TeeJet Swath XL User Manual



Software Version 4.03
Midwest Technologies
2864 Old Rochester Road
Springfield, IL 62703
www.mid-tech.com www.teejet.com
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03


© 1999 Midwest Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the computer programs described in it may be reproduced, copied, photocopied, translated or reduced in any form or by any means, electronic or machine readable, recording or otherwise, without prior written consent from Midwest Tech­nologies, Inc.


Unless otherwise noted, all other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.

Limitation of Liability


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction .............................................................................1
Welcome to SmartPad II ..................................................................................................2
What’s New in Version 4.03 .........................................................................................4
SmartPad II Handheld Button Functions ......................................................................5
SmartPad II Installation Instructions .............................................................................6
Unpacking Your System ...............................................................................................6
Installing Your System .................................................................................................6
GPS Receiver ................................................................................................................6
GPS Antenna .................................................................................................................7
Lightbar ........................................................................................................................7
SmartPad II and Interface Cable ...................................................................................8
System Specifications and Requirements .......................................................................9
Lightbar .........................................................................................................................9
Interface Cables ............................................................................................................9
SmartPad II ...................................................................................................................9
GPS Receiver Compatibility .........................................................................................9
Optional CompactFlash Storage Card ..........................................................................9
CompactFlash Card Instructions ..................................................................................10
Inserting the CompactFlash Card ...............................................................................10
Storing Data on the CompactFlash Card ....................................................................11
Fieldware/SmartPad II File Types ................................................................................12
RCD ......................................................................................................................12
GMF ......................................................................................................................12
BND ......................................................................................................................13
GLN ......................................................................................................................13
Chapter 1 Notes ...............................................................................................................14
Chapter 2 - Software Overview ..................................................................1
SmartPad II Software Overview .....................................................................................2
Operating SmartPad II Software ...................................................................................3
The Arrow Keys ......................................................................................................3
The Enter Key .........................................................................................................3
The Exit Key ...........................................................................................................3
On-Screen Keyboard ...............................................................................................4
Manual Entry ..........................................................................................................4
Key Code Box .........................................................................................................4
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03
Info Bar ...................................................................................................................4
First Time Setup Process ..................................................................................................7
SmartPad II Main Launcher ...........................................................................................8
Launching an Application ................................................................................................9
Main Setup .......................................................................................................................10
Communications Setup ...................................................................................................11
Port Baud Rate.................................................................................................................. 12
Port Data Bits.................................................................................................................... 13
Port Stop Bits ..............................................................................................................14
Port Parity ......................................................................................................................... 15
SmartPad II Setup .......................................................................................................16
Display Brightness............................................................................................................ 17
Display Backlight ............................................................................................................. 18
System Setup ...............................................................................................................19
Unit ................................................................................................................................... 20
Language........................................................................................................................... 21
GPS Receiver ..............................................................................................................22
DGPS Type....................................................................................................................... 23
SmartPad II Tools ...........................................................................................................24
Receiver Status ................................................................................................................. 25
GPS Logger....................................................................................................................... 26
Lightbar Test..................................................................................................................... 27
Delete Files ....................................................................................................................... 28
Set Date and Time............................................................................................................. 29
Clock................................................................................................................................. 30
Chapter 2 Notes ...............................................................................................................31
Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance ................................................................1
About the Guidance Application .....................................................................................2
Starting Guidance for the First Time ............................................................................2
Guidance Setup .................................................................................................................3
Swath Width .......................................................................................................................5
Look Ahead ...................................................................................................................6
Direction to Swath ..............................................................................................................7
Distance to Swath ...............................................................................................................8
Antenna Height ...................................................................................................................9
Status Detect .....................................................................................................................10
GPS Type ..........................................................................................................................12
GPS Data Rate ..................................................................................................................13
Table of Contents
Data Setup .......................................................................................................................14
As Applied ........................................................................................................................16
Boundary ...........................................................................................................................17
Map Object .......................................................................................................................18
Data Examples ..................................................................................................................19
Example 1: All Data Menu Items Set to OFF .......................................................19
Example 2: Store As Applied Data Only ..............................................................20
Example 3: Creating or Showing an Existing Field Boundary .............................21
Example 4: Setting up the Point and Hazard Mapping Objects ...........................23
Lightbar Setup ................................................................................................................25
Use Lightbar .....................................................................................................................27
Drive Sensitivity ...............................................................................................................28
Display Mode ....................................................................................................................29
Parallel MSG 1 ..................................................................................................................31
Parallel MSG 2 ..................................................................................................................32
Parallel MSG 3 ..................................................................................................................33
Curved MSG .....................................................................................................................34
