This document describes the hardware architecture of the AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK)
Evaluation Module (EVM) (Part# TMDXIDK571x) that supports the Texas Instruments Sitara™ ARM
Cortex®-A15 AM571x processor family.
TI Glossary —This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
For product information, visit the Texas Instruments website at
SPRS957— AM571x Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 Data Manual
SPRZ436— AM571x Sitara Processors Silicon Errata. Describes the known exceptions to the functional
the integration, the environment, the functional description, and the programming models for each
peripheral and subsystem in the device.
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This document describes the hardware architecture of the AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK)
Evaluation Module (EVM) (Part# TMDXIDK571x) that supports the Texas Instruments Sitara™ ARM
Cortex®-A15 AM571x processor family.
The AM571x IDK is a standalone test, development, and evaluation module that enables developers to
write software and develop hardware for industrial control and industrial communications applications. It
has been equipped with a TI AM5718 processor and a defined set of features to allow you to experience
industrial communication solutions using various serial or Ethernet based interfaces. Using standard
interfaces, the AM571x IDK may interface to other processors or systems and act as a communication
gateway or controller. In addition, it can directly operate as a standard remote I/O system or a sensor
connected to an industrial communication network.
The AM571x IDK contains embedded emulation circuitry to quickly enable developers to begin using this
IDK. The embedded emulation logic allows emulation and debug using standard development tools such
as the Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE) by simply
connecting a USB cable to a Windows®-based computer.
The standard (4-port Ethernet) configuration for the AM571x IDK EVM provides the following functionality:
•Two Gigabit (1000Mb) metallic ports connected via PHY/RGMII to the on-chip Ethernet switch
•Two 100Mb metallic ports connected via PHY/MII to the PRU-ICSS subsystems
•LCD panel output from Display Parallel Interface (DPI) Video Output 1
Reconfiguration through header shunt removal provides an alternate 6-port Ethernet configuration:
•Two Gigabit (1000Mb) metallic ports connected via PHY/RGMII to the on-chip Ethernet switch
•Four 100Mb metallic ports connected via PHY/MII to the PRU-ICSS subsystems
Software support for the AM571x IDK EVM is provided within the Processor Software Development Kit
(SDK) package. This includes both Linux and RTOS support.
User's Guide
SPRUI97A–May 2017
AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK)
Evaluation Module (EVM) Hardware
AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM)
The system view of the AM571x IDK EVM consists of the main board and the camera board. There is also
an optional LCD panel and touch screen assembly that can be attached to the AM571x IDK EVM.
The top and the bottom views of the AM571x IDK EVM are provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2,
The top view of the AM571x IDK EVM with the camera board installed is provided in Figure 3. The side
view of the AM571x IDK EVM with the optional LCD display assembly attached is provided in Figure 4.
Figure 1. AM571x IDK EVM - Top View
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AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM)
The AM571x IDK EVM is implemented on a single board with interface circuitry, memory ICs, and
connectors around the AM5718 processor. The board also contains power conversion circuitry to
efficiently create the needed power supply voltages from a single +5V input. As stated previously, this
EVM ships with a separate camera module that plugs in to the main board. An optional LCD panel and
touch screen assembly can be purchased separately and mounted on to the main board.
Figure 5 shows the functional block diagram of the AM571x IDK EVM.
Functional Description
Figure 5. AM571x IDK EVM Block Diagram
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AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM)
The AM5718 processor is the central processing unit for this IDK EVM. The interface circuitry, memory
ICs, and connectors implemented on the board around the AM5718 processor provide development
support for the many industrial communication interfaces available on this platform. See the AM571x
Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 Data Manual (SPRS957) and the AM571x Sitara Processors
Technical Reference Manual (SPRUHZ7) for details about the processor.
The AM571x IDK EVM contains system configuration for the boot mode control inputs SYSBOOT[15..0].
These can be strapped using resistors. The default configuration will meet the needs of most developers.
