Contains Operating and Programming Information

ã 1996, Teledyne Brown Engineering,
Hastings Instruments Division
All rights reserved.
Hampton, Virginia, U.S.A.
First Printing November, 1996
Document Number: 145-0197 Rev. B

Manual Print History
The print history shown below lists the printing dates of all revisions and addenda created for
this manual. The revision level letter increases alphabetically as the manual undergoes subsequent updates. Addenda, which are released between revisions, contain important change
information that the user should incorporate immediately into the manual. Addenda are
numbered sequentially. When a new revision is created, all addenda associated with the
previous revision of the manual are incorporated into the new revision of the manual. Each
new revision includes a revised copy of this print history page.
Revision A (Document Number 145-1096).................................................... November 1996
Revision B (Document Number 145-0197)........................................................ January 1997
Hastings Instruments warrants this product, for a period of one year from the date of shipment, to be free from defects in material and workmanship. This warranty does not apply to
defects or failures resulting from unauthorized modification, misuse or mishandling of the
product. This warranty does not apply to batteries or other expendable parts, nor to damage
caused by leaking batteries or any similar occurrence.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied
warranty as to fitness for a particular use. Hastings Instruments shall not be liable for any
indirect or consequential damages.
Hastings Instruments will, at its option, repair, replace, or refund the selling price of the
product if Hastings Instruments determines in good faith, that it is defective in materials or
workmanship during the warranty period. Defective instruments should be returned to
Hastings Instruments together with a written statement of the problem and a repair authorization number.

Table of Contents
1 General Information ................................................................ 1-2
Introduction .............................................................................................. 1-2
Specifications............................................................................................. 1-2
Ordering Information ............................................................................... 1-2
2 Installation ............................................................................... 2-2
Receiving Inspection ................................................................................. 2-2
Mounting................................................................................................... 2-2
Cable Connections ....................................................................................2-4
3 Operating Information ............................................................. 3-2
Normal Start-up ........................................................................................ 3-2
Analog Output .......................................................................................... 3-2
Internal Adjustments ................................................................................ 3-3
Display Configuration ...............................................................................3-4
4 Warranty and Repair ................................................................ 4-2