Texas Instruments TMS320 DSP User Manual

TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard
Rules and Guidelines
User's Guide
Literature Number: SPRU352G
June 2005 – Revised February 2007
2 SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Scope of the Standard ............................................................................................ 10
1.1.1 Rules and Guidelines .................................................................................... 11
1.2 Requirements of the Standard .................................................................................. 11
1.3 Goals of the Standard ............................................................................................ 12
1.4 Intentional Omissions ............................................................................................ 12
1.5 System Architecture ............................................................................................... 13
1.5.1 Frameworks ............................................................................................... 13
1.5.2 Algorithms ................................................................................................. 14
1.5.3 Core Run-Time Support ................................................................................. 14
2 General Programming Guidelines ............................................................................... 15
2.1 Use of C Language ............................................................................................... 16
2.2 Threads and Reentrancy ......................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Threads .................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 Preemptive vs. Non-Preemptive Multitasking......................................................... 17
2.2.3 Reentrancy ................................................................................................ 17
2.2.4 Example ................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Data Memory....................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 Memory Spaces .......................................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Scratch versus Persistent ............................................................................... 20
2.3.3 Algorithm versus Application ............................................................................ 22
2.4 Program Memory ................................................................................................. 23
2.5 ROM-ability ........................................................................................................ 23
2.6 Use of Peripherals ................................................................................................ 24
3 Algorithm Component Model ..................................................................................... 25
3.1 Interfaces and Modules ........................................................................................... 26
3.1.1 External Identifiers ....................................................................................... 27
3.1.2 Naming Conventions ..................................................................................... 28
3.1.3 Module Initialization and Finalization .................................................................. 28
3.1.4 Module Instance Objects ................................................................................ 28
3.1.5 Design-Time Object Creation ........................................................................... 29
3.1.6 Run-Time Object Creation and Deletion .............................................................. 29
3.1.7 Module Configuration .................................................................................... 30
3.1.8 Example Module .......................................................................................... 30
3.1.9 Multiple Interface Support ............................................................................... 31
3.1.10 Interface Inheritance .................................................................................... 32
3.1.11 Summary ................................................................................................. 32
3.2 Algorithms .......................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Packaging .......................................................................................................... 34
3.3.1 Object Code ............................................................................................... 34
3.3.2 Header Files .............................................................................................. 35
3.3.3 Debug Verses Release .................................................................................. 35
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 Contents 3
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4 Algorithm Performance Characterization ..................................................................... 37
4.1 Data Memory....................................................................................................... 38
4.1.1 Heap Memory ............................................................................................. 38
4.1.2 Stack Memory ............................................................................................ 39
4.1.3 Static Local and Global Data Memory ................................................................. 39
4.2 Program Memory .................................................................................................. 40
4.3 Interrupt Latency .................................................................................................. 41
4.4 Execution Time .................................................................................................... 41
4.4.1 MIPS Is Not Enough ..................................................................................... 41
4.4.2 Execution Time Model ................................................................................... 42
5 DSP-Specific Guidelines ............................................................................................ 45
5.1 CPU Register Types .............................................................................................. 46
5.2 Use of Floating Point .............................................................................................. 47
5.3 TMS320C6xxx Rules and Guidelines........................................................................... 47
5.3.1 Endian Byte Ordering .................................................................................... 47
5.3.2 Data Models ............................................................................................... 47
5.3.3 Program Model ........................................................................................... 47
5.3.4 Register Conventions .................................................................................... 48
5.3.5 Status Register ........................................................................................... 48
5.3.6 Interrupt Latency ......................................................................................... 49
5.4 TMS320C54xx Rules and Guidelines .......................................................................... 49
5.4.1 Data Models ............................................................................................... 49
5.4.2 Program Models .......................................................................................... 49
5.4.3 Register Conventions .................................................................................... 51
5.4.4 Status Registers .......................................................................................... 51
5.4.5 Interrupt Latency ......................................................................................... 52
5.5 TMS320C55x Rules and Guidelines ............................................................................ 52
5.5.1 Stack Architecture ........................................................................................ 52
5.5.2 Data Models ............................................................................................... 52
5.5.3 Program Models .......................................................................................... 53
5.5.4 Relocatability .............................................................................................. 53
5.5.5 Register Conventions .................................................................................... 54
5.5.6 Status Bits ................................................................................................. 55
5.6 TMS320C24xx Guidelines ....................................................................................... 57
5.6.1 General .................................................................................................... 57
5.6.2 Data Models ............................................................................................... 57
5.6.3 Program Models .......................................................................................... 57
5.6.4 Register Conventions .................................................................................... 57
5.6.5 Status Registers .......................................................................................... 58
5.6.6 Interrupt Latency ......................................................................................... 58
5.7 TMS320C28x Rules and Guidelines ............................................................................ 58
5.7.1 Data Models ............................................................................................... 58
5.7.2 Program Models .......................................................................................... 59
5.7.3 Register Conventions .................................................................................... 59
5.7.4 Status Registers .......................................................................................... 59
5.7.5 Interrupt Latency ......................................................................................... 60
6 Use of the DMA Resource .......................................................................................... 61
6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 62
4 Contents SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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6.2 Algorithm and Framework ........................................................................................ 62
6.3 Requirements for the Use of the DMA Resource ............................................................. 63
6.4 Logical Channel ................................................................................................... 63
6.5 Data Transfer Properties ......................................................................................... 64
6.6 Data Transfer Synchronization .................................................................................. 64
6.7 Abstract Interface .................................................................................................. 65
6.8 Resource Characterization ....................................................................................... 66
6.9 Runtime APIs ...................................................................................................... 67
6.10 Strong Ordering of DMA Transfer Requests ................................................................... 67
6.11 Submitting DMA Transfer Requests ............................................................................ 68
6.12 Device Independent DMA Optimization Guideline ............................................................ 68
6.13 C6xxx Specific DMA Rules and Guidelines .................................................................... 69
6.13.1 Cache Coherency Issues for Algorithm Producers ................................................. 69
6.14 C55x Specific DMA Rules and Guidelines ..................................................................... 70
6.14.1 Supporting Packed/Burst Mode DMA Transfers .................................................... 70
6.14.2 Minimizing Logical Channel Reconfiguration Overhead ........................................... 71
6.14.3 Addressing Automatic Endianism Conversion Issues ............................................. 71
6.15 Inter-Algorithm Synchronization ................................................................................. 71
6.15.1 Non-Preemptive System ............................................................................... 71
6.15.3 Preemptive System ..................................................................................... 72
A Rules and Guidelines ................................................................................................ 75
A.1 General Rules ..................................................................................................... 76
A.2 Performance Characterization Rules ........................................................................... 77
A.3 DMA Rules ......................................................................................................... 77
A.4 General Guidelines ................................................................................................ 78
A.5 DMA Guidelines ................................................................................................... 79
B Core Run-Time APIs ................................................................................................. 81
B.1 TI C-Language Run-Time Support Library ..................................................................... 82
B.2 DSP/BIOS Run-time Support Library ........................................................................... 82
C Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 83
C.1 Books ............................................................................................................... 83
C.2 URLS ................................................................................................................ 83
D Glossary .................................................................................................................. 85
D.1 Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................. 85
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 Contents 5
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List of Figures
1-1 TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Elements ........................................................................... 10
1-2 DSP Software Architecture ................................................................................................ 13
2-1 Scratch vs Persistent Memory Allocation ............................................................................... 21
2-2 Data Memory Types ....................................................................................................... 22
3-1 Module Interface and Implementation ................................................................................... 26
3-2 Module Object Creation ................................................................................................... 29
3-3 Example Module Object ................................................................................................... 29
3-4 Example Implementation of IALG Interface ............................................................................. 33
4-1 Execution Timeline for Two Periodic Tasks ............................................................................ 42
5-1 Register Types .............................................................................................................. 46
6-1 Transfer Properties for a 1-D Frame ..................................................................................... 64
6-2 Frame Index and 2-D Transfer of N-1 Frames ......................................................................... 64
6 List of Figures SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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SPRU352G June 2005 Revised February 2007
Read This First
This document defines a set of requirements for DSP algorithms that, if followed, allow system integrators to quickly assemble production-quality systems from one or more such algorithms. Thus, this standard is intended to enable a rich commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) marketplace for DSP algorithm technology and to significantly reduce the time-to-market for new DSP-based products.
The TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard is part of TI's eXpressDSP technology initiative. Algorithms that comply with the standard are tested and awarded an "eXpressDSP-compliant" mark upon successful completion of the test.
In describing these requirements and their purpose, it is often necessary to describe how applications might be structured to take advantage of eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standards make no substantive demands on the clients of these algorithms.
Intended Audience
This document assumes that the reader is fluent in the C programming language, has a good working knowledge of digital signal processing (DSP) and the requirements of DSP applications, and has some exposure to the principles and practices of object-oriented programming.
This document describes the rules that must be followed by all eXpressDSP-compliant algorithm software and interfaces between algorithms and applications that use these algorithms. There are two audiences for this document:
Algorithm writers learn how to ensure that an algorithm can coexist with other algorithms in a single system and how to package an algorithm for deployment into a wide variety of systems.
System integrators learn how to incorporate multiple algorithms from separate sources into a complete system.
Document Overview
Throughout this document, the rules and guidelines of the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard (referred to as XDAIS) are highlighted. Rules must be followed to be compliant with the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Guidelines. Guidelines should be obeyed but may be violated by eXpressDSP-compliant software. A complete list of all rules and guidelines is provided in Appendix A. Electronic versions of this document contain hyperlinks from each rule and guideline in Appendix A to the main body of the document.
This document contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 - Overview, provides the motivation for the standard and describes how algorithms (as defined by the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard) are used in DSP systems.
Chapter 2 - General Programming Guidelines, describes a general programming model for DSP software and contains rules and guidelines that apply to all eXpressDSP-compliant software.
Chapter 3 - Algorithm Component Model, describes rules and guidelines that enable eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms from multiple sources to operate harmoniously in a single system.
Chapter 4 - Algorithm Performance Characterization, describes how an eXpressDSP-compliant algorithm's performance must be characterized.
Chapter 5 - DSP-Specific Guidelines, defines a model for describing the DSP's on-chip registers and contains rules and guidelines for each specific DSP architecture covered by this specification.
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 Read This First 7
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Related Documentation
Chapter 6 - Use of the DMA Resource, develops guidelines and rules for creating eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms that utilize the DMA resource.
Appendix A - Rules and Guidelines, contains a complete list of all rules and guidelines in this specification.
Appendix B - Core Run-time Support APIs, contains a complete description of the APIs that an eXpressDSP-compliant algorithm may reference.
Related Documentation
The TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard is documented in the following manuals:
TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Rules and Guidelines (this document). Describes all the rules and guidelines that make up the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard (may be referred to as XDAIS throughout this document).
TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard API Reference (SPRU360). Contains APIs that are required by the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard and full source examples of eXpressDSP-compliant algorithm components.
TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Developer's Guide (SPRU424). Contains examples that assist the developer in implementing the XDAIS interface and to create a test application.
Using DMA with Framework Components for C64x+ Application Report (SPRAAG1). Describes the standard DMA software abstractions and interfaces for TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard (XDAIS) compliant algorithms designed for the C64x+ EDMA3 controller using DMA Framework Components utilities.
Although these documents are largely self-contained, there are times when it is best not to duplicate documentation that exists in other documents. The following documents contain supplementary information necessary to adhere to the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standards.
DSP/BIOS User's Guide
TMS320 C54x/C6x/C2x Optimizing C Compiler User's Guide
Text Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this specification:
Text inside back-quotes (") represents pseudo-code
Program source code, function and macro names, parameters, and command line commands are
shown in a mono-spaced font.
Rule n
Text is shown like this to indicate a requirement of the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard.
Guideline n
Text is shown like this to indicate a recommendation of the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard.
Read This First8 SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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SPRU352G June 2005 Revised February 2007
This chapter provides an overview of the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard.
Topic .................................................................................................. Page
1.1 Scope of the Standard ............................................................... 10
1.2 Requirements of the Standard ................................................... 11
1.3 Goals of the Standard ................................................................ 12
1.4 Intentional Omissions ............................................................... 12
1.5 System Architecture .................................................................. 13
Chapter 1


SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 Overview 9
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Rules for TMS320C2x
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Rules for TMS320C5x Rules for TMS320C6x
Imaging Audio Automotive Other
Algorithm Component Model
General Programming Guidelines
S C callable S No hard coded addresses
S Reentrant S etc.
S Modules S Generic interfaces
S Packaging S etc.
S Interrupt usage S Memory usage S Register usage S etc.
S Interrupt usage S Memory usage S Register usage S etc.
S Interrupt usage S Memory usage S Register usage S etc.
S vocoders S echo cancel S etc.
S JPEG S etc.
S coders S etc.
S etc.
Scope of the Standard
Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) are often programmed like "traditional" embedded microprocessors. That is, they are programmed in a mix of C and assembly language, they directly access hardware peripherals, and, for performance reasons, almost always have little or no standard operating system support. Thus, like traditional microprocessors, there is very little use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software components for DSPs.
However, unlike general-purpose embedded microprocessors, DSPs are designed to run sophisticated signal processing algorithms and heuristics. For example, they may be used to detect DTMF digits in the presence of noise, to compress toll quality speech by a factor of 20, or for speech recognition in a noisy automobile traveling at 65 miles per hour.
Such algorithms are often the result of many years of doctoral research. However, because of the lack of consistent standards, it is not possible to use an algorithm in more than one system without significant reengineering. Since few companies can afford a team of DSP PhDs, and the reuse of DSP algorithms is so labor intensive, the time-to-market for a new DSP-based product is measured in years rather than in months.
This document defines a set of requirements for DSP algorithms that, if followed, allow system integrators to quickly assemble production-quality systems from one or more such algorithms. Thus, this standard is intended to enable a rich COTS marketplace for DSP algorithm technology and to significantly reduce the time-to-market for new DSP-based products.

