Setting Up A Field Transfer Template .............................................................. 4-37
Configuring A Field Transfer ............................................................................ 4-38
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
An overview of RMS-Office.
RMS-Office Version 3.10
Midwest Technologies LLC
RMS Office
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
RMS Office Introduction
Welcome to the Mid-Tech Roadway Management System (RMS) Office Suite. The Mid-Tech RMS
Office product is a comprehensive software package designed specifically for the support of roadway spraying applications, using the Mid-Tech Legacy 6000 console. The Legacy 6000 console
must be loaded with RMS Application Rate Management software.
With RMS Office, roadway applications are more effectively managed. RMS Office allows the
building of specific profiles (small data bases) for company, personnel, contracting agencies,
chemicals, and chemical mixes, as well as vehicle and spray configurations. The Export function
allows this profile information to be transferred to the Legacy 6000 console via a PC card.
When installed on the Legacy 6000, profile informatio n is combined with a GPS based map, created during the actual application process, to produce final roadway application data. The data
from a completed roadway application session is then transferr ed back to RMS Off ice where Application reports are generated. Maps included with the reports show all spray activity, including
boom and channel activity, for an entire roadway spraying session.
This User Guide is broken into the following components that make up the RMS Office Suite:
•Chapter 2: Profiles - Building small data bases for Personnel, Agencies, Vehicles, Chemicals,
and Spray Configurations.
•Chapter 3: Tools - Several useful utilities. Report Generator allows the buildi ng of a final re port
for a spraying session.
•Chapter 4: Map Manager - A data viewing and management tool. Although part of Tools, Map
Manager needs a chapter to itself.
Additional RMS Features Include
Base Map Images
You can now view Geo-Tif (DRG) image files in the background of most RMS real-time mapping
applications, such as RMS Mapper and RMS Record Spray Session, as well as RMS Map Man-
Names Database Manager
This is a new utility application, found under the RMS Launcher-Tools menu. The Names Manager
allows the construction of a list of commonly used attribute names. You can access any names
database from any of the real-time mapping applica tions .
Export Application
This utility allows the transfer of profiles from RMS-Office to a Legacy 6000 console. This helps
keep the Legacy 6000 profiles up to date and in-sync with the office.
1-2Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
RMS Office Introduction
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Starting RMS Office
To start RMS Office, double click on the RMS Office icon, located on the de sktop of your
computer (The installation process automatically puts the RMS Office icon on the desktop of your computer.)
RMS Office is divided into three menu pages: the Profiles menu, the System menu, and the Tools
menu. You can access these menu pages using the menu tabs located at the bottom of the
Launcher window . The nu mber on each t ab indicates t he function key that you can press to access
that page. Figure 1-1 shows RMS-Offi ce Profiles.
Figure 1-1: Mid-Tech RMS Program Launcher
Chapter 1 - RMS Office I ntroduct ion 1-3
Starting RMS Office
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Profiles Menu Page
The Profiles Menu Page (Figure 1-2) contains the Agency, Personnel, Vehicle, Chemical, Chemical Mix, and Spray Configuration profiles. These profiles are small data bases that must be populated prior to running the RMS Record Spray Session application. For more information on
Profiles, see Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles of this user guide.
Figure 1-2: RMS Office Profiles Menu Page
1-4Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
Starting RMS Office
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Tools Menu Page
The Tools Menu Page (Figure 1-3) contains utility programs, such as Report Wizard, Export, Map
Manager , and Name Manager dat abase builder. This user’s guide will co ver each Tools program in
more detail later (see Chapter 3 - RMS Tools of this user’s guide).
Figure 1-3: RMS Office Tools Menu
Chapter 1 - RMS Office I ntroduct ion 1-5
Starting RMS Office
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
ExportThe Export tool allows Profiles to be transferred to a Legacy
You cannot copy Profiles and Names files directly to a Legacy
6000 console. You must use the Export program.
