tecan NanoQuant Plate Quick Manual

NanoQuant Plate™
Quick Guide
2 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 2013-06
Table of Contents
1. General Information ...................................................................... 3
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................... 3
1.2 Contents of the NanoQuant Plate Package.................... 3
1.3 Computer Requirements .................................................. 4
1.4 System Requirements ...................................................... 5
1.5 Applications ...................................................................... 6
2. Measurement Procedure............................................................... 7
2.1 Software Installation Procedure ...................................... 7
2.2 Performing a Measurement ............................................. 7
2.3 File menu ......................................................................... 15
2.4 Quality Control of NanoQuant Plate ............................. 17
3. NanoQuant Plate .......................................................................... 19
3.1 Parameters ...................................................................... 19
3.2 Handling and Cleaning ................................................... 21
3.3 Applying Samples ........................................................... 22
3.4 NanoQuant Plate Disinfection ....................................... 23
4. Calculations ................................................................................. 25
4.1 Calculation of Nucleic Acid Concentration .................. 25
5. About the Quick Guide ................................................................ 29
2013-06 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 3
1. General Information
1.1 Introduction
Tecan’s NanoQuant Plate is intended as a general laboratory measurement tool for the quantification of small volumes (2μl) of nucleic acids in absorbance mode and the measurement of the labeling efficiency of nucleic acids labeled with fluorescent dyes. The NanoQuant Plate permits the application and parallel measurement of 16 different samples in a single measurement procedure. After the measurement, which is controlled by Tecan’s i-control software, the calculation of nucleic acid content and purity check using the 260/280 ratio is performed automatically and the results are displayed in an Excel sheet. A blanking measurement, including an integrated reference wavelength at the beginning of the measurement procedure, functions simultaneously as a quality control check for the entire plate and indicates any pipetting or cleaning mistakes. The plate has been designed to meet the requirements of research laboratories working with various types of low-volume samples including fluorophore-labeled nucleotides.
1.2 Contents of the NanoQuant Plate Package
The NanoQuant Plate package for Infinite reader series contains the following items:
NanoQuant Plate
Pipetting Aid
Safety Certificate
This Quick Guide
Storage Box
The NanoQuant Plate is available for the following readers:
Infinite M200 PRO
Infinite F200 PRO
Infinite M200 PRO NanoQuant
Infinite F200 PRO NanoQuant
Infinite M1000
Infinite F500
4 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 2013-06
1.3 Computer Requirements
The following computer requirements are needed to use the i-control software:
Minimum Recommended
Windows XP/Vista (32 bit)/Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit) Windows compatible PC with a Pentium compatible processor running at 1 GHz
2 GHz (Dual Core)
Operating System
Windows XP (32-bit) SP3 Windows Vista (32-bit) Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
Windows XP (32-bit) SP3
Windows XP: 512 MB RAM Windows Vista (32-bit): 1 GB RAM Windows 7 (32-bit): 1 GB RAM Windows 7 (64-bit): 2 GB RAM
Space Requirements
700 MB 1 GB
Monitor Super VGA Graphics
Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Color Depth 256
Mouse Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device
Communication 1 x USB 2.0
2 x USB 2.0, 1 x RS232 (Serial)
1 x CD-ROM drive Windows Vista: DirectX 9 graphics and 32 MB of
graphics memory (for Home Basic); 128 MB of
graphics memory plus WDDM support for all other versions
Windows 7: DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 If this version is not present, the install/upgrade program will install it side-by-side with any existing installations of the .NET Framework.
Windows Installer
3.1 If this version is not present, the install/upgrade
program will install it.
Microsoft Excel
2002, 2003, 2007, 2010 (32-bit) – Starter edition NOT supported!
2013-06 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 5
1.4 System Requirements
To perform a NanoQuant measurement, the following items are required:
Infinite 200 Pro
An Infinite 200 Pro reader with firmware version V2.0 or higher
A computer with i-control V1.4 Service Pack 1 or higher installed
The NanoQuant Plate Package
Make sure the following absorbance filters are available on the filter slide of your Infinite F200 PRO:
Position 1: 260 nm (5 nm bandwidth)
Position 2: 280 nm (3 nm bandwidth)
Position 3: 340 nm (10 nm bandwidth)
Position 4: free (for individual use)
For Infinite F200 PRO, the filter positions must remain in the order in which they were delivered. The original filter positions guarantee the fastest filter switching for well-wise measurements. The Infinite M200 PRO can be used immediately for measurement without any calibration of the monochromator.
Infinite M1000, Infinite F500
An Infinite M1000 reader (REF 30061442) with main firmware version V2.0 or higher
An Infinite F500
Software: i-control V1.8 or higher
The NanoQuant Plate Package
Make sure the following absorbance filters are available on the filter slide of your Infinite F500:
Position 1: 260 nm (5 nm bandwidth)
Position 2: 280 nm (3 nm bandwidth)
Position 3: 340 nm (10 nm bandwidth)
Only use the Infinite reader and the NanoQuant Plate at room temperature and under normal laboratory conditions.