1.1 Scope of the Standard

The TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard defines three levels of guidelines.
Figure 1-1. TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Elements
Level 1 contains programming guidelines that apply to all algorithms on all DSP architectures regardless of application area. Almost all recently developed software modules follow these common sense guidelines already, so this level just formalizes them.
Level 2 contains rules and guidelines that enable all algorithms to operate harmoniously within a single system. Conventions are established for the algorithm's use of data memory and names for external identifiers, for example. In addition, simple rules for how algorithms are packaged are also specified.
10 Overview SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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Level 3 contains the guidelines for specific families of DSPs. Today, there are no agreed-upon guidelines for algorithms with regard to the use of processor resources. These guidelines will provide guidance on the dos and don'ts for the various architectures. There is always the possibility that deviations from these guidelines will occur, but then the algorithm vendor can explicitly draw attention to the deviation in the relevant documentation or module headers.
The shaded boxes represent the areas that are covered in this version of the specification. Level 4 contains the various vertical markets. Due to the inherently different nature of each of these
businesses, it seems appropriate for the stakeholders in each of these markets to define the interfaces for groups of algorithms based on the vertical market. If each unique algorithm were specified with an interface, the standard would never be able to keep up and thus not be effective. It is important to note that at this level, any algorithm that conforms to the rules defined in the top three levels is considered eXpressDSP-compliant.

1.1.1 Rules and Guidelines

The TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard specifies both rules and guidelines. Rules must be followed in order for software to be eXpressDSP-compliant. Guidelines, on the other hand, are strongly suggested recommendations that should be obeyed, but are not required, in order for software to be eXpressDSP-compliant.

1.2 Requirements of the Standard

This section lists the required elements of the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard. These requirements are used throughout the remainder of the document to motivate design choices. They also help clarify the intent of many of the stated rules and guidelines.
Algorithms from multiple vendors can be integrated into a single system.
Algorithms are framework-agnostic. That is, the same algorithm can be efficiently used in virtually any
application or framework.
Algorithms can be deployed in purely static as well as dynamic run-time environments.
Algorithms can be distributed in binary form.
Integration of algorithms does not require recompilation of the client application, although
reconfiguration and relinking may be required.
A huge number of DSP algorithms are needed in today's marketplace, including modems, vocoders, speech recognizers, echo cancellation, and text-to-speech. It is not possible for a product developer, who wants to leverage this rich set of algorithms, to obtain all the necessary algorithms from a single source. On the other hand, integrating algorithms from multiple vendors is often impossible due to incompatibilities between the various implementations. In order to break this Catch-22, eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms from different vendors must all interoperate.
Dozens of distinct third-party DSP frameworks exist in the telephony vertical market alone. Each vendor has hundreds and sometimes thousands of customers. Yet, no one framework dominates the market. To achieve the goal of algorithm reuse, the same algorithm must be usable in all frameworks.
Marketplace fragmentation by various frameworks has a legitimate technical basis. Each framework optimizes performance for an intended class of systems. For example, client systems are designed as single-channel systems with limited memory, limited power, and lower-cost DSPs. As a result, they are quite sensitive to performance degradation. Server systems, on the other hand, use a single DSP to handle multiple channels, thus reducing the cost per channel. As a result, they must support a dynamic environment. Yet, both client-side and server-side systems may require exactly the same vocoders.
It is important that algorithms be deliverable in binary form. This not only protects the algorithm vendor's intellectual property; it also improves the reusability of the algorithm. If source code were required, all clients would require recompilation. In addition to being destabilizing for the clients, version control for the algorithms would be close to impossible.
Requirements of the Standard
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 Overview 11
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Goals of the Standard

1.3 Goals of the Standard

This section contains the goals of this standard. While it may not be possible to perfectly attain these goals, they represent the primary concerns that should be addressed after addressing the required elements described in the previous section.
Easy to adhere to the standard
Possible to verify conformance to standard
Enable system integrators to easily migrate between TI DSPs
Enable host tools to simplify a system integrator's tasks, including configuration, performance
Incur little or no "overhead" for static systems
Although TI currently enjoys a leadership role in the DSP marketplace, it cannot directly control the algorithm software base. This is especially true for relatively mature DSPs, such as the C54xx family, where significant algorithm technology currently exists. Thus, for any specification to achieve the status of a standard, it must represent a low hurdle for the legacy code base.
While we can all agree to a guideline that states that every algorithm must be of high quality, this type of guideline cannot be measured or verified. This non-verification or non-measurement enables system integrators to claim that all their algorithms are of high quality, and therefore will not place a value on the guideline in this instance. Thus, it is important that each guideline be measurable or, in some sense, verifiable.
While this standard does define an algorithm's APIs in a DSP-independent manner, it does not seek to solve the DSP migration problem. For example, it does not require that algorithms be provided on both a C54x and a C6x platform. It does not specify a multiple binary object file format to enable a single binary to be used in both a C5x and a C6x design. Nor does it supply tools to translate code from one architecture to another or require the use of an architecture independent language (such as C) in the implementation of algorithms.
Wherever possible, this standard tries to anticipate the needs of the system integrator and provide rules for the development of algorithms that allow host tools to be created that will assist the integration of these algorithms. For example, rules related to algorithm naming conventions enable tools that automatically resolve name conflicts and select alternate implementations as appropriate.
modeling, standard conformance, and debugging.