LED Brightness .................................................................................................................35
Alarm ................................................................................................................................36
Using the Alarm Setting to Detect a Previously Applied Area ............................36
Hazard Range ....................................................................................................................38
About the Real-Time Guidance Process .......................................................................39
Starting Real-Time Guidance .....................................................................................39
The Real-Time View Page ..........................................................................................39
SmartPad II View Page Buttons .................................................................................41
Real-Time View Options ......................................................................................42
Solid View ............................................................................................................42
Spray Boom View .................................................................................................42
Zoom Pan Mode ....................................................................................................43
North Up View ......................................................................................................44
COG View ............................................................................................................44
Guidance Application Modes .........................................................................................45
The Parallel Guidance Mode .........................................................................................46
Turning On Applied Swath ...............................................................................................48
The Curved A-B Guidance Mode ..................................................................................49
The Curved Guidance Mode ..........................................................................................51
Applying Multiple Headland Circuits .........................................................................51
Switching from One Guidance Mode to Another .......................................................54
The Circle Pivot Guidance Mode ..................................................................................56
Marking Point A .........................................................................................................56
Marking Point B ..........................................................................................................57
Circle Guideline Guidance ..........................................................................................57
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03
Viewing Data in Fieldware Map Manager .................................................................61
Lightbar Curved Guidance Graphics ...........................................................................62
A Note on Driving Curved Guidance .........................................................................62
Applied Area Detection ..................................................................................................63
Creating a Field Boundary .............................................................................................65
Mapping Points and Hazards ........................................................................................68
Hazard Detection ............................................................................................................72
Lightbar Index ................................................................................................................74
Swath XL / GuideLine Lightbar .................................................................................75
CenterLine Lightbar ..........................................................................................................78
Chapter 3 Notes ...............................................................................................................81
Chapter 4 - Waypoint Navigation ...............................................................1
About the Nav 2 Point Application .................................................................................2
Getting to the Nav 2 Point Application ........................................................................2
Setting Up the Nav 2 Point Application ..........................................................................4
Lightbar Setup ..................................................................................................................5
Use Lightbar .......................................................................................................................6
LED Brightness ...................................................................................................................7
Alarm ..................................................................................................................................8
Alarm Range .......................................................................................................................9
Display Message ...............................................................................................................10
Antenna Setup .................................................................................................................11
Offset Direction ................................................................................................................13
Offset Distance .................................................................................................................14
Data Setup .......................................................................................................................15
Point/Grid File ..................................................................................................................17
Boundary ...........................................................................................................................18
Background .......................................................................................................................19
Sample Number ................................................................................................................20
Sample Name ....................................................................................................................21
About Nav 2 Point Real-Time Navigation ....................................................................22
The Real-Time View Page ................................................................................................24
Nav2Point Real time View Buttons ............................................................................25
Real-Time View Options ............................................................................................26
North Up View ......................................................................................................26
COG View ............................................................................................................26
Nav 2 Point Real-Time Scenarios ..................................................................................27
Mapping a Field Boundary .........................................................................................27
Table of Contents
Dropping a Sample Point ..................................................................................................30
Detecting Nearness to a Sample Point ..................................................................31
Adding the Start Navigation Button .....................................................................32
Navigating to Points ..........................................................................................................33
Editing or Deleting a Sample Point ..................................................................................37
Editing a Sample Point .........................................................................................37
Deleting a Sample Point .......................................................................................38
Lightbar Index ................................................................................................................40
Chapter 4 Notes ...............................................................................................................42
Chapter 5 - Field Mapping .......................................................................... 1
About the Mapper Application ........................................................................................2
Getting to the Mapper Application ...............................................................................2
Setting Up the Mapper Application ................................................................................3
Data Setup .........................................................................................................................4
Boundary .............................................................................................................................6
Antenna Setup ...................................................................................................................7
Offset Direction ..................................................................................................................9
Offset Distance .................................................................................................................10
About Mapper Real-Time Mapping .............................................................................11
The Real-Time View Page ................................................................................................13
Real-Time View Buttons ..................................................................................................14
Real-Time View Options ..................................................................................................15
North Up View ......................................................................................................15
COG View ............................................................................................................15
Creating a Field Boundary .............................................................................................16
Mapping Points and Hazards ........................................................................................17
Marking a Hazard .............................................................................................................19
Mapper Application Modes ...........................................................................................20
The Polygon Stream Mode .............................................................................................21
The Polygon Mark Mode ...............................................................................................22
The Polyline Stream Mode .............................................................................................23
The Polyline Mark Mode ...............................................................................................24
Chapter 5 Notes ...............................................................................................................25
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Simple, straight forward guidance and mapping. Software Version 4.03
Midwest Technologies Inc.
Vehicle Guidance and Mapping Software
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

