1.00December 31, 1999Mary Wroniak
Garry Simmons
Brian Reed
Tom Pike
Mike Tierney
Luke Petro zza
1.10February, 1, 2000Luke PetrozzaAdded PST 008 and PST 038
Initial version
Copyright 1999, 2000 by Symbol Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any electrical or mechanical means, without
permission in writing from Symbol. This includes electronic or mechanical means, such as photocopying,
recording, or information storage and retrieval systems The material in this document is subject to change with
Symbol does not assume any product liability arising out of, or in connection with, the application or use of any
product, circuit, or application described herein.
No license is granted, either expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise under any Symbol Technologies,
Inc., intellectual property rights. An implied license only exists for equipment, circuits, and subsystems contained in
Symbol products.
Symbol, Spectrum24, WaveWorks, and WaveWorks NT are registered trademarks of Symbol Technologies, Inc.
Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies and are hereby acknowledged.
1.1PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................1
4.1INSTALL NT 4.0 SERVER............................................................................................................................... 14
5.Configuration of the PSS System .......................................................................53
5.1SET UP SYSTEM SETTING CONSTANTS .......................................................................................................... 53
ERFORM INITIAL LOADING OF CUSTOMER AND ITEM DATA ........................................................................ 56
6.Validation of System Operation..........................................................................57
6.1TESTING AN INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................... 57
BTAINING SYSTEM STATUS INFORMATION.................................................................................................. 58
6.2.1Viewing The System Log..................................................................................................................... 58
USTOM BUSINESS OBJECTS .......................................................................................................................104
SER EXIT DLL .......................................................................................................................................... 105
TEM RECORD FILE......................................................................................................................................176
This document is an aid to be used in the configuration, customization and installation of the
WaveWorks Portable Shopping System (PSS).
1.2 Assumptions
This document assumes that the reader is familiar with the functionality of Symbol’s
WaveWorks architecture, the WaveWorks Client, and the Server Enabler. In addition, the r eader
should be familiar with the Windows NT Operating System, and third-party “browser” software.
1.3 Reference Documents
• Portable Shopping System Functional Specification
The Portable Shopping System utilizes Symbol Technologies’ proprietary WaveWorks threetiered architecture, which provides clear separation of the user interface, business logic and
database portions of the system. For the PSS, WaveWorks provides application messaging
functions and manages distributed objects on the Microsoft Windows NT platform.
2.1 Introduction to WaveWorks
WaveWorks is a light weight, high performance, three-tiered, application messaging and
distributed object management architecture which is designed to run on the Windows NT system
platform. As a horizontal system component, WaveWorks can serve as the backbone
architecture for a wide variety of multitiered client/server applications.
The WaveWorks system provides the following application services:
• Thin client radio terminal environment (reduces system administration costs)
• Radio Terminal display and client state management
• Client-to-Server and Client-to-Client messaging service
• Business Service object broker
• Configurable Business Servers
• Distributed business service objects
• Load-based object instancing
• Load balancing
• Service based instancing
• DBMS connection sharing
• Client specific object instancing
• Web-based system administration.
• Application user password validation and security service
Three-tiered ArchitectureWaveWorks provides a platform for implementing applications that
maintain a clear separation between the user interface, business logic, and database layers.
Light WeightWaveWorks is designed to run on P200 systems or better.
AdaptableCOM object-based design allows easy addition of new business service objects to
support new applications. The encapsulation of data access inside business objects makes it eas y
to change data sources in the future, without rewriting the entire application.
Business Object ReuseCOM object-based design allows easy reuse of existing business service
objects to support new applications.
ScaleableA distributed-object architecture makes it easy to add additional business service
capacity, based on changing business demands.
DistributedWaveWorks system components are designed so they can be de ployed across LAN
or WAN networks. Network utilization can be optimized by placing the WaveWorks Business
Server components near or on the DBMS server, while running the Display Server / Message
Server components near or on the client connection point server.
High PerformanceMultithreaded business service execution, avoidance of p ersistent message
queues, event driven implementation (no polling), and automatic load balancing permit message
rates of up to 500 per second (on a single system configuration).
ReliableWaveWorks supports the ability to configure multiply redundant parallel Business
Server components. In addition to load sharing, the redundant servers will automaticall y hotswap / load-shift to the remaining servers if one or more server systems suffer a complete or
partial failure.
Platform IndependenceDependency on NT specific features are minimal and are internally
well isolated.