Resistor reconfiguration is supported so that you can explore other boot configurations of the AM571x
processor. See Section 4 for more details.
The main clock for the processor is derived from a 20-MHz crystal. An on-board oscillator in the AM571x
processor generates the base clock and the subsequent module clocks as needed within the AM571x
processor. The board design supports a crystal attached to the RTC block, but this is not needed since
RTC-only mode is not supported in this device.
2.3Reset Signals
The AM571x processor contains 3 reset inputs and an output indicating a reset is in progress. The reset
pins are:
•PORz: PORz is a hard reset that resets everything including emulation logic. It also tri-states most
•RESETn: RESETn is a device reset commonly driven by control logic or emulation.
•RTC_PORz: Separate PORz for the RTC module that must be driven at the same time as PORz.
(Note that PORz and RTC_PORz can only be directly connected as long as VDDSHV3 and VDDSHV5
are driven at the same voltage.)
•RSTOUTn: Output signal from SOC indicating that the device has entered reset. This is used to reset
other circuits that must be reset at the same time as the processor.
More details about the behavior of these reset pins within the AM571x processor can be found in the
AM571x Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 Data Manual (SPRS957). There are push buttons on the
IDK that can initiate either a RESETn or PORz input. SW1 can drive PORz active (low) and SW2 can
drive RESETn active (low).
There is a device erratum in all of the AM571x devices that prevents use of RESETn independent from
PORz (see i862, Reset Should Use PORz, in the AM571x Sitara Processors Silicon Errata (SPRZ436).
The workaround is to generate PORz whenever a device reset occurs even if it is from an internal initiator.
This is accomplished through cooperation with the PMIC paired with the AM571x device on the IDK EVM.
The RSTOUTn output from the AM571x device is connected to the NRESWARM input of the PMIC. This
initiates a re-start that drives RESET_OUT low and resets all voltages to their initial values. Since
RESET_OUT from the PMIC is connected to PORz in the AM571x device, a hard reset is forced on the
SOC that meets the needs of the erratum workaround.
The AM571x IDK EVM is started by pressing the start-up push button, SW3. The POWERHOLD input can
be connected to VRTC_OUT in customer designs to cause the board to power-on as soon as the main
supply is stable.
The configuration of the PMIC to provide RESET_OUT from the NRESWARM input creates an always-on
implementation. This always-on mode of operation prevents software shut-down of the IDK. Customer
designs should have power-good monitoring circuitry such as a TPS3808 connected to the main supply to
the PMIC that is connected to the PMIC RESET_IN, as shown in the AM571x IDK EVM schematic (v1.3).
The TPS3808 can detect the main supply voltage dropping and then trigger the PMIC to execute a
controlled shut-down that meets the requirements in the AM571x Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.0
Data Manual (SPRS957).
AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM)
This section describes how the power supplies required for the design are generated.
3.1Power Source
The AM571x IDK EVM uses an external 5V power supply. The 5V power input is converted into different
voltage levels to provide power inputs to the AM571x processor and other circuitry.
Early versions of the AM571x IDK EVM shipped with the GlobTek, Inc. external power supply with the part
number TR9CA6500LCP-N, model number GT-43008-3306-1.0-T3. This external power supply is rated for
an output voltage of +5VDC with an output current up to 6.5A. This external power supply contains
applicable regional product regulatory/safety certification requirements for most worldwide locations. If you
cannot use this supply, one with equivalent ratings that is approved for your location must be obtained.
The AM571x IDK EVM contains a right angle mounted power connector that accepts the +5VDC supply
input on the center pin with the outer shell as the common return. The power connector accepts a mating
plug with a 2.5-mm ID and a 5.5-mm OD.
Removing the power plug and inserting it again while the power supply is energized may damage the
AM571x IDK EVM and/or other devices attached to the board such as emulators that provide an alternate
path to ground. Removal of AC power from the external power supply is a safer method, if required.