Welcome to SmartPad II

SmartPad II is a GPS driven swath guidance and mapping system. The SmartPad II system comes complete with Lightbar, Interface cable and SmartPad II.


The SmartPad II Guidance software allows an operator to perform product application while receiving guid­ance information from the Lightbar. The operator can select between four different guidance modes, Paral­lel, Curved, Curved A-B, and Center Pivot. Using SmartPad II you can map field boundaries while applying products around the headlands, perform guidance in most any weather and visibility conditions. SmartPad II utilizes the Lightbar as a visual aide, minimizing operator fatigue by reducing the need to constantly watch a display. The Lightbar can display cross track error, swath number as well as several other useful text mes­sages such as a warning when the vehicle enters a previously applied area. The SmartPad II system allows you to create and view an as applied map of your field and vehicle swath trajectory while applying product to the field. Application Reports can be generated in Fieldware Map Manager software.
Using SmartPad II is simple and intuitive. The Parallel and Curved A-B mode allows the operator to drive the initial guide line, marking the start (A) point and the end (B) point. Once the initial line (A-B) has been established, the operator can drive parallel or curved lines with respect to this line. The operator can at any time during guidance create additional initial A-B guidelines in any orientation. This allows the operator to employ parallel and curved swathing in as many suitable directions as required within a single field. In the Curved mode; the operator can make several passes around the field headlands and receive curved guidance information via the Lightbar, once the multiple headland passes are completed the operator has the option to switch to Parallel, Curved A-B, or Circle Pivot mode or remain in curved guidance mode. The Circle Pivot mode allows the user to drive an initial circle pass, marking the start (A) point and the end (B) point. This establishes the initial circle guideline, the operator can now drive parallel circle lines with respect to the ini­tial circle guideline. The SmartPad II software will automatically sense when the vehicle is departing one line and approaching a new line and begin guiding the operator to, and along, the new line. This eliminates the need to manually notify the software that you want to move to a new guideline.


The SmartPad II Waypoint Navigation (Nav2Pt) software allows the operator to navigate to specific loca­tions in and around a field. The Nav2Pt program allows you to navigate to specific pre-determined point locations or to more generalized areas of a field based on various types of background data such as soil sam­ple point maps. Once at a desired location you can add that location as a sample point and assign a point number and name. The primary use of the Nav2Pt program will be for soil sampling. Sample points and grids created in the Fieldware - Tools Form a Sampling Pattern program can be imported into this program. When used in conjunction with the Lightbar, Nav2PT application can guide the operator to desired point locations using the lightbar as a visual aide.


The SmartPad II Mapper application allows the operator to map field boundaries, weed patches, insect infes­tation, ponds, tile lines, as well as any other feature important to field application. These features can be mapped as points, lines, or polygons. The data collected in Mapper is stored in a file that can be used as a background map when using the Guidance or Nav2Point application.
1-2 Chapter 1 - Introduction
Welcome to SmartPad II
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03
Data collected using SmartPad II software can be viewed, edited or converted into other files formats using the Fieldware - MapManager software, or imported directly into several standard Agricultural GIS packages on the market today. This User’s Guide describes how to install, configure and use the SmartPad II product. For technical information regarding other MID-TECH products such as the MID-TECH line of GPS receiv­ers and rate controllers, please refer to the appropriate MID-TECH user’s guide.
We recommended that you read this user’s guide prior to using the SmartPad II product. This user’s guide contains the following:
Chapter 1, Introduction to SmartPad II, contains a product overview and instructions for installing the SmartPad II hardware.
Chapter 2, Getting Started, gives instructions on how to setup and configure the SmartPad II and soft­ware.
Chapter 3, Real-Time Operation, describes SmartPad II real-time guidance and mapping.
Chapter 4, Waypoint Navigation, describes SmartPad II real-time Nav2Point.
Chapter 5, Mapper, describes SmartPad II real-time mapping options.
Using the optional CompactFlash data card, SmartPad II can also create and save to the card a vehicle appli­cation trajectory record file (.RCD). The CompactFlash data card is required to store any data, no data is stored internally to the SmartPad II. You can also map points and hazards during the real-time guidance pro­cess. Any data saved to the CompactFlash card can be viewed and printed using MID-TECH Fieldware­Tools software included as an option with SmartPad II. If a field boundary is not available one can be created based on the boom width while the operator is spraying or driving the perimeter of the field. Total field area, in Acres or Hectares, is calculated, as well as total area applied. If a field boundary already exists, possibly created using the MID-TECH Fieldware - Field Mapping application, it can be viewed in the background.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1-3
Welcome to SmartPad II
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

