2001 by Symbol Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any electrical or
mechanical means, without permission in writing from Symbol. This includes electronic or
mechanical means, such as photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval
systems. The material in this manual is subject to change without notice.
The s oftware is pro v ided strictly on an “as is” basis. All sof tware, including firmware,
furnished to the user is on a licensed basis. Symbol grants to the user a non-transferable and
non-exclusive license to use each software or firmware program delivered hereunder (licensed
program). Except as noted below , such license may not be assigned, sublicensed, or otherwise
transferred by the user without prior written consent of Symbol. No right to copy a licensed
program in whole or in part is granted, except as permitted under copyright law. The user
shall not modify , merge, or incorporate any form or portion of a licensed program with other
program material, create a derivative wor k fr o m a licens ed p r ogram, or use a li cen sed
program in a network without written permission from Symbol. The user agrees to maintain
Symbol’s copyright notice o n t he l ic ensed pr ogra ms delivered hereunder, and to include the
same on any authorized copies it makes, in whole or in part. The user agrees not to
decomp ile, dis as s emble, decode, or r e verse e ngineer any li ce n sed pr ogram del ivered to the
user or any portion thereof.
Symbol reserves the right to make change s to any software or product to improve reli abil ity,
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Symbol does not assume any product liability arising out of, or in connection with, the
application or use of any product, circuit, or application described herein.
No license is granted, either expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise under any
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equipment, circuits, and subsystems contained in Symbol products.
Symbol, Spectrum One, and Spectrum24 are registered trademarks of Symbol Te chnologies,
Inc. Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Symbol T echnologies, Inc.
One Symbol Pl aza
Holtsville, New York 11742-1300
The LS 2100 Undecoded S canner P roduct Refe rence Guide p rovi de s ge ner al in stru ct ion s fo r the se tup ,
programming, operation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of the LS 2100 scanner.
Notational Conventions
The followin g conventions are used in th is document:
Bullets (!) indicate:
action items
lists of alte rnative s
lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential
Sequential lists (e.g., those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.
Related Publications
LS 2100 Series Quick Reference Guidep/n 70-32817-xx
LS 2104 Product Reference Guidep/n 70-32820-xx
LS 2106 Product Reference Guidep/n 70-32821-xx
Service Information
If you have a problem with your equipment, contact the Symbol Support Center for your region. See
page vi for contact information. Before calling, have the model number, serial number, and several of
your bar code symbols at hand.
Call the Support Center from a phone near the scanning equipment so that the service person can try
to talk you through your problem. If the equipment is found to be working properly and the prob lem
is symbol readability, the Support Center will request samples of your bar codes for analysis at our
LS 2100 Product Reference Guide
If your problem cannot be solved over the phone, you may need to return your equipment for servici ng.
If that is necessar y, you will be given specific directions.
Note: Symbol Technologies is not responsible for any damages incurred during
shipment if the approved shipping container is not used. Shipping the units
improperly can possibly void the warranty. If the original shipping container
was not kept, contact Symbol to have another sent to you.
Symbol Support Center
For service information, warranty information or technical assistance conta ct or call the Symbol
Support Center in
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About This Guide
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If you purchased your Symbol product from a Symbol Business Partner, contact that Business Partner
for service.
Symbol T echnologies, Inc (“Symbol”) manufac tures its hardware products in accordanc e with industry-
standard practices. Symbol warrants that for a period of twelve (12) months from date of shipment,
products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship.
LS 2100 Product Reference Guide
This warranty is provided to the original owner only and is not transferable to any third party. It shall
not apply to an y produc t (i) which has been repai red or altered unless done or approved by Symbol, (ii)
which has not been maintained in accordance with any operating or handling instructions supplied by
Symbol, (iii ) w hich has been su bjected to unusual physical or electrical stress, misuse, abuse, power
shortage, negligence or accident or (iv) which has bee n used other than in accor dance with the product
operating and hand ling instructions. P reventive maintenanc e is the responsibility of customer and is no t
covered under this warranty.
Wear items and accessories having a Symbol serial number, will carry a 90-day limited warranty. Nonserialized items will carry a 30-day limited warranty.
Warranty Coverage and Procedure
During the warranty period, Symbol will repair or replace defective products returned to Symbol’s
manufacturing plant in the US. For warranty service in North America, call the Symbol Support Center
at 1-800-653-5350. International customers should contact the local Symbol office or support center.
If warranty service is required, Symbol will issue a Return Ma teria l Authorization Number. Products
must be shipped in the original or comparable packaging, shipping and insurance charges prepaid.
Symbol will ship the repaired or replacement product freight and insurance prepaid in North America.
Shipments from the US or other locations will be made F.O.B. Symbol’s manufacturing plant.
Symbol will use new or refurbished parts at its discretion and will own all parts removed from repaired
products. Customer wil l pay for the replacement product in case it does not return the replaced product
to Symbol within 3 days of receipt of the replace ment product. The proc ess for return and customer’s
charges will be in accordance with Symbol’s Exchange Policy in effect at the time of the exchange.
Customer accepts f ull responsibility for its softwa re and data including the appropriate backup thereof.
Repair or replacement of a product during warranty will not extend the original warranty term.
Symbol’ s Customer Servi ce organization offers an array of service plans, such as on-site, depot, or phone
support, that can b e implemented t o meet custom er’ s special opera tional requirements and are availabl e
at a substantial discount during warranty period.
Except for the warranties stated above , Symbol disclaims all warranties, express or imp lied, on products
furnished hereunde r, including without limit ation i mp lie d wa rra nt ies of merchantability and fitne ss for
a parti cul ar purp os e. The stat ed e xp res s warr an tie s are in lie u of al l oblig a tions or liab iliti es on pa rt of
Symbol for damages, including without limitation, special, indirect, or consequential damages arising
out of or in connection with the use or performance of the product.
Seller’s liabilit y for damages to buyer or others resulting from the u se of any product, shall in no way
exceed the purchase price of said product, except in instances of injury to persons or property.
Some states (or jurisdictions) do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or conseque ntial
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