Texas Instruments 4000M User Manual

User’s Reference Guide

TravelMateTM 4000M
Notebook Computer
P/N 9793374-0001, Rev. A
August 1994
Chapter 1 Using the Setup Programs
Accessing the Setup Programs .................................1-2
Date and Time Parameters....................................... 1-7
Disk Drive Parameters ............................................. 1-8
Input/Output (I/O) Parameters................................1-9
Keyboard Parameters ............................................... 1-12
Memory Parameters ................................................. 1-13
Power Management Parameters ............................... 1-14
Power Savings.......................................................... 1-15
Activity Monitoring................................................... 1-19


Screen Parameters .................................................. 1-21
System Configuration Parameters ........................... 1-23
Chapter 2 Installing and Using Applications
Guidelines for Installing Applications ....................... 2-2
Setting Up a Password ............................................. 2-11
Setting Up a Non MS-DOS Environment .................. 2-15
Restoring MS-DOS System Files............................... 2-16
Chapter 3 Custom Windows Utilities
Overview of Windows Utilities................................... 3-3
Information Utilities ................................................. 3-4
Productivity Utilities................................................. 3-6
Video Utilities........................................................... 3-9
Drop N’ Go Utility..................................................... 3-10
Change Cursor Utility .............................................. 3-14
Super Shutdown Utility............................................ 3-19
Chapter 4 Laptop Manager
Laptop Manager Features......................................... 4-2
LM Main Menu......................................................... 4-3
Adding Applications to the Menu.............................. 4-5
Adding Items to the Application Menu...................... 4-14
Changing LM Menu Colors....................................... 4-15
LM_Setup................................................................. 4-16
Chapter 5 Power Saving Utilities
Optimizing Battery Operation................................... 5-2
SETPOWER Utility ................................................... 5-10
SMARTDRV.EXE Disk Caching Utility...................... 5-11
SPEED Utility........................................................... 5-12
Chapter 6 Palette Utilities
Color Display Utilities .............................................. 6-2
PAL Utility................................................................ 6-3
PALSET Utility .........................................................6-11
Chapter 7 Laptop File Manager
Getting Started with LFM ......................................... 7-3
Using the Main Menu............................................... 7-5
Function Key Commands ......................................... 7-6
Character Key Commands........................................ 7-15
Multiple File Operations........................................... 7-28
Restoring Laptop File Manager ................................. 7-30
Chapter 8 VGA External Monitor Utilities
Capabilities.............................................................. 8-2
VGA Utility............................................................... 8-5
Advanced Monitor Operations .................................. 8-13
External Monitor Troubleshooting............................ 8-17
Chapter 9 Other Utilities
ALARM Utility .......................................................... 9-2
GETSTAT Utility....................................................... 9-3
RAMDRIVE.SYS Device Driver.................................. 9-6
SETCMOS Utility...................................................... 9-7
SETKEY Utility......................................................... 9-10
Chapter 10 Sound
Features................................................................... 10-2
Pocket Recorder ....................................................... 10-3
Pocket Mixer .......................................................... 10-7
Editing, Playing, and Recording................................ 10-8
Pocket CD ............................................................. 10-9
Chapter 11 TravelMate Options
List of Options.......................................................... 11-2
Battery Options........................................................ 11-4
PCMCIA Options ...................................................... 11-5
RAM Expansion ....................................................... 11-6
Using the AC Adapter............................................... 11-9
External Numeric Keypad......................................... 11-10
Carrying Cases......................................................... 11-11
Microphone/Headphone Kit ..................................... 11-12
Other Options .......................................................... 11-13
External Monitor...................................................... 11-14
Chapter 12 Portable CD-ROM Docking System
Features................................................................... 12-2
Docking Your Notebook ............................................ 12-6
Undocking the Notebook .......................................... 12-8
Using the Portable CD-ROM Docking System ........... 12-10
Options .................................................................... 12-15
Appendix A Specifications Appendix B Character Sets Appendix C Keyboard Layouts Appendix D Diagnostics Appendix E Power Consumption Values Appendix F Configuring Memory Appendix G Connector Pin Assignments Appendix H Screen Standards Appendix I Creating Help Displays Glossary Index
Copyright (©) 1994 Texas Instruments Incorporated
All Rights Reserved — Printed in U.S.A.
