Texas Instruments TMS320C2000 User Manual

TMS320C2000 Motor Control Primer
User's Guide
Literature Number: SPRUGI6
September 2010
1 Introduction
Digital motor control has been a challenging subject since the beginning of early implementations. Although digital control techniques and the availability of high-speed microcontrollers made life significantly easier for engineers, highly non-linear motor models, designing and tuning multiple control loops, math intensive sensorless algorithms, parameter and temperature dependencies, and complex software structures still have the potential to slow down development.
Texas Instruments understands the challenges facing motor control developers, and provides materials and tools that significantly accelerate development and troubleshooting of motor-control systems. Thorough documentation, a rich set of digital motor control and math libraries, modular software strategies, incremental build processes, code development environments with real time debugging support, and sample motor control kits at different voltage levels designed for all major motor types with open source hardware support, lead developers through the process of creating a complete motor-control system. These tools enable developers to quickly determine the processing resources required to implement basic motor control. From this baseline, they are then able to bring in advanced algorithms to trade-off the remaining processing capacity for greater accuracy, better performance, and higher power efficiency, control of multiple motors or integrated power stages like digital power factor correction, and a myriad of other options. In this way, developers can architect systems specifically optimized for their application constraints and requirements.
User's Guide
SPRUGI6–September 2010
TMS320C2000 Motor Control Primer
2 Software Tools
2.1 IQ Math Library
2.1.1 What is IQ Math Library
Real-time control algorithms used in industry are typically computationally intensive, where optimal execution speed and high accuracy is required. When C is used to develop control algorithm code, generic math libraries can be used for computing math functions such as trigonometric functions, division, etc. However, this approach may not result in the most cycle efficient code. Therefore, TI provides a library of highly optimized and high precision math functions in the form of the IQMath library. Using the math routines in the IQ Math library the user can achieve execution speeds considerably faster than equivalent code written in standard ANSI C language.
The IQ Math library is available in both fixed- and floating-point versions, enabling easy migration from float to fixed devices. The fixed-point library uses Q-arithmetic to emulate the fractional point (explained in the following section), whereas the floating-point version uses the floating-point instruction set and hardware FPU present on the device.
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S I I I I I I I . F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
2I+ 2
+ … + 21+ 20. 2-1+ 2
- 2
+ … + 2
2.1.2 Q Format and Preferred Global Q for DMC
Q Format is a way of representing a numeric value containing a sign, integer and fraction portion in a fixed bit location field. Figure 1. The following image illustrates a 32-bit binary number where the bits are partitioned to represent the sign, integer, and fractional parts.
Figure 1. Sign, Integer, Fractional Parts
S: Sign Bit (1 bit) I: Integer Bits (7 bits) F: Fraction Bits (24 bits)
Thus, the fixed bit location acts as a virtual floating point. The IQ Math library makes use of such a representation to compute the functions on a fixed-point device. The IQ Math library further allows the user to select the appropriate numeric range and resolution by choosing where the decimal point is located, i.e., how many bits of the binary represented number are integers and how many are the quotient/fraction.
A value of a number represented in the format above can be interpreted as:
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The number of fraction bits determines the Q format of the number. For a given word length (e.g., 32 bits), the greater the number of fractional bits, the higher the resolution, and the smaller the dynamic range.
Table 1 shows some examples regarding the range and resolution of 32-bit, fixed-point numbers for
different Q format representations.
Table 1. Range and Resolution of 32-bit Fixed-point Number for Different Q-format Representation
GLOBAL_Q Max Val Min Val Resolution
28 7.999 999 996 -8 0.000 000 004 24 127.999 999 940 -128 0.000 000 060 20 2047.999 999 046 -2048 0.000 000 954
A high resolution and large dynamic range is typically needed for precise control algorithm execution. Motor control applications formats between Q31 to Q27 do not provide enough dynamic range, and formats of Q18 or lower result in significant quantization errors, due to insufficient resolution. Therefore, a format of Q24 is used by the TI motor control software because it provides enough high resolution and enough dynamic range to tackle a wide variety of motor applications. Note that all the motor control projects are implemented based on per unit (pu) system variables and the Q used by these variables is by default, Q24. For floating-point devices, single-precision IEEE float is used. Also note that although the default Q is 24, the DMC library can be made to use any other Q format by changing the GLOBAL_Q value.
