
Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

1. SAFETY............................................................................................................................................................


2. Getting started...............................................................................................................................................


2.1. SuuntoLink..........................................................................................................................................


2.2. Software updates.............................................................................................................................


2.3. Suunto app.........................................................................................................................................


2.4. Touch screen and buttons.............................................................................................................


2.5. Optical heart rate.............................................................................................................................


2.6. Icons...................................................................................................................................................


2.7. Adjusting settings............................................................................................................................


3. Features.........................................................................................................................................................


3.1. Activity monitoring...........................................................................................................................


3.1.1. Instant HR................................................................................................................................


3.1.2. Daily HR..................................................................................................................................


3.2. Airplane mode.................................................................................................................................


3.3. Altimeter............................................................................................................................................


3.3.1. FusedAlti................................................................................................................................


3.4. Autopause........................................................................................................................................


3.5. Backlight...........................................................................................................................................


3.6. Button and screen lock.................................................................................................................


3.7. Bluetooth connectivity....................................................................................................................


3.8. Chest heart rate sensor.................................................................................................................


3.9. Compass...........................................................................................................................................


3.9.1. Calibrating compass...........................................................................................................


3.9.2. Setting declination.............................................................................................................


3.10. Device info......................................................................................................................................


3.11. Display theme.................................................................................................................................


3.12. Do Not Disturb mode...................................................................................................................


3.13. Feeling............................................................................................................................................


3.14. Find back........................................................................................................................................


3.15. FusedSpeed...................................................................................................................................


3.16. GLONASS.......................................................................................................................................


3.17. GPS accuracy and power saving..............................................................................................


3.18. Intensity zones..............................................................................................................................


3.18.1. Heart rate zones................................................................................................................


3.18.2. Pace zones........................................................................................................................


3.18.3. Power zones......................................................................................................................


3.19. Interval training.............................................................................................................................


3.20. Language and unit system.......................................................................................................


3.21. Logbook..........................................................................................................................................


3.22. Moon phases................................................................................................................................



Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro


3.23. Notifications...................................................................................................................................


3.24. Outdoor insight.............................................................................................................................


3.25. Pairing PODs and sensors........................................................................................................


3.25.1. Calibrating bike POD.......................................................................................................


3.25.2. Calibrating foot POD......................................................................................................


3.25.3. Calibrating power POD..................................................................................................


3.26. Points of interest..........................................................................................................................


3.26.1. Adding and deleting POIs..............................................................................................


3.26.2. Navigating to a POI.........................................................................................................


3.26.3. POI types...........................................................................................................................


3.27. Position formats............................................................................................................................


3.28. Recording an exercise...............................................................................................................


3.28.1. Using targets when exercising.....................................................................................


3.28.2. Navigating during exercise...........................................................................................


3.28.3. Sport mode power saving options.............................................................................


3.29. Recovery time................................................................................................................................


3.30. Routes..............................................................................................................................................


3.30.1. Altitude navigation...........................................................................................................


3.31. Turn-by-turn navigation powered by Komoot.......................................................................


3.32. Sleep tracking...............................................................................................................................


3.33. Sport modes.................................................................................................................................


3.33.1. Swimming...........................................................................................................................


3.34. Storm alarm...................................................................................................................................


3.35. Sunrise and sunset alarms........................................................................................................


3.36. Timers.............................................................................................................................................


3.37. Time and date...............................................................................................................................


3.37.1. Alarm clock.........................................................................................................................


3.38. Tones and vibration....................................................................................................................


3.39. Training insight.............................................................................................................................


3.40. Watch faces..................................................................................................................................


4. Care and support........................................................................................................................................


4.1. Handling guidelines........................................................................................................................


4.2. Battery...............................................................................................................................................


4.3. Disposal.............................................................................................................................................


5. Reference.....................................................................................................................................................


5.1. Technical specifications................................................................................................................


5.2. Compliance.....................................................................................................................................


5.2.1. CE...........................................................................................................................................


5.2.2. FCC compliance................................................................................................................


5.2.3. ISED REGULATORY COMPLIANCE..............................................................................


5.2.4. NOM-121-SCT1-2009.........................................................................................................



Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro


5.3. Trademark........................................................................................................................................


5.4. Patent notice...................................................................................................................................


5.5. International Limited Warranty...................................................................................................


5.6. Copyright.........................................................................................................................................



Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro


Types of safety precautions

WARNING: - is used in connection with a procedure or situation that may result in serious injury or death.

CAUTION: - is used in connection with a procedure or situation that will result in damage to the product.

NOTE: - is used to emphasize important information.

TIP: - is used for extra tips on how to utilize the features and functions of the device.

Safety precautions

WARNING: Keep the USB cable away from medical devices such as pacemakers, as well as key cards, credit cards and similar items. The USB cable device connector includes a strong magnet which may interfere with the operation of medical or other electronic devices and items with magnetically stored data.

WARNING: Allergic reactions or skin irritations may occur when the product is in contact with skin, even though our products comply with industry standards. In such event, stop use immediately and consult a doctor.

WARNING: Always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program. Overexertion may cause serious injury.

WARNING: Only for recreational use.

WARNING: Do not entirely rely on the GPS or battery lifetime of the product. Always use maps and other backup material to ensure your safety.

CAUTION: Do not apply solvent of any kind to the product, as it may damage the surface.

CAUTION: Do not apply insect repellent on the product, as it may damage the surface.

CAUTION: Do not throw the product away, but treat it as electronic waste to preserve the environment.

CAUTION: Do not knock or drop the product, as it may get damaged.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

NOTE: At Suunto we use advanced sensors and algorithms to generate metrics that can help you in your activities and adventures. We strive to be as accurate as possible. However, none of the data our products and services collect is perfectly reliable, nor are the metrics they generate absolutely precise. Calories, heart rate, location, movement detection, shot recognition, physical stress indicators and other measurements may not match the real world. Suunto products and services are intended for recreational use only and are not meant for medical purposes of any kind.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

2. Getting started

Starting your Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro for the first time is quick and simple.

1.Keep the upper button pressed to wake up the watch.

2.Tap the screen to begin the setup wizard.

3.Select your language by swiping up or down and tapping on the language.

4.Follow the wizard to complete initial settings. Swipe up or down to select values. Tap the screen or press the middle button to accept a value and go to the next step.

After completing the wizard, charge the watch with the supplied USB cable until the battery is fully charged.

You need to download and install SuuntoLink on your PC or Mac to get software updates for your watch. We strongly recommend updating your watch when a new software release is available.

NOTE: SuuntoLink also optimizes the GPS performance of your watch. You need to connect your watch to SuuntoLInk regularly to ensure good GPS tracking.

2.1. SuuntoLink

Download and install SuuntoLink on your PC or Mac to update your watch software.

We strongly recommend updating your watch when a new software release is available. If an update is available, you are notified via SuuntoLink as well as the Suunto app.

Visit for further information. To update your watch software:

1.Plug your watch into the computer with the supplied USB cable.

2.Start SuuntoLink if it is not already running.

3.Click the update button in SuuntoLink.

2.2. Software updates

Software updates for your watch bring new features and important improvements. We strongly recommend updating your watch as soon as an update is available.

If an update is available, you are notified via SuuntoLink and Suunto app (when you have the watch connected).

To update your watch software:


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

1.Plug your watch into the computer with the supplied USB cable.

2.Start SuuntoLink if it is not already running.

3.Click the update button in SuuntoLink.

2.3. Suunto app

With the Suunto app, you can further enrich your Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro experience. Pair your watch with the mobile app to sync your activities, get mobile notifications, customize your watch, get training insights and more.

TIP: With any exercise that is stored in Suunto app, you can add pictures as well as create Relive movies of your training sessions.

NOTE: You cannot pair anything if airplane mode is on. Turn o airplane mode before pairing.

To pair your watch with Suunto app:

1.Ensure your watch Bluetooth is on. Under the settings menu, go to Connectivity » Discovery and enable it if it is not already.

2.Download and install Suunto app on your compatible mobile device from the iTunes App Store, Google Play in addition to several popular app stores in China.

