x VDD Current Monitor (INA226A, U12)
x VS Current Monitor (INA226A, U13)
x Ambient Air Temp Monitor (TMP102AQ, U5)
x Case Temp Monitor (TMP102AQ, U2)
The TIC12400 is a multiple switch detection interface that is designed to detect the opening and closing of
up to 24 switch contacts. 10 out of the 24 inputs are configurable to detect switch states that are either
battery connected switches (BCS) or ground connected switches (GCS), which means it can either sink or
source current from the channel. The remaining 14 channels are design to support ground connected
switches only (source current). The wetting current can be preprogrammed to six available values, which
accommodates for different application scenarios. Communication to and from the device is done using a
24-bit SPI protocol.
The TIC124000 and TIC12400-Q1 provide the same functionality and the TIC12400 Evaluation Module is
used for both devices.
Figure 1. TIC12400 EVM Block Level Diagram
The TIC12400 EVM is an evaluation module for the Texas Instruments TIC12400 and it provides basic
functionality evaluation for the device. When used together with the switch board, the EVM allows testing
of its functionality via SPI communication established to the PC using the USB adaptor.
Two boards, EVM (TIC12400EVM) and SWITCH BOARD (TIC12400_SWB), are provided with an USB to
USB-MINI cable within the KIT; see Figure 2.
Figure 2. TIC12400 EVM, SWITCH BOARD, and USB to USB-Mini Cable
2.2Connection to the PC and Powering up the EVM
A mini-USB cable is used to connect the EVM board to the PC. The VDD of the EVM is powered by the
USB’s VBUS. The positive terminal of the Power Supply is connected to the “VBAT” terminal of both the
EVM and SWITCH BOARD. The negative terminal of the power supply is connected to the “GND” terminal
of the EVM. Turn ON the power supply and set it to a nominal supply of +12 V, see Figure 3.
Figure 3. EVM, SWITCH BOARD, USB Cable, PC, and Power Supply Setup
The TIC12400 EVM is designed to allow the user to easily evaluate switch detection using the GUI. The
break down of all the features and design of the EVM follow.
1. Connect the TIC12400EVM to a supply using VBAT (J9) as the positive terminal of the supply and
GND (J10) to the negative terminal of the supply using standard banana cables. The supply can range
from 4.5V to 35V, but is nominally at 12V.
2. Connect the TIC12400EVM to your computer via the mini-USB cable provided. The actual connector is
located on the bottom side of the board. This will allow your computer to interface with the EVM and
communicate to the device.
3. Connect the Switch Board or your own switches via a mating connector to J2, which connects the
switches to the INx pins of the device.
4. U11 is the TIC12400 devices.
5. The EVM has several LED use to help the user indicate the status of the EVM
6. The device has three post regulator decoupling caps: V
at each output capacitor for each of these three regulators.
7. The EVM facilitates the use of an external microcontroller by interfacing with SPI, INT, and RESET
pins of the device.
8. There is an optional Translator/Level shifter (TXB0106) on the EVM to ensure the ability to interface
with the device's SPI, INT, and RESET functions at various voltages set by VDD pin. The MSP430 is a
3.3-V device and does not support 5-V logic level without the TXB0106.
9. The EVM has the ability to do relative temperature measurements of the air using the TI TMP0104AQ
1. The EVM has a blocking diode and large bulk capacitor. The blocking diode (D3) protects the EVM in
2. The EVM has the ability to do relative temperature measurements of the device's case temperature
3. The MSP430's support devices, such as JTAG interface, crystal, programming button, and so forth.
4. The MSP430 bridges the communication from the computer’s USB cable to the device's SPI, INT, and
5. The TPS73533 receives power from the VBUS of the USB, which is 5 V. It then regulates that to the
6. There are two INA226A Current Monitors for measuring current in VDD (U12) and for measuring th
7. There are four status LED on the EVM that take up power when in use. The header (J4) facilitates
8. The TPS7A6650Q is a high voltage regulator that is able to take high voltage and regulate it down to
case the terminals of the battery are switched accidentally. The bulk capacitor (C24) adds a delay
between a battery disconnect and the device shutting down.