Minimum Dependency on Third-party ComponentsTo improve platform portability and reduce
licensing costs, WaveWorks depends on only generally available add-on components, such as: an
ODBC compliant DBMS, Winsock 1.1, an http server, and a third-generation (or better) Web
browser. A suitable version of all of these components is included with NT 4.0 server.
The WaveWorks components are shown in the following diagram and described below.
User Interface Tier
Desktop GUI
Web Clients
Business Object
Spectrum 24 Network
Symbol Enabler
Radio Display
ODBC (or other)
Application Data
WaveWorks Message Server
Business Object
DBMSDevice DriversPOS API
Business Logic Tier
Desktop GUI
Web Clients
Business Logic TierBusiness Logic Tier
Business Object
Data Access Tier
WaveWorks Message (TCP)
API / Other
Display ServerManages the user interface and screen flow for radio-based, thin client
applications. Maintains client data variables to record the state of the client application. Invokes
business services via WaveWorks messages.
Message ServerProvides light weight message routing and load bal ancing services between
the various WaveWorks system components. Supports Command / Response style
communication for the execution of business services, and unsolicited client-to-client messaging.
Business Server (Object Broker)Manages the creation, destruction, and invocation of COM-
based business service objects. Automatically creates and destroys object instances based on
system demand. Permits sharing of database connections by multiple clients. The WaveWorks
architecture supports multiple Business Servers, running on either local or remote systems.
WaveWorks MessagesThe WaveWorks messaging service uses a common message format
for all WaveWorks messages. This format contai ns a fixed header, followed by zero or more
application dependent data fields. TCP is used as the transport protocol for all WaveWorks
messages. This permits the business logic tier to reside on a remote system, if desired. The
messages form the "glue" that cements the client interface tier of the application to the business
logic tier. The messaging service can also be used to implement direct "client-to-client"
Business Service ObjectsContain the vertical business application logic, implemented as
Microsoft COM automation server objects. The ter m "Service Object" is used to describe the
COM interface subset to which all WaveWorks-managed objects must adhere.
Transaction ModelWaveWorks uses a transaction Id scheme to provide namespace s ervices
for purposes of automatically routing request messages to a capable Business Server for
Development Tools (Optional Component)An application interface development tool (Screen
Maker) supports rapid development of thin client radio applications. A radio terminal simulation
tool (Screen Runner) permits testing of Screen Maker applications without the need for an actual
radio network. A WaveWorks C++ foundation class library is also available, which includes
classes that support ODBC data access, WaveWorks messaging, INI file access, Date / Time
manipulation,and more.
Built upon the WaveWorks core software, the PSS software consists of
• COM Objects
• NT Services
• Display Server Scripts
• Database
The COM Objects and NT Services perform the business logic. That is, they are responsible for
the data manipulation and system sequencing that makes the system a portable shopping system.
The methods contained in the COM Objects and the NT Services are invoked vi a WaveWorks
transactions. The COM Objects are dynamically created and deleted by the Business Server. The
NT Services are started at system startup and remain resident in the system.
The Display Server scripts provide the user interface mechanism for the hand held terminals and
entrance units. The scripts define the screen layout and provide the handling of user actions for
those devices. When necessary, the scripts invoke business methods via WaveWorks
The database contains all of the persistent data of the system. The database is used to store all
information about the devices, shoppers, items, and system configuration as required.
2.3 Major Subsystems
2.3.1Unit Management Subsystem
The Unit Management Subsystem (UMS) manages the Symbol hardware devices that comprise
the PSS system. Those devices include hand held terminals, cradles, entrance unit devices, ticket
printers, and power supplies. UMS ensures that the devices work in concert with one another to
provide a seamless integrated system.
2.3.2 Shopping Trip Subsystem
Once the shopper retrieves the proper hand held terminal f rom the dispenser, the Shopping Trip
application allows the shopper to add and delete items from their basket and view the “totals”
information for their current shopping trip. Shopping trips can be ended by returning the hand
held terminal to an empty dispenser slot or by scanning an “End of Trip” barcode. Each act ivit y
during the shopping trip is logged and available for review from the Service Terminal.
While shopping, a user may choose to place a quick order through the optional Quick Order
subsystem provided. The shopper identifies, through the quick order mechanism, the products
and the quantities/weights of those products they wish to order. The quick order can then be sent
to the appropriate department, where a web screen displa ys to store personnel the orders placed
by shoppers. After they have finished processing the order, store personnel can send a m essage
to the shopper that their order is ready to be picked up.