3.Start Suunto app and turn on Bluetooth if it is not on already.

4.Tap the watch icon in the upper-left of the app screen and then tap PAIR to pair your watch.

5.Verify the pairing by typing the code that is displayed on your watch in the app.

NOTE: Some features require an internet connection over Wi-Fi or mobile network. Carrier data connection fees may apply.

2.4. Touch screen and buttons

Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro has a touch screen and three buttons you can use to navigate through displays and features.

Swipe and tap

swipe up or down to move in displays and menus

swipe right and left to backwards and forwards in displays

swipe left or right to see additional displays and details

tap to select an item

tap the display to view alternate information

tap and hold to open in-context options menu

double-tap to return to time display from other displays

Upper button

press to move up in views and menus

Middle button

press to select an item

press to press to change displays


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

keep pressed to got back in settings menu

keep pressed to open in-context options menu

Lower button

press to move down in views and menus

While recording an exercise:

Upper button

press to pause or resume recording

keep pressed to change activity

Middle button

press to change displays

keep pressed to open in-context options menu

Lower button

press to mark a lap

keep pressed to lock and unlock buttons

2.5. Optical heart rate

Optical heart rate measurement from the wrist is an easy and convenient way to track your heart rate. Best results for heart rate measurement may be a™ected by the following factors:

The watch must be worn directly against your skin. No clothing, however thin, can be between the sensor and your skin

The watch may need to be higher on your arm than where watches are normally worn. The sensor reads blood flow through tissue. The more tissue it can read, the better.

Arm movements and flexing muscles, such as gripping a tennis racket, can change the accuracy of the sensor readings.

When your heart rate is low, the sensor may not be able to provide stable readings. A short warm up of a few minutes before you start the recording helps.

Skin pigmentation and tattoos block light and prevent reliable readings from the optical sensor.

The optical sensor may not provide accurate heart rate readings for swimming activities.

For higher accuracy and quicker responses to changes in your heart rate, we recommend using a compatible chest heart rate sensor such as Suunto Smart Sensor.

WARNING: The optical heart rate feature may not be accurate for every user during every activity. Optical heart rate may also be a ected by an individual’s unique anatomy and skin pigmentation. Your actual heart rate may be higher or lower than the optical sensor reading.

WARNING: Only for recreational use; the optical heart rate feature is not for medical use.

WARNING: Always consult a doctor before beginning a training program. Overexertion may cause serious injury.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

WARNING: Allergic reaction or skin irritations may occur when products are in contact with skin, even though our products comply with industry standards. In such event, stop use immediately and consult a doctor.

2.6. Icons

Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro uses the following icons:

Airplane mode


Altitude di™erence


Back; go back in menu

Button lock


Calibrate (compass)


Current location (navigation)






Estimated VO2



Flat time

GPS acquired


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

Heading (navigation)

Heart rate

HR sensor signal acquired

HR signal from HR sensor acquired

Incoming call


Low battery


Missed call



POD signal acquired

Power POD signal acquired

Peak Training E™ect

Recovery time



Stroke rate (swimming)









Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

Storm alarm


2.7. Adjusting settings

You can adjust all watch settings directly in the watch.

To adjust a setting:

1.Swipe down until you see the settings icon and tap the icon.

2.Scroll through the settings menu by swiping up or down or by pressing the upper or lower buttons.

3.Select a setting by tapping the setting name or pressing the middle button when the setting is highlighted. Go back in the menu by swiping right or selecting Back.

4.For settings with a value range, change the value by swiping up or down or by pressing the upper or lower button.

5.For settings with just two values, such as on or o™, change the value by tapping the setting or pressing the middle button.

TIP: You can also access general settings from the watch face by tapping and holding your finger on the screen to open the in-context menu.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro


3.1.Activity monitoring

Your watch keeps track of your overall activity level throughout the day. This is an important factor whether you just aim to be fit and healthy or you are training for an upcoming competition.

It is good to be active, but when training hard, you need to have proper rest days with low activity.

The activity counter automatically resets at midnight every day. At the end of the week (Sunday), the watch provides a summary of your activity showing your average for the week and daily totals.