TravelMate 4000M Notebook User’s Reference Guide TI Part No. 9793374-0001, Rev. A Original Issue: April 1994
Changes may be made periodically to the information in this publication. Such changes will be incorporated in new editions of this manual.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
TravelMate, Travelpoint WinSX, WinDX, WinDX2, and BatteryPro are trademarks of
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Your TravelMate 4000M computer comes with a variety of standard features and options that maximize system performance and ease of operation. This manual acts as a reference for software utilities and hardware included with your notebook.
Chapter 1- Shows you the basics of system setup using the supplied Setup programs.
Chapter 2 - Provides information on system software configuration and utility installation.
Chapter 3 - Describes custom Windows utilities.
Chapter 4 - Describes the functionality of Laptop Manager
in managing your application programs.
Chapter 5 - Describes Power Saving utilities.
Chapter 6 - Describes utilities designed to enhance and
customize your display.
Chapter 7 - Describes Laptop File Manager, a program that helps you manipulate files and directories stored on the hard disk.
Chapter 8 - Describes utilities that allow you to connect an external VGA to your system.
Chapter 9 - Describes miscellaneous utilities for configuration and system enhancement.
Chapter 10 - Describes the Sound utilities provided with your notebook.
Chapter 11 - Describes options you may purchase for your TM4000M computer.
Chapter 12 - Describes the optional Portable CD-ROM Docking System.
Appendix A - Provides system specifications for the TM4000M.
Appendix B - Displays character sets used by the TM4000M.
Appendix C - Displays domestic and international keyboard
Appendix D - Describes diagnostics and error codes for your TM4000M.
Appendix E - Describes the power consumption values for your TM4000M.
Appendix F - Describes memory configuration for your TM4000M.
Appendix G - Describes connector pin assignments for the TM4000M and Portable CD-ROM Docking System.
Appendix H - Describes screen stardards supported by the TM4000M internal display adapter.
Appendix I - Describes how to custom design your own Help displays.
A glossary and index are also provided for your reference.

Using the Setup Programs

This chapter explains:
How to access the Setup Programs How to select and save parameters
Accessing the Setup Programs.........................................1-2
Initial Startup Procedure .............................................1-2
Startup Menu ..............................................................1-3
Creating Backup System Diskettes ..............................1-4
System Recovery Diskette............................................1-4
Accessing Disk-Based Setup........................................1-5
Accessing ROM-Based Setup .......................................1-6
Accessing Windows-Based Setup .................................1-6
Defining Setup Parameters ..........................................1-6
Date and Time Parameters...............................................1-7
Disk Drive Parameters .....................................................1-8
Input/Output (I/O) Parameters .......................................1-9
Keyboard Parameters.....................................................1-12
Memory Parameters.......................................................1-13
Power Management Parameters ....................................1-14
Power Savings................................................................1-15
Activity Monitoring ........................................................1-19
Screen Parameters ........................................................1-21
System Configuration Parameters .................................1-23
Using the Setup Programs 1-1
Accessing the Setup Programs
Your computer has three setup programs to assist you in selecting required hardware and software parameters:
Disk-based Setup ROM-based Setup Windows-based Setup
Accessing the Setup Programs
Initial Startup Procedure
The first time you boot up your notebook, your system automatically runs Setup. The following questions are asked:
1. You are asked which country your keyboard is designed
to support.
Once this information is provided, the Windows Setup program automatically runs.
2. You are prompted for your name and program serial
3. You are asked which printer you would like as a default
You exit Windows. System files are automatically
unzipped and the system build begins. When complete, a video greeting appears. After it runs, the following options appear:
No Change - keep the video and allow it to run each time you boot the computer
Remove - removes the video entry from the startup file so that you keep the video, but it does not run each time you boot the computer
1-2 Using the Setup Programs
Startup Menu Options
Option Description
Standard Windows for Workgroups (def ault)
Loads PCMCIA drivers
Docking System Windo ws for Workgroups
Loads PCMCIA and CD-ROM (SCSI) drivers
Minimum Windows for Workgroups
No drivers loaded (leaving more memory)
Minimum Docking System Windows f or Workgroups
Loads SCSI drivers (leaving more memory)
System Maintenance Deletes demo games and allows you to
create back up system diskettes
Games Demonstration Allows you to vie w or play pre-loaded
games on the notebook.
Accessing the Setup Programs
Delete - delete the video (the video takes up 12 MB of
hard disk space)
5. Make your selection.
The system reboots to the Startup Menu.
Startup Menu
Each time your system boots, the Startup Menu appears. You have ten seconds to make selections from this menu, otherwise the boot process continues with previously configured parameters. The following is a description of the Startup Menu:
To select an option, use the up and down arrow keys or press the number key of the option you desire. This highlights the option. Press Enter to select the desired configuration.
