Texas Instruments TLV320AIC3109EVM-K User Manual

User's Guide
SLAU738–September 2017


This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the TLV320AIC3109EVM, both by itself and as part of the TLV320AIC3109EVM-K. This evaluation module (EVM) is a complete mono audio codec with several inputs and outputs, extensive audio routing, mixing, and effects capabilities. A complete circuit description, schematic diagram, and bill of materials (BOM) are also included.
The following related documents are available through the Texas Instruments Web site at www.ti.com.
Table 1. EVM-Compatible Device Data Sheets
Device Literature Number
TLV320AIC3109-Q1 SLASE93
TPS73533-Q1 SBVS252
TAS1020B SLES025
1 EVM Overview ............................................................................................................... 3
2 EVM Description and Basics............................................................................................... 6
3 TLV320AIC3109EVM-K Setup and Installation ........................................................................ 12
4 TLV320AIC3109EVM Software........................................................................................... 13
Appendix A EVM Connector Descriptions .................................................................................... 33
Appendix B TLV320AIC3109EVM Schematic................................................................................ 37
Appendix C TLV320AIC3109EVM Layout Views ............................................................................ 40
Appendix D TLV320AIC3109EVM Bill of Materials.......................................................................... 43
Appendix E USB-MODEVM Schematic....................................................................................... 45
Appendix F USB-MODEVM Layout Views ................................................................................... 47
Appendix G USB-MODEVM Bill of Materials................................................................................. 49
Appendix H TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Configuration Scripts .................................................................... 51
Appendix I USB-MODEVM Protocol ......................................................................................... 56
List of Figures
1 TLV320AIC3109EVM Block Diagram .................................................................................... 3
2 TLV320AIC3109EVM Board ............................................................................................... 4
3 USB-MODEVM Board....................................................................................................... 5
4 Analog Section of the TLV320AIC3109EVM............................................................................. 9
5 Digital Section of the TLV320AIC3109EVM ............................................................................ 10
6 Power Supplies for Stand-Alone Operation............................................................................. 11
7 Device Selection Window................................................................................................. 14
8 Default Software Screen .................................................................................................. 14
9 Audio Input and ADC Tab ................................................................................................ 16
10 Bypass Paths ............................................................................................................... 17
11 Audio Interface Tab ....................................................................................................... 18
12 Clocks Tab ................................................................................................................. 19
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13 AGC Tab .................................................................................................................... 21
14 Advanced AGC settings................................................................................................... 21
15 Filters Tab .................................................................................................................. 22
16 ADC High Pass Filters .................................................................................................... 23
17 DAC Filters.................................................................................................................. 23
18 De-emphasis Filters........................................................................................................ 24
19 Shelf Filters ................................................................................................................. 25
20 EQ Filters ................................................................................................................... 25
21 Analog Simulation Filters ................................................................................................. 26
22 Preset Filters ............................................................................................................... 26
23 User Filters ................................................................................................................. 26
24 3D Effect Settings ......................................................................................................... 27
25 Output Stage Configuration Tab ......................................................................................... 27
26 DAC/Line Outputs Tab .................................................................................................... 29
27 High-Power Outputs Tab ................................................................................................. 30
28 Command Line Interface Tab ............................................................................................ 31
29 File Menu ................................................................................................................... 32
30 TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Main Schematics.................................................................................. 37
31 Connector, Test Points, and Power Distribution Schematics......................................................... 38
32 TLV320AIC3109EVM Hardware ......................................................................................... 39
33 TLV320AIC3109EVM Assembly Layer.................................................................................. 40
34 TLV320AIC3109EVM Top Layer......................................................................................... 40
35 TLV320AIC3109EVM Ground Layer..................................................................................... 41
36 TLV320AIC3109EVM Power Layer...................................................................................... 41
37 TLV320AIC3109EVM Bottom Layer..................................................................................... 42
38 TLV320AIC3109EVM Bottom Assembly Layer ........................................................................ 42
39 USB-MODEVM Interface Board Schematic (1 of 2)................................................................... 45
40 USB-MODEVM Interface Board Schematic (2 of 2)................................................................... 46
41 USB-MODEVM Assembly Layer......................................................................................... 47
42 USB-MODEVM Top Layer................................................................................................ 48
43 USB-MODEVM Bottom Layer ............................................................................................ 48
List of Tables
1 EVM-Compatible Device Data Sheets .................................................................................... 1
2 List of Jumpers............................................................................................................... 6
3 USB-MODEVM SW2 Settings ............................................................................................. 7
4 USB-MODEVM Jumpers ................................................................................................... 7
5 TLV320AIC3109EVM and TLV320AIC3104 GUI Signal Name Relation .......................................... 13
6 Analog Interface Pinout.................................................................................................... 33
7 Alternate Analog Connectors............................................................................................. 34
8 Digital Interface Pinout .................................................................................................... 35
9 Power Supply Pinout....................................................................................................... 36
10 TLV320AIC3109EVM Bill of Materials................................................................................... 43
11 USB-MODEVM Bill of Materials.......................................................................................... 49
12 USB Control Endpoint HIDSETREPORT Request .................................................................... 56
13 Data Packet Configuration................................................................................................ 56
14 GPIO Pin Assignments .................................................................................................... 59
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EVM Position 1
External Power
Supply Input
USB Input
Control Input
External Digital
Audio Input
EVM Position 2
USB-MODEVM Motherboard
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1 EVM Overview