1.4 Intentional Omissions

Maurice Wilkes once said, "There is no problem in computer programming that cannot be solved by an added level of indirection." Frameworks are perfect examples of how indirection is used to "solve" DSP software architecture problems; device independence is achieved by adding a level of indirection between algorithms and physical peripherals, and algorithm interchangeability is achieved by using function pointers.
On the other hand, Jim Gray has been quoted as saying, "There is no performance problem that cannot be solved by eliminating a level of indirection." It is essential that the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard remain true to the spirit of the DSP developer: any overhead incurred by adherence to the standard must be minimized.
In this section, we describe those aspects of the standard that are intentionally omitted. This is not to say that these issues are not important, but in the interest of timeliness, this version does not make any recommendation. Future versions will address these omissions.
Version control
Licensing, encryption, and IP protection
Installation and verification (i.e., digital signatures)
Documentation and online help
Like all software, algorithms evolve over time, and therefore require version control. Moreover, as the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard evolves, older algorithm components may fail to be compliant with the latest specification. Ideally, a version numbering scheme would be specified that allowed host-based tools to automatically detect incompatible versions of algorithm components.
12 Overview SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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Core run time support
System Architecture
To support the ability of a system integrator to rapidly evaluate algorithms from various vendors, a mechanism should be defined that allows a component to be used for evaluation only. This would encourage algorithm vendors to provide free evaluations of their technology. It is important to provide mechanisms, such as encryption of the code, that protect the vendor's IP; otherwise, vendors will not make their components readily available.
Each algorithm component is typically delivered with documentation, on-line help files, and example programs. Ideally, this set of files would be standardized for each algorithm, and installation into the Code Composer Studio environment would be standardized. The standardization will greatly simplify the rapid evaluation and system integration process. In addition, it is important that when a component is obtained, its origin can be reliably determined, to prevent component theft among algorithm vendors.

1.5 System Architecture

Many modern DSP system architectures can be partitioned along the lines depicted in Figure 1-2 .
Figure 1-2. DSP Software Architecture

1.5.1 Frameworks

Algorithms are "pure" data transducers; i.e., they simply take input data buffers and produce some number of output data buffers. The core run-time support includes functions that copy memory, and functions to enable and disable interrupts. The framework is the "glue" that integrates the algorithms with the real-time data sources and links using the core run time support, to create a complete DSP sub-system. Frameworks for the DSP often interact with the real-time peripherals (including other processors in the system) and often define the I/O interfaces for the algorithm components.
Unfortunately, for performance reasons, many DSP systems do not enforce a clear line between algorithm code and the system-level code (i.e., the framework). Thus, it is not possible to easily reuse an algorithm in more than one system. The TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard is intended to clearly define this line in such a way that performance is not sacrificed and algorithm reusability is significantly enhanced.
Frameworks often define a device independent I/O sub-system and specify how essential algorithms interact with this sub-system. For example, does the algorithm call functions to request data or does the framework call the algorithm with data buffers to process? Frameworks also define the degree of modularity within the application; i.e., which components can be replaced, added, removed, and when can components be replaced (compile time, link time, or real-time).
Even within the telephony application space, there are a number of different frameworks available and each is optimized for a particular application segment (e.g., large volume client-side products and low volume high-density server-side products). Given the large number of incompatibilities between these various frameworks and the fact that each framework has enjoyed success in the market, this standard does not make any significant requirements of a framework.
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 Overview 13
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System Architecture

1.5.2 Algorithms

Careful inspection of the various frameworks in use reveals that, at some level, they all have algorithm components. While there are differences in each of the frameworks, the algorithm components share many common attributes.
Algorithms are C callable
Algorithms are reentrant
Algorithms are independent of any particular I/O peripheral
Algorithms are characterized by their memory and MIPS requirements
In approximately half of the frameworks reviewed, algorithms are also required to simply process data passed to the algorithm. The others assume that the algorithm will actively acquire data by calling framework-specific, hardware-independent, I/O functions. In all cases, algorithms are designed to be independent of the I/O peripherals in the system.
In an effort to minimize framework dependencies, this standard requires that algorithms process data that is passed to them via parameters. It seems likely that conversion of an "active" algorithm to one that simply accepts data in the form of parameters is straightforward and little or no loss of performance will be incurred.
Given the similarities between the various frameworks, it seems possible to standardize at the level of the algorithm. Moreover, there is real benefit to the framework vendors and system integrators to this standardization: algorithm integration time will be reduced, it will be possible to easily comparison shop for the "best" algorithm, and more algorithms will be available.
It is important to realize that each particular implementation of, say a speech detector, represents a complex set of engineering trade-offs between code size, data size, MIPS, and quality. Moreover, depending on the system designed, the system integrator may prefer an algorithm with lower quality and smaller footprint to one with higher quality detection and larger footprint (e.g., an electronic toy doll verses a corporate voice mail system). Thus, multiple implementations of exactly the same algorithm sometimes make sense; there is no single best implementation of many algorithms.
Unfortunately, the system integrator is often faced with choosing all algorithms from a single vendor to ensure compatibility between the algorithms and to minimize the overhead of managing disparate APIs. Moreover, no single algorithm vendor has all the algorithms for all their customers. The system integrator is, therefore, faced with having to chose a vendor that has "most" of the required algorithms and negotiate with that vendor to implement the remaining DSP algorithms.
By enabling system integrators to plug or replace one algorithm for another, we reduce the time to market because the system integrator can chose algorithms from multiple vendors. We effectively create a huge catalog of interoperable parts from which any system can be built.

1.5.3 Core Run-Time Support

In order to enable algorithms to satisfy the minimum requirements of reentrancy, I/O peripheral independence, and debuggability, algorithms must rely on a core set of services that are always present. Since most algorithms are still produced using assembly language, many of the services provided by the core must be accessible and appropriate for assembly language.
The core run-time support includes a subset of HWI functions of DSP/BIOS to support atomic modification of control/status registers (to set the overflow mode, for example). It also includes a subset of the standard C language run-time support libraries; e.g., memcpy, strcpy, etc. The run-time support is described in detail in Appendix B of this document.
14 Overview SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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SPRU352G June 2005 Revised February 2007

General Programming Guidelines

In this chapter, we develop programming guidelines that apply to all algorithms on all DSP architectures, regardless of application area.
Topic .................................................................................................. Page
2.1 Use of C Language .................................................................... 16
2.2 Threads and Reentrancy ............................................................ 16
2.3 Data Memory ............................................................................ 19
2.4 Program Memory ..................................................................... 23
2.5 ROM-ability .............................................................................. 23
2.6 Use of Peripherals .................................................................... 24
Chapter 2
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 General Programming Guidelines 15
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Use of C Language