From the watch face display, swipe up or press the lower button to see your total steps for the day.

Your watch counts steps using an accelerometer. The total step count accumulates 24/7, also while recording training sessions and other activities. However, with some specific sports, such as swimming and cycling, steps are not counted.

In addition to steps, you can tap on the display to see estimated calories for the day.

The large number in the center of the display is the estimated amount of active calories you have burned so far during the day. Below this you see the total calories burned. The total includes both active calories and your Basal Metabolic Rate (see below).

The ring in both displays indicates how close you are to your daily activity goals. These targets can be adjusted to your personal preferences (see below)

You can also check your steps over the last seven days with a swipe to the left. Swipe left or press the middle button again to see calories consumption.

Swipe up to check your activity over the last seven days in numbers instead of a graph.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

Activity goals

You can adjust your daily goals for both steps and calories. While in the activity display, tap and hold your finger on the screen or keep the middle button pressed to open the activity goal settings.

When setting your steps goal, you define the total number of steps for the day.

The total calories you burn per day is based on two factors: your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and your physical activity.

Your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns while at rest. These are the calories your body needs to stay warm and perform basic function like blink your eyes or beat your heart. This number is based on your personal profile, including factors such as age and gender.

When you set a calorie goal, you define how many calories you want to burn in addition to your BMR. These are your so-called active calories. The ring around the activity display advances according to how many active calories you burn during the day compared to your goal.

3.1.1. Instant HR

The instant heart rate (HR) display provides a quick snapshot of your heart rate.

From the watch face view, swipe up or press the lower button to scroll to the HR display.

Swipe down or press the upper button to exit the display and return to the watch face view.

3.1.2. Daily HR

The daily HR display provides a 12-hour view of your heart rate. This is a helpful source of information about, for example, your recovery after a hard training session.

The display shows your heart rate over 12 hours as a graph. The graph is plotted using your average heart rate based on 24-minute time slots. In addition, by swiping up or pressing the lower button, you get an estimation of your average hourly calorie consumption rate and your lowest heart rate during the 12-hour period.

Your minimum heart rate from the last 12 hours is a good indicator of your recovery state. If it is higher than normal, you probably are not yet fully recovered from your last training session.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

If you record an exercise, the daily HR values reflect the elevated heart rate and calorie consumption from your training. But keep in mind that the graph and consumption rates are averages. If your heart rate peaks at 200 bpm while exercising, the graph does not show that maximum value, but rather the average from the 24 minutes during which you hit that peak rate.

Before you can see the daily HR display values, you need to activate the daily HR feature. You can toggle the feature on or o™ from the settings under Activity. If you are in the daily HR display, you can also access the activity settings by keeping the middle button pressed.

With the daily HR feature on, your watch activates the optical heart rate sensor on a regular basis to check your heart rate. This slightly increases battery power consumption.

Once activated, your watch needs 24 minutes before it can start display daily HR information. To view daily HR:

1.From the watch face view, swipe up or press the lower button to scroll to the HR display.

2.Swipe left to enter the daily HR display.

3.Swipe up or press the lower button to see your calorie consumption.

3.2. Airplane mode

Activate airplane mode when needed to turn o™ wireless transmissions. You can activate or deactivate airplane mode from the settings under Connectivity.

NOTE: To pair anything with your device, you need to first turn o airplane mode if you have it on.

3.3. Altimeter

Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro uses barometric pressure to measure altitude. To get accurate readings, you need to define an altitude reference point. This can be your current elevation if you know the exact value. Alternatively, you can use FusedAlti (see 3.3.1. FusedAlti) to set your reference point automatically.

Set your reference point from the settings under Outdoor.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

3.3.1. FusedAlti

FusedAltiTM provides an altitude reading that is a combination of GPS and barometric altitude. It minimizes the e™ect of temporary and o™set errors in the final altitude reading.

NOTE: By default, altitude is measured with FusedAlti during exercises that use GPS and during navigation. When GPS is switched o , altitude is measured with the barometric sensor.

