Tektronix TekConnect TCA-1MEG Specifications

Features & Benefits
Bandwidth – DC to >
500 MHz
Input Impedance – 1MΩ/10 pF
Bandwidth Limiting – Full/100 MHz/20 MHz
Input Coupling – DC/AC/GND Includes P6139A, 500 MHz,
10X Passive Probe TekConnect Interface
Delivers Superior Signal Fidelity, Unparalleled Versatility and Ease-of-use
Verification, Characterization and Debug of Sophisticated Designs in Communications, Computer and Semiconductor Electronic Environments
– Jitter and Timing Analysis
(Computer Systems) – Disk Drive Analysis – Investigation of Transient
Phenomena – Spectral Analysis – Power Supplies/Inverters
(Switching and Linear) – Semiconductor Devices
(SCRs, IGBTs, FETs, CMOS) – Electronic Ballasts – Industrial/Consumer
Electronics – Mobile Communications
(Phone, Satellite, Relay
Stations) – Motor Drives – Transportation Systems
(Electronic Vehicles, Electric
Trains, Locomotives,
TekConnect™High-impedance Buffer Amplifier System
Tektronix award-winning TDS7000, CSA7000 and TDS6000 Series oscilloscopes allow engineers to make high-speed measurements quickly and efficiently.In addition to these high-speed measurements, many of today’s designers also face the challenges of measuring high voltage, current, power or even micro-volt level signals to gain a more complete under­standing of their designs.
The TekConnect family of amplifiers, probes and adapters make it the ideal solution for such challenges, delivering a variety of acqui­sition capabilities through the use of existing compatible TekConnect and TEKPROBE measurement tools.
TekConnect TCA-1MEG Buffer Amplifier System Expands the Functionality of Tektronix High-performance Oscilloscopes
The TCA-1MEG high-impedance buffer amplifier system extends the capabilities of Tektronix high-performance oscilloscopes, making them ideal for a variety of general­purpose measurements.The TCA-1MEG amplifier system provides a 1 Mpath that is easily removed and replaced with a wide array of TekConnect probes, amplifiers and adapters.
This amplifier system delivers versatility to Tektronix high-performance oscilloscopes through the addition of input coupling (selec­table), bandwidth limit (selectable), and a 1MΩ input that provides access to a wide array of measurement solutions.These solutions include general-purpose passive probes, high voltage probes (passive single­ended and active differential), micro-volt differential probes and current probes.
TekConnect Amplifiers • www.tektronix.com/accessories
TekConnectTMHigh-impedance Buffer Amplifier System
With this tool,Tektronix high-performance oscilloscopes may now perform measure­ments such as primary and secondary power supply voltage levels, currents and elevated voltages, and assess the power requirements of the device-under-test.
For today’s high-speed measurement solutions, having the 50 and 1 Mterminations on the same input path compromises signal fidelity.By making the 1 Mpath replaceable, the TCA-1MEG high impedance buffer amplifier system eliminates a permanent degradation of the high-speed signal path.This also allows users to easily and quickly configure each channel for the input characteristics required for their measurements. By exchanging the TCA-1MEG for a high-performance 50 path or other high-speed probing solution, maximum signal fidelity is maintained at the oscilloscope’s input.
TekConnect Interface Delivers Superior Signal Fidelity, Unparalleled Versatility and Ease-of-use
The TekConnect interface ensures superior signal fidelity with useful bandpass up to 18 GHz at the oscilloscope input, while offering unparalleled versatility with the world’s widest array of accessory signal acquisition solutions for high-performance, real-time oscilloscopes. This interface delivers a more robust oscillo­scope interface for next-generation products with multi-GHz analog bandwidths, overcoming many of the inherent bandwidth limitations of BNC-based interfaces.The TekConnect inter­face preserves a low voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) 50 environment as well as a reliable electrical connection.A convenient, one-button release and locking mechanism provides quick, easy installation and removal of probes, amplifiers and adapters.
TekConnect Amplifiers • www.tektronix.com/accessories
Model Specifications
Bandwidth (–3 dB) DC to ≥500 MHz
(in a host instrument with bandwidth >1.5 GHz) Probe Tip Bandwidth (with P6139A at –3dB) DC to 500 MHz (host instrument bandwidth >1.5 GHz) BW Limit Full, 100 MHz ±25%, 20 MHz ± 25% DC Gain Accuracy ±3% (TCA-1MEG with or without P6139A probe)*
Propogation Delay (Input-to-Output) <2 ns Input Impedance 1 M/10 pF (at DC) Maximum Input Voltage (Derated with Frequency) 150 V
100 V
Above 200 kHz derate at 20 dB per decade;
limit to 13 VpkAC at 3 MHz and above
*1Probe calibration required in TekConnect host instrument.
Inputs 1 (TEKPROBE™ BNC 1 MΩ) Input Coupling DC,AC or GND Safety Certifications U.S. NRTL Listing UL3111-1
Canadian Certification CAN/CSA C22.2 No.1010.1
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.1010.2.032
European Union Compliance EN61010-1/A2
Other IEC61010-1/A2
IEC61010-2-032 GPIB Programmable Through Host Instrument Commands Power Requirements TekConnect Adapter Model Compatibility Refer to TDS7000 Series TekConnect Adapters Compatibility Table Warranty One year
Dimensions mm in.
Length 180.08 4.255 Width 31.5 1.240 Height 46.1 1.815
Displayed System Input Offset ±0.2 div Rise Time (calculated small signal tr= 0.4/F
) 0.8 ns (minimum rise time)
Linear Dynamic Range The lesser of ±5 divisions or the dynamic range of
the TekConnect host instrument
Linearity ±0.2%
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