Teledyne HASTINGS 200 Series Instruction Manual

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Manual Print HistoryManual Print History
Manual Print History
Manual Print HistoryManual Print History
The print history shown below lists the printing dates of all revisions and addenda created for this manual. The revision level letter increases alphabetically as the manual undergoes subsequent updates. Addenda, which are released between revisions, contain important change information that the user should incorporate immediately into the manual. Addenda are numbered sequentially . When a new revision is created, all addenda associated with the previous revision of the manual are incorporated into the new revision of the manual. Each new revision includes a revised copy of this print history page.
Revision B (Document Number 126-082000) ............................................................ August 2000
Revision C (Document Number 126-082005)............................................................ August 2005
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Hastings Instruments reserves the right to change or modify the design of its equipment without any obligation to provide notification of change or intent to change.
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SECTION 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION..............................................................................................5
1.1 Features............................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Specifications ...................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Po w er Supplies................................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 Alarms.............................................................................................................. 6
1.3.3 Totalizer............................................................................................................ 6
1.3.4 4-20 mA Current Converter ............................................................................ 6
SECTION 2.0 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION ................................................................................. 7
2.1 Receiving Inspection ........................................................................................... 7
2.2 Po wer Requirements ........................................................................................... 7
2.3 Output Voltage .................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Mechanical Connections .................................................................................... 7
2.5 Electrical Connections ........................................................................................ 8
2.6 Operation ............................................................................................................ 8
2.6.1 Power Supply Operation.................................................................................. 8
2.6.2 Ambient Temperature....................................................................................... 8
2.6.3 Zero Check ...................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Range Changing.................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 3.0 THEORY OF OPERATION ............................................................................................. 9
3.1 Overall Functional Description........................................................................... 9
3.2 Sensor ................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Electronics .......................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Shunt .................................................................................................................. 10
SECTION 4.0 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 1 3
4.2 Authorized Maintenance..................................................................................... 13
4.3 Adjustments......................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 Calibration Procedure...................................................................................... 1 3
4.3.2 Response Time Adjustments ............................................................................ 13
4.3.3 Miscellaneous Adjustments .............................................................................. 13
4.4 End Cap Removal............................................................................................... 1 4
4.5 Range Changes ................................................................................................... 14
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4.6 Printed Circuit Board Replacement .................................................................... 15
4.7 Sensor Replacement............................................................................................ 15
4.8 Troubleshooting.................................................................................................. 1 5
SECTION 5.0 REPLACEMENT PARTS ................................................................................................ . 17
SECTION 6.0 WARRANTY AND REPAIR .............................................................................................. 19
SECTION 7.0 DIAGRAMS AND DRAWINGS ........................................................................................ 21
Schematic, PC-810 Fast Response .................................................................................23
HFM-200 Outline Drawng................................................................................................ 24
HFM-201 Outline Drawing....................................................................................... 25
HFM-200B Outline Drawing .................................................................................... 26
Laminar Flow Element Outline Drawing .................................................................. 27
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Hastings Mass Flowmeters are designed to accurately measure mass flow without corrections or compensations for gas pressure and temperature. Due to a linear electrical output signal, the flowmeters are ideal for use with totalizers and recorders. Hastings Mass Flowmeters do not require any periodic maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases. No damage will occur from the use of moderate overpressures or overflows.
The standard flowmeter calibration is for air. Special calibrations for most other gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide are available on special order, or by use of a gas multiplier. These instruments are calibrated with air at the factory, then the output is adjusted using gas correction factors.
1.1 Features1.1 Features
1.1 Features
1.1 Features1.1 Features
Hastings Fast Response HFM Flowmeters have response times of less than two seconds to 98% of a 0-100% step change with less than 2% overshoot.
Fast Response HFM Flowmeters are available with a 15-pin “D” connector and are pin for pin compatible with most other manufacturers’ thermal mass flowmeters with 20-pin connectors.
HFM Models incorporate a removable/replaceable sensor which virtually eliminates long down time due to clogging, the most common cause of failure in the industry.