3.4. Autopause

Autopause pauses the recording of your exercise when your speed is less than 2 km/h (1.2 mph). When your speed increases to more than 3 km/h (1.9 mph), the recording continues automatically.

You can turn autopause on/o™ for each sport mode the sport mode settings in the watch before you start your exercise recording.

If autopause is on during a recording, a pop-up notifies you when the recording is paused automatically.

Tap the resume pop-up to see and switch between the current distance, HR, time, battery level.

You can let the recording resume automatically when you start moving again, or manually resume from the pop-up screen by pressing the upper button.

3.5. Backlight

The backlight has two modes: automatic and toggle. In automatic mode, the backlight comes on with any screen touch or button press.

NOTE: If the watch been idle for 60 seconds or more, the backlight can only be activated by a button press.

In toggle mode, you turn the backlight on with a two-finger tap. The backlight stays on until you tap with two fingers again.

By default, the backlight is in automatic mode. You can change the backlight mode as well as the backlight brightness from the settings under General » Backlight.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

NOTE: Backlight brightness a ects battery life. The brighter the backlight is, the quicker the battery drains.

Standby backlight

When you are not actively using the watch by touching the screen or pressing buttons, the watch goes into a standby mode after one minute. The display is on, but in some low-light conditions, the screen might not be easily readable.

To improve readability in low-light conditions, you can use the standby backlight. This is a lowbrightness backlight that is on all the time.

You can toggle the standby backlight on or o™ from the settings under General » Backlight » Standby.

Even though the standby backlight brightness is quite low, it decreases overall battery life because it is on all the time.

3.6. Button and screen lock

While recording an exercise you can lock the buttons by keeping the lower right button pressed. Once locked, you cannot perform any actions that requires button interaction (create laps, pause/end exercise etc.) but it is possible to scroll the display views and you can turn on the backlight with any button press if the backlight is in automatic mode.

To unlock everything, keep the lower right button pressed again.

When you are not recording an exercise, the screen locks and dims after one minute of inactivity. To activate the screen, press any button.

The screen also goes to sleep (blank) after a period of inactivity. Any movement turns the screen on again.

3.7. Bluetooth connectivity

Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro uses Bluetooth technology to send and receive information from your mobile device when you have paired your watch with the Suunto app. Same technology is also used when pairing PODs and sensors.

However, if you do not want your watch to be visible for Bluetooth scanners, you can activate or deactivate the discovery setting from the settings under CONNECTIVITY » DISCOVERY.

The Bluetooth can also be completely turned o™ by activating airplane mode, see 3.2. Airplane mode.

3.8. Chest heart rate sensor

You can use a Bluetooth Smart compatible heart rate sensor, such as the Suunto Smart Sensor, with your Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro to get accurate information about your exercise intensity.


Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

If you use the Suunto Smart Sensor, you also have the added advantage of heart rate memory. The sensor memory function bu™ers data if the connection to your watch is interrupted, for example, when swimming (no transmission under water).

It also means you can even leave your watch behind after starting a recording. For more information, please refer to the Suunto Smart Sensor User Guide.

Refer to the user guide for Suunto Smart Sensor or other Bluetooth Smart compatible heart rate sensor for additional information.

See 3.25. Pairing PODs and sensors for instructions on how to pair an HR sensor with your watch.

3.9. Compass

Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro has a digital compass that allows you to orient yourself in relation to magnetic north. The tilt-compensated compass gives you accurate readings even if the compass is not horizontally level.

You can access the compass from the launcher under Navigation » Compass. The compass display includes the following information:

Arrow pointing to magnetic north

Heading cardinal

Heading in degrees

Time of day (local time) or battery level; tap on screen to change views

To exit the compass, swipe right or keep the middle button pressed.

While you are in the compass display, you can swipe up from the bottom of the screen or press the lower button to open a list of shortcuts. The shortcuts give you quick access to navigation actions such as checking the coordinates of your current location or selecting a route to navigate.

Swipe down or press the upper button to exit the list of shortcuts.

3.9.1. Calibrating compass

If the compass is not calibrated, you are prompted to calibrate the compass when you enter the compass display.


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