2.3.4 Queue Busting Subsystem
The Queue Busting subsystem allows the PSS System to be used in a slightly different manner
than normal, but also helps retailers and shoppers reduce the amount of checkout time. Any
hand held terminal which has been released can be used for queue busting. This is normall y
done by store personnel to alleviate long checkout lines which may have formed.
Transactions in this mode are initiated by scanning a special (configurable) barcode. More than
one barcode can be configured for use in this manner. This barcode is expected to be on a plastic
token. Once the special barcode has been scanned, the items in the customer b asket ar e scanned.
A PSS transaction is created in the same manner as a normal PSS transaction. After all items in
the basket have been scanned, the special barcode, which began this mode, is scanned again.
This transaction is sent to the POS System. The plastic token containing the barcode is then
handed to the customer with instructions to give it to the cashier at the checkout register. When
the customer reaches the register, they present the token and t heir loyalty card (if used) to the
cashier who then performs a standard non-audit self scan checkout. A fter the customer checks
out, the token can be re-used for other customers.
2.3.5 Express Shopper Subsystem
The Express Shopper subsystem also allows the PSS System to be used in a slightly different
manner than normal, and also helps retailers and shoppers reduce the amount of checkout time.
A self-scanning kiosk is installed near the express checkout lanes in the store. A customer picks
up a terminal, scans their items, and replaces t he terminal into the dispenser sl ot. The customer
then proceeds to the PSS checkout lanes and presents their ticket or loyalty card to the cashier
who then performs a standard non-audit self scan checkout.
2.3.6 Electronic Marketing Subsystem
The PSS system also allows for a basic electronic marketing facility through the Electronic
Marketing subsystem. This application allows a retailer to send messages to a shopper’s hand
held terminal anytime that a given item is scanned.
Also, through the User Messaging application, the store has the option to send messages to
shopper’s hand held terminals. The messages can be any text, and can be made to be repeated, to
be displayed at fixed times during the day, and/or to be directed to any set of shoppers currently
in the store. In addition, messages can be "pre-loaded" such that they are displayed to the us er
the next time they enter the store and use the PSS system.
2.3.8 Transaction Ticket Printing
The Transaction Ticket Printing application prints a transaction ticket for the shopper at the
conclusion of their self-scan shopping trip. The ticket is used to direct the shopper to the selfscan or quick pay lanes. The ticket also provides a mechanism, when scanned, for notifying the
POS System that this is a PSS transaction. Using a transaction ticket is optional.
2.3.9 POS Interface
The POS Interface application provides the mechanism by which the PSS System can be fully
integrated into a store’s environment. It handles price file updates and Scan-In/ Scan-Out file
2.3.10 System Administration
Further, a system administration application is provided which allows store personnel to adjust
and monitor the PSS system and data.
2.4 PSS Overview Diagram
The following diagram depicts the PSS Software in the context of a WaveWorks system. The
system hardware interfaces occur via the Spectrum 24 network. The hand-held terminal user
interfaces are managed as shown in the Application User Int erfaces. The Web screens used at the
Service Desk Terminal interface via the Web Server. The Message Server routes messages
through the Business Server to COM objects that perform the PSS business logic and provide
any necessary database manipulations.
The following diagram gives a more complete listing of the software components included in the
WaveWorks PSS system. Further details of these components are provided in subsequent
• Symbol Technologies’ CPD 20XX Dispenser - 96, 64, or 32 slot (for Asterix 2 terminals)
• Symbol Technologies' Asterix 3 Standard Charging Cradle
• Entry Station barcode reader or magnetic stripe reader
• Standard furniture
• Optional ticket printer
Note: See Symbol product literature for available dispenser types and options.
3.4 Spectrum 24
Radio Network
The hand held terminals communicate to the Windows NT computer via Symbol’s wireless radio
system. The terminals send and receive radio messages via multiple “access points” located
throughout the store.
This installation guide is intended to provide a roadmap for installing and configuring the PSS
system and all supporting software. The reader should be familiar with the Wi ndows interface
and installing software.
This guide assumes the software is being installed on a new machine. It is strongly
recommended that the target computer be dedicated to running PSS and that you install the
software onto a freshly formatted disk.
