"All rights, including rights of translation by printing, copying or similar methods,
even of parts, are reserved.
All rights, includingrightscreatedbypatentgrants or registrationof a utility model or design, are reserved. Delivery subject to availability; right of technical modifications reserved."
All names of hardware and software products mentioned in this manual are trade names and/
or trademarks of their respective manufactores.
This programming manual describes in the main the instruction set of the multifunctional flat bed printer. The document printer is a workstation printer with one
printingpoint and is used to process documents and passbooks. The printercan
be fitted with a magnetic stripe reader (MSR) as an option.
This manual is intended for all users, who wish to create their own programs, for
example, for document or passbook processing . Detailed technical data, operating information (for example, connecting the printer, insertingthe paper, etc.),
and maintenance instructions are in a separate operating instruction.
Fault elimination information is in the appendix of this manual.
Following conventions are made in this manual:
CourierSystem outputs, such as error messages, informati-
on, notes, file extracts
Courier BoldExample of user inputs
–Indicates a list.
Indicates a specific sequence must be followed.
Refers to other chapters or sections.
Marks functions which have to be preferred. All
functions without this sign are only mentioned for
compatibility reasons, they should only be used by
General informations, notes and tips.
Warning notes, which have absolutely to be followed.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide1
APA graphicsAll Points Addressable graphics
APRAutomatic Passbook Reader
CSCharacter Set
DQDraft Qualitiy
LQLetter Quality
MSRMagnetic Stripe Reader
MICRMagnetic Ink Character Recognition
CSIControl Sequence Introducer
LSBLeast Significant Bit
MSBMost Significant Bit
OCROptical Character Recognition printer fonts
Use of the manual
This manual describes printer programming for various document processing
All program examples in this manual are independent of programming languages (pseudo code). Particulars for the conversion of pseudo code instructions
into a programming language (special BASIC dialects, COBOL, C, etc.) will not
be dealt with here. Likewise, particulars of the communication protocol between
the document printer and the
connected computer are not taken into account.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
PrefaceContents of the manual
Contents of the manual
Chapter “Short description of the document printer“
This chapter briefly lists the hardware components of the document printer and
outlines the application areas of the printer.
Chapter “Programming interface (General)”
This chapter outlines the basic principle of logical communication between an
applicationand the printer via ESC sequences. The functions of the multifunctional document printer are described using examples.
Chapter “Standard commands”
All the Epson- compatible control commands of the document printer are described here. Exceptions are the character set and graphics commands, which will
be explained in subsequent chapters.
In particular, the commands for the following application areas are described:
–Controlling the configuration of the printer
–Setting the page and line constants
–Vertical and horizontal tabulation
–Setting the print quality and the character size
–Highlightingparts of the text by settinga suitableprint mode(e. g. bold print, un-
derlining, superscript, subscript, etc.).
Chapter “Character set commands”
The emphasisof this chapter is on the setting of characters defined by the user with
the description of the relevant commands. In addition, the commands for switching
overbetween character setsare described (forexample, standard character set, graphics character set, national character sets)
Chapter “Graphics commands”
This chapter describes commands used to print drawings, diagrams or pictures
as dot graphics. The basic principle is to encrypt the individual picture dots as a
series of numbers and to transfer them to the printer.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide3
Contents of the manualPreface
Chapter “Additional commands”
This chapter explains special control commands for document processing or for
processing ZeKoSa data. An important application area for the commands described here is the processing of passbooks. This also contains important information on processing documents using horizontal and vertical print positioning.
Chapter “Application examples”
A small program example of command functions normally belongs to the command descriptions in the chapters “Standard commands”, “Character set commands”, etc.
The chapter “Application examples” uses more complex operations to explain
the use of specific commands in connection with:
–Text processing with the document printer
–Passbook processing with MSR.
Individual program steps are annotated in detail and the program structure is
presented in the form of a pseudo code.
Chapter “Loadable Firmware/Character Generators”
Firmware and character generators of the document printer are stored in a programmable memory with FLASH technology. The chapter "Loadable Firmware/
Character Generators" describes the sequence of load processes and the
bootstrap loader ESC sequences.
Chapter “Controlling Asian Character Sets”
Asiancharacter setsmust bemade availablefor thespecified printersto prepare
the document printer for its usage in the Asian area. This chapter provides a description of the control of the Asian character sets.
Chapter “Specific Operating System Dependencies”
This chapter describes specific operating system dependecies.
