Telex 400, WorkStation 2 User Manual

WorkStation Telex/Fax/400 International Presence plc
WorkStation 2
for Windows 95/98 and NT4/2000
User Guide
TCP/IP is rapidly being adopted as the communication protocol standard. Because of this, vendors including IBM and Microsoft are shipping support for TCP/IP as standard in their latest operating system releases.
The TCP/IP protocol is one level removed from your local area networking protocol and may be run over Ethernet or Token Ring networks quite transparently, the interface drivers being supplied by the operating system.
By using the TCP/IP protocol to communicate between the WorkStation client and the Telex/Fax/400 host system, the need for any third party connectivity software is removed thereby saving cost and valuable system resources.
As an added bonus, the TCP/IP subsystems are very fast since they are intended to handle large volumes of network data. This makes the WorkStation client software extremely responsive when compared to other connection methods.
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WorkStation Telex/Fax/400 International Presence plc
What’s New in Version 2
Address Book
The address book can contain any number of categories which can be private, departmental or public, either stored locally or on the Telex/Fax/400 host machine. A corporate database can even be incorporated by the use of a Microsoft
Access Query Link. This is an extremely powerful addition to
the WorkStation product.
E-mail Integration
This release of WorkStation has full E-mail facilities for our iMPS Internet users. Users can now send and receive E-mail, with attachments, direct from WorkStation. This addition to the WorkStation product should change the way we all work.
Windows NT Print Driver
The NT print driver is now officially released on this version.
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WorkStation Telex/Fax/400 International Presence plc
Minimum System Requirements
The minimum system configuration required to run the W orkStation client software is as follows:
Client PC
486 PC (Pentium recommended) 16 MB Ram (32MB recommended) Windows 95 or Windows NT4 CD-ROM Drive or connection to a network where the installation CD can be copied to.
OS/400 Release 3.1 or later Telex/Fax/400 Release I (PTF level V2.10 or later)
TCP/IP connection between client PC and AS/400
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WorkStation Telex/Fax/400 International Presence plc
Client Software Installation
Windows 95
From the Start menu choose Run, and Browse to the CD. Double click on the Setup icon and click OK. The WorkStation installation program should start and you will be presented with a Welcome screen. Click next and follow the on-screen instructions. You will need your Telex/Fax/400 host systems IP Address, and also the Username and Password that you use to sign on.
Printer Driver Installation
If you wish to send faxes from W indows 95 applications (Word etc.) then you will need to install the TF400 TCP/IP print driver.
Go into ‘My Computer’ and open up the Printers folder.
Double click on Add Printer. The Add Printer Wizard will start.
You should install the device as a Local Printer, and when prompted for the printer type click on ‘Have Disk’.
Click on Browse and locate the pdrv95 folder on the W orkStation CD. You should see a file called oemsetup.inf. Click on OK to select this file, then OK again in the ‘Install from Disk’ dialog.
Back in the Add Printer Wizard you should now see 2 drivers. Click on TF400 TCP/IP and then click ‘Next’.
You will be asked to select a port for the device, just click ‘Next’ since this setting is ignored by the driver.
You will be asked for the printer name, leave the default and click ‘Next’.
That completes the installation of the printer driver.
Windows NT4
From the Start menu choose Run, and Browse to the CD. Double click on the Setup icon and click OK. The WorkStation installation program should start and you will be presented with a Welcome screen. Click next and follow the on-screen instructions. You will need your Telex/Fax/400 host systems IP Address, and also the Username and Password that you use to sign on.
Printer Driver Installation
The Windows NT4 print driver may be installed during the WorkStation installation process. If you have not installed the print driver, you will need to restart the installation process.
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Telex/Fax/400 AS/400 Configuration
To configure your Telex/Fax/400 host to recognise the new Windows 95/NT4 clients you will need to run through a configuration screen within Telex/Fax/400.
From the main Telex/Fax/400 menu select Option 41 - “Work with environment” and then sub-
option 42 - “WorkStation 95/NT parameters”. You will then be presented with the following screen.
Do you wish to use WorkStation 95/NT ?
Enter a “1” here if you wish users to be able to use WorkStation 95/NT. To disable this function you will need to change this entry back to a “0” after
having stopped the “Client tasks for Win95/NT” from
Option 11- “Check and control driver”.
If you select a “1” here and then press enter you will be presented with the following screen.
