Telex TELEXo, TXo, TELEXi, TXi Quick Start Manual

TXo & TXi
Revision .017 • 20171114
Congrats on purchasing or building your TELEX module(s). This endeavor has been a massive learning experience and a serious labor of love to put together for us. Your support has been sincerely appreciated all along the way of this journey!
This quick guide is an attempt to consolidate some important details for you and get you up and running in no time with your TELEX. While you may not be a “read the manual” type of person, you will very likely save yourself a lot of time and frustration by giving this a quick glance. But, who are we kidding, if you aren’t a read the manual type of person then you aren’t even reading this and we’re just wasting everyone’s time. We all blame you for this.
If you run into any problems along the way, feel free to reach out for assistance. The best place to do this is on the monome forum “lines” at:
Getting Started: Firmware
Required Teletype Firmware
Your Telex module(s) require firmware later than version 2.0 to be installed on your Teletype. Head on over to the monome repository and update that firmware if you want the Teletype to be able to speak with your TELEX. Instructions for the Teletype update process are also on the monome site.
TELEX Firmware Upgrades
Your TELEX shipped with the latest firmware available at the time of its construction. If some time has passed, there is a good chance that a new version may be available. You can always check at the GitHub TELEX microsite:
To upgrade your firmware, you will need to connect the Teensy processor on the back of your TELEX to your computer. It is critical to turn the power off on your TELEX or (better) simply remove the Teensy from the back of the module during this operation. Follow the procedure for loading firmware onto the Teensy that is appropriate for your operating system using the Teensy Loader. Links and details are on the release page above.
DO NOT connect your module’s Teensy processor to USB while it is connected to Eurorack power. This will cause bad things to happen. Chernobyl-style bad things. Resist the temptation – it will only lead to wanton destruction.
If you wish to roll up your sleeves and debug the module via USB, you will need to separate VIN from VUSB on the underside of the Teensy. This is a simple procedure that should be done carefully
to ensure that you don’t damage your Teensy, module, computer, or fabric of the universe.
Getting Started: Connections
Connecting Your TELEX to Eurorack Power
The TELEX modules follow the “red stripe down” paradigm of power connections. This means that the -12 side of your Eurorack cable should be at the bottom of the module. This is marked on the silkscreen as “< -12” alongside the vertical Eurorack power connector.
While the TELEX was designed with reverse power protection, this hasn’t been fully tested out of concern for the safety of rare prototypes, Teletype modules, power supplies, and small animals. It is highly recommended that you ensure that your power connections are oriented properly and fully connected. (If you do screw this up, let us all know what happens. In the meantime, we’ll be looking for the swirling vortex in the sky.)
After connecting things to your TELEX, ensure that the 3 layers of the module are properly seated. The two boards and Teensy should be flat and snug. You will damage your unit if it is not properly put together when powered up. That would suck.
Connecting the TELEX to Your Teletype via II
The II bus consists of two signals (SCL and SDA) and a ground wire. Your Teletype shipped with a cable affixed with 2x3 connectors and a six-conductor ribbon cable. This works fine – but can be a bit of a pain in the rear to wrangle when you have a bunch of modules connected to the bus.
We have included a three-conductor jumper wire with your module to facilitate their connection to the II bus. You can use either method – but there are important considerations you need to keep in mind:
- On the Teletype and Trilogy Modules, the II pins are oriented top to bottom (ground on the top).
- On the TELEX modules and Ansible, these pins are oriented bottom to top (ground on the bottom).
- On the TELEX modules, two vertical columns of II pins are present and slightly separated (2x3 connectors won’t cover both columns – they are designed for jumpers).
Ensure that you are appropriately orienting your ground wire when connecting the devices together. The rule is “Twist to the Teletype or Trilogy” - if you need a mnemonic.
The diagrams below illustrate where the pins are located on the two modules.
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