The TallyGenicom 7265 provides rugged, versatile impact printers useful in a variety of
applications. Flexibility of use is guaranteed by the wide range of software emulations and
programming options. The current printer characteristics are the result of years of application
experience. It is a hallmark of TallyGenicom products that they may be used with a broad
range of systems, hardware, emulations, and protocols.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective holders.
CENTRONICS of GENICOM LLCEpson of Epson America, Incorporated
DEC of COMPAQ Corporation GENICOM of TallyGenicom LP
IBM and Proprinter of International Business Machines Corporation
The information in this manual is believed to be accurate and correct. However, TallyGenicom
makes no claim as to its absolute accuracy and reserves the right to make improvements to this
document from time to time.
The TallyGenicom imple m entation of ANSI X3.64 is the native control protocol for the 7265
printer, as it is for a variety of other TallyGenicom impact matrix printer families. The control
functions presented here are a superset of ANSI control sets familiar to our customers. For the
most part, ANSI drivers written for other TallyGenicom printers should only need to be modified as
features introduced on the 7265 Series printers are exercised. Examples of such new features
include user-defined formats, alternate paper paths, user-defined character substitutions, and
remote selection of emulations.
Enabling the application to select among emulations provides access to some of the 7265
features not supported in emulated products. Toward this end, the printer can be commanded to
maintain the current status of fonts, pitches, tabs, margins and so forth across emulation
changes. Although some minute differences due to translations from, say, columns to decipoints
may be discernible when switching from one emulation to another, the printer is quite predictable
when switching from another emulation to ANSI and then back again.
The 7265 is a decipoint machine. Locations and dimensions such as tabs, margins, absolute and
relative positions, and form lengths are described in ANSI control sequences in units of 1/720
inch. If you have the choice of describing your page in one or another of the supported
emulations, consider that ANSI gives you more flexible control of locations of objects on the page.
In this chapter we include spaces between characters in escape sequences for clarity. ESC H,
for instance, is easier to read than is ESCH. Where the space character forms a component of a
control sequence, then it is designated by <SP> .
Listed below are the control codes interpreted by this printer, along with page numbers where you
can find detailed descriptions.
IND84IndexESC D1B 44
NEL85Next LineESC E1B 45
HTS88Set Horizontal TabESC H1B 48
VTS8ASet Vertical TabESC J1 B 4A
PLD8BPartial Line DownESC K1B 4B
PLU8CPartial Line UpESC L1B 4C
RI8DReverse IndexESC M1B 4D
DCS90Device Control StringESC P1B 50
PU191Private Use 1ESC Q1B 51
CSI9BControl String IntroducerESC [1B 5B
ST9CString Terminat orESC \1B 5C
OSC 9D Straps and Options Introducer ESC ] 1B 5D
8-bit Control Codes
ANSI assigns control functions to characters 80 hex through 9F hex and calls these characters
C1 codes. You can set the printer to either interpret 80 hex - 9F hex as control codes or not. The
ISU default status of this option is disabled.
You can toggle the status of the 8-bit control code enable from the Emulations Options Menu or
with escape sequences. The pertinent escape sequences are the ANSI private use sequences
described on page 12. In 8-bit mode, all of the lower contro l codes and ESC sequences remain
active. For example, you can use either PLD or ESC K for subscript printing. In 7-bit mode, only
ESC K is available.
If 8-bit control code interpretation is disabled, then the printer processes characters 80 hex
through 9F hex according to IBM PC character sets 1 or 2, depending on which is currently
selected. The default is character set 1. You can toggle the character set selection from the
Emulation Options Menu.
If 8-bit control code interpretation is disabled and character set 1 is active, then the printer strips
the most significant bit of characters 80 hex through 9F hex. For example, if you send 8A hex
when 8-bit control code interpretation is disabled and character set 1 is active, then the printer
treats 8A hex as 0A hex and performs a line feed.