What’s New in Version 4.03

There is one new application and several new features released in Version 4.03.


Touch scr ee n
Uses Compact Flash storage cards
Uses existing Swath XL and Guideline interface and lightbar
Software now called “Fieldware for the Smart Pad II”
Pop up keyboard for touch screen entry of names and values
View and delete files from card
Adjust brightness and backlight with keys on keypad
Added “Pan” feature allowing users to move around and zoom in on the map in real time with
key strokes
Touching objects in real time brings up the object’s info
E-Dif ready
Added a “GPS Logger” application under Tools to log raw GGA output from a receiver
Communication with the CenterLine lightbar for Mapping and Data Storage
Tilt Sensor ready


View GMF files as background
Show BND files as background
Last visited sample point is “remembered” eliminating need to scroll to next sample number


As Applied data can now be viewed in Solid view or Boom Pattern view
Curved AB now a guidance type
Guidance Type now selected in real time menu
Distance to next pass information displayed on lightbar
Verification before creating a new guideline when one already exists
Can now collect where-applied data without lightbar connected
Last guidance type selected now remembered on exit and for next job

New Application "Mapper"

Mapper now added as an application
Allows mapping of points, hazards, lines, polygons and boundaries
1-4 Chapter 1 - Introduction
Welcome to SmartPad II
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

SpartPad II Handheld Button Functions

One of the new features on the SmartPad II is the ability to change the backlight and lightbar brightness On The Go! Please review Figure 1-1 to see which buttons control the screen and backlight.
San Disk
Figure 1-1:
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1-5
SpartPad II Handheld Button Functions
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

SmartPad II Installation Instructions

Unpacking Your System

Open the shipping box and examine the contents for any signs of damage. Please notify the shipper and MID-TECH Customer Support of any damage to the shipping box or its contents. Make sure you have received all items that you purchased with the SmartPad II System. Contents may vary according to what you ordered. Table 1-1 lists the standard components that should arrive with your SmartPad II system. Please keep your invoice and original shipping box. If you need to return the Lightbar, it must be returned in the original shipping box.
Swath XL / GuideLine Kits Part # Quantity
SmartPad II handheld 75-30005 1 SmartPad II to Swath XL or GuideLine
Interface Cable SmartPad II Swath XL / GuideLine
Lightbar with Mounting Bracket
78-05050 1
MT 78-50058
TJ 78-50075
Table 1-1: SmartPad II Swath XL / GuideLine Components
CenterLine Kits Part # Quantity
SmartPad II handheld 75-30005 1 SmartPad II to Centerline
Interface Cable SmartPad II CenterLine Lightbar with
Mounting Bracket
78-05427 1
MT 78-50112
TJ 78-50111
Table 1-2: SmartPad II CenterLine Components

Installing Your System

It is important that you setup and install the SmartPad II hardware properly. Incorrect setup or poor installa­tion may result in intermittent and erratic operation of both the SmartPad II hardware and software. This User’s Guide does not cover GPS receiver setup and operation. You should review the appropriate operators manual for installation instructions. We recommend connecting all hardware components prior to perma­nently installing each component in the vehicle. Once you have concluded that all components are interfaced and running properly, you should disconnect everything and install them in the vehicle.It is very important that you choose the installation location carefully, making sure that all cables and connections are easily reached and there is no excess strain on any connections. A clean and proper installation will ensure hours and hours of trouble free operation.