2.1 Use of C Language

Almost all recently developed software modules follow these common sense guidelines already, so this chapter just formalizes them. In addition to these guidelines, we also develop a general model of data memory that enables applications to efficiently manage an algorithm's memory requirements.
All algorithms will follow the run-time conventions imposed by the C programming language. This ensures that the system integrator is free to use C to "bind" various algorithms together, control the flow of data between algorithms, and interact with other processors in the system easily.
Rule 1
All algorithms must follow the run-time conventions imposed by TI’s implementation of the C programming language.
It is very important to note that this does not mean that algorithms must be written in the C language. Algorithms may be implemented entirely in assembly language. They must, however, be callable from the C language and respect the C language run-time conventions. Most significant algorithms are not implemented as a single function; like any sophisticated software, they are composed of many interrelated internal functions. Again, it is important to note that these internal functions do not need to follow the C language conventions; only the top-most interfaces must obey the C language conventions. On the other hand, these internal functions must be careful not to cause the top-most function to violate the C run-time conventions; e.g., no called function may use a word on the stack with interrupts enabled without first updating the stack pointer.

2.2 Threads and Reentrancy

Because of the variety of frameworks available for DSP systems, there are many differing types of threads, and therefore, reentrancy requirements. In this section, we try to precisely define the types of threads supported by this standard and the reentrancy requirements of algorithms.

2.2.1 Threads

A thread is an encapsulation of the flow of control in a program. Most people are accustomed to writing single-threaded programs; i.e., programs that only execute one path through their code "at a time." Multi-threaded programs may have several threads running through different code paths "simultaneously."
Why are some phrases above in quotes? In a typical multi-threaded program, zero or more threads may actually be running at any one time. This depends on the number of CPUs in the system in which the process is running, and on how the thread system is implemented. A system with n CPUs can, intuitively run no more than n threads in parallel, but it may give the appearance of running many more than n "simultaneously," by sharing the CPUs among threads. The most common case is that of n equal to one; i.e., a single CPU running all the threads of an application.
Why are threads interesting? An OS or framework can schedule them, relieving the developer of an individual thread from having to know about all the other threads in the system. In a multi-CPU system, communicating threads can be moved among the CPUs to maximize system performance without having to modify the application code. In the more common case of a single CPU, the ability to create multi-threaded applications allows the CPU to be used more effectively; while one thread is waiting for data, another can be processing data.
Virtually all DSP systems are multi-threaded; even the simplest systems consist of a main program and one or more hardware interrupt service routines. Additionally, many DSP systems are designed to manage multiple "channels" or "ports," i.e., they perform the same processing for two or more independent data streams.
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2.2.2 Preemptive vs. Non-Preemptive Multitasking

Non-preemptive multitasking relies on each thread to voluntarily relinquish control to the operating system before letting another thread execute. This is usually done by requiring threads to periodically call an operating system function, say yield(), to allow another thread to take control of the CPU or by simply requiring all threads to complete within a specified short period. In a non-preemptive multi-threading environment, the amount of time a thread is allowed to run is determined by the thread, whereas in a preemptive environment, the time is determined by the operating system and the entire set of tasks that are ready to run.
Note that the difference between those two flavors of multi-threading can be a very big one; for example, under a non-preemptive system, you can safely assume that no other thread executes while a particular algorithm processes data using on-chip data memory. Under preemptive execution, this is not true; a thread may be preempted while it is in the middle of processing. Thus, if your application relies on the assumption that things do not change in the middle of processing some data, it might break under a preemptive execution scheme.
Since preemptive systems are designed to preserve the state of a preempted thread and restore it when its execution continues, threads can safely assume that most registers and all of the thread's data memory remain unchanged. What would cause an application to fail? Any assumptions related to the maximum amount of time that can elapse between any two instructions, the state of any global system resource such as a data cache, or the state of a global variable accessed by multiple threads, can cause an application to fail in a preemptive environment.
Non-preemptive environments incur less overhead and often result in higher performance systems; for example, data caches are much more effective in non-preemptive systems since each thread can control when preemption (and therefore, cache flushing) will occur.
On the other hand, non-preemptive environments require that either each thread complete within a specified maximum amount of time, or explicitly relinquish control of the CPU to the framework (or operating system) at some minimum periodic rate. By itself, this is not a problem since most DSP threads are periodic with real-time deadlines. However, this minimum rate is a function of the other threads in the system and, consequently, non-preemptive threads are not completely independent of one another; they must be sensitive to the scheduling requirements of the other threads in the system. Thus, systems that are by their nature multirate and multichannel often require preemption; otherwise, all of the algorithms used would have to be rewritten whenever a new algorithm is added to the system.
If we want all algorithms to be framework-independent, we must either define a framework-neutral way for algorithms to relinquish control, or assume that algorithms used in a non-preemptive environment always complete in less than the required maximum scheduling latency time. Since we require documentation of worst-case execution times, it is possible for system integrators to quickly determine if an algorithm will cause a non-preemptive system to violate its scheduling latency requirements. Thus, the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard does not define a framework-neutral "yield" operation for algorithms.
Since algorithms can be used in both preemptive and non-preemptive environments, it is important that all algorithms be designed to support both. This means that algorithms should minimize the maximum time that they can delay other algorithms in a non-preemptive system.
Threads and Reentrancy

2.2.3 Reentrancy

Reentrancy is the attribute of a program or routine that allows the same copy of the program or routine to be used concurrently by two or more threads.
Reentrancy is an extremely valuable property for functions. In multichannel systems, for example, any function that can be invoked as part of one channel's processing must be reentrant ; otherwise, that function would not be usable for other channels. In single channel multirate systems, any function that must be used at two different rates must be reentrant; for example, a general digital filter function used for both echo cancellation and pre-emphasis for a vocoder. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to determine if a function is reentrant.
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yn+ xn* x
13 32
Threads and Reentrancy
The definition of reentrant code often implies that the code does not retain "state" information. That is, if you invoke the code with the same data at different times, by the same or other thread, it will yield the same results. This is not always true, however. How can a function maintain state and still be reentrant? Consider the rand() function. Perhaps a better example is a function with state that protects that state by disabling scheduling around its critical sections. These examples illustrate some of the subtleties of reentrant programming.
The property of being reentrant is a function of the threading model; after all, before you can determine whether multiple threads can use a particular function, you must know what types of threads are possible in a system. For example, if threads are not preemptive, a function may freely use global variables if it uses them for scratch storage only; i.e., it does not assume these variables have any values upon entry to the function. In a preemptive environment, however, use of these global variables must be protected by a critical section or they must be part of the context of every thread that uses them.
Although there are exceptions, reentrancy usually requires that algorithms:
only modify data on the stack or in an instance "object"
treat global and static variables as read-only data
never employ self modifying code
These rules can sometimes be relaxed by disabling all interrupts (and therefore, disabling all thread scheduling) around the critical sections that violate the rules above. Since algorithms are not permitted to directly manipulate the interrupt state of the processor, the allowed DSP/BIOS HWI module functions (or equivalent implementations) must be called to create these critical sections.
Rule 2
All algorithms must be reentrant within a preemptive environment (including time-sliced preemption).