Each flowmeter has a shunt which can be quickly and easily adjusted in the field to different ranges, however, recalibration is normally required.
A 100 micron filter is located upstream of the shunt and sensor to eliminate most of the larger impurities in the system which tend to plug thermal mass flowmeters.
The Model HFM Flowmeter comes in 15 standard ranges from 0-10 SCCM to 0-500 SLPM. Special ranges are available upon request.
Model HFM Flowmeters are constructed of 300 series stainless steel. Viton is standard for O-rings & seals. Neoprene and Kalrez are available upon request, for use with corrosive gases.
1.2 Specifications1.2 Specifications
1.2 Specifications
1.2 Specifications1.2 Specifications
Response Time .......................................................... (to 98% of 0-100% step change)Less than 2 seconds
Accuracy & Linearity.................................................................................................................±1% (F.S.)
Repeatability .......................................................................................................................... ±0.2% (F.S.)
Std. Pressure Rating ......................................................................................................................500 psig
High Pressure Option....................................................................... 1000 psig (proof tested to 1500 psig)
Pressure Coefficient ........................................................................................... (0-500 psig N
Leak Integrity................................................................................................................................10
T emperature Coefficient of Span........................................................................................... <0.1% per
) 0.01%/psi
Pow er ........................................................................................................................ ±15 VDC @ ±50mA
Flow Signal................................................................................................. 0-5.00 VDC (inherently linear)
Wetted Material ............................................................................ 316 SS, Viton Seals, Gold/ Nickle Braze
Connector ................................................................................................................... 15 pin D connector
FittingsHFM-229, ............................................................................................................1/4" Swagelok
HFM-230, 1/2" Swagelok
Weight (approx)HFM-229,............................................................................................................. 1.8 lbs.
HFM-230, 3.3 lbs.
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1.3 1.3
1.3 1.3
1.3.1 P1.3.1 P
1.3.1 P
1.3.1 P1.3.1 P Hastings’ P ower Supplies are designed as combination po wer supplies and digital readout monitors.
They can simultaneously power a combination of different Hastings Flow Instruments . The front panel (9.47"H X 3.47"W) allows mounting of two units in a standard 19" rack. A terminal strip on the rear panel provides the user with continuous analog outputs from all channels. All po wer supplies have a 3-1/ 2 LCD display .
Models 200 and 400 Pow er Supplies can accommodate up to two or four Hastings Flow Instruments, respectively , and the Model 40 is for use with flo wmeters only, powering up to 4 simultaneously . The Model 40 also features user-adjustable gas conversion factors for direct reading when changing gases. F or more information, request Product Bulletin No . 544.
1.3.2 1.3.2
1.3.2 1.3.2 The Model AL-1 Flow Alarm is available as an attachment suitable for use with any 0-5.00 VDC input
signal. Calibrated digital dial precision pots determine the low and high set points as a percent of full scale. This permits use with any range flowmeter or other instrument having a 0-5.00 VDC linear output signal. Control action is within 0.2% of scale. The AL-1 is available in the panel mount J package.
1.3.3 1.3.3
1.3.3 1.3.3 The Hastings TR-1 Flow T otalizer integrates the 0-5.00 VDC signal generated by the flowmeter to give
a total flow reading. Count rates from 0-999 counts per minute are selectable b y internal setting. The TR-1 is available in the panel mount J package.
er Supplieser Supplies
er Supplies
er Supplieser Supplies
1.3.4 4-20 mA Current Converter1.3.4 4-20 mA Current Converter
1.3.4 4-20 mA Current Converter
1.3.4 4-20 mA Current Converter1.3.4 4-20 mA Current Converter The Hastings Model CC-420 Series Current Converter is an option available with Hastings Mass
Flowmeters. The CC-420 produces a 4-20 mA signal from the 0-5.00 VDC output of the flo wmeter. The CC-420 is available in the panel mount J package.
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This section is designed to assist in getting a new flowmeter into operation as quickly and easily as possible. Please read the following thoroughly before attempting to install the instrument.