Map Manager
Name Manager
Report Wizard
This is a data editing, viewing, and printing application. This version of
Map Manager now includes Layering and a full suite of drawing tools.
You can build Name databases for specific mapping themes, such as
weed mapping and spray route campaigns. A names database specific to weed mapping, contains the names of the most commonly
encountered weeds for your region. Instead of typing in the name of a
weed each time it is mapped, the name can easily be selected from
the existing weeds database. For more details, see Chapter 4 - RMS
Map Manager.
This application allows a detailed report to be generated from roadside applications. It incorporates the Profiles information, and any
information entered by the operator during the actual roadside application.
Table 1-1: RMS Office Tools Description
1-6Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
Starting RMS Office
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
RMS Office System Menu Page
The System Menu Page (Figure 1-4) contains the Syst em Setup application. The un its of measur e
for the RMS-Office software are set here. To start System Setup, highlight System Setup in the
System launcher page and press enter.
Figure 1-4: RMS Office System Menu Page
Chapter 1 - RMS Office I ntroduct ion 1-7
RMS Office System Menu Page
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
System Setup-Main
You must run System Setup (Figure 1-5) the first time Mid-Tech RMS Office software is started. It
should be necessary to run System Setup once unless changes are made to the system units.
Switching from English units to Metric is an example of when you would run System Setup again.
Figure 1-5: The System Setup Page
Unit of Measure Menu Field
This menu item allows the selection of the measurement unit that the mapping software displays.
There are two choices: ENGLISH and METRIC. Selecting ENGLISH units displays all dist ances in
feet and miles, areas in square feet and acres, vehicle speed in miles per hour, liquid volume in
ounces and gallons, and weight in Pounds. Selecting METRIC units displays distances in meters
and kilometers, areas in square meters and hectar es, vehicle speed in Kilometers per hour, liquid
volume in liters, and weight in Kilograms (see Table 1-2).
1-8Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
RMS Office System Menu Page
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Unit NameDescription
Selecting English sets Distance to Feet (F) and Miles (Mi), Area to Ft.squared and Ac, Speed to Mile per Hour (m.p.h.), liquid volume to
ounces (oz) and gallons (gal), and Weights to Pounds (lb).
Selecting Metric sets Distance to Meters (M) and Kilometers (Km),
Area to Square Meters and Hectares (H), Speed to Km per Hour, liquid volume to litres, and Weights to Kilograms (Kg).
Table 1-2: Unit of Measure Description
Chapter 1 - RMS Office I ntroduct ion 1-9
RMS Office System Menu Page
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
RMS Folders
The following folders are in the RMS folder of the computer that RMS Office is installed on. The
default location is the root directory of the hard drive unless reassigned during installation.
The Bin Folder
The RMS bin folder contains all of RMS Office program executables. All files, locate d in this f older
at the time of installation, must remain in this folder for the RMS Office applications to work properly. You can place shortcuts, to the application executables in this folder, on the desktop for easy
access. For example, to place a shortcut to Map Manager on the desk top, look for the Map Manager executable in this folder.
The Base Maps Folder
All of the base map images, to be displayed in the background of the mapping software applications, are stored in the Basemaps f older of the RMS f older. This version of RMS allows the displaying of a Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) image file, in the fo rm of a Tagged Image File Format (TIF)
also known as a Geo-Tif. This image data is useful as a backdrop onto which other real-time collected data, such as spray routes, no spray zones, and weed patch locations, can be overlaid.
The Names Database Folder
A feature of RMS Office is the ability to construct names databases. You can access a names
database from any of the RMS re al-time mapping a ppli cations tha t requ ire th e inpu t of an attribut e
name for a graphical object, such as a point. You can build Name databases for specific mapping
themes, such as weed mapping and spray route campaigns. A names database, specific to weed
mapping, would contain the names of the most commonly encountered weeds for the region.