2.2.4 Example

In the remainder of this section we consider several implementations of a simple algorithm, digital filtering of an input speech data stream, and show how the algorithm can be made reentrant and maintain acceptable levels of performance. It is important to note that, although these examples are written in C, the principles and techniques apply equally well to assembly language implementations.
Speech signals are often passed through a pre-emphasis filter to flatten their spectrum prior to additional processing. Pre-emphasis of a signal can be accomplished by applying the following difference equation to the input data:
The following implementation is not reentrant because it references and updates the global variables z0 and z1. Even in a non-preemptive environment, this function is not reentrant; it is not possible to use this function to operate on more than one data stream since it retains state for a particular data stream in two fixed variables (z0 and z1).
int z0 = 0, z1 = 0; /* previous input values */ void PRE_filter(int input[], int length)
int I, tmp; for (I = 0; I < length; I++) {
tmp = input[i] - z0 + (13 * z1 + 16) / 32; z1 = z0; z0 = input[i]; input[i] = tmp;
We can make this function reentrant by requiring the caller to supply previous values as arguments to the function. This way, PRE_filter1 no longer references any global data and can be used, therefore, on any number of distinct input data streams.
18 General Programming Guidelines SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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Data Memory
void PRE_filter1(int input[], int length, int *z) {
int I, tmp; for (I = 0; I
< length; I++) {
tmp = input[i] - z[0] + (13 * z[1] + 16) / 32; z[1] = z[0]; z[0] = input[i]; input[i] = tmp; }
This technique of replacing references to global data with references to parameters illustrates a general technique that can be used to make virtually any Code reentrant. One simply defines a "state object" as one that contains all of the state necessary for the algorithm; a pointer to this state is passed to the algorithm (along with the input and output data).
typedef struct PRE_Obj { /* state obj for pre-emphasis alg */
int z0; int z1;
} PRE_Obj; void
PRE_filter2(PRE_Obj *pre, int input[], int length) { int I, tmp;
for (I = 0; I < length; I++)
tmp = input[i] - pre->z0 + (13 * pre->z1 + 16) /
pre->z1 = pre->z0; pre->z0 = input[i]; input[i] = tmp; }
Although the C Code looks more complicated than our original implementation, its performance is comparable, it is fully reentrant, and its performance can be configured on a "per data object" basis. Since each state object can be placed in any data memory, it is possible to place some objects in on-chip memory and others in external memory. The pointer to the state object is, in effect, the function's private "data page pointer." All of the function's data can be efficiently accessed by a constant offset from this pointer.
Notice that while performance is comparable to our original implementation, it is slightly larger and slower because of the state object redirection. Directly referencing global data is often more efficient than referencing data via an address register. On the other hand, the decrease in efficiency can usually be factored out of the time-critical loop and into the loop-setup Code. Thus, the incremental performance cost is minimal and the benefit is that this same Code can be used in virtually any system—independent of whether the system must support a single channel or multiple channels, or whether it is preemptive or non-preemptive.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil." —Donald Knuth "Structured Programming with go to Statements," Computing Surveys, Vol. 6, No. 4, December, 1974, page 268.

2.3 Data Memory

The large performance difference between on-chip data memory and off-chip memory (even 0 wait-state SRAM) is so large that every algorithm vendor designs their Code to operate as much as possible within the on-chip memory. Since the performance gap is expected to increase dramatically in the next 3-5 years, this trend will continue for the foreseeable future. The TMS320C6000 series, for example, incurs a 25 wait state penalty for external SDRAM data memory access. Future processors may see this penalty increase to 80 or even 100 wait states!
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 General Programming Guidelines 19
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Data Memory
While the amount of on-chip data memory may be adequate for each algorithm in isolation, the increased number of MIPS available on modern DSPs encourages systems to perform multiple algorithms concurrently with a single chip. Thus, some mechanism must be provided to efficiently share this precious resource among algorithm components from one or more third parties.

2.3.1 Memory Spaces

In an ideal DSP, there would be an unlimited amount of on-chip memory and algorithms would simply always use this memory. In practice, however, the amount of on-chip memory is very limited and there are even two common types of on-chip memory with very different performance characteristics: dual-access memory which allows simultaneous read and write operations in a single instruction cycle, and single access memory that only allows a single access per instruction cycle.
Because of these practical considerations, most DSP algorithms are designed to operate with a combination of on-chip and external memory. This works well when there is sufficient on-chip memory for all the algorithms that need to operate concurrently; the system developer simply dedicates portions of on-chip memory to each algorithm. It is important, however, that no algorithm assume specific region of on-chip memory or contain any "hard Coded" addresses; otherwise the system developer will not be able to optimally allocate the on-chip memory among all algorithms.
Note that algorithms can directly access data contained in a static data structure located by the linker. This rule only requires that all such references be done symbolically; i.e., via a relocatable label rather than a fixed numerical address.
In systems where the set of algorithms is not known in advance or when there is insufficient on-chip memory for the worst-case working set of algorithms, more sophisticated management of this precious resource is required. In particular, we need to describe how the on-chip memory can be shared at run-time among an arbitrary number of algorithms.
Rule 3
Algorithm data references must be fully relocatable (subject to alignment requirements). That is, there must be no “hard-coded” data memory locations.