2.1.3 Summary of the IQ Math Functions
The routines included within the IQmath library can be classified as:
Arithmetic/math functions (addition, subtraction, multiply, divide, etc.)
Trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, etc.)
Format conversion utilities (scales numbers from one Q format to another)
Miscellaneous (saturation, absolute value, etc.) Some of the IQmath library functions used often in motor control are shown in Table 2.
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Table 2. Some IQMath Functions Used Often in Motor Control Applications
C C++ Operation
_IQ(float) IQ(float) Constant
+ + Add
- - Subtract
_IQmpy * Multiply
_IQdiv / Divide
_IQsqrt sqrt Square root
_IQisqrt isqrt 1/Square root
_IQsin sin Sine
_IQcos cos Cosine
_IQatan atan Arc tangent _IQatan2 atan2 Arc tangent 2 opr. _IQsinPU sinPU Sine per unit
_IQcosPU cosPU Cosine per unit
_IQatan2PU atan2PU Arc tangent 2 opr. per unit
_IQsat sat Saturation
_IQabs abs Absolute value
2.1.4 Calling an IQMath Function in C
The IQ Math library is very user-friendly and comes with detailed documentation explaining the features and usage of each library function, along with example code. The following sample code shows how to write a Park transform function using IQ Math library trigonometric and multiplication functions:
#include "math.h" #include "IQmathLib.h" #define TWO_PI 6.28318530717959 void park_calc(PARK *v)
_iq cos_ang, sin_ang;
sin_ang = _IQsinPU (v->angle); cos_ang = _IQcosPU (v->angle);
v->de = _IQmpy(v->ds ,cos_ang) + _IQmpy(v->qs ,sin_ang); v->qe = _IQmpy(v->qs ,cos_ang) - _IQmpy(v->ds ,sin_ang);
Note that in the above example, the variables are declared not as fixed or float but as “iq.” The iq type is interpreted at compile time, and is substituted for a fixed- or floating-point variable type, depending on the device type being used. Consequently, the code above can be run on a fixed-point or a floating-point device without any changes, therefore enabling easy migration between floating- and fixed-point devices.
2.1.5 Advantages of the IQMath Library for Motor Control
IQmath uses the instructions present on the C28x™ devices in the most efficient way to compute the various math functions. Briefly, the benefits and contributions of the IQMath Library in C2000™-based digital motor control can be summarized as follows:
Selection of dynamic range and resolution on fixed point devices: For fixed-point devices, a choice of Q can be made depending on dynamic range and resolution requirements of the system. Q24 is used by default but can be changed easily to select another Q format if needed.
Float to fixed migration: All the functions available in the floating-point version of the library are available on fixed-point version and vice versa; hence, migration from float to fixed becomes very easy. The use of “iq” type while writing code enables the compiler to interpret the math type to be used for the variables at compile time. Thus, no or little change is required to the source code when migrating from floating- to fixed-point devices.
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Highly optimized function: This function enables faster and multiple control loop execution than what is possible using standard ANSI-C routines.
2.2 Digital Motor Control (DMC) Library
2.2.1 DMCLib Overview
The digital motor control library is composed of C functions (or macros) developed for C2000 motor control users. These modules are represented as modular blocks in C2000 literature in order to explain system-level block diagrams clearly by means of software modularity. The DMC library modules cover nearly all of the target-independent mathematical functions and target-specific peripheral configuration functions, which are essential for motor control. These modules can be classified as:
Transformation and Observer Modules Clarke, Park, Phase Voltage Calculation, Sliding Mode
Signal Generators and Control Modules PID, Commutation Trigger Generator, V/f Controller,
Peripheral Drivers PWM abstraction for multiple topologies and techniques,
Real-Time Debugging Modules DLOG module for CCS graph window utility, PWMDAC
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Observer, BEMF Commutation, Direct Flux Estimator, Speed Calculators and Estimators, Position Calculators and Estimators etc.
Impulse Generator, Mod 6 Counter, Slew Rate Controllers, Sawtooth & Ramp generators, Space Vector Generators etc.
ADC Drivers, Hall Sensor Driver, QEP Driver, CAP Driver etc
module for monitoring the control variables through oscilloscope.
In the DMC library, each module is separately documented with source code, use, and background technical theory. All DMC modules allow users to quickly build, or customize their own systems. The library supports three principal motor types (induction motor, BLDC and PM motors) but is not limited to these motors.
