•SMBus Host-Controlled NMOS-NMOS
Synchronous Buck Converter With Programmable
615 kHz, 750 kHz, and 885 kHz Switching
•Real-Time System Control on ILIM Pin to Limit
Charge Current
•Enhanced Safety Features for Overvoltage
Protection, Overcurrent Protection, Battery,
Inductor, and MOSFET Short-Circuit Protection
•Programmable Input Current, Charge Voltage,
Charge Current Limits
– ±0.5% Charge Voltage Accuracy up to 19.2 V
– ±3% Charge Current Accuracy up to 8.128 A
– ±3% Input Current Accuracy up to 8.064 A
– ±2% 20× Adapter Current or Charge Current
Output Accuracy
•Programmable Adapter Detection and Indicator
•Independent Comparator With Internal Reference
•Integrated Soft-Start
•Integrated Loop Compensation
•AC Adapter Operating Range 5 V to 24 V
•15-µA Off-State Battery Discharge Current
•20-pin 3.5 mm × 3.5 mm QFN Package
•bq24707: ACOK Delay Default 1.3 s
•bq24707A: ACOK Delay Default 1.2 ms
The bq24707 and bq24707A devices are highefficiency, synchronous battery chargers, offering low
componentcountforspace-constrained,multichemistry battery charging applications.
SMBus controlled input current, charge current, and
charge voltage DACs allow for very high regulation
accuracies that can be easily programmed by the
system power management micro-controller.
The IC uses the internal input current register or
external ILIM pin to throttle down PWM modulation to
reduce the charge current.
The IC provides an IFAULT output to alarm if any
MOSFET fault or input over current occurs. This
alarm output allows users to turn off input power
selectors when the fault occurs. Meanwhile, an
independent comparator with internal reference is
available to monitor input current, output current, or
output voltage.
The IC charges one-, two-, three-, or four-series Li+
cells, and is available in a 20-pin, 3.5 × 3.5 mm QFN
Device Information
(1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at
the end of the data sheet.
VQFN (20)3.50 mm × 3.50 mm
•Portable Notebook Computers, UMPCs, Ultra-Thin
Notebooks, and Netbooks
•Personal Digital Assistants
•Handheld Terminals
•Industrial and Medical Equipment
•Portable Equipment
An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
Changes from Revision B (March 2011) to Revision CPage
•Added ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation
section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and
Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section.................................................................................................. 1
Changes from Revision A (November 2010) to Revision BPage
•Added Features for the bq24707 and bq24707A .................................................................................................................. 1
•Added device bq24707A to this data sheet............................................................................................................................ 1
•Added bq24707A to the ORDERING INFORMATION table.................................................................................................. 3
•Added the COMPARISON TABLE......................................................................................................................................... 3
•Added bq24707 only to the test condition of t
•Added bq24707A only to the test condition of t
first row.................................................................................... 10
second row............................................................................ 10
•Added (bq24707) to the title of Figure 2............................................................................................................................... 11
•Added a new paragraph in the Battery Over Voltage Protection (BATOVP) section........................................................... 17
•Changed the Description of the ACOK Deglitch Time Adjust bit in Table 3......................................................................... 20
•Changed the Adapter Detect and ACOK Output section. included 1.3s for bq24707 and 1.2ms for bq24707A................. 24
•Changed the Description of item U1 in Table 9 ................................................................................................................... 30
Changes from Original (July 2010) to Revision APage
•Updated the description for the SRN and SRP pins .............................................................................................................. 4
•Changed the Functional Block Diagram, Figure 16.............................................................................................................. 26
•Added Added section: Negative Output Voltage Protection................................................................................................. 27
•Deleted C12, added R14 and R15 in Table 9...................................................................................................................... 30
Full scale charge voltage(12.592 V for 3-S battery)0 V
0 A0 A
RGR Package
20-Pin VQFN
Top View
Pin Functions
Adapter detection input. Program the adapter valid input threshold by connecting a resistor-divider from the adapter
ACDET6input to the ACDET pin to the GND pin. When the ACDET pin is above 0.6 V and VCC is above UVLO, REGN LDO is
present, ACOK comparator and IOUT are both active.