1.1 Features

This EVM supports the following features:
Complete development kit for the evaluation of the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 mono audio codec.
Connection points are available for line inputs and outputs, external microphone, and mono headphone.
Onboard microphone for ADC evaluation.
Direct access to digital audio signals and control interface is provided for simple system integration.
USB connection to PC provides power, control, and streaming audio data for easy evaluation.

1.2 Introduction

The TLV320AIC3109EVM-K is a complete evaluation and demonstration kit, which includes the TLV320AIC3109EVM and a USB-based motherboard called the USB-MODEVM Interface board. The TLV320AIC3109EVM-K is operational with one USB cable connection to a personal computer. The USB connection provides power, control, and streaming audio data to the EVM kit for reduced setup and configuration. The EVM kit also provides connection points for control signals, audio data, and power for advanced operation, which allows prototyping and connection to the end-user system evaluation. The TLV320AIC3109EVM-K is controlled and configured with the TLV320AIC310xEVM-K Graphical User Interface (GUI) Software, compatible with Microsoft®Windows®operating systems.
EVM Overview
1.2.1 TLV320AIC3109EVM-K Block Diagram
The TLV320AIC3109EVM consists of two separate circuit boards, the USB-MODEVM and the TLV320AIC3109EVM. The USB-MODEVM is built around a TAS1020B streaming audio USB controller with an 8051-based core.
The USB-MODEVM has two EVM positions that allow for the connection of two small evaluation modules or one larger evaluation module. The TLV320AIC3109EVM is designed to fit over both of the smaller evaluation module slots as shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1. TLV320AIC3109EVM Block Diagram
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EVM Overview TLV320AIC3109EVM
The TLV320AIC3109EVM showcases the latest Texas Instruments (TI) mono audio codec, the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 (U3). The TLV320AIC3109-Q1 device is a low-power mono audio codec with a mono headphone amplifier and multiple input and output channels that are programmable in single-ended or fully differential configurations.
The EVM offers different test points, terminals and headers used to evaluate, test and configure the TLV320AIC3109 audio codec in the board. The layout of the board separates analog and digital sections all layers; the analog input and outputs, and analog power supply regulator are located in the left side of the board, while the right side of the board has all the digital signals, like the I²C lines, digital audio signals and onboard EEPROM. Ground planes for both analog and digital grounds are separated, but two common connection points are available through headers J28 and J29. The EVM was designed following the layout recommendations from TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio
Codec. Several connectors at the edge of the board provide access to the different inputs and outputs of
the device. Options to evaluate special features, such as capless headphone configuration and internal mic bias generation are also available. Power, digital audio data, and digital connection for the configuration and control of the device is provided by the USB-MODEVM board. The Figure 2 shows the TLV320AIC3109EVM board.
Figure 2. TLV320AIC3109EVM Board
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www.ti.com USB-MODEVM Interface Board
The USB-MODEVM board is a motherboard used to configure, control, and provide an interface between a computer and evaluation modules with TI modular EVM form factor. The simple diagram shown in
Figure 1 shows only the basic features of the USB-MODEVM Interface board. The USB-MODEVM
Interface board is intended to be used in USB mode, where control of the installed EVM is accomplished using the onboard USB controller device, the TAS1020B. Provision is made, however, for driving all the data buses (I2C, SPI™, I2S/AC97) externally. The source of these signals is controlled by SW2 on the USB-MODEVM. Refer to Table 3 for details on the switch settings.
Because the TLV320AIC3109EVM is a double-wide modular EVM, it is installed with connections to both EVM positions, which connects the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 digital interface to the I2C control port and audio interface of the TAS1020B.
In the factory configuration, the board is ready to use with the TLV320AIC3109EVM. To view all the functions and configuration options available on the USB-MODEVM board, see the USB-MODEVM Interface Board schematic in Appendix E.
EVM Overview
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Figure 3. USB-MODEVM Board
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EVM Description and Basics

2 EVM Description and Basics

This section provides information on the analog input and output, digital control, power and general connection of the TLV320AIC3109EVM-K.