GPS Receiver

Please review your GPS receiver User’s Guide for specific installation instructions. Always check each cable length prior to permanently installing the receiver. Make sure the serial cable from the GPS receiver to the SmartPad II Interface cable is not crimped or damaged and is placed so that it will not get caught inadvert­ently by a foot or door.
1-6 Chapter 1 - Introduction
SmartPad II Installation Instructions
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

GPS Antenna

Care should be taken as to where you locate the D-GPS antenna. The most accurate D-GPS system in the world is of no value if the antenna is located incorrectly. For any MID-TECH application employing guid­ance, the GPS antenna should be located along the long axis center line of the vehicle. If the vehicle long axis center line and the center of the spray boom are not the same, i.e. the boom is not mounted to match the center of the vehicle, then the antenna should be mounted in a location on the vehicle that matches the center of the spray boom.
Figure 1-2: Mounting the GPS Antenna


The Lightbar should be located with in the operators field of view while under normal driving conditions. The Lightbar can be mounted on the vehicle cab dash or ceiling. Interior installation is recommended. The Lightbar is weather proof and can be mounted to the exterior of a vehicle. Exterior mounting may require additional lengths of cable, measure this distance prior to permanent installation. Lightbar extension cables are available through MID-TECH or your MID-TECH distributor. For in cab installation, minimize the head movement required by the operator to view the Lightbar. When the Lightbar is installed in a location that requires minimum or no effort to view, operator fatigue is greatly reduced. Use the two knobs on either end of the Lightbar to adjust the tilt, see Figure 1-3.
Knobs for tilt adjustment
Figure 1-3: Lightbar
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1-7
SmartPad II Installation Instructions
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

SmartPad II and Interface Cable

The SmartPad II and Interface cable should be located in the cab so that the operator can easily reach, view and operate the system. See Figure 1-4 and Figure 1-5 for instruction on how to connect the Lightbar and SmartPad II to the interface cable. Make sure the interface cables are not under any excess strain, can not be closed in a cab door or window, or stepped on by the operator. We recommended that the interface box be mounted within arms reach of the operator and out of harms way.
Figure 1-4: Connecting SmartPad II Swath XL / GuideLine Components
Figure 1-5: Connecting SmartPad II CenterLine Components
1-8 Chapter 1 - Introduction
SmartPad II Installation Instructions
Software Version 4.03

System Specifications and Requirements


ABS / Polycarbonate alloy construction,
Molded cables with weatherproof connectors,
High-lumen red, yellow and green LEDs,
8 character, high-intensity alpha-numeric LED display.

Interface Cables

12 V DC power,
Reverse polarity and high / low voltage protection,
Status detection leads for boom master on/off,
Additional cables lengths available for increased mounting capabilities.

SmartPad II

SmartPad II
VGA - TFT (Touchscreen) with adjustable backlight,
Sealed membrane keypad,
Internal alarm,
Dimensions: 4.75" W x 9.84" H x 1.83" D (120.7 mm x 250 mm x 46.5 mm),
Weight: 23 Oz. (652 g.),
OS: Windows CE.Net 4.2

GPS Receiver Compatibility

The SmartPad II product does not include a GPS receiver. SmartPad II is compatible with any differentially corrected, sub-meter GPS (D-GPS) receiver which outputs NMEA 0183 data at 2Hz or greater. MID-TECH recommends the MID-TECH Rx-350p, Rx-360p or Rx400p DGPS receiver for the SmartPad II product.

Optional CompactFlash Storage Card

SanDisk Standard Grade 128MB CompactFlash
MID-TECH can not guarantee data integrity if the optional SanDisk 128MB CompactFlash storage card is not used with the SmartPad II system. Not all CompactFlash cards are created equal. If you choose to use a CompactFlash card other than the recommended card option; MID-TECH will not be held responsible for lost data, product malfunction or card incompatibility. MID-TECH will not make any hardware modifica­tions to the SmartPad II product to accommodate any non-compatible CompactFlash cards.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1-9
System Specifications and Requirements
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