The DMC modules — implemented in IQmath — are used to construct both sensored and sensorless control systems. An earlier version of the DMC library (legacy) was released for the F281x series
SPRC080, and F280x series SPRC215. Starting in 2010, the libraries were revised with optimized macro
usage for system examples using F2803x (Piccolo) and F2833x (Delfino) families and integrated into
controlSUITE. For more on the motor control methodology and available resources, visit the TI Motor Control Site. There are two releases of the math_blocks in controlSUITE; the fixedv1.1 supports all three
motor types and is only valid for fixed processors. The v2.0 supports both fixed (all) and float (induction motor and PM motors) system examples.
The DMC library components have been used by TI to provide system-level motor control examples. In the motor control code, all DMC library modules are initialized according to the system specific parameters, and the modules are inter-connected to each other. At run-time the modules are called in order. Each motor control system is built using an incremental build approach, which allows some sections of the code to be built at a time, so that the developer can verify each section of the application one step at a time. This is critical in real-time control applications, where so many different variables can affect the system, and where many different motor parameters need to be tuned.
2.2.2 Incremental System Build Methodology
It is well known that, regardless of how much planning has gone into a system engineering project; chances are the final system won’t work for the first time, usually because some subtle target dependency or requirement has been overlooked. This is normal engineering, and if a contingency plan or debug methodology has been comprehended, it’s not a problem. However, if not anticipated ahead of time, this can become frustrating and time-consuming. To prevent this, the system comes pre-packaged within a framework, incorporating various system build levels or debug steps as part of the normal system software flow. A customer can move from a current build level to any other build level quickly, and without risk of losing configuration or run-time information related to previous build levels.
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This framework also allows a user to commission system software in a step-by-step manner, and at each step validate key vital signs before moving on. The number of build levels may vary depending on final system complexity, but an important point to note is that regardless of the number of build levels, this framework becomes a common point of reference. In either case, it will greatly improve the chances of system software success. As will be seen later, incremental system build levels are supported by frameworks with various configurations of interconnected modules. Frameworks also provide invaluable skeletons for users to modify or customize as required to suit their own target system requirements.
2.2.3 Well Defined Module Variables Provide Clear Debug Points
Because the system/module framework has one-to-one mapping with the system signal flow diagram, it is easy to probe signals of interest and to visualize them in real time. TI provides useful utility modules which can display time-varying signals (i.e., software variables) via hardware DAC using an oscilloscope, or on screen with Code Composer Studio™ using a data-logging software module. The PWMDAC and DATA_LOG modules can be readily connected by way of pointers during run-time, to any module terminal variable and internal module variables for greater software visibility.
2.2.4 Known Working Library Eases the Development
Modules can provide a valuable starting point, even if they are not exactly the final requirement. Known good modules can be used initially on a “trust-for-now” basis as a system is built up and valuable experience is gained. Later on, these standard modules can be investigated on an as-needed basis, to learn more, or to modify or customize to suit. A modular approach is ideal for this, allowing standard modules to be swapped out for customized ones later on without risk or delays.
2.2.5 Code Composer Studio and Documentation Completes the Package
The solutions collateral outlined so far for the digital motor control systems software is comprehensive with many component parts. To bring it all together and to allow customers to test drive many solutions quickly, TI offers Code Composer Studio™ (CCS) for the C2000 platform as the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Ready-to-run CCS projects and workspaces ensure customers are jump-started into productivity quickly. To complement the IDE, clear module and system documentation tie the solutions together and help customers understand how theory, implementation, and debug all come together to provide a working solution.
2.3 Software Modularity
The benefits of structured, modular software are well known. This is especially true for large, complex systems with many sub-blocks contributed by many individuals. In these cases, there is a strong common set of needs. Efforts by contributors should only be used one time, and are reusable for future projects. The contributed software blocks (modules) must be predictable in their behavior and compatible with other blocks, both functionally and numerically. Industry has learned the benefits of these methodologies, and has realized the impact they can make on smoother system integration; reducing debug and troubleshooting time, providing a higher degree of visibility inside the software, and allowing quicker system reconfiguration. These attributes have significant impact on getting quality products out to market in a timely manner.
Such methodologies needed to be applied to high-performance motor control systems and to address this, TI introduced the modular DMC library in early 2000. Within the digital control systems space, the algorithm standard has been used to address the specific needs of application areas such as digital motor control, industrial electronics, uninterruptible power supplies, plus a host of other control-related areas. The familiar signal flow block diagram representation of digital control systems, as seen in control texts and university publications, lend themselves well to effective implementation by software-interconnected module blocks (i.e., functions or macros) with well-defined input and output ports.