Using the Setup Programs 1-3
Accessing the Setup Programs
Creating Backup System Diskettes
You should create your back up system diskettes as soon as possible after purchasing your notebook. To create backup system diskettes, complete the following steps:
1. Ensure that you have 17 (for U.S.A.) or 18 (all other
countries) high density, 1.4 MB, 3.5" diskettes.
2. Boot your system.
System startup begins. A DOS Startup Menu appears.
The system backup menu is displayed. You can select
files from the left column to back up by using the up and down arrow keys to highlight the files. As filenames in the left column are highlighted, a description of them appears in the right column and the number of diskettes required for these files is displayed.
4. To begin creating the system backup diskettes, insert the diskette into the floppy drive and press ENTER to back up highlighted files. Backing up all files requires 17 to 18 diskettes. Each diskette will automatically be formatted.
You may access the Setup program at a later time to reset previously configured parameters.
System Recovery Diskette
You should have received a System Recovery diskette with your notebook. This is a bootable diskette with backup software and enables you to restore minimum system files. After the computer boots for the first time, you are prompted to insert your System Recovery diskette. Ensure that you make two additional copies of this diskette.
1-4 Using the Setup Programs
Accessing the Setup Programs
You should keep your System Recovery diskette updated with your latest Windows configuration. To do this, complete the following steps:
1. The first time you complete a new addition or change to Windows (such as adding a new software icon), manually copy all *.GRP and *.INI files to the first copy of the System Recovery diskette. These files are located in the C:\Windows directory.
2. The next time you complete a new addition or change to Windows, you should manually copy over all of the *.GRP and *.INI files to the second copy of the System Recovery diskette.
3. After each subsequent change, you should alternate making the backup of *.GRP and *.INI files to the first and second copy of the System Recovery diskette.
Accessing Disk-Based Setup
This Setup program, which resides on the hard disk under
UTILS directory, defines all default and most
the user-selectable parameters. Disk-based Setup contains four screens, or pages, with onscreen prompts plus a context-sensitive online help.
From the Setup in two ways:
Press FN-ESC (SETUP) Type SET_UP and press ENTER.
After Setup has loaded, you can define parameters based on the information in the online help or in this chapter
C:\> prompt, you can access Page 1 of disk-based
Using the Setup Programs 1-5
Accessing the Setup Programs
Accessing ROM-Based Setup
ROM-based Setup resides in internal ROM. It is identical to disk-based Setup except it does not have any online help.
To access Page 1 of progress, and press CTRL-ALT-ESC. You can then select parameters as you do for disk-based Setup. The system reboots even if changes are not made.
ROM-based Setup, save any work in
Accessing Windows-Based Setup
To access Windows-based Setup, select the Windows Control Panel in the Main Windows group. Then double-click the WSetup icon. You can then define parameters based on the information in the online help and in this chapter.
Changes to many of the Setup parameters take effect only at system startup. If you change one of these parameters, when you save the new Setup parameters, you are prompted that you need to exit Windows and restart the computer. To put these changes into effect, double-click on the Super Shutdown icon to exit Windows, then press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart the computer.
Defining Setup Parameters
The three Setup Programs adequately describe what you need to do to navigate through the menus, use cursor keys, save parameters, and exit.
Note: The Setup Programs are customized for each model computer and for any given model may not support all of
the selections described in the following pages.
1-6 Using the Setup Programs
Date and Time Parameters
Date and Time Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Date Display (Time Display)
Pressing the space bar when seconds are highlighted rese ts seco nd s to 00 .
The day-of-week value is set automatically when you set the da te.
Determines whether the time is displayed in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
US (12-hour) (default) European (24-hour)
Page No.
Page 1 Main
Page 1 Main
Page 1 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
Time Format
Control Panel
Control Panel
Time Format
Using the Setup Programs 1-7
Disk Drive Parameters
Disk Drive Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Diskettes Drives Drive A, Drive B
Do not change from defaults unle ss external floppy drive configured as floppy drive
3.5", 1.44 MB (default, Drive A)
3.5" 720 KB, 5.25", 360 KB,
5.25", 1. 2 MB Not installed (default, Drive B)
Hard Disk 1 & 2
Do not change . Pa ge 1 Cannot change.
Page No.
Access Path
Page 1 Cannot change.