CompactFlash Card Instructions

Inserting the CompactFlash Card

The following instructions describe the basic procedure for inserting the optional 128MB CompactFlash Data card into the SmartPad II:
With power off, locate the CompactFlash card socket on the top of the SmartPad II, see Figure 1-6.
Insert the CompactFlash card into the CompactFlash card socket. Make sure that the CompactFlash card logo is facing out. Slide the card along the guide slots until it makes contact with the SmartPad II expan­sion socket.
The card will slide freely until it reaches the pins on the SmartPad II’s expansion socket, at which point, you will feel some resistance.
At this point, you should feel the card settle onto the expansion socket pins. Only a slight amount of force is required to seat the card into the socket.
Once you are certain the card is properly aligned with the SmartPad II expansion socket, insert the card slightly beyond the resistance point to ensure it is fully seated into the socket. DO NOT FORCE THE CARD.
CompactFlash Flash Data
Card Logo
Figure 1-6: Inserting the CompactFlash Card
1-10 Chapter 1 - Introduction
CompactFlash Card Instructions
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

Storing Data on the CompactFlash Card

If you purchase the optional CompactFlash card with the SmartPad II product, you will be able to store As Applied, boundary and point data to the card. The CompactFlash card must be inserted into the SmartPad II card slot during the real-time guidance process. No data is stored internal to the SmartPad II.
In order for the SmartPad II software to recognize the CompactFlash card, the card must be inserted into the SmartPad II prior to turning the unit on.
All data written to the CompactFlash card is stored at the root directory of the card. If you choose to view existing data such as a previously mapped field boundary, the boundary file or any other compatible file type (.RCD, GMF and.BND) must reside in the root directory of the CompactFlash card. If you create a folder or directory on the CompactFlash card and store data it that folder, the SmartPad II software will not be able to access that data.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1-11
CompactFlash Card Instructions
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

Fieldware/SmartPad II File Types

The SmartPad II software can store and view three different types of files, GMF, RCD and BND, all described below in more detail. These file types are also compatible with the MID-TECH Fieldware soft­ware suite. That means data collected using the SmartPad II product can also be used in the Fieldware soft­ware suite. You can also use any RCD, BND or GMF file that was created using the Fieldware software suite with the SmartPad II product. As an example, a field boundary (BND) created using Fieldware - Field Map­ping software can be viewed in the SmartPad II software. All data collected using SmartPad II can be viewed and printed using the Fieldware - Tools Map Manager program.
The RCD (Record) file type will contain a record of a product application created using SmartPad II, Field­ware-Parallel Swath Guidance and Fieldware-ARM. The contents of the RCD file will be the vehicle spray trajectory and any controller feed back information that is supplied to the Fieldware software. SmartPad II software does not record any controller feedback. No mapping attribute data will be stored in the record file. Any attribute mapping done in applications that use the RCD file will be stored in a GMF file.
The last guideline used prior to exiting out of the SmartPad II software will be saved. If RCD data is not stored to the CompactFlash card no guideline information will be saved.
MID-TECH software products that can create or view an RCD file are:
SmartPad II,
Fieldware-Parallel Swath Guidance,
Fieldware-Tools Map Manager
The GMF (General Map File) file type encompasses all data collected that is not specific to any of the other file type themes. Any general attribute/feature mapping such as weed boundaries will be stored in this file type. All applications that allow attribute mapping will use a GMF file to store this data. As an example, the SmartPad II software will allow the user to map a limited number of field attributes such as points and haz­ards, this data will not be written to the RCD file, instead this data will be written to a user selected GMF file. By moving all additional attribute data out of the application specific file and into a GMF file we allow the user to append additional data at a later date by using Fieldware - Field Mapping or Map Manager or any other application that accepts a GMF file. Applications that will provide attribute mapping capabilities and therefore use a GMF file are as follows:
SmartPad II,
Fieldware-Field Mapping,
Fieldware-Parallel Swath Guidance,
Fieldware-Sample and Waypoint Navigation,
Fieldware-Tools Map Manager,
Fieldware-Tools Form Grid.
1-12 Chapter 1 - Introduction
Fieldware/SmartPad II File Types
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03
The primary purpose of the BND file is to contain the boundary data for a particular field. Perimeter data stored in a BND file can be viewed as a background map in several of the other Fieldware software applica­tions. Boundary files can be created and appended to in SmartPad II, Fieldware-Mapper, Fieldware-Guide and Fieldware-ARM applications. The BND file structure is identical to the GMF file structure, the BND allows us to rapidly locate the boundary data for a particular field with in the client, farm filed directory structure. SmartPad II does not utilized the Client Farm and Field directory structure. MID-TECH software applications that utilize a BND file are:
SmartPad II,
Fieldware-Field Mapping,
Fieldware-Parallel Swath Guidance,
Fieldware-Sample and Waypoint Navigation,
Fieldware-Tools Map Manager,
Fieldware-Tools Form Grid.
The Guideline (GLN) file contains the guideline information created during the swathing or application pro­cess. This file can be automatically named to match the RCD file name, or can be custom named. The GLN file can be used year after year in the same field, this eliminates the need to mark A and B points each time you use the SmartPad II in the same field. MID-TECH software applications that utilize a GLN file are:
SmartPad II,
Fieldware-Parallel Swath Guidance,
Fieldware-Tools Map Manager.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1-13
Fieldware/SmartPad II File Types
SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03

