Teac PCD807 User Manual

Portable CD Boombox
Trademark of TEAC Corporation JAPAN
Western A ust ralia
South Australia
Thank you for selecting a TEAC product
TEAC Customer Support Hotline
1300 553 315

Please read th e ow n er ’s m anu al caref ul l y and ensure that you have followed the correct installation and operating procedures.

1. Please read this warranty card.
2. Keep your pur chas e rec eip t to en abl e you t o pr oc eed quickl y in t h e even t of a Warranty Servic e.
3. If you require Warranty Service, please contact the TEAC Customer Support Hotline at 1300 553 315 for assist ance. Pleas e ens u re that you h ave the model number , s er i al nu mb er an d purc hase r ec eipt ready when you call.

Please complete the section below and keep this information for your own records.

Owner’s Name
Owner’s Address
Model Name/No. Serial No.
Dealer’s Name
Dealer’s Address
Authorised Service Centres in Major Australian Cit ies
v1.5.2: DEC 2011
151 Arthur Street Homebush West, NSW 2140
11 McInnes Street Ridleyton, SA 5008
Unit 1, 320 Curtin Ave West Eagle Farm, QLD 4009
282 Normanby Road South Mel bourne, VI C 32 05
Unit 2, 50 Pilbara Street Welshpool, WA 6106
If you should r equire assist ance with your product regarding its setup
or operation, or if any dif ficulties ari se , please call us directly for advice
between Monday to Fri day at 8.30AM – 6PM AEST at the
v1.5.2: DEC 2011
LED/LCD TV 32” (80 cm) and above
1 Year (In-Home Service/ Pick up Available)*
All other TEAC products
1 Year (Carry-in Service)
Our g oods com e with guarantees that cannot be exclud ed under the Aust ralian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably fo re s eeable los s o r damag e. You are al s o en tit l e d t o h a ve the goods repaired or replaced if t he goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

Warranty Terms & Conditions

1. TEAC w arr ants t hat t his pr oduct is f r ee fr om d efects in mat eri al an d w orkm ans hip u nder n ormal dom estic use with reason able care and skill. Mainten ance and c leaning ( i.e. las er head) is not cover ed by this warrant y. The TEAC warrant y on ly applies to TEAC products purchased, used and serviced in Australia.
2. The ben efits t o the c onsum er given b y this W arrant y ar e in addit ion to other rights and r emedies of the c onsum er under a law in relation t o goods or s ervic es to whic h t h e w arranty rel a tes, bein g th e Aus tr alian Cons u m er Law.
3. Refund or replac emen t via y our r etai ler is av ail able f or a peri od of 1 4 days after purch ase f or goods that h ave been
4. Subject to the terms herein, this warran ty effecti vely covers the eq uipment as s pecified i n the W arrant y Periods
Th is s er vice will only b e pr ovi d ed as p ar t of t his war r anty if all the f ollow i ng conditions ar e met;
6. A 12-month replacement warranty is applicable to all Accessories such as Remote, Power Adaptors and Cables.
7. TEAC will ensure to the best of its ab il i ti es that all required parts are made available for any required s ervice/r ep air.
8. TEAC Aus tralia Pty Ltd and its Authorised Service Centr es will us e their best endeavours t o complete produc t
9. Refurbis hed p arts m ay be us ed to r epair the prod uct. I n the c ase of a replac ement, the pr oduct may be r eplac ed,
10. Please b e advised that if the pr od uc t pres ent ed for r epair is capabl e of retain in g user-gener at ed data, t h e data m ay
11. Servic e will be pr ovided on ly dur ing nor mal busi ness hour s and under saf ety condi tions and circ umstanc es. TE AC
12. The warranty is void and warranty claims may be refused, subject to the Australian Consumer Law, if:
13. No one is au t h orised to ass ume any li abilit y on b eh alf of TEAC or im p os e an y ob li gation on it, in connection w ith the
14. TEAC reserves the right to inspect and verify whether the product is exhibiting a major failure as claimed by
15. LCD dead pixel policy, please contact TEAC Customer Support Hotline on 1300 553 315 for assistance.
inspected and det ermined t o ha ve a m aj or f ailure. Refu n d and exc h a nge is not app licable f or change of mi nd.
Table below from the date of purchase.
In Home Service/Pick up* Service a) The produc t is indicated in th e Warrant y P er i od T able.
b) The product is within the warranty period. c) The product is located within the normal service area of the local TEAC Authorised Service Centre.
If TEAC determines that the product is not repairable on site, TEAC can complete the repair by taking the product to a TEAC Authorised Service Centre.
Carry-in Service Where In-Home service/Pick up* is not available, the purchaser is required to send the product to the nearest TEAC Author is ed Ser vic e C entr e f or r epair . In t his even t, pr o of of pur ch ase is r equir ed to s upp ort a warr ant y cl aim. Af ter the rep air, t he pr od uct will be avail abl e f or coll ecti on by or retur n to the pur chas er at a fee upon req uest. T EAC in­home service can be made available at a fee upon request.
repairs within a reasonable period based on available resources and workload during the time when service is request ed and perf or m ed .
with a ref urbish ed unit of the s ame type or , if one is unavailab le, a si milar refur bished m odel with equal or b etter features & specifications.
be lost during servicing. Customers are strongly encouraged to back up all important information/data before sending the product in for service/repair.
and its aut horis ed s er vice agents can r efuse any r epair if safety, in rel ati on to OH&S, bec om es a c oncern t o its s t af f or author ised service agents ’ p er sonnel.
a) The product was not transported, ins tall ed, op erated or m aintain ed a c c ording to man uf act urer instr uc t i on, or b) The produc t was abused, dam aged, tam p ered, alt er ed or repair ed by any un au t h orised persons, or c) Product failure is due to accidents during use, installation or transit, power surges, use of defective or
incompat ib le exter n al devic es, exp os ure to abn orm al cond itions suc h as exc essi ve tem perat ur es or humi dit y, or entry of liquids, ob j ects or creatur es into the pr oduc t .
sale of any eq ui p m ent ot h er than as st ated in this warr anty and out l in ed ab ove.
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