Suunto 2542 Users Manual




Suunto D5

1. Safety................................................................................................................................................................


2. Getting Started..............................................................................................................................................


2.1. Display States and Views................................................................................................................


2.2. Icons.....................................................................................................................................................


2.3. Set Up..................................................................................................................................................


2.4. Product Compatibility......................................................................................................................


2.5. Before You Dive................................................................................................................................


3. Features........................................................................................................................................................


3.1. Alarms, Warnings and Notifications............................................................................................


3.2. Apnea Timer......................................................................................................................................


3.3. Algorithm Lock.................................................................................................................................


3.4. Ascent Rate......................................................................................................................................


3.5. Battery................................................................................................................................................


3.6. Bookmark..........................................................................................................................................


3.7. Calendar Clock.................................................................................................................................


3.8. Customize Dive Modes with DM5..............................................................................................


3.9. Decompression Dives...................................................................................................................


3.9.1. Last stop depth.....................................................................................................................


3.10. Dive History.....................................................................................................................................


3.11. Device info.......................................................................................................................................


3.12. Dive Modes.....................................................................................................................................


3.12.1. Air / Nitrox Mode................................................................................................................


3.12.2. Gauge Mode.....................................................................................................................


3.12.3. Free Mode.........................................................................................................................


3.13. Dive Planner..................................................................................................................................


3.14. Gas Consumption..........................................................................................................................


3.15. Gas Mixtures..................................................................................................................................


3.16. Gas Time.........................................................................................................................................


3.17. Language and unit system.........................................................................................................


3.18. Logbook..........................................................................................................................................


3.19. Suunto App....................................................................................................................................


3.20. Personal and Altitude Adjustments........................................................................................


3.21. Oxygen Calculations...................................................................................................................


3.22. Safety Stops and Deepstops...................................................................................................


3.23. Sample Rate..................................................................................................................................


3.24. Standby and deep sleep...........................................................................................................


3.25. Surface and No-fly Time............................................................................................................


3.26. Suunto DM5 and Suunto App..................................................................................................


3.26.1. Synchronizing Logs and Settings................................................................................


3.26.2. Updating Firmware.........................................................................................................



Suunto D5


3.27. Suunto Fused RGBM...................................................................................................................


3.27.1. Diver safety........................................................................................................................


3.27.2. Altitude diving...................................................................................................................


3.27.3. Oxygen exposure............................................................................................................


3.28. Tank Pressure...............................................................................................................................


3.29. Timer................................................................................................................................................


3.30. Water Contacts..............................................................................................................................


4. Care and support.......................................................................................................................................


4.1. Handling guidelines.......................................................................................................................


4.2. Installing scratch guard................................................................................................................


4.3. Quick Release Strap......................................................................................................................


4.4. Charging Battery............................................................................................................................


4.5. Getting support...............................................................................................................................


4.6. Disposal and recyling...................................................................................................................


5. Reference.....................................................................................................................................................


5.1. Technical Specifications................................................................................................................


5.2. Compliance......................................................................................................................................


5.2.1. EU radio directive...............................................................................................................


5.2.2. EU Personal Protective Equipment ..............................................................................


5.2.3. EU depth gauge standard...............................................................................................


5.2.4. FCC compliance.................................................................................................................


5.2.5. IC............................................................................................................................................


5.3. Trademark........................................................................................................................................


5.4. Patent notice...................................................................................................................................


5.5. International Limited Warranty...................................................................................................


5.6. Copyright.........................................................................................................................................


5.7. Dive Terms.......................................................................................................................................



Suunto D5

1. Safety

Types of safety precautions

WARNING: - is used in connection with a procedure or situation that may result in serious injury or death.

CAUTION: - is used in connection with a procedure or situation that will result in damage to the product.

NOTE: - is used to emphasize important information.

TIP: - is used for extra tips on how to utilize the features and functions of the device.

Before you dive

Make sure that you fully understand the use, displays and limitations of your dive instruments. If you have any questions about this manual or dive computer, contact your Suunto dealer before diving. Always remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!