Chapter 1 Notes

1-14 Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 Notes
Chapter 2 - Software Overview
An introduction on how to use SmartPad II software. Software Version 4.03
Midwest Technologies Inc.
Vehicle Guidance and Mapping Software
Fieldware for Smartpad II
Software Version 4.03

SmartPad II Software Overview

The SmartPad II software suite is made up of a Main Launcher and three software applications (programs), Guidance, Nav2Point and Mapper. Each application can be broken down into two main components, Setup and Real-Time Map­ping. Each of these components are described in more detail in following chapters. Figure 2-11 shows a flow diagram of the SmartPad II software suite. All menu and menu items can be accessed and changed using the touchscreen or the six keys located on the SmartPad II. For more description on how to use these six keys see “Operating SmartPad II Software” on page 2-3.
The first time you run the SmartPad II software you may need to set a few system settings such as Date and Time Zone, Units, SmartPad II settings and possibly Language, to configure the SmartPad II software suite the way you prefer it. See “First Time Setup Process” on page 2-7 for more detail on setting up SmartPad II for the first time.

SmartPad II Main Launcher

Once the unit has powered up a SmartPad II splash screen will briefly appear, displaying the version number of the software you have installed on the SmartPad II. The Main Launcher Menu page follows the splash screen, Figure 2-1. The Main Launcher is where you can pick an application to run, either Guidance, Nav2Pt, or Mapper; System Set­tings and Tools are also located in the Main Launcher page. The Tools component of the Main Launcher contains sev­eral diagnostic tools that may help trouble-shoot problems with your GPS receiver and lightbar, see “SmartPad II Tools” on page 2-24 for more details. For more information on the Main Launcher see “SmartPad II Main Launcher” on page 2-8.
Figure 2-1: The SmartPad II Main Launcher Page
2-2 Chapter 2 - Software Overview
SmartPad II Software Overview
Fieldware for Smartpad II
Software Version 4.03

Operating SmartPad II Software

The SmartPad II software was designed to be both easy and intuitive to use. Once an initial setup process is com­pleted, starting up and running a SmartPad II software application can require as few as three key-strokes. The rest of this section will describe the SmartPad II software and how to operate it. Reading the rest of this section is highly rec­ommended.

SmartPad II Keys

There are six keys located on the SmartPad II front panel. The entire SmartPad II suite of software can be operated using this key set.
The Arrow Keys
The four arrow keys are used to navigate between the SmartPad II menu pages, highlight menu items, and scroll through input options in most all dialog boxes.
The Enter Key
The Enter key is typically used to enter a new menu page item and accept a dialog box value or setting.
The Exit Key
The escape key is used to return back to a previous menu page or exit out of a menu item or dialog box without affect­ing any of the current settings.
Chapter 2 - Software Overview 2-3
SmartPad II Software Overview
Fieldware for Smartpad II
Software Version 4.03

Screen Selection

Touch Screen
To make a selection use a stylus and single tap the screen on the desired menu.
Manual Selection
Items can only be selected when highlighted. Use the Up and Down arrows to highlight the desired selection.
Press Enter to select.

Data Entry

On-Screen Keyboard
Select the desired menu to be changed. Select the Keyboard icon to bring up the on screen keyboard. This icon
will appear is the upper left corner of the screen only when text can be entered. Select the desired character using a
stylus and press Enter to accept.
Manual Entry
Select the desired menu to be changed, and use the Up and Down arrows to change the character. Use the Left
and Right arrows to advance to the next character. Press Enter to accept.