Before Starting
The following media will be needed during the installation process:
- Bootable Microsoft NT Server Version 4.0 Installation CD
- NT “Getting Started” book (with the Certificate of Authenticity on the front)
- NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 CD
- NT 4.0 Option Pack CD
- Video and Network Card drivers
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (Standard) CD
- Microsoft Access CD or Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition CD
- Symbol PSS Setup CD (includes WaveWorks, PSS, and customer changes)
The following information will be needed during the install:
- Administrative account and password for the computer
- The IP address and hostname of the target computer. (It is suggested that the target
computer use a private IP subnet. The 172.16.N.N addresses are typically used with a
subnet mask of; this allows for 256 hosts on the subnet).
- The range of IP add resses to al loc ate for DHC P use. If you need to have th e tar get computer
on the office/store network, make sure that there are no other DHCP servers on the same
subnet. If that is not possible, then install a second network adapter and use it to connect to
the outside world, leaving the private IP subnet for PSS use.
The first step in the installation process is to install the NT 4.0 Server operating system. It is
strongly recommended that you do a clean installation of the entire system. Many of the more
expensive server PCs come with customized installation programs that walk the user thru the NT
installation process. If your PC comes with a special installation CD, you should use it, but re ad
this section first to identify the places where you will have to change settings from the default
values. This section describes the NT installation process using the standard Microsoft NT
Server installation CD.
Below are the specific steps to follow:
Turn the computer on. During the boot-up process, enter the CMOS setuphowever that
process occurs on your machine. Look for a message that says which key to press to enter Setup
(Delete and F2 are popular choices).
- Set the CMOS to boot from the CD-ROM drive.
- Insert the NT Server CD Installation in the CD-ROM drive, then exit from the CMOS
settings. The system should now boot from the CD.
- The blue “Windows NT Setup” screen is displayed. Wait while various system files and
drivers are loaded.
- The blue NT boot screen is displa yed, then it goes back to the “Windows NT Server Setup”
- Press Enter to install Windows NT now.
- The Mass Storage screen is now displa yed. This section of the setup process is hardware
specific. Most corporate PCs do not have SCS I interfaces installed in them. Many server
PCs do come with SCSI interfaces, so you’ll need to know what kind of hard disks your
system has before continuing. Press Enter to skip searching for SCSI devices. Press “S” to
check for them.
- The Licensing Agreement is displa yed. Read the Agreement (press the Page Down ke y to
advance to the next page) until end of End User License Agreement (EULA) verbiage is
- Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.
- The Server Setup screen is displayed which lists any previous installations of NT. Select
- The Components list is displayed. Press Enter to accept the list of standard
hardware/software components.
- The Partition options screen is displayed. It is very important to pay attention to what you
are doing here. This section is also hardware specific.
- Start off b y deleting all existing disk partitions. Select each ex isting partition (use the ar row
key to move the highlighted partition) and following the on-screen instructions.
- The screen should now onl y show “Unpartitioned space” since you just deleted all ex isting
partitions. The next step is to create a partition that NT will be installed onto. Depending on
the size of your hard drive, you’ll want to select a value between 2GB (2047 MB) and 4GB
(4095 MB). You will now create a system (C:) partition. Move the highlight to
“Unpartitioned Space” with the arrow keys. Press “C” to create a new partition and then
enter the partition size (a number between 2047 and 4095, consult your system administrator
if you need help).
- If your disk is 8GB or smaller, you can create a D: partition here. If your disk is greater than
8GB in size, the NT setup program can’t access all of it, so it’s best to wait until later to
create the D: partition. To create a D: partition, follow the same steps as for the C: partition,
with the exception that the size will be all the remaining space on the drive (the number is
already filled in for you by default). Typical installations might evenly divide a 6 or 8 GB
disk between the C and D partitions. If you expect the database to be quite large, then give
the D: parition more space than the C partition (but give C at least 2GB!).
- Put the highlight on the C: partition and press Enter to install NT on the C: drive
- The File System selection screen is displayed. The FAT file system is the default, but FAT
partitions are limited to a maximum size of 2GB and are not as efficient as the NT File
System (NTFS). Select the NTFS file system and press Enter.
- Wait while the system formats the C: drive. Note that the D: partition (if you created one)
does NOT get formatted at this step. Formatting a 4GB partition can take a while (10
minutes perhaps).
- The File location screen displays. Press Enter to accept installing NT in the \WINNT folder.
- The Hard disk examination screen displays. Press ESC to skip the exhaustive hard disk
check. The exhaustive check physically checks the entire hard disk surface and can take a
very long time, so we skip it.
- Wait while setup does a quick disk check.
- Wait while setup copies files to the disk.
- The Setup Successful screen is displayed. Remove the CD from CD-ROM drive.
