Ethernet Compliance Test Software
TDSET3 Data Sheet
Features & Benefits
Automated Compliance Testing for 10/100/1000BASE-T PHY
Designed for use with DPO7000 and MSO/DSA/DPO70000 Series
10BASE-T Eth
10BASE-Te Ethernet
100BASE-TX Ethe rnet
1000BASE-T Ethernet
Tektronix offers comprehensive, integrated tool sets for validating the
physical layer of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet devices, and for developing and
debugging Ethernet-based systems.
The Tektronix TDSET3 Ethernet Compliance Test Software and selected
Tektronix oscilloscopes provide one-button testing for 10/100/1000BASE-T
test suites as specified by the IEEE standard for compliance testing.
TDSET3 automates compliance testing and allows engineers to perform the
required te
sts efficiently and reliably right on their bench.

Data Sheet
TDSET3 – Automated Ethernet Physical-layer
Compliance Testing
Ethernet compliance testing has some unique measurement challenges:
Generating the "disturbing" signal requires tools to generate both pattern
data and noise to provide real-world noise for return loss m easurements
There are many individual amplitude, timing, return loss, and template
tests required for each Ethernet variant:
The 10BASE-T standard specifies 22 tests per port plus fault
tolerance and CMRR
The 100BASE-TX specification outlines 12 tests per port plus CMRR
and more
The 1000BASE-T standard calls f or 80 tests per port, plus BER,
CMRR, and more
Because of th
takes a lot of setup and measurement time, and makes repeatable
measurement results difficult to achieve quickly
Performing return loss measurements can be expensive if using a vector
network analyzer. Tektronix provides a patented, cost-effective method
using an arbitrary waveform generator and oscilloscope
The TDSET3 provides automated compliance testing for
10/100/1000BASE-T PHY verification, including:
Compliance and margin testing for accurate analysis and improved
Time- and frequency-domain measurements made with a single analysis
Jitter and timing measurements with and without filters
Amplitude, linearity, and droop testing for transmitter performance
Frequency-domain measurements including return loss and power
spectral density
User-defined mode enables flexible parameter control for
Detailed test reports with margin and statistical information aid analysis
Wide Range of Tests
To ensure r
standards spec ify requirements for the network’s physical layer. The
TDSET3 Ethernet Compliance Test Software automates Ethernet
physical-layer tests for 10BASE-T, 10BASE -Te, 100BASE-TX, and
e large number of individual tests, compliance testing
ization and margin analysis
eliable information transmission over a network, industry
1000BASE-T Return Loss Measurements.
1000BASE-T in compliance with standards such as IEEE 802.3-2000 and
ANSI X3.263-1995. The portfolio of tests includes core PMA and MDI
tests like Template, Distortion, Return Loss, Jitter (including the proposed
e jitter method), and Common Mode Voltage.
The industry standards require the signals to have amplitudes within
tests vary with the signal speeds, but include such parameters as peak
or peak-to-peak amplitude, overshoot, common mode voltage, and
positive/negative pulse symmetry.
e Domain Tests
d ranges to assure interoperability between devices. The amplitude
Return Loss Test
The return loss of the cabling system can also affect interoperability.
The standa rds define the minimum amount of attenuation the reflected
signal should have relative to the incident signal. The Return Loss test
measures the impedance, typically over the range of 100 Ω ±15%. TDSET3
usly performs the Return Loss test for 85, 100, and 115 Ω (111 Ω
for 10BASE-T) impedances as prescribed by the standards, using the same
tools such as oscilloscopes and AWG used for other tests, enabling efficient
usage of resources.
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Waveform for 100BASE-TX jitter.
Ethernet Compliance Test Software — TDSET3
TF-GBE-BTP Basic Ethernet Test Fixture.
Waveform for 10BASE-T MAU Ext.
Time Domain Tests
Timing parameters of the signals are also specified by the standards.
These tests include timing measurements such as rise time, fall time, and
difference or symmetry between rise and fall times.
Jitter Tests
Jitter tests quantify the timing variations of the edges of the signal, using
specified test patterns. These jitter measurements include the contributions
from duty-cycle distortion and the baseline wander. Jitter is determined by
accumulating waveforms, measuring the width of the accumulated points
at the eye cros sing , and the peak-to-peak is inferred from minimum and
maximum values in the tails of the histogram. For example, the figure above
shows the jitter measurement on a 100BASE-TX signal.
Template Tests
Template mask tests are often used to quickly verify that the transmitted
signal meets industry standard requirements. These template masks are
defined so that signal distortions such as overshoot, jitter, incorrect rise and
fall times, etc., will cause the mask test to fail. An
example of a 10BASE-T
template mask test is shown above.
Test Report Generation
The unparalleled automation built into TDSET3 also enables faster
validation including the tedious task of generating reports. The user can
generate summary or detailed reports at a press of a button.
TF-GBE-EE Test Fixture for Energy Efficient Ethernet measurements on 10BASE-Te.
Test Fixtures
The TF-GBE Series of test fixtures supports many of the Ethernet
compliance tests, providing convenient signal access, test points for
te removal of disturbing signals, return loss calibration, and
cross-connect circuits to connect to traffic generators and link partners.
The TF-GBE-BTP is the basic test package for 10/100/1000BASE-T tests.
The TF-GBE-ATP is the advanced test package which also includes a
1000BASE-T jitter test chan nel cable.
The TF-GBE-EE is an additional test fixture which is required to perform the
Energy Efficient Ethernet measurements.
Simplified Pattern Generation
Tektronix offers a complete solution for creating and managing "dist urbing"
signals for accurate stress testing. The Tektronix arbitrary waveform
generators provide support for adding an d removing the noise-related
nts of t he disturbing signal. Tektronix offers a complete set
of instruments for Ethernet compliance tests and debug work, from
oscilloscopes and probes, to compliance test software, test fixtures, and
signal sources.
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