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3-phase Inverter
Rotor Flux
Inv. Park
Park Tr.
Clarke Tr.
Once a rich set of library modules is available with a well-defined and proven interconnect methodology, systems can be realized fairly quickly. The logical extension is that various “what-if” scenarios of system topologies and/or configurations can be explored relatively easily and with little overhead. As a more basic or fundamental need, this same ease of module connection allows a system designer to have a number of incremental build levels, ranging from a rudimentary system (3-4 modules) used to check out key life signs, to a fully featured final system with a large number of connected modules. This is analogous to the commissioning steps or process which is typical in large engineering projects. This approach to system software commissioning is invaluable during the system integration phase and can greatly reduce the time and effort required.
2.3.1 Consistency Between Software Modules and Control Block Diagrams
It is well known that systems and control engineers like to visualize systems or control strategies in the form of signal flow block diagrams. It makes good sense to separate main functions and to show how each is interrelated by explicit connection to other functions. Each function should be self-contained, and its boundaries or interface clearly delineated. A digital motor control system is a good example of this interrelation of functions. Figure 2 shows a typical signal flow block diagram of an AC induction motor controlled by a field-oriented control strategy. This is a useful representation, and it is found in many classical texts on motor control. However, several limitations are evident when attempting to realize this diagram in software form.
Figure 2. ACI Sensored FOC - System Block Diagram
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It is not usually clear how software variables are related to the signal parameters on the diagram, nor where in the software these parameters can be found and accessed. Moreover, the boundary between software and hardware is blurred (i.e., where the software controls the on-chip peripheral and where the peripheral output pins control the external hardware, such as the PWM-to-inverter interface). By adopting a modular strategy and enforcing some clear definitions, the classic block diagram shown in Figure 2 can be rearranged and redrawn to reveal a great amount of information about the actual software which is used to implement such a system. This new style of system representation can be seen in Figure 3. The advantages and features of such a representation will be expanded upon in later sections, but a summary of key points are given here:
The system block diagram has a clear one-to-one mapping to the modular system software.
Each module graphic or block represents a self-contained software function or object of the same name.
Input and output terminals of each module correspond exactly to global variables within the software function.
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3-Phase Inverter
PMSM Motor
watch window
Iq Reg.
IdRef (=0)
Id Reg.
Elec Theta
Speed Rpm
Iq Reg.
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Modules are categorized (color coded) to clearly designate dependencies on peripherals and target hardware.
Connections between modules show data flow via corresponding input/output variables.
Each module is reusable and has its own documentation explaining usage and instantiation.
Figure 3. ACI Sensored FOC – System Block Diagram Showing Clear One-to-One Mapping to Software
2.3.2 Reusability, Compatibility, and Expandability
Engineering reuse in today’s competitive environment is critical and software modularity is the perfect vehicle to achieve this, especially in DMC systems. If we examine various motor control systems, it becomes clear that a large degree of commonality exists between them. The PID regulator, for example, is useful across all systems. Therefore, if each module is realized only once, but implemented according to well defined guidelines, then compatibility and predictability can be assured across all modules. Since this approach allows efficient reusability, efforts which may typically be used to “reinvent the wheel” can be re-deployed on expanding the module library base for greater functionality and features.
There are several DMC blocks common for 3-phase motor control in general. On the other hand, in most cases, the difference between a sensored and sensorless system is only one or two modules, e.g., a position or speed estimator. The remaining modules are again common. Therefore, in keeping with the reuse philosophy, design efforts can be focused on expanding the library with more robust estimators which meet various system requirements, rather than recreating entire system infrastructures.