6 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 2013-06
1.5 Applications
Nucleic Acid Quantification (Infinite 200 PRO, Infinite M1000, Infinite F500)
For the quantification procedure in the NanoQuant Plate, a sample volume of 2 μl is sufficient for accurate results. Absorbance of nucleic acid samples is measured at 260 nm. The optical path length of the NanoQuant Plate is
0.5 mm. To assess the purity of the nucleic acid, an additional measurement at
280 nm is performed to indicate proteins in the sample. For pure nucleic acids, a 260/280 ratio between 1.8 - 1.9 is acceptable. If this ratio is lower than 1.8 it may indicate the presence of proteins or other contaminants. If this is the case, an additional purification step/procedure is recommended.
Labeling Efficiency (Infinite M200 PRO and Infinite M1000 only)
Working with nucleic acids labeled with fluorescent dyes requires samples of high quality. Besides common nucleic acid quantification and nucleic acid purity check with 260/280, the labeling efficiency is an important criterion for improved research results. With the NanoQuant Plate it is possible to measure absorbance of nucleic acids labeled with Cy3, Cy5, Alexa 555, Alexa 647 and many other fluorescent dyes.
All measurements on Infinite M1000 involving NanoQuant Applications are performed using one measurement channel only.
2013-06 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 7
2. Measurement Procedure
2.1 Software Installation Procedure
The i-control software is installed using the following procedure:
1. Insert the i-control software CD ROM into your CD ROM drive.
2. A window opens with different selectable options.
3. Choose Software and install i-control.
4. Follow the instructions of the Wise Installation Wizard.
5. When installation is successful, exit the Installation window.
6. Switch on and connect to Infinite instrument.
i-control is delivered with the Infinite reader series.
2.2 Performing a Measurement
For applications using the NanoQuant Plate, a tab called Applications is implemented in i-control software, so that all measurements can be performed quickly and easily.
1. Start i-control.
2. Connect to the Infinite instrument. The standard i-control window opens.
3. Select Applications in the lower left part of the window.
Figure 1: Overview of i-control script
8 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 2013-06
4. Select the desired measurement type in the control bar on the left side of the window by double-clicking or dragging and dropping:
Nucleic acid quantification (Infinite 200 PRO, Infinite M1000,
Infinite F500)
Labeling Efficiency (Infinite M200 PRO and Infinite M1000 only)
5. The corresponding measurement stripe appears and the NanoQuant
Plate definition file (NanoQuant Plate Tecan 16 Flat Black) is
automatically selected in the Plate field.
6. Select blanking mode. Select the Individual Blanking check box for individual blanking or leave the check box clear for average blanking. See Individual Blanking and Average Blanking on page 12.
7. Depending on the connected instrument, the wavelengths used for measurement are selected automatically (make sure that the correct filters are properly installed and defined on the filter slides of the Infinite F200 PRO and Infinite F500 instrument).
Instrument Bandwidth at 260 nm Bandwidth at 280 nm
Infinite M200 PRO: 5 nm 5 nm
Infinite F200 PRO: 5 nm 3 nm
Infinite M1000: 5 nm 5 nm
Infinite F500: 5 nm 3 nm
8. Select a sample type (e.g. dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA, etc. in the Sample type drop-down list.
9. In addition, select the respective dye(s) in the Markers drop-down lists for Labeling Efficiency measurements. If the samples are labeled with only one fluorophore, set the drop-down list of Dye 2 to None.
10. When all settings are correct, click the Start Blanking button to initialize the blanking measurement. The plate transport moves out and the user is requested to insert the NanoQuant Plate with the respective blanking buffer.
2013-06 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 9
Figure 2: Correct orientation of NanoQuant Plate in the reader
11. The first measurement step is blanking with the required buffer. A separate window opens and the blanking procedure can be observed.
12. The blanking measurement is started and can be monitored in the measurement progress window. If blanking has been performed successfully, the sample positions are highlighted in yellow and the screen color changes to a homogenous green (Nucleic Acid
Quantification) or blue (Labeling Efficiency). Blanking results (date and
time, samples positions that were selected for blanking, blanking range, and maximum CV) are displayed next to the plate preview in the measurement stripe and saved until the instrument is disconnected.
13. When the blanking measurement has been completed successfully, the plate is moved out automatically. The plate is now ready for sample application and analysis. The green Start button is now accessible.
14. Remove any remaining blanking buffer from the sample positions by wiping the quartz spots with a piece of lint free paper and apply 2 μl of the samples onto each spot.
15. When the NQP is loaded with samples and correctly placed onto the plate carrier, click the green Start button.
10 Quick Guide NanoQuant PlateTM No.30035094 Rev No. 1.4 2013-06
16. As the measurement is performed an Excel sheet opens automatically in the background. All measurement results (including the automatically calculated nucleic acid concentration, the 260/280 ratio, and for Labeling Efficiency measurements, the dye concentration) are
concisely displayed in a matrix (analogous to the plate layout). The
OD values of each sample at all relevant wavelengths are also displayed.
Figure 3: Overview of Excel result sheet
17. Once the measurement procedure is finished, the plate is moved out automatically. A pop-up message appears, asking if the user wishes to perform another measurement.
If additional (identical) measurements are to be performed, wipe
o any sample residues from the previous measurement and
apply new samples. Click
Yes to start the measurement.
If no further measurement is to be performed, click No. An extra
sheet appears in the Excel workbook summarizing the results of all previous measurements.
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