This dive computer is intended for use with compressed air only.

Safety precautions

WARNING: ONLY TRAINED DIVERS SHOULD USE A DIVE COMPUTER! Insu€cient training for any kind of diving, including freediving, may cause a diver to commit errors, such as incorrect use of gas mixtures or improper decompression, that may lead to serious injury or death.

WARNING: You must read the printed quick guide and online user guide for your dive computer. Failure to do so may lead to improper use, serious injury or death.

WARNING: THERE IS ALWAYS A RISK OF DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS (DCS) FOR ANY DIVE PROFILE EVEN IF YOU FOLLOW THE DIVE PLAN PRESCRIBED BY DIVE TABLES OR A DIVE COMPUTER. NO PROCEDURE, DIVE COMPUTER OR DIVE TABLE WILL PREVENT THE POSSIBILITY OF DCS OR OXYGEN TOXICITY! An individual’s physiological makeup can vary from day to day. The dive computer cannot account for these variations. You are strongly advised to remain well within the exposure limits provided by the instrument to minimize the risk of DCS. As an added measure of safety, you should consult a physician regarding your fitness before diving.

WARNING: If you have a pacemaker, we recommend you do not scuba dive. Scuba diving creates physical stresses on the body which may not be suitable for pacemakers.

WARNING: If you have a pacemaker, consult a doctor before using this device. The inductive frequency used by the device may interfere with pacemakers.


Suunto D5

WARNING: Allergic reactions or skin irritations may occur when product is in contact with skin, even though our products comply with industry standards. In such event, stop use immediately and consult a doctor.

WARNING: Not for professional use! Suunto dive computers are intended for recreational use only. The demands of commercial or professional diving may expose the diver to depths and conditions that tend to increase the risk of decompression sickness (DCS). Therefore, Suunto strongly recommends that the device not be used for any commercial or professional diving activities.

WARNING: USE BACKUP INSTRUMENTS! Ensure that you use backup instrumentation, including a depth gauge, submersible pressure gauge, timer or watch, and have access to decompression tables whenever diving with a dive computer.

WARNING: For safety reasons, you should never dive alone. Dive with a designated buddy. You should also stay with others for an extended time after a dive as the onset of possible DCS may be delayed or triggered by surface activities.

WARNING: PERFORM PRE-CHECKS! Always check that your dive computer is functioning properly and has the correct settings before diving. Check that the display is working, the battery level is OK, tank pressure is correct, and so forth.

WARNING: Check your dive computer regularly during a dive. If you believe or conclude that there is any problem with any computer function, abort the dive immediately and safely return to the surface. Call Suunto Customer Support and return your computer to an authorized Suunto Service Center for inspection.

WARNING: THE DIVE COMPUTER SHOULD NEVER BE TRADED OR SHARED BETWEEN USERS WHILE IT IS IN OPERATION! Its information will not apply to someone who has not been wearing it throughout a dive, or sequence of repetitive dives. Its dive profiles must match that of the user. If it is left on the surface during any dive, the dive computer will give inaccurate information for subsequent dives. No dive computer can take into account dives made without the computer. Thus, any diving activity up to four days prior to initial use of the computer may cause misleading information and must be avoided.

WARNING: DO NOT EXPOSE ANY PART OF YOUR DIVE COMPUTER TO ANY GAS MIX CONTAINING MORE THAN 40% OXYGEN! Enriched air with greater oxygen content presents a risk of fire or explosion and serious injury or death.

WARNING: DO NOT DIVE WITH A GAS IF YOU HAVE NOT PERSONALLY VERIFIED ITS CONTENTS AND ENTERED THE ANALYZED VALUE INTO YOUR DIVE COMPUTER! Failure to verify tank contents and enter the appropriate gas values where applicable into your dive computer will result in incorrect dive planning information.

WARNING: Using a dive planner software such as in Suunto DM5 is not a substitute for proper dive training. Diving with mixed gases has dangers that are not familiar to divers diving with air. To dive with Trimix, Triox, Heliox and Nitrox or all of them, divers must have specialized training for the type of diving they are doing.


