If this product is sold or assigned by the original purchaser to a third is to be delivered to an address within the country where the
party within three years of purchase, the new owner should note maintenance centre operates, Tenma shall pay the cost of returning the
that warranty is available for a period of three years from the day product to the
the original purchaser acquired the product from Tenma or an
destination, all freight, custom duty, tax and other costs will be paid by
authorized dealer. The probe, other accessories and fuses are not
the customer.
covered by warranty.
This warranty does not apply to any defect, malfunction or damage
If any genuine defect is found during the valid warranty period, Tenma
caused by accident, normal wear and tear of mechanical parts, any
has the option to repair the defective product without any charge for
form of application other than the stated ones, improper use, improper
parts or labor, or replace it with another product (at the discretion of
maintenance or poor maintenance. Under the warranty terms and
Tenma). Tenma may use parts, modules and replacement products that
conditions, Tenma has no obligation to provide the following services :
are brand new or repaired to a good-as-new standard. All old parts,
modules and products that are removed during replacement become
a) Repairing any damage arising from installation, repair or
properties of Tenma.
maintenance carried out by a non Tenma service representative;
b) Repairing any damage arising from improper use or connection
In this User Manual, “ customer” means an individual or entity
to incompatible equipment;
vested with the rights hereunder. To enjoy the warranty service,
the “customer” must report any defect to Tenma during the valid
c) Repairing any damage or malfunction arising from using a power
warranty period and make appropriate arrangement to allow
source not provided by Tenma;
servicing. The customer should pack the defective product in a
d) Servicing a product that has been modified or integrated with other
container and deliver it to a maintenance centre specified by Tenma.
products (such modification or integration makes repair more
The customer should also prepay all freight cost and provide a copy of
time consuming and difficult).
the original sales receipt issued to the original purchaser. If the product
DSO Series User Ma nual