TDS200, TDS1000/TDS2000,
TDS1000B/TDS2000B, and
TPS2000 Series Digital Oscilloscopes
This document supports:
S TPS2000 Series instruments, any version.
S TDS1000B and TDS2000B Series instruments,
any version.
S TDS2CM or TDS2CMA, any version, when
used in TDS1000 or TDS2000 Series instruments,
any version.
S TDS2MEM any version, when used in most
TDS1000 or TDS2000 Series instruments (except
TDS1001 and TDS2004 models), any version.
version, when used in a TDS224 instrument, any
S TDS2CM or TDS2CMA version CMV:v1.04
and above, or TDS2MM any version, when used
in TDS210 and TDS220 instruments with
FV:v1.09 and above.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and
pending. Information in this publication supercedes that in all previously
published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
OpenChoice® is a registered trademark of Tektronix Inc.
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Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
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This programmer manual provides information on how to remotely
operate your TDS200, TDS1000/TDS2000, TDS1000B/TDS2000B,
or TPS2000 series oscilloscope. You can use communication ports
and protocols, such as for the RS-232, the General Purpose Interface
Bus (GPIB), or Universal Serial Bus (USB) standards, to remotely
control and operate your oscilloscope.
Related Documents
Each series of oscilloscopes has a different set of documentation.
TPS2000 Series Manuals
For general operation, refer to the TPS2000 Series Digital Storage
Oscilloscope User Manual, a standard accessory.
For information on the TPS2PWR1 Power Analysis Application,
refer to the TPS2PWR1 Power Analysis Application User Manual,an
optional accessory available in eleven languages.
LanguageTDS2PWR1 user manual part number
Simplified Chinese071-1459-XX
Traditional Chinese 071-1460-XX
TDS1000B and TDS2000B Series Manuals
For general operation, refer to the TDS1000B and TDS2000B Series
Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual, a standard accessory.
For general operation, and information on the TDS2CMA Communications module, refer to the TDS1000 and TDS2000 Serie s DigitalStorage Oscilloscope User Manual, a standard accessory.
LanguageTDS1000/TDS2000 user manual part number
Simplified Chinese071-1071-XX
Traditional Chinese 071-1072-XX
For information on the TDS2MEM Storage Memory and Communications module, refer to the TDS2MEM Storage Memory andCommunications Module User Manual (071--1262--XX), an optional
accessory that includes all eleven langua ges.
For general operation, refer to the TDS200 Series Digital Real-Time
Oscilloscope User Manual, a standard accessory.
LanguageTDS200 series user manual part number
Simplified Chinese071-0406-XX
Traditional Chinese 071-0407-XX
For information on the TDS2CMA Communications module, or
TDS2MM Math Measurements module, refer to the TDS200 SeriesExtension Modules Instructions Manual (071-0409-XX), a standard
accessory for extension modules in English only.
This manual contains information on how to remotely control and
operate your oscilloscope through communications protocol and
NOTE. For TDS1000B and TDS2000B series, you need to install the
PC Communications software from the CD that came with the
oscilloscope on a PC before
Device port to the PC. Refer to the TDS1000B and TDS2000B user
manual for installation information.
For all products, you need to connect an appropriate cable between
the communications port on your oscilloscope and your PC.
The next table describes where the communications port is located
on an extension module or oscilloscope, and the function of the port.
Table 1- 1: Communications ports and functions
SeriesPort locationPort function
you connect the oscilloscope USB
Communications, TDS2MM Math
TPS2000Back of oscilloscopeRS-232, Centronics
*TDS1001 and TDS2004 are not compatible with the TDS2MEM module.
{Install the PC Communications software from the CD that came wi th the
oscilloscope first; refer to your TDS1000B and TDS2000B user manual for
information on installing the software. After the software is installed, then
connect the oscilloscope to a PC.
Refer to your oscilloscope user manual (Tektronix part numbers
listed on page v) for information on how to install, test, and
configure your oscilloscope and module.
NOTE. The firmware for the TDS1000B, TDS2000B, and TPS2000
series oscilloscopes includes communications, math, and storage
memory functions.
Table 1- 2:
Oscilloscope, extension module, and adapter compatibility
TDS1000 or
TDS1000B or
TDS1001 and TDS2004 models are not compatible with the TDS2MEM module.
{RS-232 included in the oscilloscope firmware.
NOTE. If you use GPIB with the TDS1000B or TDS2000B series, you
can set a unique GPIB address for the oscilloscope through the
UTILITY " Options " GPIB Setup option.
You can control the oscilloscope through the GPIB, RS-232, or USB
interface using a large group of commands and queries.
This section describes the syntax these commands and queries use
and the conventions the oscilloscope uses to process them. The
commands and queries themselves are listed in the CommandDescriptions section.
Table 2- 1:
Model or optionGPIBRS-232USB
TDS1000 or TDS2000Yes*
TDS1000B or TDS2000B
{Function available with a TDS2MEM module.