ESC [(p)aHorizontal Position Relative
ESC [(p)dVertical Position Absolute
ESC [(p)eVertical Position Relative
ESC [(p1);(p2)fVertical and Horizontal Position Absolute
ESC [(Ps)gClear Tabs
ESC [(p1);...(pn)hSet Auto CR on LF
ESC [>(p1);...(pn)hSet Mode (GENICOM)
ESC [(p)jHorizontal Position Backwards
ESC [(p)kVertical Position Backwards
ESC [(p1);...(pn)lReset Auto CR on LF
ESC [>(p1);...(pn)lReset Mode (GENICOM)
ESC [(P1);...(Pn)mFonts and Print Modes (SGR)
ESC [(p1)pSelect Paper Path
ESC [(p1)qSelect Graphics Density
ESC [(p1);(p2);(p3)rForms Setup
ESC [(p1);(p2)sSets Left and Right Margins
ESC [(p1)tENA/DIS Oversized/Expanded/Bar Code
ESC [(p1);(p2);...(p22)uSet Horizontal Tabs at Certain Positions
ESC [(p1);(p2);...(p12)vSet Vertical Tabs at Certain Positions
ESC [(p1);(p2);…}Set Bar Code Parameters
ESC [(p)xNational Character Sets
In serial interface, if the printer is strapped for XON/XOFF handshaking, then
the printer sends DC1 to the host to signal that the printer is ready to accept
In parallel interface, if the printer is strapped for select/ deselect by received
DC1/DC3 codes, then the host sends DC1 to the printer to set the printer
Dec 17Hex 11
In serial interface, if the printer is strapped for XON/XOFF handshaking, then
the printer sends DC3 to the host to signal that the printer cannot, for the
moment, accept any more data.
In parallel interface, if the printer is strapped for select/ deselect by received
DC1/DC3 codes, then the host sends DC3 to the printer to set the printer to
Standby. In Standby, the printer will accept and acknowledge data from the
interface, but will discard all data received.
Dec 19Hex 13
In serial interface, if the printer is strapped for ETX/ACK handshaking, then the
host sends the ETX control code at the end of a block of data.
Dec 3Hex 03
In serial interface, if the printer is strapped for ETX/ACK handshaking, then the
printer sends an ACK in response to and ETX from the host to indicate that it is
ready to receive more data.
You can strap the printer to start either barcode (page 37) or oversized (page 64)
mode, whichever is enabled, on receipt of SO. The ISU status of SO/SI control is
disabled. You can enable SO/SI control from Software Options on the printed menu,
or from the host via the Straps and Options control sequence. See page 14.
Dec 14 Hex 0E
If the printer is strapped to turn on barcode or oversized on receipt of SO, then SI
turns barcode (page 37) or oversized (page 64) mode off.
Dec 15 Hex 0F
Introduces an escape sequence. The printer evaluates characters following the ESC
character to determine if the sequence is valid. If the sequence is valid, then the
printer responds to the command. If the sequence is not valid, then the printer aborts
the process, discarding at least the first character following ESC.
Dec 27Hex 1B
The control function introducer for the device control string structure, which is used to
frame graphics.
Dec 144Hex 90
The CSI character is the control function introducer for the ANSI control sequence.
Control sequences are multi-character control functions that accept parameters.
Dec 155Hex 9B
Terminates the DCS and the OSC sequence.
Dec 156 Hex 9C
The OSC character is the introducer for straps and options.
DEL is a printable character, or is a valid graphics data byte if received
in dot graphics
Dec 127 Hex 7F
ESC [(p1);
If p2 is 0, which is the default, then the current settings in the printer remain in effect
through the emulation change to the extent that selected features are supported in
the target emulation. This affects such things as, font selection, character pitch,
margins, tabs, and so forth. If p2 is 1, then the status of such parameters reverts to
defaults dependent on the selected emulation.
p1 selects
1 Tally ANSI
2-21 Reserved
22 Epson FX286e
p2 selects
0-1 full reset
Example: Select Epson emulation with full reset:
Dec 27 91 50 50 59 49 32 126 Hex 1B 5B 32 32 3B 31 20 7E
p1 selects
08 unload current path
10 unload current path and load tractor 2
12 unload current path and load tractor 1
Forms in the current path should be torn off before changing paper paths. If
you send a command to change paper paths and there is more paper
downstream of the print head than 1/2 times the current form length or six
inches, whichever is greater, then the printer returns paper to the position that
was current before the command was received, and a fault condition is set.
If you send a command to change paper paths and the target path is the
current path, then the printer executes a form feed. If you load tractor 2
when tractor 2 is not installed, the command will be ignored.
Example: Unload tractor 1 and load tractor 2:
Dec 27 91 49 48 112 Hex 1B 5B 31 30 70
0 reset special modes
1 select oversized printing4-2
2 select expanded printing 4-2
3 select bar code 3-6
Oversized printing and bar codes are explained in separate chapters. When
expanded printing is selected, the current font is expanded horizontally and vertically
in 100% increments according to expansion factors specified by ESC
[(p1);(p2)<SP>B (see page 11). The range of expansion is 1x through 8x.
