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Verification Script Engine
LeCroy SATracer /SASTracer
Reference Manual
Manual Version 1.01
For SASTracer/SATracer Software Version 2.60/4.60
February 13, 2006
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
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The information contained in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be
reliable. However, no responsibility can be assumed for inaccuracies that may not have been
LeCroy reserves the right to revise the information presented in this document without
notice or penalty.
Trademarks and Servicemarks
LeCroy, CATC, SASTracer, SATracer, SASTrainer, SATrainer Automation are trademarks of
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are registered trademarks of
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All other trademarks are property of their respective companies.
This document may be printed and reproduced without additional permission, but all copies
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This is version 1.0 the SASTracer/SATracer Verification Script Engine Reference Manual.
This manual applies to SASTracer/SATracer software version 2.60/4.60 and higher.
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
22 THE VSE IMPORTANT SCRIPT FILES ............................................................................... 62
22.1 EXAMPLE SCRIPT FILES ....................................................................................................... 62
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
1 Introduction
This document contains a description of the LeCroy Verification Script Engine (VSE), a new
utility in the SATracer/SASTracer software that allows users to perform custom analyses of
SAS/SATA traffic, recorded using the new generation of SAS/SATA protocol analyzers.
VSE allows users to ask the SASTracer/SATracer application to send some desired “events”
(currently defined as Primitive/Frame/Transaction/Command) from a trace to a verification script
written using the LeCroy script language. This script then evaluates the sequence of events (timing,
data or both) in accordance with user-defined conditions and performs post-processing tasks; such as
exporting key information to external text-based files or sending special Automation/COM
notifications to user client applications.
VSE was designed to allow users to easily retrieve information about any field in a SAS/SATA
Frame/Transaction/Command, and to make complex timing calculations between different events in a
pre-recorded trace. It also allows filtering-in or filtering-out of data with dynamically changing
filtering conditions, porting of information to a special output window, saving of data to text files and
sending of data to COM clients connected to a SASTracer/SATracer application.
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
2 Verification Script Structure
Writing a verification script is easy, as long as you follow a few rules and have some
understanding of how the SASTracer/SATracer application interacts with running scripts.
The main script file that contains the text of the verification script should have extension .sasvs,
and be located in the subfolder ..\Scripts\VFScripts of the main SASTracer/SATracer folder. Some
other files might be included in the main script file using directive %include. (see CATC Scripting Language Reference Manual for details).
The following schema presents a common structure of a verification script (this is similar to the content
of the script template [VSTemplate.pev_] which is included with VSE):
# Module info
# Filling of this block is necessary for proper verification script operation...
set ModuleType = "Verification Script"; # Should be set for all verification scripts
set OutputType = "VS"; # Should be set for all verification scripts that
# output only Report string and Result.
set InputType = "VS";
set DecoderDesc = "<Your Verification Script description>"; # Optional
# include main Verification Script Engine definitions
%include "VSTools.inc" # Should be set for all verification scripts
# Global Variables and Constants
# Define your verification script-specific global variables and constant in this section...
# (Optional)
set g_MyGlobalVariable = 0;
# Specify in the body of this function the initial values for global variables
# and what kinds of trace events should be passed to the script.
# ( By default, all packet level events from all channels
# will be passed to the script.
# For details – how to specify what kind of events should be passed to the script
# please see the topic ‘sending functions’.
g_MyGlobalVariable = 0;
# Uncomment the line below - if you want to disable output from
# ReportText()-functions.
# DisableOutput();
# It is a main script function called by the application when the next waited event
# occured in the evaluated trace.
# Write the body of this function depending upon your needs.
# It is a main script function called by the application when the script completed
# running. Specify in this function some resetting procedures for a successive run
# of this script.
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
3 Interaction Between SASTracer/SATracer and a Verification
When a user runs a script against a pre-recorded trace, the following sequence occurs:
1. Prior to sending information to the script's main processing function ProcessEvent(), VSE looks
for the function OnStartScript() and calls it if it is found. In this function, setup actions are
defined, such as specifying the kind of trace events that should be passed to the script and
setting up initial values for script-specific global variables.
2. Next, the VSE parses the recorded trace to verify that the current packet or other event meets
specific criteria—if it does, VSE calls the script’s main processing function ProcessEvent(),
placing information about the current event in the script’s input context variables.
(Please refer to the topic Input context variables later in this document for a full description of
verification script input context variables )
3. ProcessEvent() is the main verification routine for processing incoming trace events. This
function must be present in all verification scripts. When the verification program consists of a
few stages, the ProcessEvent() function processes the event sent to the script, verifies that
information contained in the event is appropriate for the current stage, and decides if VSE
should continue running the script or, if the whole result is clear on the current stage, tell VSE
to complete execution of the script.
The completion of the test before the entire trace has been evaluated is usually done by
setting the output context variable in this manner: out.Result = _VERIFICATION_PASSED or
(Please refer to the topic Output context variables later in this document for a full description of
verification script output context variables)
NOTE: Not only does a verification script evaluate recorded traces against some criteria—but it can also extract
information of interest and post-process it later by some third-party applications (there is a set of script functions
allowing you to save extracted data in text files, or send it to other applications, via COM/Automation interfaces).