2.1 Default Configuration and Connections

2.1.1 TLV320AIC3109EVM Default Connections
Table 2 provides a list of jumpers found on the EVM and their factory default conditions.
Table 2. List of Jumpers
Jumper Default
J7 2-3 Mic bias selection: when connecting 2-3, mic bias comes from the MICBIAS pin
on the device; when connecting 1-2, mic bias is supplied from an external power source connected to J6
J8 Open Connects onboard Mic to IN1P
J11 Open When installed, shorts across the input AC coupling capacitor on IN2M, for DC
measuring purposes only
J12 Open When installed, shorts across the input AC coupling capacitor on IN2P, for DC
measuring purposes only
J14 Open When installed, shorts across the input AC coupling capacitor on IN1M, for DC
measuring purposes only
J15 Open When installed, shorts across the input AC coupling capacitor on IN1P, for DC
measuring purposes only
J18 Open When installed, shorts across the output capacitor on HPCOM; remove this
jumper if using AC-coupled output drive
J19 Open When installed, shorts across the output capacitor on HPOUT; remove this
jumper if using AC-coupled output drive
J22 2-3 IOVDD selection: when connecting 2-3, IOVDD is set to +3.3 VD; when
connecting 1-2, IOVDD and DVDD are shorted at +1.8 VD
J23 Open When installed, allows the USB-MODEVM to hardware reset the device under
user control J24 Installed Provides a measuring point for AVDD current J25 Installed Provides a measuring point for DRVDD current J26 Installed Provides a measuring point for DVDD current J27 Installed Provides a measuring point for IOVDD current J28 Installed Connects analog and digital grounds on the lower part the board J29 Installed Connects analog and digital grounds on the upper part the board J30 Open Selects onboard EEPROM as firmware source
Jumper Description
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2.1.2 USB-MODEVM Default Setting
Table 3 provides a list of the SW2 settings on the USB=MODEVM. For use with the TLV320AIC3109EVM,
set SW-2 positions 1 through 7 to ON, and set SW-2.8 to OFF.
Table 3. USB-MODEVM SW2 Settings
EVM Description and Basics
SW-2 Switch
4 USB I2S I2S Bus Source Selection
5 USB MCK I2S Bus MCLK Source Selection
6 USB SPI SPI Bus Source Selection
7 USB RST RST Source Selection
8 EXT MCK External MCLK Selection
Label Switch Description
ON: A0 = 0 OFF: A0 = 1
ON: A1 = 0 OFF: A1 = 1
ON: A2 = 0 OFF: A2 = 1
ON: I2S Bus connects to TAS1020 OFF: I2S Bus connects to USB-MODEVM J14
ON: MCLK connects to TAS1020 OFF: MCLK connects to USB-MODEVM J14
ON: SPI Bus connects to TAS1020 OFF: SPI Bus connects to USB-MODEVM J15
ON: EVM Reset Signal comes from TAS1020 OFF: EVM Reset Signal comes from USB-MODEVM J15
ON: MCLK Signal is provided from USB-MODEVM J10 OFF: MCLK Signal comes from either selection of SW2-5
Table 4 provides a list of USB-MODEVM jumpers found on the EVM.
Table 4. USB-MODEVM Jumpers
Jumper Default Position Jumper Description
JMP1 Installed Connects analog and digital +5-V supplies JMP2 Open Connects analog and digital grounds JMP3 Open Connects I2C SDA pullup to IOVDD JMP4 Open Connects I2C SCL pullup to IOVDD JMP5 2-3 When connecting 2-3, SS comes from FSX; when connecting 1-2, SS
JMP6 1-2 When connecting 1-2, +5 VD comes from USB; when connecting 2-3, +5
JMP7 1-2 When connecting 1-2, MCLKI comes from USB; when connecting 2-3,
JMP8 Open Connects resistor across EXT MCLK
comes from CNTL
VD comes from U2
MCLKI comes from AVSS and DVSS
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EVM Description and Basics