Sets the size of expanded and oversized characters. The effect of this command on
oversized is explained in a separate chapter.
When expanded print is selected, the argument units for parameters p1 and p2 are
percentages of the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the current font. Parameter
p1 controls the vertical expansion and p2 controls the horizontal expansion. The
argument limits for expanded print are 800;800 (8x the parent font size).
Oversized enables much larger expansions. Parameters are rounded down to the
nearest 100.
Note: This printer goes into expanded mode immediately on receiving this
command. Any text between this sequence and a countermanding ESC [(p1)t
sequence (see page 11) is printed according to the specified expansion.
If height and width are different values, the height will be set the same as the width.
ESC [(p1);
p Effect
20auto CR on LF
Dec 27 91 50 48 104 Hex 1B 5B 32 30 68
Resets mode(s) set by ESC [(p1);..(pn)h.
p Effect
20reset auto CR on LF
Example: reset auto CR on LF
Dec 27 91 50 48 108 Hex 1B 5B 32 30 6C
ESC [>
ESC [>
This is an ANSI private use sequence.
p Effect
1 proportional print
2 reserved
3 80 hex - 9B hex interpreted as C1 control codes
4 bold mode accomplished by overstrike
5 select character set 2
Example: set proportional print
Dec 27 91 62 49 104 Hex 1B 5B 3E 31 68
Resets modes set by ESC [>(pn)h. See the previous command. The parameter
definitions are the same.
Example: reset proportional print
Dec 27 91 62 49 108 Hex 1B 5B 3E 31 6C
If the paper shear option is installed, then note that the appropriate strap must be set
in the hardware options menu in order for the paper shear to work.
Parameter p1 = 1 selects the paper shear.
Parameter p2 = 1 executes a cutting sequence: If the vertical position is not at top-of-
form, then a form feed is executed. Paper is advanced to the shear position and cut.
Next, it is advanced an inch to eject the sheet that has been cut off; then it is
retracted to the top margin on the following form. The horizontal position following a
shear is the left margin. The shear position should be set from the control panel so
that paper is cut precisely at the perforation. If a non-zero top print reference is
needed, then set the top print reference first and then set the shear position.
This command enables downline control of options found at various places in the
printer menus. This includes the Emulation and Software Options menus, as well as
the User-defined Options menu. For details and descriptions, see the User’s
1 Germany
2 French A
6 Italian
7 United Kingdom
8 Spanish
9 Danish/Norwegian A
16 Swedish/Finnish D
If a parameter value (p) is not recognized, then the default character set (0 - USA) is
To use substitutions that have characters in the 80 hex to 95 hex range, first disable
8-bit control code processing, either by escape sequence or from the Emulation
Options Menu. Next, enable character set 2, either by the Straps and Options control
sequence on page 14 or from the Emulation Options menu. This causes ASCII
codes 80 hex - 9F hex to be mapped to printable characters instead of control codes.
Example: To select the United Kingdom character set:
Dec 27 91 55 120 Hex 1B 5B 37 78
Sets the vertical and horizontal pitch in decipoints. Parameter (p1) is the
spacing between lines and (p2) is the spacing between characters.
Unspecified parameters remain at their current values. This command
does not affect oversized printing selected by ESC [1t.
p1 = line spacing parameter p2 = character spacing parameter
If you select doublewide printing (ESC [5m), then the printer doubles character
spacing set by this command. If the designed pitch of the current font is 10 cpi and
doublewide is set, then a character spacing argument of 72 results in a pitch of 5 cpi,
at which horizontal segments of line-draw characters are contiguous.
Example: ESC [90;60 <sp> G
sets the vertical spacing to 8 lines per inch and the horizontal spacing to 12
characters per inch. (720 divided by 8 = 90, and 720 divided by 12 = 60).
Sets top of form and sets form length, as well as top and bottom margins, in decipoints.
p1 is form length 720ths ,
p2 is the top margin,
p3 sets the length of white space between the baseline of the last allowed
line and the end of form.
p4is the top print reference, and
p5 is the left print reference
Any parameter not specified is assigned its default value. Maximum form length is
15840 decipoints (22 inches).
Default Values
p17920 decipoints 11-inch form
p2 0 decipoints 0-inch top margin
p3 0 decipoints 0-inch bottom margin
p40 decipoints0-inch top print reference
p50 decipoints0-inch left print reference
Set 8-inch form length, one-inch top margin, one-inch bottom margin
Dec 27 91 53 55 54 48 59 55 50 48 59 55 50 48 114
Hex 1B 5B 35 37 36 30 3B 37 32 30 3B 37 32 30 72
Note: Before you send this command, verify that the top print reference is zero in the
target paper path. One way to do this is to park and then load paper in the target path.