Instead of typing in the name of a weed each time it is mapped, you can easily select it from the
existing weeds database. All names databases created are stored in the Names folder. For more
information on the Name Manager application, see Chapter 3 of this User Guide.
The Profiles Folder
All Profiles are stored here.
The Data Folder
This is a suggested location for storing Roadside data. Our application allows other folder locations to be browsed.
1-10Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
RMS Folders
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
Chemical, vehicle, and personnel management.
RMS-Office Version 3.10
Midwest Technologies LLC
RMS Office
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
About RMS Profiles
Profiles are small databases, created to store typical information pertaining to Chemicals, Personnel, Vehicles, and Agencies, used during a roadside application session. Use this profile information to generate spray application reports, when a spray session is completed. There are six
different profiles needed to su ccessfully start a roadside application session, using the Mid-Tech
RMS Application Rate Management (ARM) software.
Create all profiles in RMS-Office an d t r ansfer t hem, via the PC car d, t o the Leg acy 60 00
console running RMS-EXT software. Transfer the profiles using the RMS-Office Export
program (see Chapter 3 - RMS Tools).
Access each of these profiles through the RMS Launcher Profiles page. Create, edit, and delete
any profile. You only need to create a profile once. After that, select a specific profile required to
build the spray session setup.
Agencycontains information about the agency contract ing the spraying
Chemicalcontains a list of chemicals commonly used in a spraying a ppli-
Chemical Mixturecontains a list of chemical tank mixes commonly used in a
spraying application.
Personnelcontains information about vehicle drivers and operators.
Spray Configurationallows the setup of boom, tank, and channe l confi gurat ions for
Vehicleallows the configuring, of a particular vehicle, with specific
spray configurations.
Table 2-1: RMS Profiles
2-2Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
About RMS Profiles
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Figure 2-1: RMS Office Profile Menu Page
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles 2-3
About RMS Profiles
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
The Agency Profile
The Agency Profile contains information about the ag ency or org ani za tion t hat is contracting the services. To create or edit an Agency profile, select the Agency Profile
located in the RMS Launcher Profiles page. The first page displayed is a list of agencies currently entered into the Agency Profile database (see Figure 2-2). If you have
not entered any agencies the profile yet, this is empty. T o create a new agency, press
the New button. To edit an existing agency, sele ct the desired agency fr om the list of ag encies and
press Enter, or double click on the agency name using the mouse. To delete an existing agency,
highlight the desired agency name, and press the Delete But ton.
When finished creating a new agency, press the OK button to save and add this new agency into
the agency profile list. If you decide not to add the agency being created, simply press the Cancel
button to return to the Agency Profile list.
To Exit the Agency Profile, press the Exit Button. The program returns to the RMS Launcher Profiles page.
All profiles are created in RMS-Office and then transferred, via the PC card, to the Legacy 6000 console running RMS-EXT software. Transfer Profiles using the RMS Office
Export program (see Chapter 3 - RMS Tools).
2-4Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
The Agency Profile
Figure 2-2: Agency Profiles
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Creating a New Agency Profile
There are three agency profile p ag es that make u p a comp let e a gen cy pr ofile: t he Ma in Pag e, th e
Contact Page, and the Admin Page. See Table 2-2 for more details about each page.
The Main Page (see Figure 2-3) contains the name and address information specific to the contracting agency. The Contact Page contains information about the contact person at the agency.
Press the Contact Tab to access this page. The Admin Page contain s the Active and Hidde n selections.
Figure 2-3: The Main Agency Page
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles 2-5
The Agency Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Profile FieldDescription
The Main Page
Agency ID
A unique identification used to identify a specific agency.
Agency NameThe name of the agency
DivisionThe agency division
StreetThe agency street address.
CityThe city where the agency is located.
County/MDThe county where the agency is located.
Zip / Postal Code
The state or province where the agency is located.
The country where the agency is located.
The zip or postal code for the agency.
Contact Page
Contact Name
Phone Number
The name of person at agency who can be contacted.