2.2 Analog Signals

2.2.1 Analog Inputs
The analog inputs to the EVM can be connected through two different methods. The analog input sources can be applied directly to J1 (top or bottom side) or through the analog headers (J10, J13, and J9) around the edge of the board. The connection details of each header and connector are found in Appendix A.
The TLV320AIC3109EVM provides a header in parallel with the input capacitors of each one of the IN1 and IN2 inputs; these headers are provided so end-user can configure the device for DC measurement. Refer to TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio Codec for details on the line input specifications.
In addition to the IN1 and IN2 line input connectors, the EVM features an onboard microphone and a mono jack for an external microphone, both connected to IN1P input. When the onboard microphone is used, header J8 must be shorted and J9 should not be connected. Similarly, when external mic is used, J8 should be disconnected. Both microphones are biased to the MICBIASIN bias signal, that can be selected with header J7 from either internal mic bias of the audio codec or an external source connected to J6. Details about the location of the analog inputs of the TLV320AIC3109EVM are shown in Figure 4.
2.2.2 Analog Output
The analog outputs to the EVM can be connected through two different methods. The analog outputs are available from the J1 and J2 (top or bottom) or they may be accessed through J16, J17, J20, and J21 at the edges of the board. The connection details can be found in Appendix A.
The line outputs of the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 include the recommended low pass filter to remove the out-of­band noise that can affect the performance of the receiver device. The headphone output of the EVM includes a low pas filter used for test equipment measurement, available in HPCOM_LPF and HPOUT_LPF test points. Headers J18 and J19 are used to bypass the AC-coupling capacitors of the headphone output so the headphone output terminal can be used in Capless mode. In addition to the headphone output terminal, a mono jack connector (J16) is included to connect a mono headphone with a typical 3.5mm connector. This jack can be configured to support either AC-Couple or Capless mode by changing the position of switch SW1. The selection on the headphone output mode should match with the configuration of the audio codec. Refer to section Section 4.9 for more details on the headphone output mode configuration. The analog output section of the EVM is shown in Figure 4.
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IN1 and IN2 Input
External Microphone
3.5-mm Jack
Headers to Bypass AC-Coupling caps
for IN1 and IN2
Switch to set
CAPLESS or AC-Coupled
Headphone Jack Output
Mono Headphone
3.5-mm Jack
Mono Headphone
Output Terminal
Headers to set
CAPLESS or AC-Coupled
HP Output Terminal
Left and Right Line
Output Terminals
Out-of-Band Noise
Low Pass Filter
Low-Pass Filter for
Measuring HP
Micbias Selection
Onboard Mic
Header to IN1
EVM Description and Basics
Figure 4. Analog Section of the TLV320AIC3109EVM
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Hardware Reset
Onboard EEPROM
Test Points for Digital
Audio Signals
Test Points for
I²C Signals
EVM Description and Basics

2.3 Digital Signals

2.3.1 Digital Inputs and Outputs
The digital inputs and outputs of the EVM can be monitored through J4 and J5. If external signals need to be connected to the EVM, digital inputs should be connected via J14 and J15 on the USB-MODEVM and the SW2 in the motherboard switch should be changed accordingly (see Section 2.1.2). The connector details are available in Section A.2.
The EVM features test points to directly measure the digital audio signals coming from the USB-MODEVM board. Additionally, test points are provided to monitor the I²C control signals. A header to connect the RESET pin of the codec with hardware reset signal from the motherboard is provided. This is useful so the user can perform a hardware reset for the audio codec from the GUI without any board modification. The digital section of the TLV320AIC3109EVM is shown in Figure 5.

