SLAU199 – March 2007
TSC2007EVM and TSC2007EVM-PDK User's Guide
This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the
TSC2007EVM, both by itself and as part of the TSC2007EVM-PDK. This evaluation
module (EVM) is a 4-wire touch screen controller EVM which also has auxiliary input
and temperature measurement capabilities. A complete circuit description, schematic
diagram, and bill of materials are included.
The following related documents are available through the Texas Instruments Web site
at www.ti.com .
Table 1. EVM-Compatible Device Data Sheets
TSC2007 SBAS405
TAS1020B SLES025
REG1117-5 SBVS001
TPS767D318 SLVS209
SN74LVC1G125 SCES223
1 EVM Overview ............................................................................................................... 2
2 Analog Interface .............................................................................................................. 2
3 Digital Interface .............................................................................................................. 3
4 Power Supplies .............................................................................................................. 3
5 EVM Operation ............................................................................................................... 4
6 Kit Operation ................................................................................................................. 5
7 EVM Bill of Materials ........................................................................................................ 9
8 TSC2007EVM Schematic ................................................................................................. 11
9 USB-MODEVM Schematic ................................................................................................ 11
List of Figures
1 TSC2007EVM-PDK Block Diagram ...................................................................................... 6
2 Default Software Screen ................................................................................................... 7
List of Tables
1 EVM-Compatible Device Data Sheets .................................................................................... 1
2 Analog Interface Pinout ..................................................................................................... 2
3 Digital Interface Pinout ...................................................................................................... 3
4 Power Supply Pinout ........................................................................................................ 3
5 Power Selection Options - JMP1 .......................................................................................... 3
6 List of Jumpers ............................................................................................................... 5
7 TSC2007EVM Bill of Materials ............................................................................................. 9
8 USB-MODEVM Bill of Materials .......................................................................................... 10
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EVM Overview
1 EVM Overview
1.1 Features
1.2 Introduction
• Full-featured evaluation board for the TSC2007 4-wire resistive touch screen controller (TSC).
• Modular design for use with a variety of DSP and microcontroller interface boards.
The TSC2007EVM-PDK is a complete evaluation kit, which includes a USB-based motherboard and
evaluation software for use with a personal computer running Microsoft Windows™ operating systems.
The TSC2007EVM is in the Texas Instruments modular EVM form factor, which allows direct evaluation of
the performance and operating characteristics of the TSC2007, and eases software development and
system prototyping. This EVM is compatible with the 5-6K Interface Evaluation Module (SLAU104 ) from
Texas Instruments and additional third-party boards such as the NI Speedy-33™ from National
Instruments Corporation. (www.ni.com )
The TSC2007EVM-PDK is a complete evaluation/demonstration kit, which includes a USB-based
motherboard called the USB-MODEVM interface board and evaluation software for use with a personal
computer running Microsoft Windows operating systems.
2 Analog Interface
For maximum flexibility, the TSC2007EVM is designed for easy interfacing to multiple analog sources.
Samtec part numbers SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K and TSM-110-01-T-DV-P provide a convenient 10-pin,
dual-row header/socket combination at J1. This header/socket provides access to the analog input pins of
the TSC. Consult Samtec at www.samtec.com , or call 1-800-SAMTEC-9 for a variety of mating connector
Table 2. Analog Interface Pinout
J1.2 X+ Touch screen X+ electrode
J1.4 X- Touch screen X- electrode
J1.6 Y+ Touch screen Y+ electrode
J1.8 Y- Touch screen Y- electrode
J1.10 Unused
J1.12 AUX Auxiliary input, 0 V to VREF
J1.14 Unused
J1.16 Unused
J1.18 Unused
J1.20 Unused
J1.15 Unused
J1.1-J1.19 (odd) AGND Analog ground connections (except J1.15)
NI Speedy-33 is a trademark of Hyperception, Inc.
I2C is a trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., The Netherlands.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
SPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
2 TSC2007EVM and TSC2007EVM-PDK User's Guide SLAU199 – March 2007
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3 Digital Interface
4 Power Supplies
Digital Interface
The TSC2007EVM is designed to easily interface with multiple control platforms. Samtec part numbers
SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K and TSM-110-01-T-DV-P provide a convenient 10-pin, dual-row header/socket
combination at J2. This header/socket provides access to the digital control and serial data pins of the
TSC. Consult Samtec at www.samtec.com or call 1-800-SAMTEC-9 for a variety of mating connector
Table 3. Digital Interface Pinout
J2.15 PENIRQ Pen Interrupt Output from TSC
J2.16 SCL I2C™ bus serial clock
J2.4, J2.10, J2.18 DGND Digital ground
J2.1-J2.19 (odd, except Unused
J2.20 SDA I2C bus data line
J3 provides connection to the common power bus for the TSC2007EVM. Power is supplied on the pins
listed in Table 4 .
