Information included herein is controlled by the Export Administration Regulations
(EAR) and may require an export license, license exception or other approval from the
appropriate U.S. Government agency before being exported from the United States or
provided to any foreign person. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
CHAPTER 1-AT A GLANCE ...................................................................................................................................1
Connecting to the Pathfinder ....................................................................................................................... 17
Using the Network Configuration Page ................................................................................................ 18
Using the Ethernet Communications ................................................................................................... 19
Using TCP Protocol ......................................................................................................................... 19
Using UDP Protocol ........................................................................................................................ 20
CHAPTER 2–SYSTEM INT EGRATION .......................................................................................................................25
System Integration Introduction .................................................................................................................. 26
DVL Theory ................................................................................................................................................... 26
Water Tracking ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Required Conditions for Water Tracking ....................................................................................... 27
Water Tracking Parameters ........................................................................................................... 28
Current Profiling ................................................................................................................................... 28
Beam Coordinate Systems ................................................................................................................... 29
DVL Performance and Influencing Factors ........................................................................................... 31
Long Term Performance ................................................................................................................ 31
Mounting the Instrument ..................................................................................................................... 37
Pitch & Roll ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Data Screening ..................................................................................................................................... 47
CHAPTER 3–COLLECTING DATA ............................................................................................................................63
Pathfinder General Deployment Flow .......................................................................................................... 64
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Creating or Modifying Command Files ......................................................................................................... 65
Sending Commands to the Pathfinder ......................................................................................................... 69
Replaceable Parts ......................................................................................................................................... 72
Long Term Maintenance Items .................................................................................................................... 79
Updating the DVL Firmware ................................................................................................................. 79
CHAPTER 5-RETURNING SYSTEMS TO TRDI FOR SERVICE ............................................................................................81
Shipping the Pathfinder ............................................................................................................................... 82
Returning Systems to the TRDI Factory ........................................................................................................ 83
Returning Systems to TRDI Europe Factory .................................................................................................. 84
Available Timing Commands ................................................................................................................ 142
TE – Time Per Ensemble ................................................................................................................. 142
TF – Time of First Ping .................................................................................................................... 142
TP – Time Between Pings ............................................................................................................... 143
TS – Set Real-Time Clock ................................................................................................................ 144
TT – Set Real-Time Clock (Y2k Compliant)...................................................................................... 144
Water Profiling Commands .......................................................................................................................... 145
Available Water Profiling Commands ................................................................................................... 145
#WX – Set single-beam transmit mode .......................................................................................... 151
CHAPTER 8–OUTPUT DATA FORMATS ...................................................................................................................153
Choosing a Data Format ............................................................................................................................... 154
PD0 Output Data Format ............................................................................................................................. 156
Header Data Format ............................................................................................................................. 158
Fixed Leader Data Format .................................................................................................................... 160
Variable Leader Data Format ............................................................................................................... 166
Velocity Data Format............................................................................................................................ 174
Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format ................................ 176
Binary Bottom-Track Data Format ....................................................................................................... 180
Environmental Command Parameters Output Format ........................................................................ 185
Bottom Track Command Output Format ............................................................................................. 187
Bottom Track High Resolution Velocity Format ................................................................................... 190
Bottom Track Range Format ................................................................................................................ 193
Navigation Parameters Data Format .................................................................................................... 197
Sensor Source for Doppler Processing Format ..................................................................................... 201
Binary Checksum Data Format ............................................................................................................. 205
Special Output Data Formats ....................................................................................................................... 206
Pathfinder Binary Data Format (PD4/PD5) ........................................................................................... 207
Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD4/PD5) Details ............................................................................. 209