a. 2.1 There EVM has several jumpers for configuring the EVM in a variety of ways. J1: This jumper
connects the input of the 5V regulator to VS if inserted. (Default: Not Loaded)
b. 2.6 J6: This jumper connects a GPIO from the EVM micro (MSP430) to the output enable (OE) of
the TXB0106 level shifter by placing the jumper between pins 1 and 2. Placing the jumper between
pins 2 and 3 forces the translator to be on. If there is no jump on J7 then the pull down resistor
turns it off (OE=LOW) and places the level shifter in high impedance mode, preventing bus
contention between two possible masters on the SPI bus.
c. 2.7 J7: This jumper connects VDD pin of the device to either the onboard +3.3V supply generated
from the USB bus or connects to the onboard +5V regulator that is supplied from the battery.
Connecting pin 1 and 2 with a jumper connects VDD to +3.3V and connecting 2 and 3 with a
jumper connects VDD to +5V (this assumes J1 is also loaded). (Default: jumper across pin 1 and
d. 2.11 J11: This jumper connects VS pin of the device to the bulk capacitor after the protection
e. 2.12 J12: This jumper gives the option of having the pull up resistor come from either VDD or VS.
Connecting pin 1 and 2 with a jumper, references the INT pin to VS. Connecting pin 2 and 3 with a
jumper references the INT pin to VDD.
using TI’s TMP0104AQ device.
RESET lines. The MSP430 also interfaces with several supports circuits for measuring temperature for
air and case, measuring current to VDD, and measuring current to VS. The MSP430 also has the
ability to control OE pin of TXB0106 to facilitate control of the device by an external microcontroller.
+3.3V output on the TIC12400 EVM.
current going into VS (U13). The MSP430 interfaces with these devices using I2C and relays the
information through the UBS cable to the GUI on the computer.
removing the LED’s in the circuit to do system level power measurements accurately.
5V for use with higher voltage micro controllers. When J1 is removed the regulator’s input voltage is
removed and therefore it is disabled.
1. The SWITCH BOARD (SWB) is designed such that ground offsets can be tested by removing J6,
which disconnects the Chassis Ground (CGND) from the EVM ground (GND). A supply can be placed
between GND and CGND to create the offset. If not testing this feature, then J6 is by default in place
and therefore CGND and GND are shorted together.
2. VBAT provides the power to the battery connected switches. Switch 0 to 9 are battery connected
3. J114 connects all the switches from the SWB to the inputs of the EVM.
4. J1, J2, and J3 are jumpers that connect SW0 to SW23 to IN0 to IN23 of the EVM. These jumpers
allow the user to disconnect the SW’s on the Switch Board to the EVM and provide a 0.1" head to
connect their own switch of their choosing to the EVM.
5. SW23A and SW23B are provided to test the device's ability to detect multi-resistor coded ground
referenced switch transitions. SW23A relate directly to the mapped thresholds for 3A, 3B, and 3C.
SW23B relate directly to thresholds 8 and 9 of the device. Switch 23-1-5 are designed to coincide with
one state for each instance of one switch being in the “CLOSED” position. Channel 23 of the device
has the ability to set up to 5 thresholds, which means there are 6 states. Each switch represents one
state and all switches in the “OPEN” position represents the 6th state.
6. SW18 – SW22 are used to test up to 4 state resistor coded ground referenced switches. Each of the
7. SW12 – SW17 are used when up to two thresholds (three states) is needed for the switch application.
SWITCH BOARD Hardware Description
channels have three ground connected switches labeled X-1, X-2, and X-3, which coincides with a
mapped threshold for 3A, 3B, and 3C. Each individual switch represents one of the three states and
the fourth state is when all switches are “OPEN”.
Each of the channels have two ground connected switches labeled X-1 and X-2, which coincides with
a mapped threshold for 2A and 2B, and a switch position called “OPEN” to represent the third state.