The top edge of the paper should line up with the top of the print head. If not, then set
the top print reference to zero from the menu and save the change to the format
associated with the target paper path. You must once again park and load paper in the
target path in order for the new print reference to take effect.
Next, send a command to set the vertical position-absolute to zero. If you do not do
this, then the printer establishes top-of-form at the current top margin, and form
registration is lost.
NOTE: The partial line up does not respect top of form; that is, following a form feed, ESC L causes a partial line
movement upward. Also, partial line down does not respect bottom of form; that is, when printing the last line on
the form, ESC L causes a partial line movement downward.
Moves paper 1/2 line below the current line for subscript printing. ESC K is used to
return to the original line following ESC L (superscript).
If 8-bit control code processing is enabled then
Dec 139 Hex 8B
Dec 27 75 Hex 1B 4B
Moves paper 1/2 line above the current line for superscript printing. ESC L is used to
return to the original line following ESC K (subscript).
If 8-bit control code processing is enabled then
Dec 140 Hex 8C
Dec 27 76 Hex 1B 4C
When printing the last line on a form, do not send a line feed (LF) code to move directly from superscript to
subscript. The LF code will be acted upon as the bottom of form terminator.
Absolute positions are calculated from the top and left print references without respect to margin
settings. The top of a character cell located at vertical position-absolute 0 is at top print reference.
The left edge of a character cell located at horizontal position-absolute 0 is at the left print
reference. If the default left print reference is current, and if the left tractor position(s) are as
shipped, then this is about 0.6 inches from the left edge of the paper.
Top and left print references are adjustable from the printer menu.
Left Position
Character Printed at Zero Position
CAUTION: Do not attempt reverse paper motion across a perforation, since this may cause the
paper to snag on the print head. Vertical position accuracy is not specified for reverse paper
moves greater than 1.5 inches.
Advances the paper one line according to the spacing currently in effect.
Dec 10 Hex 0A
Advances paper to the next vertical tab setting. If the current print position is at or
beyond the last tab setting, the paper advances to the top of form. If no tabs are set,
then VT is processed according to the status of emulation option strap 14.
Dec 11 Hex 0B
Advances the paper to the top margin on the next form.
Dec 12 Hex 0C
Advances the paper to the next line. The current column is not changed, regardless
of the status of auto CR on LF.
Dec 132 Hex 84
The next line character advances the paper to the next line. The current column is
reset to the left margin. Auto CR on LF has no effect.
Use the Forms Setup command, page 2-39, to set vertical margins.
Sets the left and right margin in decipoints; p1 is the left margin and p2 is the
right. Distances are measured from the left print reference. This command
takes effect following the next line terminator (you cannot set margins for the
current line).
EXAMPLE: Set the left margin at 0.4 inch and right margin at 6.9 inches,
making a 6.5-inch print line.
Assigns the default parameters. Sets the left margin to zero, right margin to
maximum print line width of the printer. This command takes effect following the
next line terminator.
Causes the current print position to move to the next tab stop. If no tabs are set, then
the current position moves one space. If tab(s) are set but no tab(s) are set between
the active print position and the right margin, then following characters on the line are
either discarded or printed on the next line, depending on the status of auto wrap.
Dec 9 Hex 09
Initiates printing and returns the current print position to the left margin.
Dec 13 Hex 0D
Advances the current print position by the distance specified. Parameter p is
specified in decipoints.
Example: ESC [1080a advances the print position 1.5 inches.
Dec 27 91 49 48 56 48 97 Hex 1B 5B 31 30 38 30 61
Moves the horizontal position (p) decipoints left of the current position.
Actual distance between symbols separated by this command is the argument (p)
minus the current horizontal pitch (text or graphics). For example, if you print an
uppercase E at 10 cpi, move backwards by (p), and print another uppercase E, then
the distance between leading edges of the two characters is (p) - 72 decipoints. If you
print graphics at 72 dpi, move backwards by p, and print another graphics column,
then the distance between the two graphics columns is (p) – 10 decipoints.
This command enables printing left of the left margin. Any data located left of the left
print reference is discarded.
Example: ESC [1080j moves the horizontal position back by 1.5 inches.
Dec 27 91 49 48 56 48 106 Hex 1B 5B 31 30 38 30 6A