Tandberg TELEPRESENCE CALL User Manual

Cisco TelePresence
Call Detail Records
File Format
Reference Guide


Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Overview of CDR file formats .................................................................................................................. 3
How to use this reference guide .............................................................................................................. 4
MCUs .................................................................................................................................... 5
Example CDR file: MCU 4200 Series/MCU 4500 Series/MCU MSE blades .......................................... 5
MCU and MCU MSE blade CDR event types ......................................................................................... 6
scheduled_conference_started ........................................................................................................ 6
ad-hoc_conference_started.............................................................................................................. 7
participant_joined ............................................................................................................................. 8
participant_left .................................................................................................................................. 8
conference_finished ......................................................................................................................... 9
ISDN gateways....................................................................................................................11
Example CDR file: ISDN gateway 3200 and 3210 Series/MSE 8310 and 8321 blades ....................... 11
ISDN gateway event types .................................................................................................................... 13
new_connection ............................................................................................................................. 13
connection_proceeding .................................................................................................................. 14
multiway_call_transfer .................................................................................................................... 14
connection_finished ........................................................................................................................ 15
IP gateways .........................................................................................................................17
Example CDR file: IP gateway 3500 Series and MSE 8350 blade ....................................................... 17
IP gateway event types ......................................................................................................................... 19
incoming_connection ...................................................................................................................... 19
call_operator ................................................................................................................................... 19
outgoing_connection ...................................................................................................................... 19
call_rejected ................................................................................................................................... 20
call_accepted ................................................................................................................................. 21
enter_menu .................................................................................................................................... 21
video_start ...................................................................................................................................... 21
video_end ....................................................................................................................................... 21
connection_finished ........................................................................................................................ 22
Advanced Media Gateway .................................................................................................23
Example CDR file: AM gateway 3600 series ......................................................................................... 23
AM gateway event types ....................................................................................................................... 24
connection_started ......................................................................................................................... 24
connection_finished ........................................................................................................................ 24
participant_disconnected ................................................................................................................ 25
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Call Detail Records (CDRs) are used by Cisco TelePresence products for auditing and billing purposes. The following Cisco TelePresence products are able to generate CDRs:
MCUs: MCU 4200 Series, MCU 4500 Series, MCU MSE 8420 and the MCU MSE 8510. ISDN gateways: ISDN GW 3241, ISDN GW MSE 8310 and ISDN GW MSE 8321. IP gateways: IP GW 3500 Series and IP GW MSE 8350. Advanced Media Gateway: AM GW 3610
When logging is enabled on a Cisco device, CDRs are generated as follows:
On an MCU/MCU MSE blade: when a conference starts or finishes, and in response to other
events such as participants joining and leaving the conference.
On an ISDN gateway or IP gateway unit or blade: When a call starts, completes, transfers to a
multisite call, or is disconnected for some other reason.
On an AM gateway: When a call starts, completes, or is disconnected for some other reason.
The CDR log is stored on the unit’s/blade’s CompactFlash card. The CDR log is stored in a proprietary Cisco format. You can only read this format on a Cisco unit or blade, however, it is possible to export or download the complete CDR log, or part of it, in XML format using the web interface. The export ed log includes all stored CDRs, and all available details, regardless of the current filtering and display settings set in the web interface.
This document explains the format of the log as exported in XML.

Overview of CDR file format s

CDR files begin with the <cdr_events> opening tag and close with the matching </cdr_events> closing tag.
Each event starts with:
<event index="number" date="DD Month YYYY" time="hh:mm:ss" type="event type">
and ends with:
where number is a unique identifier for the event starting at zero and incremented by one for each CDR event. The fields that occur between the <event> and </event> tags depend on the event.
Note: When using the timestamp on an event you should be aware that changing the time on the MCU and NTP’s UTC Offset (go to Settings > Time) affects the CDR log timestamp in the following ways:
Changing the time either by changing the system time or via an NTP update causes new events
in the CDR log to show the new time but no change will be made to existing logged CDR events.
With NTP enabled, setting a UTC offset changes the displayed time for all the CDR events. The
stored time remains the same because it is stored in UTC and the offset is applied for display purposes.
Enabling or disabling NTP when an offset is configured causes the display time to change for all
existing events and the UTC time will change for logging future CDR events. This is because when NTP is disabled, the current time is treated as UTC with an offset of 0.
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How to use this reference guide

