T Technische Mitteilungen
RS232 control of the FM-Tuner T 1210 R
The T1210R can be controlled by any control device having a RS232 serial output port (PC,
CRESTRON home automation system etc.) through the T+A RS232/R-Link interface adaptor.
For details about connecting and operating the adaptor see the user manual of the adaptor
Settings for the RS232 interface of the control device are as follows:
Baudrate: 115.200
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: none
Flow Control: none
T+A RS_232 Protocol
The T1210R uses the standard T+A RS232 command protocol as described in detail in the documents
“TA_RS232_protocol.doc” and “RS_232_Command_Codes.doc”.
Format of the command telegrams
A command telegram to the T1210R consists of 6 bytes. The complete telegram should be sent
without pauses between the bytes.
Example: SYSTEM_ON command
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6
R-Link command
(R-Link address + R-Link
command + R-Link flag
byte = 0x03)
R-Link command
(here: NEXT = 0x34)
*see table
T1210R commands
R-Link flag
check sum
sum of bytes 1..5 mod.
0x01 0x03
(see below)
0x34 0x02 0x5E
Byte 1, 2, 3, 5 : for the T1210R these bytes have the fixed values as shown in the table below.
Byte 4 : R-Link command according to the table of RCII commands
(see List of T1210R commands below)
Byte 6 : check sum == (byte1+byte2+byte3+byte4+byte5) modulo 0xFF