Chapter “Glossary“
Special terms are explained in this chapter.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
PrefaceContents of the manual
The appendix of this product manual contains the following information:
–List of all document printer commands
–Character set tables
–Printable document and paper versions/ paper specification
–Table of error messages
–Description of the physical interface
Chapter “Index“
Facilitates searching for selected terms.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide5
Contents of the manualPreface
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Short description of the document
The document printer has a document printing point with which single documents,
multiple documents (sets of forms) and passbookscan be processed. The printer
canalso be equippedwitha magneticstripereader (MSR), a magnetic ink card rea-
der (MICR) or a single sheet feeder as an option.
Document printing point
The term ’document’ includes all single documents, for example, cheques, unprinted DIN A4 papers (blank documents), forms of various sizes or passbooks.
All documents are fed by the document printer over a flat bed according to the
principle of single- sheet processing, are processed and ejected again. The processing of a document is begun when each single document is put forward.
The form feed of the documents can be freely selected. The feeding of the documents is supported by an automatic alignment. The print characters can be positioned relative to all the document edges.
The following provides a comprehensive list of the characteristics of the document printing point:
–90 printing points with 10 characters/ inch
–Automatic document alignment
–Automatic print head adjustment
–Automatic document edge detection
–Print head with 24 needles
–2 print modes (LQ, Draft)
–’24- bit’ and ’8- bit’ graphics
–The print rate is dependent on the horizontal density of the character font
selected in each case. There are two different print rates for the print modes
LQ (Letter Quality) and Draft. The document printer can also process type
fonts, print qualities or multi- phase characters, which vary from the pixel
data structure of the standard character sets. More than two print rates are
possible due to the respective character font.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide7
OptionsShort description of the document printer
Magnetic stripe reader (MSR)
As an option, the document printer can be delivered with a magnetic stripe reader (MSR device) for passbooks. This enables reading and updating from the
magnetic stripe on passbooks depending on certain recording modes (DIN /
IBM). It is possible to changebetween various recording modes via the program.
Magnetic ink character reader for the fonts CMC7 and E13B.
Single sheet feeder for 500 sheets A4.
Memory extension
The memory extension is necessary e.g. for journal data or asiatic fonts.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Short description of the document printerSystem interface
System interface
Data, which activates the functions of the printer is transferred through the system interface. The interfaces has the following characteristics:
–the physical c onnection
–the logic protocol (command sequences)
The characteristics are selected via the operating panel.
Physical interface
Two interfaces are available:
–internal interface (RS232)
–optional (external) interface (Centronics, LAN, etc. in combinationwith a cor-
respondent additonal logic).
Logical protocol
Several protocols (emulations) areavailable. Dependent on the loadedfirmware
configuration the following selection is possible:
Firmware configuration ’5023_STD’
Epson ANSI
IBM 4722
Proprinter XL24
Firmware configuration ’5023_OLI’
Epson ANSI
Proprinter XL24
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide9
System interfaceShort description of the document printer
Epson ANSI
The manual describes detailed this emulation. As all functions of the printer are
supported optimal, this emulation should be used for the relisation of new applications. Also this emulation can be used for the removal of the following printers:
–HPR 4904
–HPR 4905
IBM 4722, Proprinter XL 24, Olivetti
This emulations copy printers of other producers (partially with restrictions). In
this manual only the command table, specialities, parameter settings and possible incompabilities are described.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Short description of the document printerApplication areas
Application areas
The processing of single/multiple documents and passbooks allows the use of
the document printer in the following areas:
Industry and commerce:
–Delivery notes
–Freight and customs papers
Public authorities:
–Application forms
–Filing cards
–Motor vehicle papers
–Driving licences
Banks, Insurances and Services:
–Medical certificates
–Application forms
Magnetic stripe writing and reading equipment is available for use in banks as an
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide11
Application areasShort description of the document printer
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Programming interface (General)
This chapter contains general information on how the functions of the document
printer can be activated by a user program, i. e., how the document printer can
beprogrammed. This chapter also explainsthe functionswhich can be activated
by means of the program in a short, comprehensive summary.
The print functions of the document printer are initiated from aprogram in which
uniquenumeric encryptions (codes)representing charactersand commandsare
transmitted from the computer to the printer. The individual codes stand for printable characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, mathematical symbols)
or control codes, which cause certain actions (for example, document ejection,
deletion of characters, carriage return).