- Wait while the system reboots and prepares to continue the installation. You will be
prompted to insert the NT server CD when it is ready to continue. Note that the PC is now
using the mouse and is displaying graphical screens.
- Wait while more files are copied.
- The Windows NT Setup Wizard is displayed. Click the Next button to gather information
about your computer.
- The Name screen displays. Enter a name and organization in the fields provided, then click
on the Next button.
- Enter the Product ID (use the tab key to jump between fields) then click on the Next button.
The Product ID code is found on the cover of the NT Server “Getting Started” book with the
“Certificate of Authenticity” on it.
- The Licensing Modes screen is displayed. Select “Per Seat”, then click on Next.
- The Computer Name screen is displayed. Enter the name of the computer. Note the name
must be unique to avoid confusion within your network domain. Then click on Next.
Contact your network administrator if you need help selecting a Name.
- The Server Type screen is displayed. Select the “Stand Alone Server” option, then click on
- The Administrator Account screen is displayed. Enter the Administrator Account password
(and the confirmation to ensure you typed it correctly), then click on Next.
- The Emergency Repair Disk screen is displayed. Select “No”, since one will be created later
(once the the system is completely configured). Click on Next to continue.
- The Select Components screen is displayed. In general, we try not load any “fluff” on the
server, so we will limit the amount of extra software we install.
- De-select all the options (no check mark) except for the “Accessories” and
“Communications” options.
- Highlight the Accessories option and click the Details button. Select all the components
listed. Select the OK button.
- Highlight the Communications option. Click on the Details button. Deselect the Chat
and PhoneDialer options. Hyperterminal should be the only component selected. Click
on the OK button.
- Click on the Next button on the Select Components screen to continue.
- The Windows NT Setup screen displays again, click Next to Install Networking.
- The Networking screen is displayed. The “will participate” and “wired to the network”
options should be checked by default, click Next to continue.
- The Microsoft Internet Info Server (IIS) screen is displayed. The “Install” MS IIS box is
checked by default. Uncheck the box since we will be installing a newer version of IIS later
in the procedure. Click Next to continue.
- The Network Adapter screen is displayed. Click on the “Start Search” to look for network
cards. Depending on the type of PC you have, the search may or may not find the network
interface in your computer. The procedure assumes the search does NO T find the network
card in the PC or built into the motherboard.
- Click on the “Select from list“ button, then Click on the “Have disk…” button.
- Insert the floppy disk containing the NT drivers for your network card then click on OK to
search the disk.
- Select the proper driver from the list, then click OK to copy the driver files to the hard disk.
- The network card you just installed the drivers for should now be listed. Click Next to
- The Network Protocols screen is now displayed. Deselect the “NWLINK IPX/SPX”
protocol. Select the NETBui protocol. TCP/IP is required by the PSS system. NETBUI is
used by NT to access disk drives on other computers. Click Next to continue.
- The Network Services screen displays. Click on the “Select from list..“ button.
- Select the “Microsoft DHCP Server” service from the list, then click OK. The DHCP service
is a central resource that gives out IP addresses to other computers on the same network. The
terminals do not store IP addresses, so they ask DHCP for an IP address when they first
connect to the system.
- Note that DHCP Server is now added to the list of Network Services to install. Click Next.
- Click Next again to install the networking components.
- Wait while files are copied. Click OK on any status boxes that display.
- The TCP/IP Setup dialog box displays and asks “Do you wish to use DHCP?” Click the
“No” button. Just to clarify, this dialog box is asking if we want to assign a hard-coded IP
address to the computer or to let the computer use DHCP (running on some other computer)
to supply us with an IP address. We do NOT want to use DHCP to get an IP address.
- The TCP/IP Properties dialog is now displayed. Enter the following information in the fields
provided, then click OK:
- IP address
- Subnet mask
- Gateway
- The following entry may or may not display: “At least one of the adapter cards has an empty
primary WINS address. Do you want to continue?” Answer “Yes.”
- The Bindings screen is displayed. Click Next to skip past Bindings screen.
- The Network Start screen is displayed. Click Next to start the network.
- The Computer Name screen is displayed. Click Next to accept the computer name and
workgroup selection.
- Click Finish to complete the network setup.
- The Time screen displays. Select the appropriate time zone and system date and time, and
then click on Close.
- A Message box is displayed concerning the video adapter. Click OK. Then click OK on the
Display Properties dialog box. These selections just confirm that you are using the default
640x480 VGA video driver. We will update the video driver later in this procedure.
- Wait while Setup copies files.
