Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication
supersedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Additional trademark statements can be added here.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
14150 SW Karl Braun Drive
P.O . B ox 5 0 0
Beaverton, OR 97077
For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200.
Worl d wid e, v i si t www.tektronix.com to find contacts in your area.
Tektronix warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1)
year from the date of shipment. If any such product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its
option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement
in exchange for the defective product. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty
work may be n
the property of Tektronix.
ew or reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become
In order to o
the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible
for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, with shipping
charges prepaid. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within
the country in which the Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping
charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused b y improper use or improper or inadequate
maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage
b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage
or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modified or
integrated with other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time or difficulty
of servicing the product.
[W2 – 15AUG04]
btain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of
ing from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product;
Table of Contents
General safety summary ...... .................................. ................................ ...................v
arranted TCPA300 and TCPA400 specifications................................ ..................49
ivTCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
General safety summary
General safet
To avoid fire or personal
y summary
Review the fo
this product or any products connected to it.
To avoid pot
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of a larger system.
Read the safety sections of the other component manuals for warnings and
cautions r
Use proper power cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and
certified for the country of use.
Connect and disconnect properly. Do not connect or d isconnect probes or test
leads while they are connected to a voltage source.
Connect and disconnect properly. Connect the probe output to the measurement
instrument before connecting the probe to the circuit under test. Connect the
probe reference lead to the circuit under test before connecting the probe input.
Disconnect the probe input and the probe reference lead from the circuit under test
before disconnecting the probe from the measurement instrument.
llowing safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
ential hazards, u se this product only as specified.
elated to operating the system.
Ground the product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor
of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
nected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output
terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
erve all terminal ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings
information before making connections to the product.
Connect the probe reference lead to earth ground only.
o not connect a current probe to any wire that carries voltages above the current
probe voltage rating.
Do not operate without covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Avoid exposed circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when
power is present.
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manualv
General safety summary
Symbols and terms on the
Do not operate i
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
Keep product surfaces clean and dry.
Provide prop
on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
These terms may appear in this manual:
in injury or loss of life.
damage to this product or other property.
These t
erms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read
the ma
n wet/damp conditions.
er ventilation. Refer to the manual's installation instructions for details
Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you
the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
The following symbol(s) may appear on the product:
viTCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
Compliance Information
This section lists the EMC (electromagnetic compliance) and environmental
standards with which the instrument complies.
EMC Compliance (Applies to TCPA300 & TCPA400 Amplifiers Only)
EC Declaration o f
Meets intent of Directive 2004/108/EC for Electromagnetic Compatibility.
e was demonstrated to the following specifications as listed in the
Official Journal of the European Communities:
EN 61326-1:2006, EN 61326-2-1:2006. EMC requirements for electrical equipment
for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
CISPR 11:2003. Radiated and conducted emissions, Group 1, Class A
00-4-4:2004. Electrical fast transient/burst immunity
IEC 61000-4-5:2001. Power line surge immunity
IEC 61000-4-6:2003. Conducted RF immunity
IEC 61000-4-11:2004. Voltage dips and interruptions immunity
EN 61000-3-2:2006. AC power line harmonic emissions
EN 61000-3-3:1995. Voltage changes, fluctuations, and flicker
European Contact.
Tektronix UK, Ltd.
Western Peninsula
estern Road
Bracknell, RG12 1RF
United Kingdom
This product is intended for use in nonresidential areas only. Use in residential areas may cause electromagnetic
Emissions which exceed the levels required by this standard may occur when this equipment is connected to a
test object.
To ensure compliance with the EMC standards listed here, high quality shielded interface cables should be used.
Performance Criterion C applied at the 70%/25 cycle Voltage-Dip and the 0%/250 cycle Voltage-Interruption test
levels (IEC 61000-4-11).
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manualvii
Compliance Information
Australia / New Zealand
Declaration of
Conformity – EMC
Complies with t
following standard.
CISPR 11:2003
he EMC provision of the Radiocommunications Act per the
. Radiated and Conducted Emissions, Group 1, Class A, in
accordance with EN 61326-1:2006 and EN 61326-2-1:2006.