Input current-sense resistor negative input. Place an optional 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from ACN to GND for commonmode filtering. Place a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from ACN to ACP to provide differential-mode filtering.
AC adapter detect open-drain output. The output is pulled LOW to GND by an internal MOSFET when the voltage on
the ACDET pin is above 2.4 V, voltage on the VCC pin is above UVLO and voltage on the VCC pin is 245 mV above
ACOK5the voltage on the SRN pin, indicating a valid adapter is present to start charge. If any one of the above conditions
cannot meet, it is pulled HIGH to the external pullup supply rail by an external pullup resistor. Connect a 10-kΩ pullup
resistor from the ACOK pin to the pullup supply rail.
CMPOUT3Internal reference is 0.6 V or 2.4 V, selectable by SMBus command ChargeOption(). When CMPIN is above the
Input current-sense resistor positive input. Place a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from ACP to GND for common-mode
filtering. Place a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from ACN to ACP to provide differential-mode filtering.
High-side power MOSFET driver power supply. Connect a 0.047-µF capacitor from BTST to PHASE, and a bootstrap
Schottky diode from REGN to BTST.
Input of independent comparator. The comparator has one 50-kΏ series resistor and one 2000-kΏ pulldown resistor.
Program CMPIN voltage by connecting a resistor-divider from the IOUT pin to the CMPIN pin to the GND pin for
adapter or charge current comparison or from the SRN pin to the CMPIN pin to the GND pin for battery voltage
comparison. The internal reference is 0.6 V or 2.4 V, selectable by SMBus command ChargeOption(). When CMPIN is
above the internal reference, CMPOUT goes HIGH. Place a resistor between CMPIN and CMPOUT to program
Open-drain output of independent comparator. Place a 10-kΩ pullup resistor from CMPOUT to pullup supply rail.
internal reference, CMPOUT goes HIGH. Place a resistor between CMPIN and CMPOUT to program hysteresis.
Product Folder Links: bq24707 bq24707A
Pin Functions (continued)
HIDRV18High-side power MOSFET driver output. Connect to the high-side N-channel MOSFET gate.
IOUT7the differential voltage across the sense resistor. Place a 100-pF or less ceramic decoupling capacitor from the IOUT
LODRV15Low-side power MOSFET driver output. Connect to low-side N-channel MOSFET gate.
PHASE19High-side power MOSFET driver source. Connect to the source of the high-side N-channel MOSFET.
PowerPADsolder PowerPAD to the board, and have vias on the PowerPAD plane connecting to analog ground and power
REGN16voltage on the ACDET pin is above 0.6 V and voltage on VCC is above UVLO. Connect a 1-µF ceramic capacitor from
SRN12filtering and connect to current-sensing resistor. Connect a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor between current sensing resistor
IC ground. On PCB layout, connect to the analog ground plane, and only connect to power ground plane through the
PowerPAD™ underneath the IC.
Open-drain output. The output is pulled LOW by an internal MOSFET when ACOC or a short-circuit is detected. The
output is pulled HIGH to the external pullup supply rail by an external pullup resistor in normal condition.
Charge current-limit input. Program ILIM voltage by connecting a resistor-divider from the system reference 3.3-V rail
to the ILIM pin to the GND pin. The lower of the ILIM voltage or DAC limit voltage sets the charge current regulation
limit. To disable control on ILIM, set ILIM above 1.6 V. Once the voltage on the ILIM pin falls below 75 mV, charge is
disabled. Charge is enabled when the ILIM pin rises above 105 mV.
Buffered adapter or charge current output, selectable with SMBus command ChargeOption(). IOUT voltage is 20 times
pin to GND.
Exposed pad beneath the IC. Analog ground and power ground star-connected only at the PowerPAD plane. Always
ground planes. The pad also serves as a thermal pad to dissipate the heat.