Pathfinder Binary Data Format (PD5) ................................................................................................... 212
Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD5) Details ..................................................................................... 214
Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD6) ................................................................................................. 215
Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD13) ............................................................................................... 218
Decoding a Pathfinder Ensemble ................................................................................................................. 222
Rules for the BroadBand Data Format PD0 .......................................................................................... 222
Decoding Sequence for PD0 Data ........................................................................................................ 223
APPENDIX A–NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE ..................................................................................................................225
Date of Manufacture .................................................................................................................................... 226
Environmental Friendly Use Period (EFUP) .................................................................................................. 226
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
CE ................................................................................................................................................................. 226
Material Disclosure Table ............................................................................................................................. 227
Figure 1. Pathfinder ROV Version .............................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2. Pathfinder ROV Version Face View............................................................................................. 3
Figure 3. OEM Version Transducer ............................................................................................................ 3
Figure 4. OEM Version Electronics Chassis ................................................................................................ 4
Figure 5. Connecting the Cable ............................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6. ROV Pathfinder Connections for Bench Test [73B-6057-00 & 73B-6046-00 Cables]................ 12
Table 29: Data Stream Selections .......................................................................................................... 140
Table 30: Bandwidth Control ................................................................................................................. 145
Table 31: Summary of Output Data Formats ......................................................................................... 155
Table 32: Header Data Format ............................................................................................................... 159
Table 33: Fixed Leader Data Format ...................................................................................................... 162
Table 34: Variable Leader Data Format ................................................................................................. 168
Table 35: Velocity Data Format .............................................................................................................. 175
Table 36: Correlation Magnitude Data Format ...................................................................................... 177
Table 37: Echo Intensity Data Format .................................................................................................... 177
Table 38: Percent-Good Data Format .................................................................................................... 179
Table 39: Status Data Format................................................................................................................. 179
Table 40: Bottom-Track Data Format..................................................................................................... 182
Table 41: Environmental Command Parameters Output Format .......................................................... 186
Table 42: Bottom Track Command Output Data Format ....................................................................... 189
Table 43: Bottom Track High Resolution Velocity Output Format ......................................................... 192
Table 44: Bottom Track Range Output Data Format .............................................................................. 195
Table 45. Navigation Parameters Data Format ...................................................................................... 200
Table 46: Sensor Source for Doppler Processing Output Format ........................................................... 203
Table 47: Checksum Data Format .......................................................................................................... 205
Table 48: Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD4/PD5) Details ................................................................ 209
Table 49: Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD5) Details ........................................................................ 214
Table 50: Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD6) ................................................................................... 215
Table 51. Pathfinder Output Data Format (PD13) ................................................................................. 219
Table 52: Common Data Format IDs ...................................................................................................... 222
Table 53. Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements Contained in Product ..................................... 227
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
April 2018
• Updated the inventory tables
• Updated Figure 8, OEM Pathfinder Connections for Bench Test [73B-6059-00 Cable]
• Added additional pictures to OEM Pathfinder Transducer Connections
• Added bend radius and connector part number to Figure 11 Pathfinder ROV Power/Comm Cable
73B-6058 Pigtail Cable
• Updated Using UDP Protocol
• Added the input trigger voltage is 3.3VDC to 7VDC
• Added how the leak sensor status can be decoded to PC5 and PC50
• Updated Figure 30 PD0 Standard Output Data Buffer Format
• Added information on
PD0 variable leader transmit voltage, current, and impedance.
• Updated the HEM Status byte 67 in the Variable Leader data
• Updated Bottom Track/Water Track STD Deviation description in Navigation Parameters Data
• Corrected Bottom Track Command Output Data format
• Added figures for Environmental Command Parameters Output Format, Bottom Track Com-
mand Output Data Format, Bottom Track High Resolution Velocity Output Format, Bottom
Track Range Output Data Format, Navigation Parameters Data Format, and Sensor Source for
Doppler Processing Output Format
For all your customer service needs including our emergency 24/7 technical support, call +1 (858) 842-2700
Self-Service Customer Portal
Use our online customer portal at and click on the Support link to down-
load manuals, firmware updates, software, or other Teledyne RDI documentation.
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Thank you for purchasing a Teledyne RD Instruments Pathfinder Doppler Velocity Log (DVL). Conventions used in the Pathfinder DVL Guide have been established to help learn how to use the system.
Menu items are printed in bold: Collect Data. Items that need to be typed by the user or keys to press
will be shown as <F1>. If a key combination were joined with a plus sign (<ALT+F>), press and hold the
first key while pressing the second key. Words printed in italics include program names (TRDI Too lz ) and
file names (TestWH.rds).
Code or sample files are printed using a fixed font. Here is an example:
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2017
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 67.xx
There are four visual aids to help: Notes, Cautions, Recommended Settings, and References.
This paragraph format indicates additional information that may help avoid problems or that
should be considered in using the described features.
