6.4 Deleting Alerter from Wireless Network
Deletion the detector from wireless network is performed using
Software ** or through Control Panel`s menu.
When deleting detector from wireless network, Control Panel transmits
notification about deletion to detector within two periods of RF
supervision time. After receiving the notification detector issues "No
network" notification.
To speed up the deletion procedure:
- close shortly detector`s contact pads
- within 1 minute close and hold closed for 8-10 sec. contact pads
The detector issues "No network" notification to LED and is available
for registration.
7 Installation
7.2 The detector shall be mounted on the floor in the lowest place of
a room where flooding possibility is monitored (taking into account
directions of water flow in case of burst water conduits or heating
system pipelines).
7.3 The detector shall be mounted with the contact pads facing
7.4 Check detector operability:
- close the contacts pads (e.g., with a wet cloth),
- make sure “Violation” event is displayed on the display of Astra-Z-
812М or MSS Astra-Z.
8 Maintenance
To provide for reliable operation of the detector it is recommended to
test and maintain the detector at least once a month in the following
- inspect integrity of the detector body;
- check its location;
- check detector operability as described in 7.3;
- clean the detector from any dirt accumulated.
9 Labeling
The following data are shown on the label glued to the body:
- manufacturer trademark;
- detector abbreviated designation;
- firmware version;
- month and year of manufacture (last two digits);
- conformity mark (if the conformity certificate is available);
- bar code, duplicating textual data.
10 EC Conformity Declarations
This product is in conformity with the provisions of:
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Article 10.5;
EN 60950: 2001 Safety of information technology equipment;
EN 50371 Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of lowpower electronic and electrical apparatuses with the basic restrictions
related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300
GHz) – General public;
EN 301489-17 V1.1.1 (09-2000) Electromagnetic Compatibility and
radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
standard for radio equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditions for wideband data Hiperlan equipment;
EN 300220-1 V1.3.1 (2000-09) Electromagnetic compatibility and
Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short range devices; Technical characteristics and test methods for radio equipment to be used in the 25
MHz to 1 000 MHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to
500 mW; Part 1: Parameters intended for regulatory purposes.
Construction of the detector provides for protection class IP41.
11 Recycling
11.1 Detector is not a danger to life, human health and the
environment. On expiry of its lifetime recycling is done without taking
special measures to protect the environment.
11.2 Recycling of battery cells should be done by delivering used cells
to a trading organization, service centre, manufacturer, or to an organization accepting used batteries.
12 Manufacturer Warranties
12.1 Quality Management System meets provisions of ISO 9001-2011.
12.2 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the detector to
specifications on condition that user observes required conditions of
transportation, storage, installation and operation.
12.3 The storage warranty period is 5 year and 6 months from the date
of manufacture.
12.4 The operating warranty period is 5 year from the date of commissioning, but not more than 5 year and 6 months from the date of manufacture.
12.5 The manufacturer shall repair or replace a faulty detector during
the warranty period.
12.6 The warranty becomes void if:
- the user does not follow guidelines of the operating manual;
- the detector is mechanically damaged;
- the detector is repaired by a party other than the Manufacturer.
12.7 The warranty covers the detector only. All equipment manufactured by other parties and used with the detector, including batteries, is
covered by its respective warranty.
The manufacturer bears no responsibility for death, injury, property damage or other incidental or premeditated loss based on
user's statement that the device failed to implement its functions.