This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the AMC7812 evaluation module
(EVM). This user’s guide also discusses the proper setup and configuration of software and hardware and
reviews various aspects of program operation. A complete circuit description, schematic diagram, and bill
of materials are also included.
This EVM features the AMC7812, a highly-integrated, low-power, complete analog monitoring and control
solution that includes a 16-channel (12-bit) ADC, 12-channel (12-bit) DAC, eight GPIOs, and two
remote/one local temperature sensor channels. The device also features input out-of-range alarms, and
configurable I2C-compatible/SPI interface with 5-V/3-V logic.
1.1AMC7812EVM Kit Contents
Table 1 details the contents of the EVM kit. Contact the Texas Instruments Product Information Center
nearest you if any component is missing. TI highly recommends to check the TI website ( to
verify that you have the latest versions of the related software.
Table 1. Contents of AMC7812EVM Kit
AMC7812EVM PCB evaluation board1
SDM-USB-DIG platform PCB1
USB extender cable1
+24-V wall supply1
1.2Related Documentation from TI
The following document provides information regarding TI integrated circuits used in the assembly of the
AMC7812EVM. This user's guide is available from the TI website, literature number SBAU177. Newer
revisions may be available from the TI website at, or call the TI Literature Response Center at
(800) 477-8924 or the Product Information Center at (972) 644-5580. When ordering, identify the
document by both title and literature number.
Table 2. Related Documentation
DocumentLiterature Number
AMC7812 Product Data SheetSBAS513
SDM-USB-DIG Platform User’s GuideSBOU136
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SBAU177D–September 2010–Revised August 2014AMC7812EVM-PDK User’s Guide
This section provides the overall system setup for the EVM. A PC runs software that communicates with
the SDM-USB-DIG platform, which generates the power and digital signals used to communicate with the
EVM board. The EVM includes a +24-V wall supply that provides power to on-board power regulators
(LDOs) that regulate the analog and digital supplies. Connectors are also included on the EVM board for
optional, external power supplies. Figure 1 displays the system setup for the AMC7812EVM.
Figure 1. AMC7812EVM Hardware Setup
2.1Theory of Operation for AMC7812 Hardware
Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the AMC7812EVM test board. The EVM board provides testpoints for
the supplies, internal reference, ground connections, SPI inputs, ADC inputs, and DAC outputs.
Figure 2. AMC7812 Test Board Block Diagram
AMC7812EVM-PDK User’s GuideSBAU177D–September 2010–Revised August 2014
2.2Signal Definitions of J1 (20-Pin Male Connector Socket)
The AMC7812EVM includes a 20-pin connector socket used to communicate between the EVM and the
SDM-USB-DIG platform. The pin out of the J1 connector is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. J1 Signal Definition
Pin on J1SignalDescription
1SCLI2C clock signal (SCL)
2DIG_GPIO2GPIO – Control output or measure input
3DIG_GPIO0GPIO – Control output or measure input
4DIG_GPIO3GPIO – Control output or measure input
5SDAI2C data signal (SDA)
6DIG_GPIO4GPIO – Control output or measure input
7DIG_GPIO1GPIO – Control output or measure input
8DIG_GPIO5GPIO – Control output or measure input
9MOSISPI data output (MOSI)
10DIG_GPIO6GPIO – Control output or measure input
12DIG_GPIO7GPIO – Control output or measure input
13SCLKSPI clock signal (SCLK)
14DIG_GPIO8GPIO – Control output or measure input
15GNDPower return (GND)
16DIG_GPIO9GPIO – Control output or measure input
17CSSPI chip select signal (/CS)
18DIG_GPIO10GPIO – Control output or measure input
19MISOSPI data input (MISO)
20DIG_GPIO11GPIO – Control output or measure input
Switchable DUT power supply: +3.3 V, +5 V, Hi-Z (disconnected).
Note: When VDUT is Hi-Z all digital I/O are Hi-Z as well.
AMC7812EVM Hardware Setup
SBAU177D–September 2010–Revised August 2014AMC7812EVM-PDK User’s Guide
The SDM-USB-DIG platform is a general-purpose data acquisition system that is used on select TI EVMs.