2.1 Receiving Inspection:2.1 Receiving Inspection:
2.1 Receiving Inspection:
2.1 Receiving Inspection:2.1 Receiving Inspection:
Carefully unpack the Hastings Flowmeter and any accessories that arrive with it. Inspect it for any obvious signs of damage due to shipment. Immediately advise the carrier who delivered the shipment if any damage is suspected.
Compare each component shipped against the packing list. Ensure that all parts are present (i.e. flowmeter, po wer supply, cables, etc.). Optional equipment or accessories will be listed separately on the packing list (see Section 1.4 - Accessories). There may also be one or more OPT- options on the packing list. These normally refer to special ranges or special gas calibrations. They may also refer to special helium leak tests or high pressure tests, or special modifications such as high temperature or special O-ring materials. In most cases these are not separate parts, but rather special options or modifications built into the flowmeter or po wer supply .
2.2 P2.2 P
2.2 P
2.2 P2.2 P
All HFM Model Flowmeters require ±15 VDC @ ±50 mA max . The 15 VDC can va ry between 14.25 VDC and 15.75 VDC. The supply voltage should be regulated with no more than 50 mV ripple. Surge suppressers are recommended to prevent power line spikes from feeding through to the instruments. These power requirements are satisfied by the Hastings P ow er Supply described in Section 1.4 ­Accessories.
2.3 Output 2.3 Output
2.3 Output
2.3 Output 2.3 Output
The output of the flowmeter is a 0-5.00 VDC signal proportional to the flow rate. The output is sent to the display and is available at terminals at the rear of the Hastings P ow er Supply . If a Hastings supply is not being used, the output is available on pin 6 of the D connector. It is recommended that the load resistance be no less than 2k Ohms.
2.4 Mechanical Connections:2.4 Mechanical Connections:
2.4 Mechanical Connections:
2.4 Mechanical Connections:2.4 Mechanical Connections:
The transducer may be oriented in any position, as long as the direction of gas flow through the transducer follows the arrow marked on the bottom of the label. The preferred orientation is with the inlet and outlet fittings in a horizontal plane with the connector pointing up.
The smallest passageway encountered on the Hastings HFM Flowmeter is .012" ID , therefore steps should be taken to ensure proper filtering that prevents blockage of these passageways.
er Requirements:er Requirements:
er Requirements:
er Requirements:er Requirements:
There are two 8-32 threaded holes 1/4" deep in the bottom of the transducer that can be used to secure it to a mounting bracket, if desired.
The standard inlet and outlet fittings for the HFM-229 Flowmeter are 1/4" Swagelok. For the HFM-230, the fittings are 1/2" Swagelok. Optional VCR and VCO fittings are available from the factory . Viton O-rings are standard with all fittings; Kalrez and Neoprene O-rings are optional and can be ordered from the factory.
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The standard inlet and outlet fittings for the HFM-229B Flowmeter are NPT thread in the size of the pipe listed on the drawing on page 22, for sizes up to 3" laminar. On the 4", 6", and 8" laminars, flange fittings are standard. Smooth tubulation is optional on all sizes.
It is suggested that all connections be checked for leaks after installation. This can be done by pressuriz­ing the transducer (do not exceed 500 psig unless the transducer is specifically rated for higher pres­sures) and applying a diluted soap solution to the flow connections.
2.5 Electrical Connections:2.5 Electrical Connections:
2.5 Electrical Connections:
2.5 Electrical Connections:2.5 Electrical Connections:
If a power supply was purchased from Hastings Instruments, installation will consist of connecting the cable, purchased separately from the po wer supply , from the rear of the supply to the top of the flowmeter. If a Hastings supply was not purchased, follow the instructions below to connect up the flowmeter.
The power supply used must be capable of supplying ±15VDC at ±50mA . These voltages must be referenced to a common ground.