Table 4. Power Supply Pinout
Unused 1 2 Unused
Unused 3 4 Unused
+1.8VD 7 8 Unused
+3.3VD 9 10 Unused
4.1 TSC Power
When power is supplied to J3, JMP1 allows for one of two different DC voltages to be selected as power
for the TSC. See the schematic and PCB silkscreen for details.
The TSC2007EVM-PDK motherboard (the USB-MODEVM interface board) supplies power to J3 of the
TSC2007EVM. Power for the motherboard is supplied either through its USB connection or via terminal
blocks on the board.
Power for the TSC2007 VCC can be supplied either from the +1.8VD terminal or from the +3.3VD
terminal. JMP1 selects which of these voltages is routed to the TSC2007. When JMP1 is in the default
factory condition (shunt on pins 2-3), power to the TSC comes from J3.9 (+3.3VD). When the shunt is
installed on JMP1 pins 1-2, power comes from J3.7 (+1.8VD). Removing the shunt on JMP1, the user can
connect any DC power supply between 1.2VD and 3.6VD to VCC by connecting the power to JMP1 pin 2.
Table 5. Power Selection Options - JMP1
1-2 +1.8VD 7
2-3 +3.3VD 9
Removed +1.2VD and +3.6VD External
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EVM Operation
4.2 Stand-Alone Operation
When used as a stand-alone EVM, power can be applied to TP1, referenced to TP3.
Verify that all power supplies are within the safe operating limits shown on the
TSC2007 data sheet (SBAS405 ) before applying power to the EVM.
4.3 USB-MODEVM Interface Power
The USB-MODEVM interface board can be powered from several different sources:
• 6 VDC-10 VDC AC/DC external wall supply (not included)
• Laboratory power supply
When powered from the USB connection, JMP6 should have a shunt from pins 1-2 (this is the default
factory configuration). When powered from 6 VDC-10 VDC, either through the J8 terminal block or J9
barrel jack, JMP6 should have a shunt installed on pins 2-3. If power is applied in any of these ways,
onboard regulators generate the required supply voltages, and no further power supplies are necessary.
If laboratory supplies are used to provide the individual voltages required by the USB-MODEVM interface
board, JMP6 should have no shunt installed. Voltages then are applied to J2 (+5VA), J3 (+5VD), J4
(+1.8VD), and J5 (+3.3VD). The +1.8VD and +3.3VD also can be generated on the board by the onboard
regulators from the +5VD supply; to enable this supply, the switches on SW1 need to be set to enable the
regulators by placing them in the ON position (lower position, looking at the board with text reading
right-side up). If +1.8VD and +3.3VD are supplied externally, disable the onboard regulators by placing
SW1 switches in the OFF position.
Each power supply voltage has an LED (D1-D7) which lights when the power supplies are active.
5 EVM Operation
The following section provides information on the analog input, digital control, and general operating
conditions of the TSC2007EVM.
5.1 Analog Input
The analog input sources (touch screen and auxiliary input) can be applied directly to J1 (top or bottom
side) or through signal-conditioning modules available for the modular EVM system.
5.2 Digital Control
The digital control signals can be applied directly to J2 (top or bottom side). The modular TSC2007EVM
also can be connected directly to a DSP or microcontroller interface board, such as the USB-MODEVM
interface board if purchased as part of the TSC2007EVM-PDK. See the product folder for the TSC2007 for
a current list of compatible interface and/or accessory boards.
5.3 Default Jumper Locations
Table 6 provides a list of jumpers found on the EVM and their factory default conditions.
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JMP1 2-3 Analog power select (default is +3.3VD)
JMP2 Closed EEPROM address select. When installed and used with the USB-MODEVM, firmware for the
6 Kit Operation
The following section provides information on using the TSC2007EVM-PDK, including setup, program
installation, and program usage.
6.1 TSC2007EVM-PDK Block Diagram
A block diagram of the TSC2007EVM-PDK is shown in Figure 1 . The evaluation kit consists of two circuit
boards connected together. The motherboard is designated as the USB-MODEVM interface board; the
daughtercard is the TSC2007EVM described previously in this manual.
Kit Operation
Table 6. List of Jumpers
motherboard is executed from the EEPROM on the TSC2007EVM. This is the default mode.
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