2.3.3 Target Independent Modules and Drivers
Understanding the exact dependencies of a software module is very important. This knowledge is invaluable during debugging, software porting from one target to another, and on planning a system commissioning strategy. The modules which are part of the DMC Library (examples of which are shown in
Table 3) are categorized into two main types:
Target (microcontroller) independent (TI)
Drivers (i.e., target dependent and application configurable)
Table 3. Sample of DMC Module Descriptions and Type Category
Number Module Description Type
1 bldcpwm_drv BLDC PWM driver – uses high-side Drv
2 cap_event_drv Capture input event driver Drv 3 hall_gpio_drv Hall effect interface driver for sensored Drv
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chopping and fixed on/off for low side
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3-phase BLDC trapezoidal control
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Table 3. Sample of DMC Module Descriptions and Type Category (continued)
Number Module Description Type
4 pwm_drv PWM driver (configurable for active Drv
high/low, dead-band, or asm/sym) 5 bdc_pwm_drv Brushed DC-Motor PWM driver Drv 6 qep_theta_drv Quadrature encoder pulse interface driver Drv
with position (theta) as output 7 qep_no_index_drv Quadrature encoder pulse interface driver Drv
without index pulse 8 ileg_vdc Analog to digital conversion drive Drv 9 resolver_drv Position and speed calculations for Drv
resolver sensor
10 data_log Data logging utility – useful for variable Util
graphing in code composer
11 pwm_dac_drv 4-channel DAC driver useful for displaying Util
real-time variables on scope
12 aci_fe Flux estimator for 3-phase induction TI/AC
motor vector control
13 aci_se Speed estimator of the 3-ph induction TI/AC
14 clarke Clark transform – 3-phase to 2-phase TI/AI
(quadrature) conversion
15 comtn_trig Commutation trigger for BLDC sensorless TI/AC
trapezoidal/BEMF/ZC tech.
16 cur_mod Rotor flux position estimator for 3-phase TI/AC
induction motor vector control
17 i_park Inverse park transform – Rotating to TI/AI
stationary reference frame conversion
18 impulse Impulse generator module TI/AI 19 mod6_cnt Modulo 6 counter counts from state 0 TI/AI
through 5 and reset
20 park Park transform – Stationary to rotating TI/AI
reference frame conversion
21 phase_volt_calc 3-phase voltage recontruction function TI/AI
based on PWM duty cycle inputs
22 pid_reg3 Proportional/integral/derivative controller TI/AC
with anti windup feature
23 ramp_gen Sawtooth generator with adjustable gain, TI/AI
frequency and dc offset
24 rmp2cntl Ramp up and ramp down module TI/AI 25 rmp3cntl Ramp down module TI/AI 26 rmp_cntl Ramp up and ramp down module used to TI/AI
control slew rate
27 smopos sliding mode observer for position TI/AC
estimation in sensorless vector drives
28 speed_est Motor speed estimator using the TI/AC
estimated rotor position
29 speed_frq Speed calculator based on frequency TI/AI
measurement – tacho style method
30 speed_prd Speed calculator based on period TI/AI
measurement between events
31 svgen_dq Space vector generator function with TI/AI
quadrature control
32 svgen_mf Space vector generator function with TI/AI
magnitude and frequency control
33 v_hz_profile Volts/hertz profile for induction motor TI/AC
(voltage vs. frequency)
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Spd Reg.
Max limit:
Min limit:
PWM 1/2/3:
Acitive Hi/Lo
PWM Trip:
PWM Mode:
PWM Freq:
5-30 kHz
0-20 us
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For convenience, the module graphics throughout the documentation are color coded to help customers quickly identify a modules dependency within a system. Color designation is as follows:
• Target independent/application independent : TI/AI yellow
• Target independent/application configurable : TI/AC pale red
• Drivers (target dependent/application DRV blue configurable) :
Examples of target independent modules are given in Figure 4 and Figure 5. Target independent modules do not directly access or modify control or status registers of any on-chip peripherals, i.e., target microcontroller-specific resources. These modules are dependent only on the CPU core. TI/AI modules are typically characterized by mathematical type functions (e.g., transforms, matrix operations, waveform generators, etc.). These functions are fixed and fairly standardized, and do not require configuration, knowledge of peripherals, or the end application itself. TI/AC modules also do not need knowledge of device peripherals, but do need to be configured depending on the end application. Examples of these modules are PID controllers, position/speed estimators, voltage and current models, etc.
Figure 4. Target and Application Independent Modules - Examples
Figure 5. Target Independent/Application Configurable Modules
On the other hand, driver modules are the interface between software and target microcontroller-specific peripheral hardware. Examples of such modules are shown in Figure 6. These modules have direct access to peripheral control and status registers. Using these driver modules or taking them as a reference, one can easily develop application specific drivers to configure microcontroller peripherals such as PWMs, ADCs, QEP, CAP etc., as required.
Figure 6. Target Dependent Drive Module
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