2.4 Power Connections

The TLV320AIC3109EVM requires three power supplies to fully evaluate the audio codec:
+5-V power supply, required to generate +3.3-V supply from the integrated low-dropout voltage regulator (U1) to feed analog power supplies of the codec (AVDD and DRVDD).
+1.8-V power supply, required to feed the digital core voltage supply (DVDD) and digital input and output voltage supply (IOVDD) of the codec. The selection for the digital input and output voltage (IOVDD) is made via IOVDD SEL header (J22).
+3.3-V power supply, required for digital input and output voltage supply (IOVDD) of the codec.
The EVM can be powered by external power supplies when being used in stand-alone operation or by the USB-MODEVM when it is plugged onto the motherboard. The following sections discuss each operation mode.
Figure 5. Digital Section of the TLV320AIC3109EVM
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+5-V Analog
+1.8-V Digital
+3.3-V Digital
2.4.1 Stand-Alone Operation
When used as a stand-alone EVM, power is applied to J3 directly, making sure to reference the supplies to the appropriate grounds on that connector. The diagram for the power supplies required for stand-alone operation mode are shown in Figure 6.
Verify that all power supplies are within the safe operating limits shown in
TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio Codec
before applying power to the EVM.
J3 provides connection to the common power bus for the TLV320AIC3109EVM. Power is supplied on the pins listed in Table 9.
EVM Description and Basics
Figure 6. Power Supplies for Stand-Alone Operation
2.4.2 USB-MODEVM Operation
The USB-MODEVM Interface board can be powered from several different sources:
6-Vdc to 10-Vdc AC/DC external wall supply (not included)
Lab power supply
When powered from the USB connection, JMP6 should have a shunt from pins 1–2 (this is the default factory configuration). When powered from 6-V to 10-Vdc, either through the J8 terminal block or J9 barrel jack, JMP6 should have a shunt installed on pins 2–3. If power is applied in any of these ways, onboard regulators generate the required supply voltages and no further power supplies are necessary.
If laboratory supplies are used to provide the individual voltages required by the USB-MODEVM Interface, JMP6 should have no shunt installed. Voltages are then applied to J2 (+5 VA), J3 (+5 VD), J4 (+1.8 VD), and J5 (+3.3 VD). The +1.8 VD and +3.3 VD can also be generated on the board by the onboard regulators from the +5 VD supply; to enable this configuration, the switches on SW1 need to be set to enable the regulators by placing them in the ON position (lower position, looking at the board with text reading right-side up). If +1.8 VD and +3.3 VD are supplied externally, disable the onboard regulators by placing SW1 switches in the OFF position.
Each power supply voltage has an LED (D1–D7) that lights when the power supplies are active.
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TLV320AIC3109EVM-K Setup and Installation

3 TLV320AIC3109EVM-K Setup and Installation

The following section provides information on using the TLV320AIC3109EVM-K, including set up, program installation, and program usage.
NOTE: If using the EVM in stand-alone mode, the software should be installed per Section 3.1, but
the hardware configuration may be different.

3.1 Software Installation

1. Download the latest version of the TLV320AIC310xEVM-K GUI.
2. Unzip the installation file by clicking on the self-extracting zip file.
3. Install the EVM software by double-clicking the Setup executable and follow the directions. The user may be prompted to restart their computer.
4. Install the most up-to-date version of National Instrument’s VISA™ drivers.
5. For Windows 7 and above operating systems, download and install the USB-MODEVM Windows
XP/Vista/7 Drivers.

3.2 EVM Connections

1. Ensure that the TLV320AIC3109EVM is installed on the USB-MODEVM Interface board, aligning J1, J2, J3, J4, and J5 with the corresponding connectors on the USB-MODEVM.
2. Verify that the jumpers and switches are in their default conditions.
3. Attach a USB cable from the PC to the USB-MODEVM Interface board. The default configuration will provide power, control signals, and streaming audio via the USB interface from the PC. On the USB­MODEVM, LEDs D3–5 and D7 should light to indicate the power is being supplied from the USB.
4. For the first connection, the PC should recognize new hardware and begin an initialization process. The user may be prompted to identify the location of the drivers or allow the PC to automatically search for them. Allow the automatic detection option.
5. Once the PC confirms that the hardware is operational, D2 on the USB-MODEVM should light to indicate that the firmware has been loaded and the EVM is ready for use. If the LED is not lit, verify that the drivers were installed by trying to unplug and restart at Step 3. If further problems are found, please refer to the TLV320AIC3xEVM-PDK Series Troubleshooting Guide.
After the TLV320AIC3109EVM software installation is complete, evaluation and development with the TLV320AIC3109EVM-K can begin.
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4 TLV320AIC3109EVM Software

The TLV320AIC3109-Q1 audio codec is a mono version of the TLV320AIC3104 device, so the configuration and control of the TLV320AIC3109EVM is made using the TLV320AIC3104EVM software. Some features of the TLV320AIC3104EVM GUI will not be available for the TLV320AIC3109EVM, detailed information about these features are included in the following sections. As the GUI is adapted for the TLV320AIC3104 device, the names for the signal and internal channels are not the same in some cases for the TLV320AIC3109. In general, the single channel of the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 corresponds to the left channel of the TLV320AIC3104, being the only exception the single headphone output, that corresponds to the right headphone output of the TLV320AIC3104. Table 5 indicates the relationship between the GUI and TLV320AIC3109-Q1 signal and internal block names.
Table 5. TLV320AIC3109EVM and TLV320AIC3104 GUI
Right ADC not used
Right DAC not used
Right AGC not used
IN2L/LINE2L not used
IN2R/LINE2R not used
TLV320AIC3109EVM Software
Signal Name Relation
HPLCOM not used
HPLOUT not used
TI recommends using only the features mentioned in this user's guide for the evaluation of the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 audio codec; otherwise, the device could present unexpected behavior.
The following section discusses the details and operation of the EVM software.
NOTE: For codec configuration, the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 block diagram located in TLV320AIC3109-
Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio Codec is a good reference to help
determine the signal routing.