The phone number of the contact person
Admin Page
Record Status
Setting a profile to Active makes that profile viewable and selectable
when transferred to the Legacy 6000. Setting a profile to Hidden prevents it’s being selectable or viewable to the operator, when it is transferred to a Legacy 6000. This allows a manager to limit the number of
in-field selections an operator must make while in the field.
Table 2-2: Agency Profile Description
2-6Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
The Agency Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
The Chemical Profile
The Chemical Profile is a database containing the name and manufacturer of all the
chemicals used in a roadside spraying application. To access the Chemical Profile
page, select the Chemical Profile located in the RMS Launcher Pro files page. The
first page displayed is a list of chemicals currently entered into the Chemical Profile
database (see Figure 2-4). If you have not entered any chemicals into the profile yet,
this page is empty. To enter a new chemical, press the New button. To edit an existing chemical,
select the desired chemical from the list of chemicals, and press Enter or double click on the
chemical name, using the mouse. To delete an existing chemical, highlight the desired chemical
name and press the Delete Button.
When finished entering a new chemical, press the OK butt on to sav e an d ad d this new c hem ical
into the Chemical Profile list. If you decide not to add the chemical, simply press the Cancel button
to return to the Chemical Profile list.
To Exit the Chemical Profile, press the Exit Button. The program ret urns to the RMS Launche r Profiles page.
Create all profiles in RMS Office and tr ansfer, via a PC card, to the Legacy 6000 console
running RMS-EXT software. T ransfer profiles using the RMS-Of fice Export program (see
Chapter 3 - RMS Tools).
Figure 2-4: The Chemical Profiles Page
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles 2-7
The Chemical Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Creating a New Chemical Profile
To enter a new chemical, press the New button, which brings up the main chemical editing page
(see Figure 2-5). The Main page, denoted by the Main tab located at the bottom of the page, contains the following menu fields (see Table 2-3). The Admin page contains the Active and Hidden
Figure 2-5: The Main Chemical Editing Page
2-8Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
The Chemical Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Profile FieldDescription
The Main Page
Chemical Name
EPA Reg#
Com Code
The name of the chemical being entered into the Chemical profile.
The name of the chemical manufacturer.
The chemical EPA registration number.
The chemical commodity code.
TypeThe type of chemical being entered. When entering this menu
item, a pick dialog box appears, with a list of chemical types:
Dry, Liquid or Dry Flowable.
Measurement UnitThe unit of measure associated with the chemical being
entered. When this menu item is selected, a Unit of Measure
Maximum Mix Ratio
dialog appears, containing a list of units to choose from
The maximum concentration of dry material in a single gallon of liquid
carrier. This menu field is active only if the chemical type is Dry or Dry
DisplacementThe amount of liquid displaced by a unit of dry material in a
single gallon of carrier. This menu field is active only if the
chemical type is Dry or Dry Flowable. A typical displacement
unit would be liquid ounces.
Admin Page
Record Status
Setting a profile to Active makes that profile viewable and selectable,
when transferred to the Legacy 6000. Setting a profile to Hidden prevents it’s being selected or viewed by the operator, when it is transferred to a Legacy 6000. This allows a manager to limit the number of
in-field selections an operator must make while in the field.
Table 2-3: Chemical Profile Description
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles 2-9
The Chemical Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
The Chemical Mixture Profile
The Chemical Mixture Profile contains specific chemica l tank mixtures created. Enter
the Chemicals, used in this profile, into the Chemical Profile p rior to creating a mixture
profile. To access the Chemical Mixture Profile page, select the Chemical Mixture
Profile, located in the RMS Launcher Profiles page. The first page displayed is a list of
chemical mixes currently entered into the Che m ica l Mixtu re Prof ile da tabase (see
Figure 2-6). If you have not entered any chemical mixes into the profile yet, this page is empty. To
enter a new mixture, press the New button. To edit an existing chemical mixture, select the desired
mixture from the list of mixes, and press Enter or double click on the mixture name, using the
mouse. To delete an existing mixture, highlight the desired mixture name and press the Delete
When finished entering a new chemical mixture, press the OK button to save and add this new mix
into the Chemical Mixture Profile list. I f you de cide not to ad d th e mixt ure, simply press t he Cancel
button to return to the Chemical Mixture Profile list.
