The bq24187 evaluation module is a complete charger module for evaluating compact, flexible, highefficiency, USB-friendly, switch-mode charge management solution for single-cell, Li-ion and Li-polymer
batteries used in a wide range of portable applications.
The BQ24187 family integrates a synchronous PWM controller, power MOSFETs, input-current sensing,
high-accuracy current and voltage regulation and charge termination into a small WCSP package. The
charge parameters can be programmed through an I2C interface. Key IC features include:
•High-efficiency, fully integrated, NMOS-NMOS, synchronous buck charger with 1.5-MHz frequency
•Charge time optimizer
•Integrated power FETs for up to 2-A charge rate
•5-V, 1-A on-the-go (OTG) VBUS supply
For details, see the bq24187 data sheet (SLUSBM0).
1.2bq24187EVM Features
The bq24187 evaluation module (EVM) provides a complete charger module for evaluating compact,
flexible, high-efficiency, USB-friendly, switch-mode battery charge solutions for single-cell, Li-ion and Lipolymer battery-powered systems used in a wide range of portable applications. Key EVM features
•Terminal blocks and standard headers for IN, BAT, TS; USB connector for IN
•Programmable battery voltage, charge current, input current, and status via I2C interface
•IN operating up to 6.0 V
•LED indication for status signals
•Test points for key signals available for testing purposes. Easy probe hook-up
CD = LO: Charge disable low for normal operation
CD = HI: Charge disable high to disable the buck converter and enter Hi-Z mode
TS = SIM: Connects a potentiometer to the TS pin so that the potentiometer can
simulator a thermistor. The potentiometer is preset per R5 and R6 so that the TS
voltage is 0.5 x V (DRV).
TS = EXT: Connects the TS pin to an external thermistor through J9. The resistor
divider formed by R5 and R6 is sized to accommodate a 10-kΩ thermistor. If a different
thermistor is used, R5 and R6 must be resized.
PSEL = LOW: Input current limit is set to 1.5 A until changed by I2C.
Default mode input current limit is set to 1.5 A until changed by I2C.
Fast charge current,Battery charge current (registers set via I2C communication)0.5002.0A
Operating junction temperature range, T
Input voltage from ac adapter (bq24262)4.26.0V
Voltage output at VBAT terminal (registers set via I2C3.54.24.44V
Maximum input current from ac adapter input (registers set0.12.0A
via I2C communication)
2Test Summary
This procedure describes one test configuration of the HPA721 evaluation board for bench evaluation.
The following naming conventions are followed.
VXXX :External voltage supply name (VADP, VBT, VSBT)
LOADW:External load name (LOAD1, LOAD2)
V(TPyyy):Voltage at internal test point TPyyy. For example, V(TP12) means the voltage at
V(Jxx):Voltage at header Jxx
V(TP(XXX)):Voltage at test point XXX. For example, V(ACDET) means the voltage at the test
point which is marked as ACDET.
V(XXX, YYY):Voltage across point XXX and YYY
I(JXX(YYY)):Current going out from the YYY terminal of header XX
Jxx(BBB):Terminal or pin BBB of header xx
JPx ON :Internal jumper Jxx terminals are shorted
JPx OFF:Internal jumper Jxx terminals are open
JPx (-YY-) ON:Internal jumper Jxx adjacent terminals marked as YY are shorted
Measure: → A,BCheck specified parameters A, B. If measured values are not within specified limits,
the unit under test has failed.
Observe → A,BObserve if A, B occur. If they do not occur, the unit under test has failed.
Assembly drawings have locations for jumpers, test points, and individual components.
2.2Recommended Test Equipment
2.2.1Power Supplies
1. A power supply #1 (PS #1) capable of supplying 5 V at 2.5 A, is required.
2. If not using a battery as the load, then power supply #2 (PS #2) capable of supplying up to 5 V at 5 A
is required to power the circuit shown in Figure 2.
2.2.2Load #1 Between BAT and GND
Testing with an actual battery is the best way to verify operation in the system. If a battery is not available,
then a circuit similar to the one shown in Figure 2 can simulate a battery when connected to a power
supply. Alternatively, a sourcemeter, capable of sourcing and sinking current can be used to simulate a
Four equivalent voltage meters (VM #) and two equivalent current meters (CM #) are required. The current
meters must be able to measure 3-A current.
A computer with at least one USB port and a USB cable is required. The BQ24187 evaluation software
must be properly installed.
2.2.5HPA172 Communication Kit (USB TO GPIO)
An HPA172 USB-to-I2C communication kit is required.
Download from the charger's product folder, unzip the file, and double-click on the
SETUP.EXE file. Follow the installation steps.
Because the bq24187 has a watchdog timer, it is recommended that you set the software's ResetWatchdog Timer to reset every 5 seconds. Otherwise, after 30 seconds of operation, the IC enters
Default mode. Note that the 27-minute safety timer is not reset by this function and eventually times out if
charging does not complete, unless the Safety Timer Time Limit is expanded or disabled via the GUI.
One way to reset the safety timer is to allow the 30-second watchdog timer to expire. See Figure 3 in the
data sheet for more information about the timers.
Also, it is generally helpful to activate the Write On Change functions, in the upper left of the GUI window,
to ON. The Write On Change function writes any changes to the GUI's check boxes, drop-down boxes,
and registers to the IC. Otherwise, the user must click the WRITE button to write changes to the software.
It is recommended that the user periodically click the READ button to find the IC's instantaneous status.
Alternatively, the AutoRead function can be activated to periodically update the GUI with the IC's status.
1. For all power connections, use short, twisted-pair wires of appropriate gauge wire for the amount of the
2. Set PS #1 for 5-V, 2.5-A current limit and then turn off supply.
3. Connect the output of PS #1 in series with a current meter (CM #1) to J1 (IN).
4. Connect a voltmeter (VM #1) across J4 and J3 (IN and GND).
5. If BAT_Load as shown in Figure 1 is used, connect PS #2, set to approximately 3.7 V, to the input side
(PS #2+/-) of BAT_Load, then turn off PS #2.
6. Connect the output side of the battery or BAT_Load in series with current meter (multimeter) #2 (CM
#2) to J11 and J10 or J5 (BAT, GND). Ensure that a voltage meter (VM #2) is connected across J10 or
TP1 and J5 or TP7 (BAT and GND).
7. Connect VM #3 across J6 and J8 (DRV and GND).
8. Connect the HPA172 kit to J12 by the 10-pin ribbon cable. Connect the USB port of the HPA172 kit to
the USB port of the computer. The connections are shown in Figure 3.
Test Summary
Figure 3. Connections of HPA172 Kit
9. Ensure jumpers are at the settings highlighted in yellow (except for JP1 which is not installed) per