This paragraph format warns the reader of hazardous procedures (for example, activities that
may cause loss of data or damage to the Pathfinder).
This paragraph format indicates additional information that may help set command
This paragraph format tells the reader where they may find additional information.
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
In this chapter, you will learn:
•System Overview
•Models and Options
•Computer Considerations
•Power Overview
•Setting up the PathFinder System
•How to connect and disconnect the cables
•Cable wiring diagrams
•Using the Network Configuration Page
•Caring for the PathFinder System
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
The Pathfinder transducer assembly contains the connectors with connector protective cap s, housing,
transducer ceramics, and electronics. The standard acoustic frequency is 600 kHz. See the Outline Instal-
lation Drawings for dimensions and weights.
The urethane face covers the transducer ceramics and provides a robust, flexible waterproof
seal. Avoid setting the transducer on bumpy surfaces that may leave an indentation in the
urethane or damage the urethane face, anodized finish, or paint.
The Pathfinder housing contains Electrostatic Sensitive Devices. Take accepted ESD
prevention measures before removing the housing.
The PWR/COMM cable connects the Pathfinder to the computer and external power supply.
When the cable is not connected, use the connector protective cap to protect the connector.
Figure 1. Pathfinder ROV Version
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Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
Figure 2. Pathfinder ROV Version Face View
Figure 3. OEM Version Transducer
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
Figure 4. OEM Version Electronics Chassis
Pathfinder Options
The following options are available:
• The 73B-6057-00 ROV test cable is used for testing the system prior to installing it on a ROV.
• The 73b-6059-00 OEM test cable is used for testing the system prior to installing it on a ROV.
• The Ethernet command and control port is included with all systems but can be removed upon
request. This option must be selected when the system is ordered.
• Current Profiling Mode is a firmware upgrade.
• Low-altitude is a firmware upgrade.
• High accuracy Bottom Track is a firmware upgrade.
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
Part Number
The Pathfinder ROV 600 kHz system includes the transducer and connector protec-
face and connectors. Use a soft pad to protect the transducer.
ROV hard Shipping Case
Shipping case with foam inserts.
The DVL PWR/COMM pigtail cable allows you to build custom cable to connect the
COM, Power and Trigger.
This CD has PDF versions of all of the Pathfinder DVL software and documentation
can be used to test the DVL.
The following DVL Kits are available:
• DVL Standalone: This provides you an option to purchase the DVL with only the necessary parts
to install it in your vehicle. This is especially adapted, once the first integration has been completed and therefore test cables and other accessories are no longer needed.
•DVL Development Package: The DVL Development Package is a complete package to integrate,
evaluate and use your PathFinder DVL. The DVL Development Package was designed to help you
start testing, configuring and integrating your new devices quickly.
•DVL Integration Kit: The DVL Integration Kit has been designed to save you both time and money
by speeding up the evaluation and the integratio n of our products into your vehicle.
•Field Service Kit: The Field Service kit has been designed to allow you to service, repair, and test
your DVL with the assumption that you do not have any kits already available.
Table 1. Pathfinder ROV System Inventory
70B-9042-xx Pathfinder ROV version
73B-6058-00 ROV PWR/COMM Pigtail Cable
ROV Spare Parts* See table below for description Anodes and closing hardware
Pathfinder DVL Software and
Documentation CD
Pathfinder ROV Getting Started
Pathfinder ROV Integration
tive cap. When unpacking, use care to prevent physical damage to the transducer
Pathfinder to your vehicle/platform. It provides all the leads for serial and Ethernet
including the Pathfinder DVL Guide. Please read the manual! The CD also includes
the TRDI Toolz Software. TRDI Toolz is a utility and testing software package that
A printed quick start card showing test setup is included. A PDF version is included
on the documentation CD.
A printed quick reference showing how to integrate the Pathfinder DVL onto a
ROV. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Pathfinder DVL guide for detailed instructions.
Table 2. Pathfinder ROV Spare Parts*
Description Part number Where used
Anode, housing, top 81B-4146-00
Anode, housing, bottom 810-4106-00
Anode Screw M5X0.8X10FH
Anode Screw M2.5X0.45X8FH
M4 Split Washer M4WASHSPL
M4 Nylon Washer M4WASHNYLON
M4 Nut M4X0.7NUT
Isolator 91145A148
M4 Bolt M4X0.7X25SH
Anodes for Housing Exterior
Closing hardware for housing
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
Part Number
OEM hard Shipping Case
OEM cardboard
The DVL PWR/COMM pigtail cable allows you to build custom cable to connect the
COM, Power and Trigger.