}Function available with a TEK-USB-488 adapter.
You transmit commands to the oscilloscope using the enhanced
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
character encoding. Appendix A contains a chart of the ASCII
character set.
Oscilloscope communication protocol
Function available with a TDS2CM, TDS2CMA, or TDS2CMAX
The Backus Naur Form (BNF) notation is used in this manual to
describe commands and queries. Table 2--2 lists the BNF notation.
Table 2- 2: BNF notation
::=Is defined as
|Exclusive OR
Defined element
...Previous element(s) may be
Group; one element is required
Optional; can be omitted
Command and Query Structure
Commands consist of set commands and query commands (usually
simply called commands and queries). Commands change oscilloscope settings or perform a specific action. Queries cause the
oscilloscope to return data and information a bout its status.
Most commands have both a set form and a query form. The query
form of the command is the same as the set form except that it ends
with a question mark. For example, the set command ACQuire:MODe
has a query form ACQuire:MODe?. Not all commands have both a set
and a query form; some commands are set only and some are query
A few commands do both a set and query action. For example, the
*CAL? command runs a self-calibration program on the oscilloscope,
then returns the result of the calibration.
2- 2
A command message is a command or query name, followed by any
information the oscilloscope needs to execute the command or query.
Command messages consist of five different element types.
Table 2--3 lists and describes the five element types.
Table 2- 3: Command message elements
The basic command name. If the header ends with
a question mark, the command is a query. The
header may begin with a colon (:) character; if the
command is concatenated with other commands the
beginning colon is required. The beginning colon
can never be used with command headers
beginning with a star (*).
Command Syntax
A header subfunction. Some command headers
have only one mnemonic. If a command header has
multiple mnemonics, they are always separated
from each other by a colon (:) character.
A quantity, quality, restriction, or limit associated with
the header. Not all commands have an argument,
while other commands have multiple arguments.
Arguments are separated from the header by a
<Space>. Arguments are separated from each
other by a <Comma>.
A single comma between arguments of multiple-argument commands. It may optionally have white
space characters before and after the comma.
A white space character between command header
and argument. It may optionally consist of multiple
white space characters.
A command header is made up of one or more mnemonics arranged
in a hierarchical or tree structure. The first mnemonic is the base or
root of the tree and each subsequent mnemonic is a level or branch
off of the previous one. Commands at a higher level in the tree may
affect those at a lower level. The leading colon (:) always returns
you to the base of the command tree.
Queries cause the oscilloscope to return information about its status
or settings. Queries have the structure:
You can specify a query command at any level within the command
tree unless otherwise noted. These branch queries return information
about all the mnemonics below the specified branch or level.
For example, MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:UNIts? returns the measurement units, while MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:TYPe? returns the
measurement type selected for the measurement, and MEASUre-ment:MEAS<x>? returns all the measurement parameters for the
specified measurement.
Headers in Query Responses
You can control whether the oscilloscope returns headers as part of
the query response. Use the HEADer command to control this feature.
If header is on, the oscilloscope returns command headers as part of
the query and formats the query response as a valid set com mand.
When header is off, the oscilloscope sends back only the values in
the response. This format can make it easier to parse and extra ct the
information from the response.
Table 2--4 shows the difference in responses.
Table 2- 4: Comparison of Header Off and Header On responses
QueryHeader Off responseHeader On response
Clearing the Output Queue
To clear the output queue and reset the oscilloscope to accept a new
command or query, send a Device Clear (DCL) from a GPIB host.
From an RS-232 host, send a break signal. The RS-232 interface
responds by returning the ASCII string “DCL.”
From a USB host, send an INITIATE_CLEAR followed by a
CHECK_CLEAR_STATUS. The USB interface responds to
finished clearing the output queue.
Follow these general rules when entering commands:
H Enter commands in upper or lower case.
H You can precede any command with white space characters.
White space characters include any combination of the ASCII
control characters 00 through 09 and 0B through 20 hexadecimal
(0 through 9 and 11 through 32 decimal).
H The oscilloscope ignores commands that consists of just a
combination of white space characters and line feeds.
Abbreviating Commands
You can abbreviate many oscilloscope commands. These abbreviations are shown in capital letters in the command listing in the
Command Groups sectiononpage2--15andCommand Descriptions
section on page 2-- 45. For example, the command ACQuire:NUMAvg
can be entered simply as ACQ:NUMA or acq:numa.
