Tascam CD-601MKII User Manual

CD-601MKII/RC-601MKII Quick Start Guide »
This Quick Start Guide describes the basic operation of the CD-601MKII CD player.
By c o n necting the R C -601MKII re m o t e control un i t to t h e CD-601M K I I , you can e n hance the f u nctions. However, you can carry out the basic operation from the CD-601MKII panel.
About the "Online" and "Monitor" playback
The C D - 601M K I I pro v i d es t w o differ e n t pla y b ack conditions: "online" and "monitor" playback.
According to our basic design concept, online playback is used for on-the-air or an actual performance, while monitor playback is used for cueing or checking audio before online playback.
The BALANCED analog and AES/EBU digital outputs are designed for online pla y b a c k o u t p u t s , w h i l e t h e UNBALANCED analog and SPDIF digital outputs are originally designed for monitor playback outputs.
Playback and pause keys for "online" and "monitor" playback
The CD-601MKII, as well as the RC-601MKII, provides independent keys for "online" and "monitor" playback.
However, by default, both online and monitor playback signals are output from all the CD-601MKII outputs. Using th e men u sys tem, you c an make the on-l ine p layba ck signals to be output from the BALANCED analog and AES/EBU digital outputs only, and/or make the monitor playback signals to be output from the UNBALANCED analog and SPDIF digital outputs only.
For Monitor playback
On t h e CD-601M K I I , use the P L AY / PAUSE key for playback or pause (pressing the key alternates between these conditions).
On the RC-601MKII, use the MONITOR key for playback and the PAUSE key for pause.
For Online playback
Use the ON LINE key for playback and the READY key for pause (both the CD-601MKI and RC-601MKII provide these keys).
• You ca n s t ar t " o nli n e" pl a yb a ck on l y w he n t h e CD-601MKII is "READY" (unless you turn off the fail safe mode via the menu system).
• You can stop "online" playback only by pressing the STOP key.
The point to which the CD-601MKII locates when pressing the READY key depends on the current transport status.
• While monitor-paused: the current point
• While stopped or monitor-playing: The point where you started monitor playback from monitor-pause status most recently.
CD-601MKII/RC-601MKII Quick Start Guide »
To mixer, amplifier, etc.
If you have the RC-601MKII remote control unit, connect the PLAYER UNIT port on the RC-601MKII rear panel to the REMOTE (SERIAL) port on the CD-601MKII rear panel using the cable supplied with the RC-601MKII.
• Ma k e audio connect i on betw e en the C D-601MK I I outputs and an external audio device.
As described above, by default, both online and monitor playback signals are output from all the outputs. Therefore, you simply use the appropriate output connector(s) on the CD-601MKII that match the connector(s) of the external device.
To check the track sound, press the
on the CD-6 01MKI I (or the RC-601MKII) to start "monitor playback".
5. If the track is OK, press the READY key.
The CD-601MKII locates to the beginning of the audio
of the track.
6. Press the ON LINE key to start "online playback".
At the end of the track, the CD-601MKII automatically
key on the
Playing back from the desired point on a track
To play back from the desired point on a track, follow the procedure below after selecting a desired track on step 3 in "Playing back a desired track (SINGLE PLAY)" above.
Search the desired point using the
CD-601MKII, or the dial on the RC-601MKII.
You c an als o use the m onitor play back f uncti on to mo ve forw ards b y press ing th e PLAY/PA USE key on t h e CD-601M K I I or the M O N I T O R key on the RC-601MKII. If you do so, pause the CD-601MKII at the desire d point by pressi ng th e PLAY/PAUSE ke y on the CD-60 1MKII or t he PAUSE ke y on the RC-601MKII.
dial or the
keys on the
Playing back a desired track (SINGLE PLAY)
The f o l lowing describ e s t h e procedure fo r s e lecting a desir ed tra ck, checkin g the track using the monito r playback function, and executing online playback.
1. Press the PLAY MODE key to light "SINGLE" on the left of the display.
Press the
the pause".
3. U s e the TRACK keys ( o r the numer i c keys on th e RC-601MKII) to select a desired track for playback.
The C D-6 0 1 MKII ente r s "m o n ito r pau s e " at the
beginning of the selected track.
key on the RC-601MKII) to enter "monitor
key on the CD-601MKII (or
5. Press the PLAY/PAUSE key on the CD-601MKII or the MONITOR key on the RC-601MKII to enter "monitor
playback" for checking the point.
6. If the point is OK, press the READY key.
The CD-601MKII locates to the point you set in step 5
If you want to trim the point, press the PLAY/PAUSE
ke y on the CD-60 1MKII or t he PAUSE ke y on the RC-601MKII to enter "monitor pause", and go back to step 5 above.
7. Press the ON LINE key to start "online playback".
At the end of the track, the CD-601MKII automatically
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