This CD has PDF versions of all of the Pathfinder DVL software and documentation in-
used to test the DVL.
Table 6. 75BK6087-00 – Kit, Field Service, ROV Pathfinder
Table 3. Pathfinder OEM Inventory
70B-9043-xx Pathfinder OEM version
Pathfinder DVL Software
and Documentation CD
Pathfinder OEM Getting
Started Guide
Pathfinder OEM Integration Guide
O-ring and Lubricant Remote OEM Transducer head O-ring and lubricant
The Pathfinder OEM 600 kHz system includes the transducer and electronics chassis.
When unpacking, use care to prevent physical damage to the transducer face and connectors. Use a soft pad to protect the transducer.
Shipping case with foam inserts.
Pathfinder to your vehicle/platform. It provides all the leads for serial and Ethernet
cluding the Pathfinder DVL Guide. Please read the manual! The CD also includes the
TRDI Toolz Software. TRDI Toolz is a utility and testing software package that can be
A printed quick start card showing test setup is included. A PDF version is included on
the documentation CD.
A printed quick reference showing how to integrate the Pathfinder DVL onto a ROV. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Pathfinder DVL guide for detailed instructions.
Table 7. 75BK6089-00 – Kit, Field Service, OEM Pathfinder
P/N Description QTY
2-037 O-RING, FACE SEAL, DURO 70 2
84Z-6000-00 TOOL BAG, CANVAS 1
7289A13 KEY, HEX, 2.5MM 1
5503A37 L-KEY, HEX, 2MM 1
95B-6116-00 Pathfinder DVL Documentation CD 1
95B-6117-00 Pathfinder DVL Quick Start Card 1
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
Health & Environment Monitoring Sensors
Health and Environment Monitoring (HEM) Sensors monitor the health of the Pathfinder system.
•Leak Detection – Water leaking into a Pathfinder DVL can not only potentially destroy the DVL,
but also cause severe issues for the host vehicle that is carrying the DVL, such as loss of navigation ability. The Pathfinder detects water leaking into the system and reports it in the PD0, PD4,
PD5, and PD6 messages. The Pathfinder also supports the PC4 and PC5 user interactive test for
reporting the status of the leak sensors. There are two leak sensors; One is mounted at the back
of the transducer head and the other at the bottom of the electronic section (Leak Sensor B is
only available on the ROV Self-Contained version).
•Transducer Monitor – The Pathfinder monitors the transmit voltage and current of the transducer
and reports Transducer Impedance as a result. This information provides insight, in near realtime, to the status of the transducer and alerts the user should problems arise. This data is relayed back to the user in the PD0 Bytes 76 and 77 and PD6output data structure.
•Operating Time – The Pathfinder system records the total time of operation in minutes where
“operation” is defined as the time that the system ping loop is active (CS command has been
sent). The record of the total awake time has a maximum value of 33,554,432 minutes, which
corresponds to over 500,000 hours of operation. The value of the counter can be read as part of
the PS5 command. Although the time is stored in minutes, the operating time is reported in
hours with one decimal place.
Example PS5 output:
Operating time: 4327.5 hours
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
Windows® 7, 8.1, or 10
Setting up the Pathfinder System
Use this section to connect the Pathfinder to a computer and establish communications. Install the TRDI
Toolz software in order to communicate with the Pathfinder.
Computer and Software Considerations
The Pathfinder system includes the utility program TRDI Toolz to help set up, use, test, and troubleshoot
the Pathfinder. Use this program to “talk” to the Pathfinder and to run script files (see Creating or Modify-
ing Command Files and send the Commands to the Pathfinder). For detailed information on how to use
TRDI Toolz, see the TRDI Toolz Help file.
TRDI designed the Pathfinder to use a Windows® compatible computer. Table 8
puter requirements.
TRDI highly recommends downloading and installing all of the critical updates, recommended
updates, and the service releases for the version of Windows® being used prior to installing
any TRDI software.