2.3.2 Scratch versus Persistent

In this section, we develop a general model for sharing regions of memory among algorithms. This model is used to share the on-chip memory of a DSP, for example. This model is essentially a generalization of the technique commonly used by compilers to share CPU registers among functions. Compilers often partition the CPU registers into two groups: "scratch" and "preserve." Scratch registers can be freely used by a function without having to preserve their value upon return from the function. Preserve registers, on the other hand, must be saved prior to being modified and restored prior to returning from the function. By partitioning the register set in this way, significant optimizations are possible; functions do not need to save and restore scratch registers, and callers do not need to save preserve registers prior to calling a function and restore them after the return.
Consider the program execution trace of an application that calls two distinct functions, say a() and b().
Void main() {
... /* use scratch registers r1 and r2 */ /* call function
a() */
a() { ... /* use scratch registers r0, r1, and r2 */ }
/* call function b()
b() { ... /* use scratch registers r0 and r1*/ }
20 General Programming Guidelines SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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Algorithm A
Algorithm B
Write-Once C
Algorithm C
Physical Memory
Persistent B
Persistent A
Persistent A Persistent B Write-Once C
Algorithm C
Write-Once C
Data Memory
Notice that both a() and b() freely use some of the same scratch registers and no saving and restoring of these registers is necessary. This is possible because both functions, a() and b(), agree on the set of scratch registers and that values in these registers are indeterminate at the beginning of each function.
By analogy, we partition all memory into two groups: scratch and persistent.
Scratch memory is memory that is freely used by an algorithm without regard to its prior contents, i.e., no assumptions about the content can be made by the algorithm and the algorithm is free to leave it in any state.
Persistent memory is used to store state information while an algorithm instance is not executing.
Persistent memory is any area of memory that an algorithm can write to assume that the contents are unchanged between successive invocations of the algorithm within an application. All physical memory has this behavior, but applications that share memory among multiple algorithms may opt to overwrite some regions of memory (e.g., on-chip DARAM).
A special variant of persistent memory is the write-once persistent memory. An algorithm's initialization function ensures that its write-once buffers are initialized during instance creation and that all subsequent accesses by the algorithm's processing to write-once buffers are strictly read-only. Additionally, the algorithm can link its own statically allocated write-once buffers and provide the buffer addresses to the client. The client is free to use provided buffers or allocate its own. Frameworks can optimize memory allocation by arranging multiple instances of the same algorithm, created with identical creation parameters, to share write-once buffers.
Note that a simpler alternative to declaring write-once buffers for sharing statically initialized read-only data is to use global statically linked constant tables and publish their alignment and memory space requirements in the required standard algorithm documentation. If data has to be computed or relocated at run-time, the write-once buffers approach can be employed.
The importance of making a distinction between scratch memory and persistent memory is illustrated in
Figure 2-1 .
Figure 2-1. Scratch vs Persistent Memory Allocation
All algorithm scratch memory can be "overlaid" on the same physical memory. Without the distinction between scratch and persistent memory, it would be necessary to strictly partition memory among algorithms, making the total memory requirement the sum of all algorithms' memory requirements. On the other hand, by making the distinction, the total memory requirement for a collection of algorithms is the sum of each algorithm's distinct persistent memory, plus any shared write-once persistent memory, plus the maximum scratch memory requirement of any of these algorithms.
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Shared Private
Data Memory
In addition to the types of memory described above, there are often several memory spaces provided by a DSP to algorithms.
Dual-access memory (DARAM) is on-chip memory that allows two simultaneous accesses in a single instruction cycle.
Single-access memory (SARAM) is on-chip memory that allows only a single access per instruction cycle.
External memory is memory that is external to the DSP and may require more than zero wait states per access.
These memory spaces are often treated very differently by algorithm implementations; in order to optimize performance, frequently accessed data is placed in on-chip memory, for example. The scratch versus persistent attribute of a block of memory is independent of the memory space. Thus, there are six distinct memory classes; scratch and persistent for each of the three memory spaces described above.

2.3.3 Algorithm versus Application

Other than a memory block's size, alignment, and memory space, three independent questions must be answered before a client can properly manage a block of an algorithm's data memory.
Is the block of memory treated as scratch or persistent by the algorithm?
Is the block of memory shared by more than one algorithm?
Do the algorithms that share the block preempt one another?
The first question is determined by the implementation of the algorithm; the algorithm must be written with assumptions about the contents of certain memory buffers. We've argued that there is significant benefit to distinguish between scratch memory and persistent memory, but it is up to the algorithm implementation to trade the benefits of increasing scratch, and decreasing persistent memory against the potential performance overhead incurred by re-computing intermediate results.
The second two questions regarding sharing and preemption, can only be answered by the client of an eXpressDSP-compliant algorithm. The client decides whether preemption is required for the system and the client allocates all memory. Thus, only the client knows whether memory is shared among algorithms. Some frameworks, for example, never share any allocated memory among algorithms whereas others always share scratch memory.
There is a special type of persistent memory managed by clients of algorithms that is worth distinguishing: shadow memory is unshared persistent memory that is used to shadow or save the contents of shared registers and memory in a system. Shadow memory is not used by algorithms; it is used by their clients to save the memory regions shared by various algorithms.
Figure 2-2 illustrates the relationship between the various types of memory.
Guideline 1
Algorithms should minimize their persistent data memory requirements in favor of scratch memory.
Figure 2-2. Data Memory Types
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2.4 Program Memory

Program Memory
Like the data memory requirements described in the previous section, it is important that all eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms are fully relocatable; i.e., there should never be any assumption about the specific placement of an algorithm at a particular address. Alignment on a specified page size is permitted, however.
Rule 4
All algorithm code must be fully relocatable. That is, there can be no hard coded program memory locations.
As with the data memory requirements, this rule only requires that Code be relocated via a linker. For example, it is not necessary to always use PC-relative branches. This requirement allows the system developer to optimally allocate program space to the various algorithms in the system.
Algorithm modules sometimes require initialization Code that must be executed prior to any other algorithm method being used by a client. Often this Code is only run once during the lifetime of an application. This Code is effectively "dead" once it has been run at startup. The space allocated for this Code can be reused in many systems by placing the "run-once" Code in data memory and using the data memory during algorithm operation.
A similar situation occurs in "finalization" Code. Debug versions of algorithms, for example, sometimes implement functions that, when called when a system exits, can provide valuable debug information; e.g., the existence of objects or objects that have not been properly deleted. Since many systems are designed to never exit (i.e., exit by power-off), finalization Code should be placed in a separate object module. This allows the system integrator to avoid including Code that can never be executed.
Guideline 2
Each initialization and finalization function should be defined in a separate object module; these modules must not contain any other code.
In some cases, it is awkward to place each function in a separate file. Doing so may require making some identifiers globally visible or require significant changes to an existing Code base. The TI C compiler supports a pragma directive that allows you to place specified functions in distinct COFF output sections. This pragma directive may be used in lieu of placing functions in separate files. The table below summarizes recommended section names and their purpose.
Section Name Purpose
.text:init Run-once initialization code .text:exit Run-once finalization code .text:create Run-time object creation .text:delete Run-time object deletion