Menu Pages

Figure 2-2 shows a typical menu page containing several menu items. To select a menu item, highlight the item using
the keys. To enter a highlighted menu item use the key. To return to the previous menu page press the
key. In Figure 2-2 the current menu page is the Setup Menu, to move back to the Main Menu page, simply press the
Escape key, .
Key Code Box
On each menu page and dialog box there is a key code box, always located in the lower right corner. The purpose of the key code box is to inform the user which keys can be used based on the highlighted menu item in a menu page, or value setting in a dialog box. The key code box in Figure 2-2 informs the user that based on the highlighted menu
item, Nav 2 Point, they can move up and down in the menu page using the keys; enter the Nav 2 Point menu
item using the key or return to the previous menu page using the key. The left and right arrow keys are not
displayed in the key code box shown in Figure 2-2 because they have no purpose in that particular menu page.
Info Bar
Located at the bottom of every menu page and dialog box is an Info Bar. The purpose of the Info Bar is to provide a brief description of the highlighted menu item or current setting displayed in a dialog box.
2-4 Chapter 2 - Software Overview
SmartPad II Software Overview
Menu Items
Highlighted menu item using the up and down arrow keys
Fieldware for Smartpad II
Software Version 4.03
Current menu page name. (Setup Menu)
Info Bar displaying brief description of the highlighted menu item.
Key code box showing which keys are available for use.
Figure 2-2: Menu Page Example

Dialog Boxes

The SmartPad II software uses dialog boxes for entering or selecting settings and values associated with each menu item. There are two types of dialog boxes a Pick dialog box and an Alpha-Numeric dialog box. Notice that dialog boxes also contain an Info Bar and a Key Code box.
Figure 2-3 shows an example of a Pick dialog box. A Pick dialog box allows the user to select from a list of existing
settings or values. Pick dialog settings are displayed using the keys, once the desired setting is displayed in
the dialog box, the setting is accepted or entered by pressing the key, this will also exit from the dialog and return
to the previous menu. The key allows the user to exit the dialog box without changing the setting.
Figure 2-4 shows an example of an Alpha-Numeric dialog box. This type of dialog box is used when the user is required to enter a particular value such as a distance or a name. The complete value is made up of individual dialog cells. In Figure 2-4, the final value is 22.0 feet and the current or highlighted cell is the 0. To enter 22.0 ft., the user
can use the on-screen keyboard by selecting the keyboard button or by selecting a 2 using the keys until a
2 was displayed. Next the user moves to the next cell, using the keys and selects another 2 using the same
method as the first 2. Finally the user moves to the decimal location and selects a 0. To accept the entire 22.0 ft. value
and return to the previous menu page, the user simply presses the key. The user can exit the dialog without chang-
ing the setting by pressing the key.
Chapter 2 - Software Overview 2-5
SmartPad II Software Overview
Fieldware for Smartpad II
Software Version 4.03
Description of the displayed setting.
Current setting displayed.
Figure 2-3: Pick Dialog Box Example
Dialog cell with current value displayed.
Figure 2-4: Alpha-Numeric Dialog Box Example
2-6 Chapter 2 - Software Overview
SmartPad II Software Overview
Fieldware for Smartpad II
Software Version 4.03

First Time Setup Process

The first time you start up the SmartPad II, you should also make sure that the current date and time are set correctly, see “Set Date and Time” on page 2-29 for more details.

Power Unit On

Connect the SmartPad II to the SmartPad II Interface Cable, see Figure 2-5, and apply 12 VDC power. It is not neces­sary to have the Lightbar or GPS receiver connected and running to change any of the settings. Power the unit up by pressing the On switch.
Figure 2-5: Connecting SmartPad II to Swath XL / GuideLine Interface Cable
Figure 2-6: Connecting SmartPad II to CenterLine Interface Cable
Chapter 2 - Software Overview 2-7
First Time Setup Process
Fieldware for Smartpad II
Software Version 4.03

SmartPad II Main Launcher

The Main Launcher is the first menu page you will see after powering up the SmartPad II, Figure 2-7. This is the top Menu page and from here you can launch an application (Guidance, Nav2Pt, or Mapper), access system level setup parameters and run diagnostic tools and utilities. See Figure 2-8 for an overview of the entire SmartPad II software suite. Each sub-menu is discussed in greater detail below.
Figure 2-7: The Main Launcher Menu Page
Figure 2-8: SmartPad II Software Suite Flow Diagram
2-8 Chapter 2 - Software Overview
SmartPad II Main Launcher
+ 174 hidden pages