For each product type the following information is provided:
Example exported CDR file in XML. Summary of reported event types. Details of the parameters for each event type.
The section on MCU CDRs starts on page 5. The section on ISDN gateway CDRs starts on page 11. The section on IP gateway CDRs starts on page 17. The section on AM gateway CDRs starts on page 23.
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Example CDR file: MCU 4200 Series/MCU 4500 Series/MCU MSE blades

The exported file has the name cdr_log.xml. You can change the filename if necessary. Below is a short extract showing each event type on the MCU or MCU MSE blade.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<event index="0" date="13 April 2010" time="13:09:14"
<conference unique_id="3365002" name="Temporary conference" /> <conference_details numeric_id="1111" has_pin="no" billing_code=“<none>” /> <owner name="admin" /> <end scheduled_date="13 April 2010" scheduled_time="13:18:00"
scheduled_duration_in_minutes="9" />
<event index="1" date="13 April 2010" time="13:09:38"
<conference unique_id="3365003" name="Permanent conference" /> <conference_details numeric_id=“<none>” has_pin="yes"
billing_code=“<none>” />
<owner name="admin" /> <end scheduled_time="permanent" /> </event>
<event index="2" date="13 April 2010" time="13:10:22" type="ad-hoc_conference_started">
<conference unique_id="3365005" name="3333" /> <conference_details numeric_id="3333" has_pin="no" billing_code=“<none>” /> <creator participant_id="1" /> <end scheduled_time=“<none>” /> </event>
<event index="3" date="13 April 2010" time="13:10:26" type="participant_joined">
<conference unique_id="3365005" name="3333" /> <participant particpant_id="1" participant_id="1" /> <call direction="incoming" /> </event>
<event index="4" date="13 April 2010" time="13:12:41" type="participant_left">
<conference unique_id="3365005" name="3333" /> <endpoint_details ip_address="" dn=“<none>”
h323_alias="sam.spade.e20o1@cisco.com" configured_name=“<none>” />
<participant participant_id="1" /> <call time_in_conference="2 mins 15 sec" time_in_conference_in_minutes="3"
disconnect_reason="participant ended call" />
<media_from_endpoint resolution="1280 x 768" video_codec="H.264" audio_codec="AAC"
bandwidth="832000 bit/s" />
<media_to_endpoint resolution="768 x 512" video_codec="H.264" audio_codec="AAC"
bandwidth="832000 bit/s" />
<event index="5" date="13 April 2010" time="13:12:41" type="conference_finished">
<conference unique_id="3365005" name="3333" /> <limits audio_video_participants="20" audio_only_participants="60"
streaming_participants_allowed="1" />
<participants max_simultaneous_audio_video="1" max_simultaneous_audio_only="0"
max_simultaneous_streaming="0" total_audio_video="1" total_audio_only="0" total_streaming="0" />
<gatekeeper registered_with_gatekeeper="no" /> <end duration="2 mins 19 sec" duration_in_minutes="3" /> </event>
<event index="6" date="13 April 2010" time="13:18:00" type="conference_finished">
<conference unique_id="3365002" name="Temporary conference" /> <limits audio_video_participants="20" audio_only_participants="60"
streaming_participants_allowed="1" />
<participants max_simultaneous_audio_video="0" max_simultaneous_audio_only="0"
max_simultaneous_streaming="0" total_audio_video="0" total_audio_only="0" total_streaming="0" />
<gatekeeper registered_with_gatekeeper="no" /> <end duration="10 mins 0 sec" duration_in_minutes="10" /> </event> </cdr_events>
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MCU and MCU MSE bla de CDR event types

Currently the MCU and MCU MSE blade CDRs support the event types listed in the table below. They are listed in the order that they occur in the CDR.
Event type Description
scheduled_conference_started A scheduled conference was started. Either a permanent conference or
one with a scheduled end time
ad-hoc_conference_started An ad hoc conference was started through the auto attendant
participant_joined A participant joined the conference
participant_left A participant disconnected or w as forcibly disconne cted
conference_finished The conference finished
The tables in the sections below show the parameters for each event type in the order in which they appear in the CDR. There is an explanation for each parameter.