Use disk- or
ROM-based Se tup
Use disk- or
ROM-based Se tup
1-8 Using the Setup Programs
Input/Output (I/O) Parameters
The input/output (I/O) parameters define how the computer treats the following I/O devices:
SerialPort Parallel port SCSI PCMCIA Game Port PS/2 Port
You can use these parameters to enable and define the ports.
Input/Output (I/O) Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Standard Comm (Serial Port)g11
Defines whether the port is enabled
Enabled (default) Disabled
Determines whether port is COM1 or COM2.
COM1 (default) COM2
Page No.
Page 4 Main
Page 4 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
I/O Ports
Serial Ports
Control Panel
I/O Ports
Serial Ports
Using the Setup Programs 1-9
Input/Output (I/O) Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Baud Rate
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Parallel Port
7, 8 (default)
1 (default), 2
Odd, Even, None (default)
Defines whether parallel port enabled
LPT 1 (default) LPT 2 LPT 3 Disabled
Page No.
Page 4 Refer to your
Page 4 Refer to your
Page 4 Refer to your
Page 4 Refer to your
Page 4 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
I/O Ports
Par alle l
EPP Mode
Disabled SPP (default) EPP and SPP ECP ECP and EPP
1-10 Using the Setup Programs
Page 4 Main
Control Panel
I/O Ports
Para llel Port
Extended Mode
Input/Output (I/O) Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Disable (default) Enable
Selects status for PCMCIA option
Values: Hardware-
Page No.
Page 4 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
I/O Ports
Control Panel
I/O Ports
Game Port
PS/2 Port
Selects status for MIDI/Jo y Port
Selects de vice for PS/2 port
Disabled, Mou se, K eyboard Auto (default)=detect s whethe r keyboard or mouse attache d
No access. Use Windows­based Setup or the SETKEY command in
Control Panel
I/O Ports
Game Port
Control Panel
I/O Ports
PS/2 Port
Using the Setup Programs 1-11
Keyboard Parameters
Keyboard Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Caps Lock
Num Lock
Startup status of Caps Lock ind icat or
On Off (def au lt)
Startup status of Num Lock indica to r
On (default) Off
Page No.
Page 3 Main
Page 3 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
Lock Key State
Control Panel
Lock Key State
Repeat Rate
Startup status of Scroll Lock ind icator
On Off (def au lt)
Speed at which a char act er repeats when key pressed and held
Slow Normal (default) Fast
Page 3 Main
Control Panel
Lock Key State
Page 3 Main
Control Panel
Repeat Rate
1-12 Using the Setup Programs
Memory Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Page No.
Memory Parameters
Access Path
Shadow ROM
change Pa ge 1 Cannot change.
Set to default for maximum perf ormance of B IO S and Extended RAM unless your application requires the 384 KB that Sh adow ROM uses.
Values: Internal (default)
All, None
Use disk- or
ROM-based Se tup
Page 1 Cannot change.
Use disk- or
ROM-based Se tup
Using the Setup Programs 1-13
Power Management Parameters
If you use your computer frequently on battery power, the
Power Management Parameters
amount of productive time you can get out of a single battery charge is important. Although the default values for the Setup parameters do an adequate job of conserving power, you can adjust the values of the parameters to achieve even greater savings and a resulting longer battery life.
Setup has two groups of power management parameters:
Power-savings parameters that define what the
computer does to save power
Activity-monitoring that determines when the
computer goes into and comes out of some of the power conservation modes.
1-14 Using the Setup Programs
Power Savings
The power-savings parameters define a variety of ways the computer can modify its activity to affect the drain on the battery. There is also a parameter called Power Savings that determines when, if ever, the computer implements the defined power savings.
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Power Savings
Timeout Interval
Defines how power-savings parameters as a group are enabled
Auto (default)—Enab le d batt ery only On (or Enable)—Enabled both battery and ac Off (or Disable)—Disabled
Number of minutes of inactivity on monitored devices before implementing defined timeout actio n
1, 2 (default), 5, 10, 15, Always on
Page No.
Page 2 Main
Page 2 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
System Timeout
Power Savings
Timeout Action
What happens when defined timeou t interval exceeded on monitored devices.
Auto Suspend (De fault)—bac klight off and goes into low power mode Backlight Off—o nly ba cklight off
Using the Setup Programs 1-15
Page 2 Main
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
System Timeout
Power Savings
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Wakeup Interval
Wakeup Action
Number of minutes in auto -suspend mode bef ore waking up
, 10 (default), 15, 20
What happens when wakeup interval expires and auto-suspend enabled; applies to battery operations only
Backlight On and CPU normal (default) Backlight Remains Of f an d CPU normal
Page No.
