VS-R264 / VS-R265
Streaming to an Online Platform (YouTube, RTMP, etc.)
YouTube setup guide
1. In the Streaming Dashboard, first go to your encoder settings configuration by clicking “Configure” under “Output Settings”.
2. Select “YouTube” from the dropdown under “RTMP Output”.
3. Click “Start Pairing” below the dropdown.
4. A pairing code will be provided that you will use once logged into YouTube via the link “Login to Google YouTube (opens in new
5. Enter your pairing code given by the Streaming Dashboard in the previous step.
6. If your YouTube account does not have Live Streaming enabled, change that setting by going into the “Status and Features” section
of Youtube’s Creator Studio.
It can be found by first going to the YouTube Live Dashboard at https://www.youtube.com/live_dashboard.
7. Once you’ve enabled live streaming entered the pairing code, you can select a stream from the “Streams List” dropdown in the
Streaming Dashboard.
8. The final step is to turn on RTMP output and click “OK” or “Apply”.
After clicking “OK,” the configuration settings popup will disappear and a checkmark should be visible.
Hovering your mouse cursor over the checkmark displays the word “Streaming”.
A webpage refresh might be needed to update the streaming status column.
YouTube has a hard time processing streams with no audio, so make sure you have some sort of audio in your stream.
Setting up YouTube with the Generic RTMP interface
1. Go to the YouTube Live Dashboard.
2. Copy the Server URL and Stream name/key (located at the bottom of the dashboard) into the URL field on the VS-R264/VS-R265 with
a forward slash (/) in between them, like so: [Server URL]/[Stream name/key]
TASCAM VS-R264 / VS-R265

VS-R264 / VS-R265
Wowza Streaming Cloud
1. Go to the following URL: https://cloud.wowza.com/.
2. Sign in to your Wowza Streaming Cloud account.
3. Click “Live Streams” then “+Add Live Stream”.
4. Go through the setup wizard.
o Give the stream name and location.
o Choose “Other RTMP” when selecting for “What camera or encoder will you use to connect to Wowza Streaming Cloud?”
o Choose “Push Stream” when selecting for “Do you want to push or pull your stream?”.
o The rest of the settings can be modified as desired.
5. Click on the “Start Stream” button on your stream’s home page.
6. Go to your stream’s “Source Connection Information” section and copy the given information into the fields shown in the Streaming
Dashboard when the Wowza Cloud option is chosen from the RTMP Dropdown.
7. The video snapshot should now be updating on your live stream’s page in Wowza Cloud.
Wowza Streaming Engine
1. Connect to your Wowza Streaming Engine server instance via your web browser.
2. On the homepage there is a section called “Application Connection Settings” which will provide you with the information about the
3. View the stream and connection information:
o Click on “Applications” at the top of the Wowza home page.
o Click “live”, or your desired application, under “LIVE APPLICATIONS”.
o Click “Test Players.”
4. Here you will be able to see the server and port, application, and stream name, which you can then enter into your VS-R264/VS-R265
fields in the Wowza Streaming Engine dropdown selection.
Turn on RTMP Output and click Apply or OK to start streaming.
And with that, you are now streaming using Wowza streaming services.
DaCast setup
Live Streaming With DaCast
1. Go to https://www.dacast.com.
2. After logging in you’ll be sent to the DaCast overview dashboard https://my.dacast.com.
3. Click on “Create”.
4. Enter the Channel name and choose your channel type.
5. Click “Add New”.
6. Expand “Preferences” and click “Encoder Keys” to open the “API Preferences” screen.
Click “Regenerate” in the “Videon Key” section to generate the VS-R264/265 (API) key.
7. Copy the generated “Videon Key” to the “API Key” field of the web UI of VS-R264/VS-R265.
8. Once entered, you can click “Get Channels” and select your channel to stream to.
9. When you are ready to stream, simply turn on RTMP Out and click either OK or Apply, and your VS-R264/VS-R265 will automatically
establish the proper connection and begin streaming! (Watch your stream by going into the channel’s settings on DaCast’s website,
then clicking “Preview”).
TASCAM VS-R264 / VS-R265