If you use the HEADer command to have command headers included
as part of query responses, you can also control whether the returne d
headers are abbreviated or are full-length using the VERBose
2- 6
Concatenating Commands
You can concatenate any combination of set commands and queries
using a semicolon (;). The oscilloscope executes concatenated
commands in the order received. When concatenating commands
and queries you must follow these rules:
H Completely different headers must be separated by both a
semicolon and by the beginning colon on all commands but the
first. For example, the commands TRIGger:MODe NORMal and
ACQuire:NUMAVg 16 can be concatenated into a single
H If concatenated commands have headers that differ by only the
last mnemonic, you can abbreviate the second command and
eliminate the beginning colon. For example, the commands
ACQuire:MODe AVErage and ACQuire:NUMAVg 16 could be
concatenated into a single command:
ACQuire:MODe AVErage; NUMAVg 16
The longer version works equally well:
ACQuire:MODe AVErage;:ACQuire:NUMAVg 16
H Never precede a star (*) command with a colon or semicolon:
ACQuire:MODe AVErage;*TRG
The oscilloscope processes commands that follow the star
command as if the star command was not there, so:
ACQuire:MODe AVErage;*TRG;NUMAVg 16
sets the acquisition mode to average and sets acquisition
averaging to 16. The *TRG command is ignored.
H When you concatenate queries, the responses to all queries are
combined into a single response message. For example, if
channel 1 coupling is set to DC and the bandwidth is set to
20 MHz, the concatenated query:
returns :CH1:COUPLING DC;:CH1:BANDWIDTH ON if header is on,
or DC;ON if header is off.
H You can concatenate set commands and queries in the same
message. For example:
is a valid message that sets the acquisition mode to average,
queries the number of acquisitions for averaging, and then
queries the acquisition state. The oscilloscope executes
concatenated commands and queries in the order it receives
H Any query that returns arbitrary data, such as ID?, must be the
last query when part of a concatenated command. If the que ry i s
not last, the oscilloscope generates event message 440.
Here are some INVALID concatenation examples:
H CH1:COUPling DC;ACQuire:NUMAVg 16
(missing colon before ACQuire)
H CH1:COUPling DC;:BANDwidth ON
(invalid colon before BANDwidth)
(invalid colon before a star (*) command)
H HORizontal:MAIn:POSition 0;MAIn:SCAle 1E–13
(levels of mnemonics are different—either remove the second
occurrence of MAIn:, or put :HORizontal: in front of
Message Terminators
This manual uses the term <EOM> (End of message) to represent a
message terminator.
2- 8
GPIB End of Message (EOM) Terminators. GPIB EOM terminators can
be the END message (EOI asserted concurrently with the last data
byte), the ASCII code for line feed (LF) sent as the last data byte, or
both. The oscilloscope always terminates messages with LF and EOI.
White space is allowed before the terminator; for example, CR LF is
USB End of Message (EOM) Terminators. The EOM bit must be set in
the USB header of the last transfer of a command message. See the
USB Test and Measurement Class Specification (USBTMC) section
3.2.1 for details. The oscilloscope terminates messages by setting
the EOM bit in the USB header of the last transfer of a message to
the host (USBTMC Specification section 3.3.1), and by terminating
messages with a LF. White space is allowed before the terminator;
for example, CR LF is acceptable.
RS-232 End of Message Terminators. RS-232 EOM terminators can be a
CR (carriage return), LF (line feed), CRLF (carriage return followed
by a line feed), or LFCR (line feed followed by a carriage return).
When receiving, the oscilloscope accepts all four combinations as
valid input message terminators regardless of the currently selected
terminator. When a combination of multiple characters is selected
(CRLF or LFCR), the oscilloscope interprets the first character as the
terminator and the second character as a null command.
Constructed Mnemonics
Some header mnemonics specify one of a range of mnemonics. For
example, a channel mnemonic could be CH2. You can use these
mnemonics in the command just as you do any other mnemonic. For
example, there is a CH1:VOLts command and there is also a
CH2:VOLts command. In the command descriptions, this list of
choices is abbreviated CH<x>.
Channel Mnemonics
Commands specify the channel to use as a mnemonic in the header.
Command Syntax
CH<x>2-channel models: A channel specifier; <x> is 1 or 2.
4-channel models: A channel specifier; <x> is 1, 2,
3, or 4.
Reference Waveform Mnemonics
Commands can specify the reference waveform to use as a
mnemonic in the header.
REF<x>2-channel models: A reference waveform specifier;
<x> is A or B.
4-channel models: A reference waveform specifier;
In some commands you can specify a waveform without regard to its
type: channel waveform, math waveform, or reference waveform.
The “y” is the same as “x” in Reference Waveform Mnemonics.
<wfm>Can be CH<x>, MATH, or REF<y>
Cursor Position Mnemonic
When the oscilloscope displays cursors, commands may specify
which cursor of the pair to use.
A cursor selector; <x> is 1 or 2.
2- 10
Measurement Specifier Mnemonics
Commands can specify which measurement to set or query as a
mnemonic in the header. The oscilloscope can display up to four
(TDS200) or five (TDS1000, TDS2000, TDS1000B, TDS2000B, and
TPS2000) automated measurements.
MEAS<x>A measurement specifier; <x> is 1--4 (TDS200)
or 1--5 (TDS1000, TDS2000, TDS1000B,
TDS2000B, and TPS2000).