Linear regulator output. REGN is the output of the 6-V linear regulator supplied from VCC. The LDO is active when the
SMBus open-drain clock input. Connect to the SMBus clock line from the host controller or smart battery. Connect a
10-kΩ pullup resistor according to SMBus specifications.
SMBus open-drain data I/O. Connect to the SMBus data line from the host controller or smart battery. Connect a 10kΩ pullup resistor according to SMBus specifications.
Charge current-sense resistor negative input. The SRN pin is for battery voltage sensing as well. Connect SRN pin to
a 7.5-Ω resistor first then from resistor another terminal connect a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor to GND for common-mode
to provide differential-mode filtering. See Application and Implementation about negative output voltage protection for
hard shorts on battery-to-ground or battery-reverse connection by adding small resistor.
Charge current-sense resistor positive input. Connect SRP pin to a 10-Ω resistor first, then, from resistor another
terminal, connect to current-sensing resistor. Connect a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor between current sensing resistor to
provide differential-mode filtering. See Application and Implementation about negative output voltage protection for
hard shorts on battery-to-ground or battery-reverse connection by adding small resistor.
Input supply, diode OR from adapter or battery voltage. Use 10-Ω resistor and 1-µF capacitor to ground as low pass
filter to limit inrush current.
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under RecommendedOperating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(2) All voltages are with respect to GND if not specified. Currents are positive into, negative out of the specified terminal. Consult Packaging
Section of the data book for thermal limitations and considerations of packages.
7.2 ESD Ratings
Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001
(1) JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
(2) JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
Electrostatic dischargeV
Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-±500
7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Maximum difference voltageSRP–SRN, ACP–ACN–0.20.2V
Junction temperature, T
≤ 24 V, 0°C ≤ TJ≤ 125°C, typical values are at TA= 25°C, with respect to GND (unless otherwise noted)
VCC Input voltage operating4.524V
BAT voltage regulation1.02419.2V
Charge voltage regulation accuracy
Charge current regulation differential
Charge current regulation accuracy
10-mΩ current-sensing resistor
Input current regulation differential
Input current regulation accuracy
10-mΩ current-sensing resistor
Input common modeVoltage on ACP/ACN4.524V
Output common modeVoltage on SRP/SRN019.2V
IOUT output voltage01.6V
IOUT output current01mA
Current-sense amplifier gainV
SCLK/SDATA rise time1μs
SCLK/SDATA fall time300ns
SCLK pulse width high450μs
SCLK pulse width low4.7μs
Setup time for START condition4.7μs
START condition hold time after which first clock pulse is generated4μs
Data setup time250ns
Data hold time300ns
Setup time for STOP condition4µs
Bus free time between START and STOP condition4.7μs
Clock frequency10100kHz
SMBus bus release time-out
Deglitch for watchdog reset signal10ms
Watchdog time-out period, ChargeOption()
bit [14:13] = 01
Watchdog time-out period, ChargeOption()
bit [14:13] = 10
Watchdog time-out period, ChargeOption()
bit [14:13] = 11
(1) Devices participating in a transfer time-out when any clock low exceeds the 25-ms minimum time-out period. Devices that have detected
a time-out condition must reset the communication no later than the 35-ms maximum time-out period. Both a master and a slave must
adhere to the maximum value specified as it incorporates the cumulative stretch limit for both a master (10 ms) and a slave (25 ms).
(2) User can adjust threshold through SMBus ChargeOption() REG0x12.
The bq24707x device is a 1- to 4-cell battery charge controller with power selection for space-constrained, multichemistry portable applications such as notebooks and detachable ultrabooks. The device supports a wide input
range of input sources from 4.5 V to 24 V, and a 1- to 4-cell battery for a versatile solution.
The bq24707x features Dynamic Power Management (DPM) to limit the input power and avoid AC adapter
overloading. During battery charging, as the system power increases, the charging current will reduce to maintain
total input current below adapter rating.
The SMBus controls input current, charge current and charge voltage registers with high-resolution, highaccuracy regulation limits.