- The Windows NT Successfully Installed message is displayed. Remove CD and floppy,
then click “Restart Computer” button.
Congratulations! Windows NT Server is now installed.
NT has bugs, just like any other software. Microsoft releases “service packs” to add new
features and fix bugs on your NT installation. This section of the installation guide documents
how to install Service Pack 5.
- Log in as Administrator (using the password you defined in section 1).
- Close the “Welcome to Windows NT” window.
- Insert the NT Service Pack 5 CD. Service Pack 5 will autostart in a few seconds.
- Click on the “Install Service Pack 5” link (on the left).
- The screen jumps to the Service Pack 5 options. Click on the “Install Service Pack 5 for
Intel-based processors” link.
- A message box asks how to open the file. Click on “Open” to run the setup program.
- The License window displays. Select the “Accept License “ option, deselect the “Backup
files” option, then click on “Install” to continue.
The PSS system uses the Internet Explorer web browser by default. Installing IE4 also provides
some useful desktop updates. We will upgrade our IE4 installation to IE5 later in the procedure
(primarily to install the Task Scheduler that comes with IE5), but we install IE4 here to get the
desktop update and other Windows enhancements.
- Log in as Administrator.
- The “Welcome to Window NT” Screen is displayed. Uncheck the “Show Welcome Scr een
Next Time“ option, then click “Close.”
- Open, then close, the CD drive to restart the Service Pack 5 installation program.
- Click on the “Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2” link on the left (scroll down if
- Click on the “Install IE4.01 SP2 for Intel-based Systems” link.
- Click Open on the security message.
- The Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2 screen is displayed. Click Next.
- The License screen is displayed. Select the “I accept” option, then click Next.
- The Installation Option screen is displayed. Click Next to accept a “Standard Installation”.
- The Windows Desktop Update screen is displayed. Click Next to install the desktop update.
- The Active Channel Selection screen displays. Click “Next”.
- The Destination folder screen displays. Click “Next” to accept the default destination folder.
The NT Option Pack installs software that is not part of the standard NT installation. Our
purpose for installing the Option Pack is to install the Microsoft Internet Information Server
(IIS). IIS is the web server used by PSS for the Service Terminal screens.
- Insert the Option Pack CD, click Install
- Click on Step 5, Install the Windows NT Option Pack.
- Select the “Run this program from current location” option, then click the OK button.
- Click “Yes” on the security warning screen.
- The message “Not tested with Service Pack 4 or great er. Do you wish t o pro ceed? ” message
displays. Click Yes.
- The NT Option Pack Setup screen is displayed. Click Next to continue.
- The License Agreement displays. Click on the “Accept” button.
- The Options screen is displayed. Click on the “Typical” button.
- Click on the Next button to confirm the default file locations.
- Click on the Next button to confirm the default “mailroot” location.
The normal NT installation uses a generic video driver. This section leads you through the steps
to installing a video driver for the specific video card in your computer. Installing the correct
video driver for your hardware allows the system to run at higher resolutions, refresh rates and
numbers of colors. You will need the floppy disk containing the video drivers in this section.
- Right Click on the desktop and select the Properties option from the menu.
- The Display Properties window is displayed. Select the Settings tab. Click on the “Display
Type” button.
- Click the “Change…” button.
- Click on the “Have Disk…” button.
- Insert the floppy disk containing the NT video drivers. Click OK.
- Select the appropriate driver from the list, then click OK.
- A third party driver message is displayed. Select the “Yes” button.
- Wait while files are copied from the floppy disk to the hard drive.
- The “Successful Installation” message is displayed. Click OK.
- Select the Close button on Display Type window.
- Select the Close button on Display Properties window.
- Remove the floppy disk from the drive.
- Click “Yes” to reboot the computer.
- Wait while the computer reboots.
- Log in as Administrator.
- A message about a new graphics driver is displayed. Click OK.
- Set the Desktop Area to 1024 x 768 (suggested value)
- Set Color Palette to 65536 colors (suggested value)
- Set Refresh Frequency to 85Hz (or the highest refresh rate offered)
- Click the “Test” button, then the OK button to view the test pattern.
- The test ends after 15 seconds. Click “Yes” if you saw the test patten properly.
- Click OK to exit the Display Properties window.
- Click on the Start button, then Control Panel, then System, then Performance tab. Set the
Virtual Memory min and max sizes to twice the RAM installed in the computer, then click
the “Set” button. Click OK. Select Start Up/Shutdown tab. Change time in “Show list
for…” option to 3 seconds. Click OK.