Emissions are within the limits of FCC 47 CFR, Part 15, Subpart B for Class A
Safety Compliance Information
Table 1: S
CategoryStandards or description
EC Declaration o f Conformity – Low
U.S. Nationally Recognized Testing
Laboratory Listing
stallation (Overvoltage) Category
afety compliance information
dian Certification
itional Compliance
Compliance was demonstrated to the following specification as listed in the Official Journal
of the European Communities:
Low Volt
EN 61010-1/A2:1995. Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement
control and laboratory use.
EN 6101
measurement and test equipment.
UL3111-1. Standard for electrical measuring and test equipment.
UL3111-2-032. Hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test.
laboratory use.
UL61010B-2-032: Particular requirements for hand-held current clamps for electrical
measurement, control, and laboratory use.
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010.2.032:1996. Particular requirements for hand-held probe
measurement and test.
IEC 61010-1:2001. Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement control
designations. The installation categories are:
CAT III. Distribution-level mains (usually permanently connected). Equipment at this level is
CAT II. Local-level mains (wall sockets). Equipment at this level includes appliances,
portable tools, and similar products. Equipment is usually cord-connected.
age Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC.
0-2-032:1995. Particular requirements for hand-held current clamps for electrical
10-1. Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
rement and test.
CSA C22.2 No. 61010.1. Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
emblies for electrical measurement and test equipment.
61010-2-032:1995. Particular requirements for hand-held current clamps for electrical
d laboratory use.
rminals on this product may have different installation (overvoltage) category
ypically in a fixed industrial location.
AT I. Secondary (signal level) or battery operated circuits of electronic equipment.
viiiTCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
Overvoltage CategoryOvervoltage Category II (as defined in IEC 61010-1, Annex J)
Pollution Degree
The TCP305A and TCP312A Current Probes are exempt from the Low Voltage Directive and are not third-party listed. However, they have been evaluated to
applicable safety standards.
A measure of the contaminates that could occur in the environment around and within a
product. Typically the internal environment inside a product is considered to be the same
as the external. Products should be used only in the environment for which they are rated.
Pollution Degree 1. No pollution or only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs. Products in
this category are generally encapsulated, hermetically sealed, or located in clean rooms.
Pollution Degree 2. Normally only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs. Occasionally a
temporary conductivity that is caused by condensation must be expected. This location
is a typical office/home environment. Temporary condensation occurs only when the
product is out of service.
Pollution Degree 3. Conductive pollution, or dry, nonconductive pollution that becomes
conductive due to condensation. These are sheltered locations where neither temperature
nor humidity is controlled. The area is protected from direct sunshine, rain, or direct wind.
Pollution Degree 4. Pollution that generates persistent conductivity through conductive
dust, rain, or snow. Typical outdoor locations.
Pollution Degree 2 (as defined in IEC 61010-1). Note: Rated for indoor use only.
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manualix
Compliance Information
l Considerations
Product End-of-Life
Restriction of Hazardous
This section provides information about the environmental impact of the product.
Observe the following guidelines when recycling an instrument or component:
Equipment Recycling. Production of this equipment required the extraction and
use of natural resources. The equipment may contain substances that could be
harmful to
end of life. In order to avoid release of such substances into the environment and
to reduce the use of natural resources, we encourage you to recycle this product
in an appropriate system that will ensure that most of the materials are reused or
recycled appropriately.
This product is classified as an industrial monitoring and control instrument
accessory, and is not required to comply with the substance restrictions of the
recast RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU until July 22, 2017.
the environment or human health if improperly handled at the product’s
This sym
Union requirements according to Directives 2002/96/EC and 2006/66/EC
on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries. For
Tektronix Web site (www.tektronix.com).
bol indicates that this product complies with the applicable European
tion about recycling options, check the Support/Service section of the
xTCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
This User Manual supports the operation and basic maintenance of the TCPA300
and TCPA400 Current Probe Amplifiers, and the TCP300/400 Series AC/DC
current prob
manual are listed below:
es that mate with the amplifiers. The current probes covered in this
Service Manual
TCP312A (30
TCP305A (50 A, 50 MHz, compatible with TCPA300)
TCP303 (150 A, 15 MHz, compatible with TCPA300)
TCP404XL (500 A*, 2 MHz, compatible with TCPA400) *750 A DC derated
with duty cycle
If you are not familiar with these products, please refer to the Getting Started and
Operating Basics chapters of this manual for basic operating information.