8. SW10 and SW11 are used when up to two thresholds (three states) is needed for the switch
application. Each channel from 0 to 11, has one unique threshold mapping for each channel and one
common threshold (THRES_COM) that is shared for all the channels (0-11). These switches are setup
to illustrate this feature.
9. SW0 to SW9 are designed to test the device ability to detect digital switches that are either referenced
to a battery connected switch or ground connected switch. There are two state, “OPEN” and either
chassis Ground Connected Switch (GCS) or Battery Connected Switch (BCS).
The GUI software is required to establish the communication between the EVM boards and the PC and it
also provides the GUI interface to read/write registers information on device. The following section
described the software installation procedure.
Step 1.Download the GUI software
The software can be downloaded on TI server at link goes here. Please inquiry with a TI representative
if you don’t have access to the files.
Step 2.Software installation
Go to location that the executable was downloaded to and either double-click the Setup_TIC12400-
0.4.0_EVM.exe file to begin software installation or right click and select “Run as administrator”. The
software will install two applications, “App Center” software and the TIC12400 GUI App software. If the
“App Center” software isn’t already installed on the PC then additional steps will be needed. Those
steps are outlines in the following figures.
GUI Software Installation
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. The process may take up to 10 minutes
depending on your computer speed.
5. This screen should appear on top, unless the
user clicks on another item. Sometimes the
screen may appear to be behind the other
setup screen. The TIC12400 EVM GUI will not
install until the App Center software is first
After the EVM and SWITCH BOARD are connected and then the cables are connected the Power Supply
and PC via USB cable, the GUI can be run by double clicking the shortcut icon on the desktop, see
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Double Click on “App Center EVM GUI” Shortcut to Open
5.2TIC12400 Info Page
The “Info” page (Home) of the TIC12400 GUI has a short summary of the features of the TIC12400. See
the following map of features of the “Info” page in Figure 10.
The Menu bar has several sub menus that are within “File”, “Tools” and “Help” drop down menus.
“File” drop down menu provides access to “Saving Registers”, “Save Registers As”, and “Load
Registers”. This means switch profiles can be saved and loaded as needed.
“Tools” drop down menu provides access to the Logging feature of the GUI. This records both
SPI Reads and Writes.
“Help” drop down menu provides access to information pertaining to GUI version and MSP430
firmware revision.
The Menu bar can be clicked to show the minimized and maximized menu, default is minimized.
The buttons on the bar are from top to bottom as follows:
• Intro (Home): Brings the user back to the Intro screen
• Channel Configuration: Page to configure the channels
of the device in a graphical format
• Configuration Wizard: Guided setup of MSDI based on
system level requirements
• Device Settings: Access device settings without manually
adjusting the register settings
• Real Time Status Tracker: Live visual monitoring of
channel inputs
• Matrix Configuration: Graphical configuration of the
Matrix mode settings
• Polling mode current calculator: Page to calculate the
current consumption of the devicewhile in polling mode
with multiple settings, and Register Map. These are also
available buttons on the right of the “Intro” page.
• Registers: Register access page
Quick Start. Opens up a sub menu with two options.
1. A configuration wizard that walks through the system level use case to setup the device
2. Load default configuration for the device
The settings button will open a sub menu for Channel Configurations, Device Settings and Matrix
configuration. These are the same pages accessed by the men bar on the left side of the GUI.
The tools button will open a sub menu to access the Polling Mode current Calculator and Real-
Time Status Tracker pages.
6.Clicking on the register map button will direct the user to the Register map page via a sub menu.
Reference materials button that pulls up links to the EVM User’s Guide, Datasheet and a
reference video.
Benefits banner. Clicking on the links in this section will show greater details on the device
benefits and how they differ from today’s implementations.
The button toggles ON/OFF the Log page, which is also seen in the Tools->Log pane.
If the EVM is connected to the PC with the USB cable then the GUI will show that it is connected
by showing a green dot. If there is no communication with either the on board micro controller
(MSP430) or the device then the following image will be seen, indicated no communication.