4. When the script has completed running, VSE looks for the function OnFinishScript() and calls
it if found. In this function, some resetting procedures can be done.
The following figure illustrates the interaction between the SASTracer/SATracer application and a
running verification script:
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
erification Script
(If expected event )
(If expected event )
(If expected event )
(If expected event )
SASTracer Application
(Run verification script)
Starting VSE running …
Set out.Result =
will complete the script run.
erification Script results
(If expected
event )
Finishing VSE running … …
The Verification script result "DONE" occurs when the script has been configured to extract and display some information about
the trace, but not to display PASSED/FAILED results. To configure a script so that it only displays information—place a call
somewhere in your script to the function ScriptForDisplayOnly()in OnStartScript(), for example.
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
4 Running Verification Scripts from the SASTracer/SATracer
In order to run a verification script over a trace—you need to open the SASTracer/SATracer
main menu item Report\Run verification scripts… or push the icon on the main toolbar if it is not
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
The special dialog will open displaying a list of verifications scripts. You can select one script to run,
or several scripts from the list to run in parallel:
output windows
erification Script List
Name for scripts are file names
without extension.
Finds a view related to the
verified trace and place this
window under it.
Starts running selected
verification scripts
Finds a view related to the
verified trace and place this
window by the right side of it.
erification Script description
Descriptions for scripts are defined in
set DecoderDesc="MyDescription";
Tabbed output
windows for selected
verification scripts.
Saves contents of
output windows in
text files.
llows to set
different settings.
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
4.1 Running verification scripts
Push the button Run scripts after you selected the desired script(s) to run. VSE will start
running the selected verification script(s), show script report information in the output windows,
and present results of verifications in the script list:
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
Right-click in script list opens a pop-up menu with options for performing additional operations on
the selected scripts:
Run verification script(s) – starts running selected script(s)
Edit script – allows editing of the selected script(s) using whatever editor was specified in Editor
- New script – creates a new script file using the template specified in Editor settings.
Show Grid – shows/hides a grid in the verification script list.
- Show Description window – shows/hides the script description window. (Shortcut key : F2)
Show Output - shows/hides the script output windows. (Shortcut key : F3)
Settings – opens a special Setting dialog which allows you to specify different settings for VSE.
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
4.2 VSE GUI settings.
After choosing Settings, the following dialog will appear:
This option (if set) allows editor
applications supporting multi-document
interface (MDI) to edit all script files
related to the selected scripts in one
application instance.
Otherwise, a new application instance will
be launched for each script file.
This option (if set) allows editor
applications to edit all included files
(extension : *.inc) along with main
verification script files (extension : *.vse )
Otherwise, only main verification script
files will be opened for editing.
Launches editor application in full screen
Full path to the file to be used as a
template for a new script.
This setting (if set) specifies that the last
saved output for selected scripts should
be loaded into the out
This setting (if set) brings Run VS dialog
to foreground when scripts stopped
This setting (if set) forces the application
to save output automatically when the
ts stopped running.
ut windows.
See screen pop-up tooltips for
explanation of other settings…
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
5 Verification Script Engine Input Context Members
All verification scripts have input contexts – some special structures whose members are filled by
the application and can be used inside of the scripts (for more details about input contexts – please refer
to the CATC Script Language(CSL) Manual). The verification script input contexts have two sets of
- Trace event-independent set of members.
- Trace event -dependent set of members.
5.1 Trace event-independent set of members
This set of members is defined and can be used for any event passed to script:
in.Level - transaction level of the trace event (0 = frames, 1= sequences )
in.Index - Index of the event in the trace file (frame number for frames, sequence number
for sequences)
in.Time - time of the event (type: list, having the format: 2 sec 125 ns -> [2 , 125].
(See 9.1 VSE time object for details)
in.Channel - channel where the event occured. (may be
in.TraceEvent - type of trace event (application predefined constants are used. See the list of possible
events, below)
in.Notification - type of notification (application predefined constants are used.
Currently, no notifications are defined)
_CHANNEL_2 (2) indicating which direction of the SAS/SATA link the event occurred)
_CHANNEL_1 (1) or
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
5.2 Trace event-dependent set of members
This set of members is defined and can be used only for a specific events or after calling some
functions filling out some of the variables:
5.2.1 Primitives
in.Primitive– 4-byte value of the Primitive in.Count– Primitive count
in.Payload - bit source of the frame/sequence payload (you can extract any necessary
information using GetNBits(), NextNBits() or PeekNBits() functions—please refer to the CSL Manual
for details about these functions)
in.PayloadLength - the length (in bytes of the retrieved payload)
in.SOF,in.StartOfFrame– 4-byte value of Start of frame primitive
in.EndOfFrame – 4-byte value of End of frame primitive
in.CRC– CRC value as transmitted
LeCroy Corporation Verification Script Engine Reference Manual Version 1.01
in.CalculatedCRC– CRC value as calculated
5.2.4 SAS Open Address Frame members
Note: All members return the content of the matching field name (in.xyz returns the value of field
“xyz”) based on the SAS specification.