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide13
Encryptions/CodesProgramming interface (General)
ASCII code
A code table specifies how the printable characters and control commands, for
example, for document ejection and carriage return are encrypted binarily in the
computer or printer. The encryption is expressed by a corresponding hexadecimal or decimal number. A certain character then lies in hexadecimalnotation or
in the decimal representation, for example, in the range hex 00 to hex FF or decimal 0 to decimal 255 (8- bit encryption).
With the document printer and with most computers the basis for the encryptions is
the code system ASCII ( A merican S tandard C ode for I nformation I nterchange),
which only differs in certain characters for special foreign languages (national ASCII
table). The ASCII code is encrypted via 7 bits, whereby 128 different meanings are
Letter big A
Letter small a
Number 4
Line Feed
Escape sequences / CSI sequences
As the ASCII table provides fewer control codes than print functions, the commands
for the printer normally consist of a sequenceof two or more ASCII characters. Such
a code sequence is always preceded by the encryption of the control code ESC (Escape) (ASCII code 27 (decimal) or 1B (hexadecimal). This signals to the printer that
the encryptions following ESC are to be interpreted as commands for
the printer.
There are two kinds of code sequences for the document printer:
–ESC ...
Code sequences, which begin with ESC or the appropriate encryption, are
called ESC sequences.
–CSI ... = ESC [ ...
Code sequences introduced with CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) are
called CSI sequences. CSI sequences are introduced with encryptions of
the character sequence “ESC [” and concluded with the encryption of two
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Programming interface (General)Encryptions/Codes
characters depending on the command I (= Intermediate Character) and F
(= Final Character). The CSI sequences are used to control special document printer functions for document and MSR processing (see “document
printer specifications” in this chapter and the chapter “Additional commands”).
Examples (ESC sequences):
MeaningASCII encryption
ESC C 60
Examples (CSI sequences, here without encryptions):
Italic print on
Italic print off
Deleting bottom margin
Thecontrolcodes or ESC or CSI sequences must beaddressedtothe printer directly
and uniquely via corresponding program commands. Depending on the respective
programming language, this is, e. g., via PRINT or WRITE instructions.
Three lines are to be printed. Lines 1 and 3 are printed in normal print, line 2 in
italic print.
Pseudo code:
PRINTLF(" first line")
PRINTLF(" second line")
PRINTLF(" third line")
In this manual the program examples are depicted exclusively in the
form of a pseudo code and the control codes or code series are given
in decimal ASCII encryption or directly as characters. The corresponding information must then be converted into the appropriate programming language.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Programming interface (General)Print effects
Print effects
The design of a print product is dependent on the print quality, type font, type
size or character width and highlighting text, e. g., by underlining or bold print.
Print quality
Theprint quality is characterized bythe density of the print characters and bythe
print rate. The document printer provides two print qualities:
–LQ mode (Letter Quality)
The LQ mode has the higher print quality and lower print rate.
–DQ mode (Draft Quality)
The DQ mode has a lower print quality, but a higher print rate.
The print quality can be selected by means of the corresponding ESC sequences via a program or the menu.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide17
Print effectsProgramming interface (General)
In addition to the DQ font for drafts, the default fonts Roman, Sans Serif, OCR A
(OCR A1 Eurobanking) and OCR B (OCR B1 Eurobanking), as well as the character set ISO 8859 with the following versions are available for Letter Quality
(LQ mode):
–East Europe
The DQ, Roman and Sans Serif fonts are selected via corresponding ESC sequences in the program.
The OCR- A, OCR- B and ISO 8859 fonts, as well as all special, non- Epsoncompatible fonts, can only be selected via CSI sequences. The character fonts
thus selected are treated like normal LQ type fonts, this means that all standard
commands (print quality, character size, print type) are also effective for these
Example (fonts in Letter Quality):
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Programming interface (General)Print effects
Font size / character density
The width of a printed character is expressed in ’characters per inch’ (cpi) and is
often called ’character density’, for example
10 characters per inch = 10 cpi
The document printer can print in the character widths 10, 12 and 15 pitch. Each
individual character is then the same width.
The font size can also be influenced by proportional type, as well as by elongated or condensed print.
Proportional type
With proportional type each character takes up a different amount of space accordingto its size(for example, ’I’takes up lessspace than ’B’or ’t’ lessthan ’g’).
Texts in proportional type are normally shorter than in normal print.
Elongated print
With elongated print, each character is represented in double width. It is possible, for example, to highlight page headings in a text.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide19
Print effectsProgramming interface (General)
Condensed print
If printing takes place in 10 or 12 pitch in condensed print, each character can
be reduced to 60% of its width in normal print.
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
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