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WorkStation Telex/Fax/400 International Presence plc
Subsystem name for client tasks
The default name for the subsystem used for running the client tasks is TLXFAXCLTI. If you wish to change this then enter the name of the subsystem that you require. The first time a subsystem name is entered you will receive the message that the subsystem does not exist and to press F6 to create. When you press F6 the subsystem name entered will be created in the Telex/Fax/400 program library with all the relevant autostart jobs, routing and job queue entries.
AS/400 Host IP address (Internet address)
You need to enter here the AS/400 IP address in the form as shown in the screen excerpt. This entry will be validated to check that a valid address has been entered.
If you are unsure of this address, it may be found from option 1 of the CFGTCP menu.
Number of handlers to run
The number of handlers to run should depend upon the number of users who will be using WorkStation 95/NT. The minimum entry should be “2” and if you find that the response times are a little slow then you may tune the entries accordingly. Note: the change in the number of handlers to run will only be implemented the next time that the “Client tasks” are started. (Option 11 - “Check and control driver”).
Handler to download logs Handles the requests to download the queue,
mailbox and archive logs.
Critical request handler Validates the requests sent by the client and handles
the log-on, and log member properties requests and updates, notifications etc.
Non-critical request handler Processes all valid requests passed on from the
critical request handler. i.e. retrieving message comments, downloading message texts, audit logs, adding comments, copying to mailboxes etc.
Once you have completed the entries for this option you should return to the main TLX menu and take Option 11- “Check and Control drivers”, you will now see another entry under the entry for “Associated tasks” called “Client tasks for Win95/NT”. You will need to enter a “1” beside this entry
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to start the WorkStation 95/NT subsystem and the corresponding tasks. The viewing of jobs etc. within this subsystem is identical to that for the “Associated tasks” subsystem. If you use the cma.ettworth supplied auto start programs for housekeeping etc. this subsystem will be restarted automatically.
Routing Message notifications to WorkStation 95/NT
If you wish your message notifications to report via WorkStation 95/NT then you will need to change your User parameters to request this. Take Option 23 - “Maintain user parameters” and select a “2” to change against your User profile (or “1” to create if your profile is not already defined to Telex/Fax/400). First select a “1” to maintain “ID details”. This will allow you to set up your message “Confirmation and Failure notifications”. You will see a new entry of “4” to indicate Win95/NT notifications. If you also wish to set up notifications for mail received in your mailbox then you will need to select a “5” for “Printers” from the pop-up and enter a “4” against the “Message” entry for Auto mailbox functions. Note that this operation may be performed automatically by the WorkStation client, when a user logs in for the first time.
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Using WorkStation
Starting WorkStation for the first time
After installation, there will be a Telex/Fax/400 Workstation section added to your Start Menu Programs. Under here you will find all the WorkStation 95/NT4 components.
Message Management
The Message Management program enables you to look at the Telex/Fax/400 queue, mailbox and archive logs, and manage messages within them.
Monitor should already be running on your machine (there will be an icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen which represents a monitor screen). Monitor is used to log in to your Telex/Fax/400 host, it needs to be running before any other WorkStation components will start. Monitor also enables you to receive notifications of messages that have been sent or received, and also enables viewing graphical messages from a PC5250 session by pressing the ‘F9 = Resolve’ key from screens that support this function.
Address Book
The Address Book enables you to keep a number of categorised addresses in a central place for use when sending messages through Telex/Fax/400 WorkStation. It has a drag and drop interface to the WorkStation addressing screen.
Create E-mail
This simple editor enables you to quickly compose E-mail messages, with attachments, for sending via the WorkStation product. You will need to have the iMPS Internet facility to use this feature.
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WorkStation Telex/Fax/400 International Presence plc
Message Management
When you start the Message Management program, you will be presented with an explorer type screen. The left pane contains a tree view of users, and the right pane a message log view.
At the top of the window, there is the usual pull down menu system, and also a row of buttons. From left to right, the buttons are:
Queue View - Selects the queue to be displayed in the log view pane. Mailbox View - Selects the mailbox to be displayed in the log view pane. Archive View - Selects the archive to be displayed in the log view pane.
Selection Criteria - Allows filtering and sorting of messages in the log view pane.
Refresh Log - Performs an immediate download request for the selected log. Refresh Screen - Performs an immediate update of queue message statuses.
Find - Allows the log to be searched for occurrences of a specified string.
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