If you are an advanced user, the Reference section contains information on
advanced applications as well as user diagnostic and troubleshooting information.
The Glossary and Index are provided as quick reference locators for important
The Performance Verification and Adjustment procedures are located in the
Service Manual and support the qualification and calibration of the probes when
used with either amplifier.
The Maintenance section is also located in the Service Manual and supports the
routine maintenance and repair of mechanical parts associated with the amplifiers.
A, 100 MHz, compatible with TCPA300)
nual Conventions
The term "amplifier" is used to refer to either the TCPA300 or TCPA400 when
referring to common attributes. If a subject is unique to either amplifier, the
mplifier will be referred to directly by model.
The terms "current probe" and "probe" are used to refer to any of the TCP300A/400
Series current probes when referring to common attributes. If a subject is unique
to a particular probe, the probe will be referred to directly by model.
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manualxi
xiiTCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
Getting Started
The TCPA300 and TCPA400 current probe amplifiers let you use one probe to
simultaneously measure AC and DC current. The amplifiers convert the sensed
current into
a p roportional voltage signal that you can measure directly with an
em Configuration
The TCPA300
than other current measurement systems because of a current feedback process
used with the probe. DC measurement capability and high bandwidth allow the
amplifiers to accurately represent square waves and fast-rise signals.
The TCPA300 and TCPA400 amplifiers and associated probes provide these
Simultaneous DC and AC current measurements up to 750 A peak
High sensitivity
No adjustments needed to match a current probe to an individual amplifier
AC or DC coupling of signal
Direct scaling and unit readout on compatible TEKPROBE level II
A complete current measurement system consists o f a current probe amplifier, a
compatible current probe, and an appropriate oscilloscope. (See Figure 1.)
and TCPA400 current probe amplifiers provide better linearity
tton autobalancing and probe degaussing
Figure 1: Typical TCPA300/400 current measurement system
1. 50 Ω oscilloscope input — use the TEKPROBE Interface Cable or use a
50 Ω cable. (Add a 50 Ω termination here if the oscilloscope only has a
high-impedance input).
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual1
Getting Started
TCPA300 and TCPA400
Current Probe Amplifiers
Current P robes
The amplifier am
plifies the current sensed by the probe and converts the current
to a proportional voltage that is displayed on an oscilloscope or other similar
measuring device.
The followin
g Tektronix current probes are compatible with the
TCPA300 Amplifier:
TCP312A (30
A, 100 MHz)
TCP305A (50 A, 50 MHz)
TCP303 (150 A, 15 MHz)
The following Tektronix current probes are compatible with the
TCPA400 Amplifier:
TCP404XL (750 A1,2MHz)
500 A continuous, 750 A DC derated with duty cycle
An osci
lloscope displays the output from the current measuring system. A 50 Ω
cable is included to connect the amplifier to the oscilloscope input channel. A
TEKPROBE-to-TEKPROBE interface cable is also included for connecting to
TEKPROBE level II oscilloscopes.
If the oscilloscope does not have an input that can be set to 50 Ω impedance, you
need a feedthrough 50 Ω termination. This termination is included as a standard
accessory with your TCPA300 and TCPA400 Current Probe Amplifiers.
2TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
Getting Started
Table 1-1 lists options that are available for the TCPA300 and TCPA400
Tabl e 2: Amp
A1Universal E
A2United Kingdom power cord
A3Australia power cord
A6Japan pow
ACChina po
A99No power cord
lifier options
uro power cord
Switzerland power cord
er cord
wer cord
Tektronix service options that you can order for your amplifiers and probes are
in this section. (See Table 3.) Designed to support tracking of calibration
to requirements of ISO9000 a nd to provide for extended repair coverage, these
options help fix your long-term maintenance costs and eliminate unplanned
expenditures. Tektronix Service Options are available at the time you order your
instrument. Contact your local Tektronix Sales Office for more information.