Refer to Fig. 2.1. Connect -15VDC to pin 9 and +15VDC to pin 11. connected to the common connection at the power supply . Pin 7 is the case ground and it should be connected to the cable shield if available, and to A C ground of the power supply . Pin 6 is the output signal from the flowmeter. This output will be 0-5VDC, 5VDC being 100% of rated or full flow.
2.6 Operation:2.6 Operation:
2.6 Operation:
2.6 Operation:2.6 Operation:
2.6.1 P2.6.1 P
2.6.1 P
2.6.1 P2.6.1 P Do not connect transducers while the power supply is energized. The display may read either percent of
full scale or actual flow rate, depending on the po wer supply purchased. To read flow rate, turn display switch to desired channel.
2.6.2 2.6.2
2.6.2 2.6.2 In order to maintain the accuracy of the flowmeter with changes in ambient temperature, it is necessary
to keep the temperature of the transducer between 0oC and 50oC. Since some of the temperature shift results in a slight zero offset, better results are obtained if the flowmeter is re-zeroed at the operating temperature. The flowmeter calibration may change by a factor up to 0.1%/oC. Hastings Mass Flowmeters are for GAS flow, so DO NOT let the temperature and/or pressure of the gas reach a point that would cause the gas to change to a liquid state, or erroneous indications will result.
er Supply Operaer Supply Opera
er Supply Opera
er Supply Operaer Supply Opera
Ambient Ambient
Ambient Ambient
Pin 5 is common and must be
2.6.3 Zero Check2.6.3 Zero Check
2.6.3 Zero Check
2.6.3 Zero Check2.6.3 Zero Check T urn the power supply “ON”. Allow the flo wmeter 10 minutes to warm up. Stop all flow through the
transducer and check electrical zero . CAUTION: Do not assume that all metering valves will completely shut off flo w . Ev en a slight leakage
through a valve will cause an indication on the meter which will falsely appear to be a zero shift. If necessary, adjust the “ZER O” potentiometer, located on the lower inlet side of the transducer, until
the meter indicates zero. This zero should be checked periodically during normal operation.
2.7 Range Changing:2.7 Range Changing:
2.7 Range Changing:
2.7 Range Changing:2.7 Range Changing: The range of the flowmeter can be changed in the field if recalibration facilities are available. The
instructions to change the flow range can be found in Section 4.5. In order to change the range of a Model HFM-230 Flowmeter, a new laminar flo w element must be purchased from the factory.
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This section contains an overall functional description
of Model HFM Flowmeters. Detailed schematics and
parts lists can be found at the end of the manual in
Section 6.0. In this section and other sections
throughout this manual, when a power supply is
mentioned, it is assumed that the customer has a
Hastings Pow er Supply . These sections are not
applicable if another type of power supply is used.
3.1 Overall Functional Description3.1 Overall Functional Description
3.1 Overall Functional Description
3.1 Overall Functional Description3.1 Overall Functional Description
The HFM Flowmeter consists of a sensor, electronic
circuitry, and a shunt. The sensor measures the flow
rate from 0 to 10 sccm of the gas to be metered. The
shunt divides the flow such that the flow through the
sensor is a precise percentage of the flow through the
shunt. The flow through the sensor and the shunt is
always laminar. The circuit board amplifies the sensor
output to 5.00 VDC and sends it to the power supply
to display . All of these components working together
result in a fast, stable flowmeter.
3.2 Sensor3.2 Sensor
3.2 Sensor
3.2 Sensor3.2 Sensor
The Hastings Model HFM Mass Flowmeter operates on a unique thermal electric principle
whereby a metallic capillary tube is heated uniformly by a resistance winding attached to the mid-
point of the capillary (see Figure 3.1). Thermocouples TC-1 and TC-2 are welded at equal distances
from the mid-point and develop equal outputs at zero flow.
When flow occurs through the tubing, heat is transferred from the tube to the gas on the inlet side, and
from the gas back to the tube on the outlet side creating an asymmetrical temperature distribution (see
Figure 3.2). The thermocouples sense this decrease and increase in the capillary tube temperature, and
produce a millivolt output signal proportional to that change.
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