Communications Pulse Measurement Software
TDSCPM2 Data Sheet
Features & Benets
Performs Measurements and Pass/Fail Testing of:
Pulse Amplitud e
l Power
Spectra Pulse Imbalance Pulse Symmetry Zero Level
s Electrical Tributary Rate Standards u p to 155 Mb/s:
ANSI T1.102 ITU-T G.703
Report Generation for Saving Measurement Re sults in a .CSV File for
Supports GPIB/LAN Control for Automated Testing
Install and Use
Easy to
Characteriz Signals
Line Card Com
User-installed, Oscilloscope-resident Communication Physical La
Compliance to industry standards is key to the success of telecommun testing of electrical signals has been done with oscilloscopes for years because of features such as variable time delay, voltage scales, and communications triggers. TDSCPM2 software onaaDPO7000, DPO70000, or DSA70000 Series o scilloscope, with AMT75 or AFTDS electrical interface adapters provide the third-generation Digital Interface Test Syste
Mask testing (sta ndard on DSA70000 Series and optional on DPO7000 and DPO70000 S auto-t to mask, as well as built-in mask margin and editing capability. The AFTDS electrical adapter provides the bantam adapter input for signals less than 8 Mb/s, and the AMT75 provides a precision 75 termination for electrical signals greater tha n 8 Mb/s up to 1 GHz. TDSCPM2 software completes the solution with compliance measurements and Pass/Fail Indicatio Symmetry, and Zero Level. This combination of mask and compliance measurement testing ensures compliance with ANSI T 1.102 and ITU-T G.703 industry standards.
TDSCPM2 software is easily installed from a CD. After installation, the application is accessible from the oscilloscope’s touch screen or by using a mouse.
ing Standards Compliance of Electrical Communications
pliance Testing in Manufacturing
yer Compliance Measurement Package
ications manufactu rers. Telecommunications pulse mask
m (DITS) needed for full electrical compliance testing.
eries instruments) provides waveform masks, autoset and
n on Pulse Amplitude, Spectral Power, Pulse Imbalance, Pulse
Data Sheet
Tektronix Oscilloscopes Supported
DPO70000 Series of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (Opt. SM serial communication mask testing required).
DSA70000 Series Digital Serial Analyzers. TDS7000/B Ser
communication mask testing required). CSA7000/B Se
Ordering Inf
When Purchasing a New DPO70000 (Opt. SM required) or DSA7000
Opt. CP2 – TDSCPM2 Communication Pulse Measurement software.
To Upgrade an Existing Supported Instrument (Opt. SM required
Upgrade Opt. CP2 – TDSCPM2 Communication Pulse Measurement software. TDSCPM2 Package – Includes software on a CD, online documentation, and quick
reference guide.
AFTDS – Telecom electrical interface adapter for line rates <8 Mb/s. AMT75 – 1 GHz precision 75 adapter for line rates >8 Mb/s.
ies of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (Opt. SM serial
ries Communications Signal Analyzers.
nded Accessories
Product(s) are manufactured in ISO registered facilities.
Product(s) complies with IEEE Standard 488.1-1987, RS-232-C, and with Tektronix Standard Codes and Formats.
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Updated 30 October 2008
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29 May 2009 55W-14971-2