To Exit the Chemical Mixture Profile, press the Exit Button. The program returns to the RMS
Launcher Profiles page.
Create all profiles in RMS Office and transfer t hem, via t he PC card, t o th e Legacy 600 0
console running RMS-EXT software. Transfer the Profiles using the RMS-Office Export
program (see Chapter 3 - RMS Tools).
Figure 2-6: The Chemical Mixture Profile Page
2-10Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
The Chemical Mixture Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Creating a New Chemical Mixture Profile
To create a new chemical mixture, use the RMS Chemical Calculator. The Chemical Calculator is
accessed through the Mixture Name menu field, located on the Chemical Mixture Main menu page
(see The Main Page on page 2-19). It is best to understand the Chemical Calculator prior to
reviewing any of the Chemical Mixture profile pages.
The RMS Chemical Calculator
The RMS Chemical Calculator is a powerful chemical mix utility program, used to combine up to
three chemicals, plus a carrier, into a single mixture. The chemicals in the mixture must appear in
the Chemical Profile (see The Chemical Profile on page 2-7) prior to adding them into a mixture.
The Chemical Calculator accesses the Chemical Profile for informa tion, such as chemical type
and unit, for each chemical added to the mixt ure. The Chemical Ca lculat or requ ires an applicat ion
rate for each chemical in the mixture, as well as the tank volume or amount of mi xture to be made .
When the chemicals are added to the mix, the Chemical Calculator determ ines the amount of each
chemical and carrier required for the mixture t ank volume.
Krovar plus Oust Mixture Example
To demonstrate the Chemical Calculator, consider a mixture of Krovar (Dry Flowable), mixed with
Oust, with water as a carrier. The application rate for the Krovar is 8 Pounds/Acre and the application rate for the Oust is 3 Oz./Acre. Both chemicals have been entered into the Chemical Profile
and therefore can be selected directly from the Chemical Calculator. The tank volume for the mixture is 50 Gallons.
Starting Up the Chemical Calculator
To enter the Chemical Calculator, select the Mixture Name menu field, located on the Main menu
page. Press enter, or double click with the mouse on th e Mi xt ur e Na me men u field , to acti va t e the
Chemical Calculator dialog (see Figure 2-7).
Entering Krovar DF as the First Chemical
To enter Krovar as the first chemical, place the cursor in the Chemical 1 menu field and press
enter. This activates the Select Chemical 1 dialog (see Figure 2-8). Move through the list of chemicals, select Krovar, and press enter. To move through the chemical list rapidly, type in the first letter of the chemical to be entered. This causes the program to jump down the chemical list to the
first chemical name beginning with the letter ente red. All of the chemicals listed in th is dialog were
entered using the Chemical Profile.
Entering the Krovar Application Rate
Select the chemical and enter the chemical application r ate. Tab the cursor over to the Chemical 1
Application Rate menu field and press enter. This activates the Chemical 1 Rate dialog box (see
Figure 2-9). In the example, the application rat e for Krovar is 8 Poun ds/Acre. Notice th at the unit of
pounds is already set in the Rate dialog box. The rate unit for Krovar is contained in the Chemical
Profile and retrieved by the calculator. This eliminates the need to remember or look up the
required rate unit for each chemical. Enter 8 Pounds/Acre in the dialog and press enter. Krovar is
now entered as the first chemical in the mixture. Now enter the second chemica l, Oust.
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles 2-11
The Chemical Mixture Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Figure 2-7: The Chemical Calculator Dialog
Figure 2-8: The Select Chemical 1 (Krovar DF) Dialog
2-12Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
The Chemical Mixture Profile
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