Table 8: Minimum Computer Hardware Requirements
1GHz class PC 32-bit (64-bit recommended)
2GB of RAM (4GB or more RAM recommended)
50 MB Free Disk Space plus space for data files (A large, fast hard drive is recommended)
Minimum display resolution of 1024 x 768, 256 color (higher recommended)
CD-ROM Drive (if software is installed from CD)
Mouse or other pointing device
Software Installation
To install the Pathfinder Software and Documentation CD:
1. Insert the CD into the drive.
lists the minimum com-
2. Use Windows Explorer® to open the CD drive folder.
3. Double-click on the launch.exe file. When the browser starts:
• To install TRDI Toolz, click the View Manu al s button and then click the In-
• To view the Pathfinder documentation, click the View Manuals button.
stall TRDI Toolz button.
Many companies require that Autorun be disabled. Double-click on Launch.exe to start the
browser on all TRDI software and documentation CDs.
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
Power Overview
The Pathfinder requires a DC supply between 10.7 to 36 VDC. Either an external DC power supply or battery can provide this power. The power supply should be able to source at least two Amps for a bench test
setup (no pinging).
Power on Cycle
The power supply must be able to handle the inrush current as well. Inrush current is the current required
to fully charge up the capacitors when power is applied to the Pathfinder. The capacitors provide a store of
energy for use during transmit. The inrush current is as much as four amps if plugged in after the DVL
Transmit Cap is fully discharged. The Pathfinder will draw this amperage until its capacitors are fully
charged (less than 200ms).
If the power supply limits the current or the power drop on the cable is significant, then the
power on cycle will fail or the system will reset during pinging. Therefore, TRDI recommends
a 1.5 to 2 Amp power supply to cover all performance cases. For more information, see
Electrical Specifications.
If the Power is put in then removed within a very short time (few secs) and then applied again,
then the Inrush limiter will not be able to limit the current pulled from the DVL which would
result in a higher than 4Amps Inrush current spike.
Cables and Connector Protective Cap
The underwater cables connector protective cap is a molded wet-mate-able connector. The end-cap connectors are a factory-installed item. TRDI does not recommend removing it for any routine maintenance.
The connector protective cap should be installed any time the cable is removed. Use the
protective connector cap when the DVL is in storage or is being handled.
Prior to each connection:
1. Lubricate mating surfaces with 3M Silicone Spray or equivalent; DO NOT grease!
To connect the cable:
1. Check all pins for signs of damage (broken or bent pins or corrosion).
2. The Pathfinder cable connector must be lubricated before each connection.
3. Push the cable straight onto the connector ensuring the pins are properly aligned. While keeping a
slight inward pressure on the cable connector and ensuring that the connector is straight, thread
the locking sleeve onto the receptacle to complete the connection.
Use ONLY silicone based lubricants. DO NOT use petroleum based lubricants.
Do NOT use any tools to tighten the locking sleeve. It should only be “finger tight”.
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
Figure 5. Connecting the Cable
Apply lubricant prior to each connection.
To disconnect the cable:
1. Place the Pathfinder on a soft pad to protect the transducer face.
2. Release the cable by turning the locking sleeve counter-clockwise until it can be moved away from
the connector.
3. Pull the cable straight out away from the housing.
4. Install the connector protective cap to protect the connector pins.
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
Setting Up the Pathfinder ROV System
To set up the Pathfinder:
1. The Pathfinder cable connector must be lubricated before each connection.
2. Place the Pathfinder on its transducer face on a soft pad. Remove the Power/Comm connector
protective cap and push the cable straight onto the Power/COMM connector ensuring the key and
pins are properly aligned. While keeping a slight inward pressure on the cable connector and ensuring that the connector is straight, thread the locking sleeve onto the receptacle to complete the
Do NOT use any tools to tighten the locking sleeve. It should only be “finger tight”.
3. Attach the Power/Comm cable to the computer’s serial communication port or Ethernet port.
4. Place the Pathfinder system in water (at least a few inches to cover the transducer face).
5. Connect the power adapter cable to the Power/Comm cable power connector by pushing it all the
way in until it “clicks” and then turn the locking sleeve to secure the connection. Connect +10.7 to
36 VDC power using the banana plugs. The power supply should be able to source at least two
Amps for a bench test setup (no pinging).