4.1 Device Selection for Operation With TLV320AIC3109EVM

The software that is installed provides operation for several devices of the TLV320AIC310X family of audio codecs. An initial window should appear that looks like Figure 7. For operation with the TLV320AIC3109EVM, the user should select AIC3104 from the pull-down menu and click Accept. The program will take a few seconds to configure the software for operation before proceeding. A progress bar should appear and show the status of the configuration.
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TLV320AIC3109EVM Software
Once the device is properly configured, the main window of the TV320AIC310x GUI appears. Figure 8 shows the default screen of the GUI. The sections that are shaded in the following captures of the TLV320AIC3104 GUI are not available for the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 evaluation. TI recommends not changing any of the parameters in these sections, otherwise, the performance and behavior of the device cannot be assured.
Figure 7. Device Selection Window
Figure 8. Default Software Screen
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4.2 Front Page Indicators and Functions

Figure 8 illustrates the main screen of the EVM software. The indicators and buttons located above the
tabbed section of the front page are visible regardless of which tab is currently being selected.
NOTE: All the indicators corresponding to unused blocks of the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 should be
ignored. Refer to Table 5 for more information about the unused sections.
At the top left of the screen is an Interface indicator. This indicator shows which interface is selected for controlling the TLV320AIC3109-Q1, only I2C is available for this device.
To the right of the Interface indicator is a group box called Firmware. This box indicates where the firmware being used is operating from – in this release, the firmware is on the USB-MODEVM, so the user should see USB-MODEVM in the box labeled Located On:. The version of the firmware appears in the Version box below the Located On: box.
To the right, the next group box contains controls for resetting the TLV320AIC3109-Q1. A software reset can be done by writing to a register in the TLV320AIC3109-Q1, and this is accomplished by pushing the button labeled Software Reset. The TLV320AIC3109-Q1 also may be reset by toggling a pin on the TLV320AIC3109-Q1, which is done by pushing the Hardware Reset button.
In order to perform a hardware reset, the RESET jumper (JMP19) must be installed and SW2–7 on the USB-MODEVM must be turned OFF. Failure to do either of these steps results in not generating a hardware reset or causing unstable operation of the EVM, which may require cycling power to the USB­MODEVM.
TLV320AIC3109EVM Software
Below the Firmware box, the Device Connected LED should be green when the EVM is connected. If the indicator is red, the EVM is not properly connected to the PC. Disconnect the EVM and verify that the drivers were correctly installed, then reconnect; if it does not work, try restarting the software.
On the upper right portion of the screen, several indicators are located which provide the status of various portions of the TLV320AIC3109-Q1. These indicators are activated by pressing the Indicator Updates button below the Device Connected LED. These indicators, as well as the other indicators on this panel, are updated only when the front panel of the software is inactive, once every 20 ms.
The ADC Overflow and DAC Overflow indicators light when the overflow flags are set in the TLV320AIC3109-Q1. Below these indicators are the AGC Noise Threshold Exceeded indicators that show when the AGC noise threshold is exceeded. To the far right of the screen, the Short Circuit Detect indicators show when a short-circuit condition is detected, if this feature has been enabled. Below the short-circuit indicators, the AGC Gain Applied indicators use a bar graph to show the amount of gain which has been applied by the AGC, and indicators that light when the AGC is saturated.
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TLV320AIC3109EVM Software