It is recommended that the external power supply have the common return bonded to earth ground. If this
is not possible, a separate connection from the board ground to earth ground may need to be provided.
Terminal block J53 is added for this purpose.
Power Supplies
3.2TPS6590377 PMIC
The power requirements of the processor are met by the TPS6590377 Power Management IC (PMIC).
The power sequencing requirements of the AM571x processor are also handled by the TPS6590377
PMIC. Figure 6 shows the supply connections from the TPS6590377 PMIC to the AM571x processor.
Refer to the AM571x Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 Data Manual (SPRS957) for more information
about the required supply voltages and supply sequencing. Also refer to the TPS659037 Power
Management Unit (PMU) for Processor Data Manual (SLIS165) and the TPS659037 User's Guide to
Power AM572x and AM571x User’s Guide (SLIU011) for details about its operation.
Note that the production version of the AM571x IDK EVM uses the TPS6590377 PMIC that supplies the
voltages needed for the latest silicon version of the AM5718 processor. Beta prototype IDK EVM units
used the TPS6590375 PMIC and Alpha prototype IDK EVM units used the TPS6590372 PMIC.
3.3AVS Control
The AM571x processor consumes most of its power in its core logic. Therefore, minimizing the voltage
supplied to this core logic can minimize power consumption. SmartReflex™ technology is used to provide
this optimized solution.
This core logic is separated into multiple segments that can each be controlled separately. In this way,
applications that need more performance in some processing blocks can operate at higher performance
levels by increasing the supply voltage, while other processing blocks that do not require the same level of
performance can operate at lower voltage thus further optimizing system power consumption.
The TPS6590377 PMIC is connected to the I2C1 on the AM5718 processor. This allows the application
software to individually control the AVS supply outputs. It also allows the application to control the voltage
generated by LDO1 that is used for the SDIO interface that operates at either 1.8V or 3.3V depending on
the operating mode.
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AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM)
Figure 6. Connections from the TPS6590377 PMIC to the AM571x Processor
3.4Other Power Supplies
The AM571x IDK EVM contains 8 other power conversion devices that support the interface and memory
•TPS63010 Buck-Boost Converter: This converter generates 5.0V from the main supply input. It
supplies this voltage to the industrial interface circuits, the HDMI interface and to the USB master
•TPS61085 Boost Converter: This converter generates 12.0V from the main supply input. It supplies
voltage to the industrial interface circuits and the PCIe card connector.
•TPS51200 DDR Termination Voltage LDO (2 each): This LDO provides the push/pull termination
current required for the DDR3 memory interfaces. There is one implemented for each DDR3 EMIF.
•LP38693ADJ Low-Dropout Regulator: This LDO generates the 3.7V LCD bias voltage.
•TPS61081DRC LCD Backlight Generator: This Boost converter generates the LCD backlight supply.
•TPS71712 Low-Dropout Regulator: This LDO generates the 1.2V supply needed for the LCD driver
•TPS76650 Low-Dropout Regulator: This LDO generates the 5.0V supply needed for the Profibus
•R1Z-3.305HP Isolated DC-DC Supply: This converter generates 5.0V isolated from the primary
3.3V DC supply on board for the DCAN interface.
AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM)
Various boot configurations can be set using the pull-up/pull-down resistor combinations provided on the
SYSBOOT[15..0] pins. Boot configuration pins are latched upon de-assertion of the PORz pin. Refer to
the AM571x Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 Data Manual (SPRS957) for more details. The
AM571x IDK EVM is configured by default to 0x8106 to enable UBOOT/Linux boot from the SDCARD.
The secondary boot device selected by this boot mode is QSPI1.
4.2I2C Address Assignments
The AM571x IDK EVM contains multiple I2C buses connected to a master port on the processor. Each
bus contains one or more I2C slave devices that must have unique addresses to prevent contention.
Table 1 and Table 2 list the addresses of the I2C slave devices attached to buses I2C1 and I2C2,