Table 3: Service options
C3Provides factory calibration certification on delivery, plus two more years of calibration coverage. Throughout the
C5Provides factory calibration certification on delivery, plus four more years of calibration coverage. Throughout the
SILV400Standard warranty extended to 5 years (TCP305A, TCP312A, TCPA300 and TCPA400)
SILV600Standard warranty extended to 5 years (TCP303 and TCP404XL)
Provides the initial Test Data Report from the factory o n delivery.
coverage period, the instrument will be calibrated according to its Recommended Calibration Interval.
Provides test data on delivery plus a Test Data Report for every calibration performed during three years of coverage
(requires Option C3).
Extends product repair warranty to a total of three years.
coverage period, the instrument will be calibrated according to its Recommended Calibration Interval.
Provides test data on delivery plus a Test Data Report for every calibration performed during five years of coverage
(requires Option C5).
Extends product repair warranty to a total of five years.
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual3
Getting Started
Standard Acce
The following accessories are shipped with the amplifiers and probes.
The following accessories are shipped with the TCPA300 and TCPA400
Power Cord (customer-chosen option)
BNC Cable
Terminat i
TEKPROBE Interconnect Cable
Documentation CD (Includes User Manual–English, Japanese, and Russian
languages, and Service Manual–English only)
Certificate of Traceable Calibration
When you order a current probe, you will receive these accessories:
Probe cover (TCP303 and TCP404XL only)
on, 50 Ω 2W
ground lead, 6 inch length (TCP305A and TCP312A only)
ional Accessories
Instruction Sheet
Certificate of Traceable Calibration
You can order the following optional accessories for the amplifiers and probes.
One-turn 50 Ω HF current loop. Two versions are available; one for ea ch
style of probe. The current loops are used in the performance verification
procedures for checking the performance of the TCPA300 Amplifier and
he compatible probes.
TCPA Calibration Adapter. Use the TCPA Calibration Adapter to verify the
amplifier(s) p erformance independent of the current probes.
Travel Case. The travel case includes room to store one amplifier and two
current probes, along with related cables and adapters.
Deskew Fixture. This fixture converts the PROBE COMPENSATION output
or TRIGGER OUTPUT of the TDS5000 or TDS7000 into a set of test point
connections that allow you a convenient way to compensate for timing
differences between voltage and current probes.
4TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
Probe Cover
Getting Started
The TCP400 Series Current Probes come with a probe cover that stores the probe
when not in use. Use the probe cover to hold your probe in a convenient place at
your bench or
cover to the side of the bench to keep the probe off of your work surface. (See
Figure 2.)
workstation when you are not using it. You can attach the probe
Figure 2: Using the probe cover
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual5
Getting Started
Ground Lead
The TCP305A and TCP312A probes include a 6-inch ground lead. The ground
lead grounds the shield around the probe transformer at the probe end of the
cable. This a
measuring, thereby improving high frequency shielding. The ground lead clips
onto the ground connector on the bottom of the probe.
llows you to move the ground connection closer to the circuit you are
Figure 3: Connecting the ground lead
The ground lead on the current probes is intended to be used in high dV/dt
environments. The probes have a grounded shield between the conductor under
test and the current sense transformer. Any capacitively-coupled current will then
flow in the ground instead of the transformer windings.
When you take high frequency measurements, connect the probe ground lead to
the probe ground connector and attach the alligator clip directly to RF ground to
improve EMI rejection at high frequencies (2 MHz and above). This will reduce
nging and help bypass capacitively-coupled RF currents which can flow into
the probe cable. In some cases, it may be helpful to move the ground lead or
reposition the probe away from noise sources in the circuit under test.
6TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual
Travel Case
Getting Started
The travel case is a recommended accessory for the TCPA300/400 Amplifiers.
The travel case includes room to store one amplifier and two TCP300A/400 Series
Current Prob
a TCP303 probe.) A compartment is included to store associated cables and
terminations. (See Figure 4.)
es, one of each size. (For example, you can store a TCP305A and
re 4: Equipment locations in the travel case
1. Larg
2. Probe holders
3. Small current probe
4. Amplifier
5. Cables and terminations
TCPA300/400 Amplifiers and TCP300A/400 Series Current Probes User Manual7
e current probe
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