Figure 6. ROV Pathfinder Connections for Bench Test [73B-6057-00 & 73B-6046-00 Cables]
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
Setting Up the Pathfinder OEM System
To set up the OEM Pathfinder:
1. Place the Pathfinder transducer face down on a soft surface.
2. With an ESD wrist strap on, remove the top cover on the transducer. Loosen, but do not remove
the two screws next to the cable exit slot.
3. Connect the five cables and ground wire. The 3-pin beam cables have the beam number on the
connector and are color-coded: Beam 1 = black, Beam 2 = red, Beam 3 = yellow, Beam 4 = blue.
Attach the only 4-pin connector to the board.
4. Remove the screw and attach the ground wire lug. Tighten the ground screw to 4 IN-LB.
5. Thread the cables through the slot and attach the cover. Tighten the four M3 screws on the cover
to 4 IN-LB. Tighten the two screws next to the cable exit slot to hold the cables in place.
6. Connect P1 to the Electronics Chassis.
7. Attach the Power/Comm cable to the computer’s serial or Ethernet communication port.
8. Connect +10.7 to 36 VDC power. The power supply should be able to source at least 1.5 to 2 Amps.
Figure 7. OEM Pathfinder Transducer Connections
The standard length of the cable between the transducer and chassis is 12”.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
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Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
Figure 8. OEM Pathfinder Connections for Bench Test [73B-6059-00 Cable]
Cable Wiring Diagrams
This section has information on Pathfinder cabling. Special user-requests may cause changes to the basic
wiring system and may not be shown here. If there is a conflict, contact TRDI for specific information
about the system. The following figures show various Pathfinder cable locations, connectors, and pin-outs.
Figure 9. Pathfinder Power/Comm Cable 73B-6057-005 Optional Test Cable
The connector protective cap should be installed any time the cable is removed. Use the
connector protective cap when the Pathfinder is in storage or is being handled.
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Pathfinder DVL Guide April 2018
Connecting to the Pathfinder
To establish communications with the Pathfinder:
1. Connect the system and apply power.
2. Start the TRDI Toolz software.
3. Select New Serial Connection or New Ethernet Connection.
4. Enter the Pathfinder’s communication settings.
Serial Communications:
Select the COM Port the serial cable is
connected to and set the Baud Rate from
the drop down list to 115200
Ethernet Communications:
Enter the Static
DHCP server IP or host
Enter the Port Number 1033
Select TCP
5. Click the Connect button. Once connected, the button will change to Disconnect.
6. Click the Break () button. From the Break button drop down
menu, select Soft Break (= = =). The wakeu p banner will display in the terminal window.
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2017
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 67.xx
It may be necessary to click inside the terminal window and then click the Break button to
wake up the system.
If the network assigns a Dynamic IP address, the Static IP address will not
work; Connect using the serial port and use the CE command to verify the IP address.
You must have the RJ45 connector plugged into the network switch for the CE command to
return the Ethernet setting info.
The command and control port can be Serial or Ethernet, but NOT both. The last port used to
send a break is the command and control port.
7. The LE D shou l d be solid on if no data is moving over the serial port and there is no active TCP/IP
connection on the Ethernet interface.
• The LED will blink 250ms/500ms when there is data on the serial port.
• The LED will blink 250ms/1000ms when there is traffic on the Ethernet port.
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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April 2018 Pathfinder DVL Guide
Using the Network Configuration Page
The system must be connected to the Ethernet port to use the Network Configuration page.
To establish communications with the Network Configuration page:
1. Connect the system and apply power.
2. Open a browser on the laptop (Internet Explorer
3. Enter the Pathfinder’s DHCP server IP address into the address bar.
4. On Network Confi g ur ation, choose STATIC or DHCP. Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server protocol when the network automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP)
host with its IP address and other related configuration information such as the subnet mask and
default gateway.
If you are using a STATIC network, then configure the Base IP Address, Network Mask,
Gateway Address, Name Server Address, and Command/Control Port as needed. The
default configuration is shown in Figure 13.
5. On the Output Formats section, enable or disable the output data formats (PD0, PD4, PD5, PD6, and
PD13), Protocol (TCP or UDP), Address, and Ports. Once done, click Submit.
, FireFox®, Google Chrome®, or other browser).
If all outputs are enabled, it can affect the ping rate.
Figure 13. Pathfinder Network Configuration Page
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
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