There are two variations for this event. One for permanent conferences and one for conferences with a scheduled end time. The differences are indicated in the table.
Section Name Description
<conference> unique_id Unique identifier for the conference in the
format nnnnnnnn. This is generated automatically by the MCU
name For scheduled conferences, this is the
conference name as allocated by the user. For ad hoc conferences, it is a name provided by the MCU
<conference details> numeric_id Numeric id given to the conference by the
creator or <none>. Used either for calling into a conference via a gatekeeper or calling in using the MCU as an H.323 gateway
has_pin Whether or not a PIN was used to enter the
conference. This will be one of:
yes no
Note that PINs are optional for scheduled conferences
billing_code For future expansion
<owner> name Log in user name of the person who
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Section Name Description
created the conference
<end> scheduled_date
scheduled_duration_in_minutes Scheduled length of the conference in
End date of the conference in the format dd Month yyyy unless this is a permanent conference in which case the end date is not included
Either the time in the format hh:mm:ss or permanent.
minutes. Not included for permanent conferences


This event is seen when a conference is started from the MCU’s auto attendant with the Create new conference option.
Section Name Description
<conference> unique_id Unique identifier for the conference in the
format nnnnnnnn. This is generated automatically by the MCU
name Usually the same as the numeric_id
<conference details> numeric_id The conference ID entered by the creator of
the conference or <none>
has_pin Whether or not a PIN was used to enter the
conference. This will be one of:
yes no
Note that PINs are optional for ad hoc conferences
billing_code For future expansion
<creator> participant_id A number corresponding to one of the
participants' "participant_id" values that can be found in its "participant_joined" record (see next event)
<end> scheduled_time Not relevant to an ad hoc conference and
therefore always <none>
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This event is seen whenever a participant joins a conference.
Section Name Description
<conference> unique_id
name For scheduled conferences, the conference name
<participant> * participant_id
<call> direction
The unique identifier in the format nnnnnnnn for the conference seen in the
scheduled_conference_started or ad-hoc_conference_started events
as allocated by the user and, for ad hoc conferences, a name allocated by the unit
Unique number in the format nnnnnnnn for this participant, automatically generated by the MCU
Either incoming or outgoing
* Within this event you will see both a “particpant_id” and “partic ip ant_ id” with in th e "<part ic ip ant >" parameter group because of the need to correct a spelling mistake in the code.


This event is seen whenever a participant leaves a conference.
Section Name Description
<conference> unique_id
name For scheduled conferences, the conference
<endpoint_details> ip_address IP address of the participant’s endpoint
dn Far end endpoint's E.164 number h323_alias Far end's configured endpoint name configured_name Name of MCU-configured endpoint name that
<participant> participant_id
<call> time_in_conference Duration that the participant was connected to
time_in_conference_in_ minutes
disconnect_reason A string explaining the reason why the
The unique identifier in the format nnnnnnnn for the conference seen in the
scheduled_conference_started or ad-hoc_conference_started events
name as allocated by the user and, for ad hoc conferences, a name allocated by the unit
is, from the Endpoints tab on the MCU web interface) if this participant is a pre-configured one
Unique number (n or nn ) for this participant, as generated by the MCU when the participant joined the conference
the conference in minutes and seconds Duration that the participant was connected to
the conference rounded up to the next minute
participant was disconnected. Currently one of:
unspecified no answer rejected rejected immediately busy gatekeeper error protocol error destination unreachable participant ended call participant dropped gatekeeper ended call
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