4.3 Audio Input/ADC Tab

The Audio Input/ADC tab allows control of the analog input mixer and the ADC. The controls are displayed to look similar to an audio mixing console, as shown in Figure 9. Each analog input channel has a vertical strip that corresponds to that channel. By default, all inputs are muted when the TLV320AIC3109EVM is powered up.
Figure 9. Audio Input and ADC Tab
To route an analog input to the ADC:
1. Select the Input Mode button to correctly show if the input signal is single-ended (SE) or fully­differential (Diff). Inputs that are single-ended should be made to the positive signal terminal.
2. Click on the button of the analog input channel that corresponds to the correct ADC. The caption of the button should change to Active.
3. Adjust the Level control to the desired attenuation for the connected channel. This level adjustment can be done independently for each connection.
The TLV320AIC3109-Q1 offers a programmable microphone bias that can either be powered down or set to 2 V, 2.5 V, or the power supply voltage of the ADC (AVDD_ADC). Control of the microphone bias (mic bias) voltage is accomplished by using the Mic Bias pull-down menu button above the last two channel strips. To use the onboard microphone, J8 must be installed and nothing should be plugged into J9. In order for the mic bias settings in the software to take effect, J7 should be set to connect positions 2 and 3 (INT), so that mic bias is controlled by the TLV320AIC3109-Q1.
In the upper right portion of this tab are controls for Weak Common Mode Bias. Enabling these controls will result in unselected inputs to the ADC to be weakly biased to the ADC common mode voltage.
Below these controls are the controls for the ADC PGA, including the master volume controls for the ADC inputs. The ADC channel can be powered up or down as needed using the Powered Up button. PGA soft-stepping for the ADC channel is selected using the pull-down menu control. The large knob sets the actual ADC PGA Gain and allows adjustment of the PGA gains from 0 dB to 59.5 dB, in 0.5-dB steps (excluding Mute). At the extreme counterclockwise rotation, the channel is muted. Rotating the knob clockwise increases the PGA gain, which is displayed in the box directly above the volume control.
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4.4 Bypass Paths

The Bypass Paths tab shows the active and passive bypass paths available for control. The passive analog bypass paths allow the inputs to be routed straight through the device to the outputs
without turning on any of the internal circuitry. This provides a signal path through the device with minimal power consumption.
The active bypass paths allow the inputs to bypass the ADC and DAC functional blocks and be routed to the analog output mixers to be summed into the output amplifiers. The Bypass Paths tab is shown in
Figure 10.
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Figure 10. Bypass Paths
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TLV320AIC3109EVM Software

4.5 Audio Interface Tab

The Audio Interface tab, shown in Figure 11, allows configuration of the audio digital data interface to the TLV320AIC3109-Q1.
Figure 11. Audio Interface Tab
The interface mode may be selected using the Transfer Mode control—selecting either I2S mode, DSP mode, or Right- or Left-Justified modes. Word length can be selected using the Word Length control, and the bit clock rate can also be selected using the Bit Clock rate control. The Data Word Offset, used in TDM mode (see TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio Codec) can also be selected on this tab.
Along the bottom of this tab are controls for choosing the BLCK and WCLK as being either inputs or outputs. With the codec configured in Slave mode, both the BCLK and WCLK are set to inputs. If the codec is in Master mode, then BCLK and WCLK are configured as outputs. Additionally, two buttons provide the option for placing the DOUT line in a 3-state mode when there is not valid data and transmitting BLCK and WCLK when the codec is powered down.
Re-synchronization of the audio bus is enabled using the controls in the lower right corner of this screen. Re-synchronization is done if the group delay changes by more than ±FS / 4 for the ADC or DAC sample rates (see TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio Codec). The channels can be soft muted when doing the re-sync if the Soft Mute button is enabled.
The default mode for the EVM is configured as 44.1 kHz, 16-bit, I2S words, and the codec is a slave (BCLK and WCLK are supplied to the codec externally). For use with the PC software and the USB­MODEVM, the default settings should be used; no change to the software is required.
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4.6 Clocks Tab