The core component of the platform is the MSP430F5528, an ultra-low power 16-bit MCU. The
microcontroller receives information from the host PC and translates it into I2C, SPI, or other digital I/O
patterns. The connected device (in this case, the AMC7812 device) connects to the I/O interface of the
platform. During digital I/O transactions, the platform obtains information from the AMC7812 device and
sends it to the host PC for interpretation. Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the platform.
Figure 3. SDM-USB-DIG Platform Block Diagram
AMC7812EVM-PDK User’s GuideSBAU177D–September 2010–Revised August 2014
This section provides the procedure for EVM software installation.
3.1Operating Systems for AMC7812EVM Software
The EVM software was tested on the Microsoft®Windows®XP and Windows 7 operating systems with the
United States and European regional settings. The software should also be compatible with other
Windows operating systems.
3.2AMC7812EVM Software Installation
The software is available through the EVM product folder (AMC7812EVM) on the TI website. After the
software is downloaded on the PC, navigate to the AMC7812EVM_Installer folder, and run the setup.exe
file as shown in Figure 4. When the software is launched, an installation dialog opens and prompts the
user to select an installation directory. If left unchanged, the software location defaults to C:\Program Files
(x86)\AMC7812EVM (Windows 7), as shown in Figure 5. The software installation automatically copies the
required drivers for the SDM-USB-DIG and AMC7812EVM to the PC. After the software is installed,
connecting the SDM-USB-DIG to a USB port may launch a driver installation dialog. Choose the Installthis driver software anyway option to continue with installation. (Note: On XP machines, choose to have
the system automatically find the driver or software.)
AMC7812EVM Software Setup
Figure 4. AMC7812EVM Installer Directory
SBAU177D–September 2010–Revised August 2014AMC7812EVM-PDK User’s Guide
The subsequent sections provide detailed information on the EVM hardware and jumper configuration
settings. To use the +24-V wall supply, set the AVDDand IOVDDjumper connections to the default
configuration listed in Table 4. The table also displays the default configurations of all jumper connections
on the AMC7812EVM. Connect the USB extender cable from the SDM-USB-DIG to the PC, and the +24V wall adapter to the J5 terminal.
Table 4. Default Jumper Settings
JumperDefault PositionFunction
JP1Shunt on 1-2
JP2Shunt on 1-2
JP3Shunt on 1-2
JP4Shunt on 1-2
JP5Shunt on 1-2
JP6Not installed
J7Default OPA to GND for protection
Shunt on 5-6
Shunt on 7-8
AMC7812EVM Hardware Overview
Selecting bus
• 1~2: (Default) SPI
• 2~3: (I2C)
Selecting DAC reference
• 1~2: (REF-OUT to REF-DAC)
• 3~4: (DACREF to REF-DAC)
• 5~6: (2.5 V REF to REF-DAC)
Selecting AVDD/DVDDvoltage
• 1~2: Onboard 5-V supply
• 2~3: External supply
Selecting AVCCvoltage
• 1~2: (On board 14-V supply)
• 2~3: (External supply)
Selecting IOVDDvoltage
• 1~2: (On board VDUT)
• 2~3: (External supply)
• Installed: Onboard temp sensors
• Not installed: External temperature sensors
4.1Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Caution
Many of the components on the AMC7812EVM are susceptible to damage by ESD. Observe proper ESD
handling precautions when unpacking and handling the EVM, including the use of a grounded wrist strap
at an approved ESD workstation.
4.2Connecting the Hardware
To connect the SDM-USB-DIG to the EVM board, align and firmly connect the female and male ends of
the 20-pin connectors (see Figure 6). Verify the connection is snug, as loose connections may cause
intermittent operation.
SBAU177D–September 2010–Revised August 2014AMC7812EVM-PDK User’s Guide
Figure 6. Typical Hardware Connections on the AMC7812EVM
4.3Connecting the USB Cable to the SDM-USB-DIG
Figure 7 shows the typical response when connecting the SDM-USB-DIG platform to a USB port of a PC
for the first time. The PC usually responds with a Found New Hardware, USB Device popup dialog
window. The popup window then changes to Found New Hardware, Virtual COM Port (CDC). This popup
indicates that the device is ready for use. The CDC driver is used for communication between the SDMUSB-DIG and PC.
Figure 7. Confirmation of SDM-USB-DIG Platform Driver Installation
AMC7812EVM-PDK User’s GuideSBAU177D–September 2010–Revised August 2014