Page 2 Main
Page 2 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Auto Wakeup
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Wakeup Action
Cover Closed Action
What happens when the cover i s closed while the computer is on.
Suspend (default)= backlight and hard disk off and CPU suspended Backlight Off= only backlight off
Page 2 Main
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Cover Closed
1-16 Using the Setup Programs
Power Savings
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
HDD Motor Timeout
Default CPU Speed
Number of minutes with out reads or writes before hard disk off
1, 2, 5 (default), 10, Al w ays on Hard disk access may be delay ed
while the hard disk reaches operating speed. If an applica tion has frequent hard disk access, a low setting may actually use more pow er because of the power required to bring the hard disk up to speed.
CPU speed at startup
Low, Medium, High Auto (default)—high spee d for AC and medium speed f or b at tery
CPU speed can be changed by pressing CTRL-ALT- ↑ or CTRL-ALT- (except on DX4 mod els). You can also execute the SPEED utility on all systems.
Page No.
Page 2 Main
Page 2 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
HDD Motor
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Default CPU
LCD Power
Advanced OS Power
Defines brightness of backlighting; the lower the settin g, the dimmer th e backlightin g an d the lower th e power requirements. This parame ter is not supported on color units.
Low, Medium, High Auto (default)—high for AC and medium for ba tt ery
On (default) Auto Off
Using the Setup Programs 1-17
Page 2 Main
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
LCD P ower
Page 2
Power Savings
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Power Level
Level of savings activated under BatteryPro utility.
Disabled 1–Low 2–Medium (def au lt) 3–High 4–Maximum
Page No.
No access. Use
command in
Access Path
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Power Level
1-18 Using the Setup Programs
Activity Monitoring
The computer can monitor activity on up to three groups of devices depending on the model:
Comm—includes the standard serial port Disks—includes the hard disk, floppy drive, and
External PS/2 keyboard, numeric keypad, or mouse
connected to the PS/2 port
If no activity occurs on the monitored devices for the defined Timeout Interval, the computer implements the defined Timeout Action. The computer resumes full operation automatically as soon as activity occurs on any of the monitored devices.
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Page No.
Activity Monitoring
Access Path
Pointing Device
Yes (default) No
Monitors hard disk and floppy drive
Yes (or On) No (or Off) (def ault)
Page 2 Main
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Activity Monitor
P oin ting Device
Page 2 Main
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Activity Monitor
Using the Setup Programs 1-19
Activity Monitoring
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Monitors COM port
Yes (or On) (defaut) No (or Off)
Page No.
Page 2 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
P ower Sa vings
Activity Monitor
1-20 Using the Setup Programs
Screen Parameters
Screen Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Expanded Mode
Specifies startup status of video
On= White on black for text and graphics Off (def au lt)=B lack on white for text and graphics Text Only= Text only Graphics Only= Graphics only
Not supported on color models Specifies whether all video mod es can
use the entire video area.
On (default) Off
In some video modes , viewing area at the top and bottom of the display area.
restricts the
Page No.
Page 3 Main
Page 3 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
Control Panel
Expanded Mode
Block Cursor
Specifies whether the curso r is always a block cursor, reg ardless of the application.
On (default) Off
Selects the display device.
LCD= All display outpu t on the LCD CRT= All display output on an e xte rnal monitor; defaults to LCD if no external monitor (default) Both=Simultaneous display on the LCD and on the external monito r; defaults to LCD if no external monitor
Page 3 Main
Control Panel
Block Cursor
Page 3 Main
Control Panel
Using the Setup Programs 1-21
Screen Parameters
Paramete r Definitions and Va lues
Monitor Type
LCD Palette
Selects the monitor device driver appropriate for your external monitor and application.
VGA , 8514 Comp atible, Supe r VGA, Ext. Super VGA (default), Multifrequency, Extended Multifrequency, Super Multifrequency, Ext. Super Multifreque ncy
Must match external monitor Specifies the startup palette .
Default Palette 0=Standard Palette 0 (default) 1=Text P ale tte 2=Standard Palette 1 3=Standard Palette 2 4=User Palette 1 5=User Palette 2 (default on some color models)
Page No.
Page 3 Main
Page 3 Main
Access Path
Control Panel
Monitor Type
Control Panel
User Palette 1,2
Can be changed with RPAL utility or PALSET
1-22 Using the Setup Programs
+ 265 hidden pages