The TLV320AIC3109-Q1 provides a phase-locked loop (PLL) that allows flexibility in the clock generation for the ADC and DAC sample rates. The Clocks tab contains the controls used to configure the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 for operation with a wide range of master clocks. See the Audio Clock Generation Processing figure in TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio Codec for further details of selecting the correct clock settings.
For use with the PC software and the USB-MODEVM, the clock settings must be set a certain way. If the settings are changed from the default settings which allow operation from the USB-MODEVM clock reference, the EVM settings can be restored automatically by pushing the Load EVMS Clock Settings button at the bottom of this tab. Note that changing any of the clock settings from the values loaded when this button is pushed may result in the EVM not working properly with the PC software or USB interface. If an external audio bus is used (audio not driven over the USB bus), then settings may be changed to any valid combination. The Clocks tab is shown in Figure 12.
TLV320AIC3109EVM Software
Figure 12. Clocks Tab
4.6.1 Configuring the Codec Clocks and Fsref Calculation
The codec clock source is chosen by the CODEC_CLK Source control. When this control is set to
CLKDIV_OUT, the PLL is not used; when set to PLLDIV_OUT, the PLL is used to generate the clocks.
NOTE: Per TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz, Mono Audio Codec, the codec
should be configured to allow the value of Fsref to fall between the values of 39 kHz to 53 kHz.
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TLV320AIC3109EVM Software Use Without PLL
Setting up the TLV320AIC3109-Q1 for clocking without using the PLL permits the lowest power consumption by the codec. The CLKDIV_IN source can be selected as either MCLK, GPIO2, or BCLK, the default is MCLK. The CLKDIV_IN frequency is then entered into the CLKDIV_IN box, in megahertz (MHz). The default value shown, 11.2896 MHz, is the frequency used on the USB-MODEVM board. This value is then divided by the value of Q, which can be set from 2 to 17; the resulting CLKDIV_OUT frequency is shown in the indicator next to the Q control. The result frequency is shown as the Actual Fsref. Use With The PLL
When PLLDIV_OUT is selected as the codec clock source, the PLL is used. The PLL clock source is chosen using the PLLCLK_IN control, and may be set to either MCLK, GPIO2, or BCLK. The PLLCLK_IN frequency is then entered into the PLLCLK_IN Source box.
The PLL_OUT and PLLDIV_OUT indicators show the resulting PLL output frequencies with the values set for the P, K, and R parameters of the PLL. See TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-kHz,
Mono Audio Codec for an explanation of these parameters. The parameters can be set by clicking on the
up or down arrows of the P, K, and R combo boxes, or they can be typed into these boxes. The values can also be calculated by the PC software. To use the PC software to find the ideal values of
P, K, and R for a given PLL input frequency and desired Fsref:
1. Verify the correct reference frequency is entered into the PLLCLK_IN Source box in megahertz (MHz).
2. The desired Fsref should be set using the Fsref switch.
3. Push the Search for Ideal Settings button. The software will start searching for ideal combinations of P, K, and R which achieve the desired Fsref. The possible settings for these parameters are displayed in the spreadsheet-like table illustrated in Figure 12, labeled Possible Settings.
4. Click on a row in this table to select the P, K, and R values located in that row. Notice that when this is done, the software updates the P, K, R, PLL_OUT, and PLLDIV_OUT readings, as well as the Actual Fsref and Error displays. The values show the calculations based on the values that were selected. This process does not actually load the values into the TLV320AIC3109-Q1; however, it only updates the displays in the software. If more than one row exists, the user can choose the other rows to see which of the possible settings comes closest to the ideal settings.
When a suitable combination of P, K, and R have been chosen, pressing the Load Settings into Device? button will download these values into the appropriate registers on the TLV320AIC3109-Q1.
www.ti.com Setting the ADC and DAC Sampling Rates
The Fsref frequency that is determined by either enabling or bypassing the PLL (see Section or
Section is used to set the actual ADC and DAC sampling rates. Using the NADC and NDAC
factors, the sampling rates are derived from the Fsref. If dual-rate mode is desired, this option can be enabled for either the ADC or DAC by pressing the corresponding Dual Rate Mode button. The ADC and DAC sampling rates are shown in the box to the right of each control.
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4.7 AGC Tab

The AGC tab consists a set of controls to configure the automatic Gain Control (AGC) of the TLV320AIC3109-Q1. The AGC function is described in TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Automotive, Low-Power, 96-
kHz, Mono Audio Codec. The default AGC tab configuration is shown in Figure 13.
TLV320AIC3109EVM Software
Figure 13. AGC Tab
The AGC can be enabled using the Enable button. Target gain (dB), Attack time (milliseconds), Decay time (milliseconds), and the Maximum PGA Gain Allowed (dB) can all be set, respectively, using the four corresponding knobs.
The TLV320AIC3109-Q1 allows for the Attack and Decay times of the AGC to be set up in two different modes, standard and advanced. The AGC Settings button determines the mode selection. The Standard mode provides several preset times that can be selected by adjustments made to the Attack and Decay knobs. If finer control over the times is required, then the Advanced mode should be selected. When the Advanced mode is enabled, two tabs should appear that allow separate, advanced control of the Attack and Delay times of the AGC (see Figure 14). These options allow selection of the base time as well as a multiplier to achieve the actual times shown in the corresponding text box. The Use advanced button should be enabled to program the registers with the correct values selected via the pull-down options for base time and multiplier.
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Figure 14. Advanced AGC settings
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