2.5 ROM-ability

There are several addressing modes used by algorithms to access data memory. Sometimes the data is referenced by a pointer to a buffer passed to the algorithm, and sometimes an algorithm simply references global variables directly. When an algorithm references global data directly, the instruction that operates on the data often contains the address of the data (rather than an offset from a data page register, for example). Thus, this Code cannot be placed in ROM without also requiring that the referenced data be placed in a fixed location in a system. If a module has configuration parameters that result in variable length data structures and these structures are directly referenced, such Code is not considered ROM-able; the offsets in the Code are fixed and the relative positions of the data references may change.
Alternatively, algorithm Code can be structured to always use offsets from a data page for all fixed length references and place a pointer in this page to any variable length structures. In this case, it is possible to configure and locate the data anywhere in the system, provided the data page is appropriately set.
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Use of Peripherals
Rule 5
Algorithms must characterize their ROM-ability; i.e., state whether or not they are ROM-able.
Obviously, self-modifying Code is not ROM-able. We do not require that no algorithm employ self-modifying Code; we only require documentation of the ROM-ability of an algorithm. It is also worth pointing out that if self-modifying Code is used, it must be done "atomically," i.e., with all interrupts disabled; otherwise this Code would fail to be reentrant.

2.6 Use of Peripherals

To ensure the interoperability of eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms, it is important that algorithms never directly access any peripheral device.
Rule 6
Algorithms must never directly access any peripheral device. This includes, but is not limited to on-chip DMAs, timers, I/O devices, and cache control registers. Note, however, algorithms can utilize the DMA resource by implementing the IDMA2 interface on C64x and C5000 devices, and the IDMA3 interface on C64x+ devices using the EDMA3 controller. See Chapter 6 for details.
In order for an algorithm to be framework-independent, it is important that no algorithm directly calls any device interface to read or write data. All data produced or consumed by an algorithm must be explicitly passed to the algorithm by the client. For example, no algorithm should call a device-independent I/O library function to get data; this is the responsibility of the client or framework.
24 General Programming Guidelines SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007
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SPRU352G June 2005 Revised February 2007

Algorithm Component Model

In this chapter, we develop additional rules and guidelines that apply to all algorithms on all DSP architectures regardless of application area.
Topic .................................................................................................. Page
3.1 Interfaces and Modules .............................................................. 26
3.2 Algorithms ............................................................................... 33
3.3 Packaging ................................................................................ 34
Chapter 3
SPRU352G – June 2005 – Revised February 2007 Algorithm Component Model 25
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#include <fir.h>
FIR_apply(); }
typedef struct FIR_obj *FIR_Handle; extern void FIR_init(); extern void FIR_exit(); extern FIR_HandleFIR_create();
FIR_HandleFIR_create() {
Interfaces and Modules
These rules and guidelines enable many of the benefits normally associated with object-oriented and component-based programming but with little or no overhead. More importantly, these guidelines are necessary to enable two different algorithms to be integrated into a single application without modifying the source Code of the algorithms. The rules include naming conventions to prevent duplicate external name conflicts, a uniform method for initializing algorithms, and specification of a uniform data memory management mechanism.

3.1 Interfaces and Modules

This section describes the general structure of the most basic software component of the eXpressDSP-compliant application—the module. Since all standard-compliant algorithms are implemented as modules, this section describes the design elements common to all of them. This structure is designed to encourage both modular coding practices and reentrant implementations.
A module is an implementation of one (or more) interfaces. An interface is simply a collection of related type definitions, functions, constants, and variables. In the C language, an interface is typically specified by a header file. It is important to note that not all modules implement algorithms, but all algorithm implementations must be modules. For example, the DSP/BIOS is a collection of modules and none of these are eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms.
All eXpressDSP-compliant modules:
Provide a single header that defines the entire interface to the module
Implement a module initialization and finalization method
Optionally manage one or more "instance" objects of a single type
Optionally declare a "Config" structure defining module-wide configuration options
Suppose we create a module called FIR, which consists of a collection of functions that create and apply finite impulse response filters to a data stream. The interface to this module is declared in the single C header file, fir.h. Any application that wants to use the functions provided by the FIR module must include the header fir.h. Although the interface is declared as a C header file, the module may be implemented entirely in assembly language (or a mix of both C and assembly).
Figure 3-1. Module Interface and Implementation
Since interfaces may build atop other interfaces, it is important that all header files allow for the possibility that they might be included more than once by a client.
26 Algorithm Component Model SPRU352G June 2005 Revised February 2007
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3.1.1 External Identifiers

Interfaces and Modules
Rule 7
All header files must support multiple inclusions within a single source file.
The general technique for insuring this behavior for C header files is illustrated in the Code below.
* ======== fir.h ========
*/ #ifndef FIR_ #define FIR_
0 #endif /* FIR_ */
A similar technique should be employed for assembly language headers.
; ; ======== fir.h54 ======== ;
.if ($isdefed("FIR_") = 0)
FIR_ .set 1 0
Since multiple algorithms and system control Code are often integrated into a single executable, the only external identifiers defined by an algorithm implementation (i.e., symbols in the object Code) should be those specified by the algorithm API definition. Unfortunately, due to limitations of traditional linkers, it is sometimes necessary for an identifier to have external scope even though this identifier is not part of the algorithm API. Thus, in order to avoid namespace collisions, it is important that vendor selected names do not conflict.
Rule 8
All external definitions must be either API identifiers or API and vendor prefixed.
All external identifiers defined by a module's implementation must be prefixed by "<module>_<vendor>_", where
<module> is the name of the module (containing characters from the set [A-Z0-9]), <vendor> is the name of the vendor (containing characters from the set [A-Z0-9]).
For example, TI's implementation of the FIR module must only contain external identifiers of the form FIR_TI_[a-zA-Z0-9]+. On the other hand, external identifiers that are common to all implementations do not have the "vendor" component of the name. For example, if the FIR module interface defined a constant structure that is used by all implementations, its name simply has the form FIR_[A-Z0-9]+.
In addition to the symbols defined by a module, we must also standardize the symbols referenced by all modules. Algorithms can call HWI disable and HWI restore functions as specified in the DSP/BIOS API References Guides (SPRU403 and SPRU404). These operations can be used to create critical sections within an algorithm and provide a processor-independent way of controlling preemption when used in a DSP/BIOS framework. To use the same algorithm in a non-DSP/BIOS based application, an implementation of these HWI functions can be provided by the framework.
Rule 9
All undefined references must refer either to the operations specified in Appendix B (a subset of C runtime support library functions and a subset of the DSP/BIOS HWI API functions) or TI’s DSPLIB or IMGLIB functions, or other eXpressDSP-compliant modules.
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