Suunto D5

WARNING: Do not use Suunto USB Cable in areas where flammable gases are present. Doing so may cause an explosion.

WARNING: Do not disassemble or remodel Suunto USB Cable in any way. Doing so may cause an electric shock or fire.

WARNING: Do not use Suunto USB cable if cable or parts are damaged.

CAUTION: DO NOT allow the connector pins of the USB cable to touch any conductive surface. This may short circuit the cable, making it unusable.

Emergency ascents

In the unlikely event that the dive computer malfunctions during a dive, follow the emergency procedures provided by your certified dive training agency to immediately and safely ascend.


Suunto D5

2. Getting Started

Comments for radio approval

Currently the devices have one working dive mode. This mode is compass and it is activated once the device is started. Other modes, for example time, gauge and free dive modes are under development and are not available in these units. Menu structure is being created but approximately 30% of them are incomplete with limited functionality or no functionality at all.

Starting your Suunto D5 for the first time is quick and simple.

1.Wake up the device by connecting the USB cable to PC/Mac.

2.Press and hold the middle button to enter menu.

3.Scroll up or down by the upper or lower buttons.

2.1. Display States and Views

Comments for radio approval

Currently only Air/Nitrox mode with compass on is available.

Suunto D5 has three main modes: TIME, AIR/NITROX, GAUGE and FREE. Select the appropriate mode for your dive under Dive settings / Mode.

The lower right field shows multiple information including max. depth, tank pressure, timer, and while diving, also no deco and stops. You can change what is shown by pressing the lower button.

NOTE: Main views can be customized. See 3.8. Customize Dive Modes with DM5.

Suunto D5 automatically switches between surface and dive state. If you are more than 1.2 m (4 ft) below the water level, the dive state is activated.

2.2. Icons


Suunto D5 uses the following icons:

Dual time


No-fly time


Suunto 2542 Users Manual

Suunto D5

Surface (interval) time

Battery (remaining hours)


Airplane mode

Alarm clock

Dive counter

Battery status (for device: charging, ok, low; for Tank POD: ok, low)

Battery level - number indicates remaining diving time before need to recharge

Tank / gas pressure information

2.3. Set Up

Comments for radio approval

The customization functionality is not available yet.

To get the most out of your Suunto D5, use some time to customize features and displays. Make absolutely sure that you know your computer and have it set up as you want before getting into the water.

To get started

1.Wake up the device by connecting the USB cable to PC/Mac.

2.Follow the startup wizard to set up the device. When ready, the device goes to surface state.

3.Fully charge before first dive.

The startup wizard guides you through:



Time format (12h/24h)

Date format ( / mm.dd)

Connecting with DM5 (optional)


Suunto D5

2.4. Product Compatibility

Suunto D5 can be used together with Suunto Tank POD for wireless transmission of tank pressure to the dive computer. One Tank POD can be paired with the dive computer.

This dive computer can also be paired with the Suunto App over Bluetooth. With the app you can transfer dive logs to Suunto App.

You may also connect this dive computer to a PC or Mac with the supplied USB cable and use Suunto DM5 to modify device settings, plan dives, as well as update the dive computer software.

Do not use this dive computer with any unauthorized accessories or attempt to connect wirelessly with mobile apps or equipment not authorized or officially supported by Suunto.

2.5. Before You Dive

Make sure that you fully understand the use, displays and limitations of your dive instruments. If you have any questions about this manual or dive computer, contact your Suunto dealer before diving. Always remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!

This dive computer is intended for use with compressed air only. Do not use with any other type of scuba diving. The compressed air supply must comply wtih EU standard EN12021:2014 requirements.

Before leaving on a dive trip, it is highly recommended that inspect your dive computer closely to make sure everything is functioning properly.

At the dive site, you should perform your manual checks before entering the water. For the dive computer, ensure that:

1.Suunto D5 is in the correct mode and the display is working as expected.

2.Altitude setting is correct.

3.Personal setting is correct.

4.Deepstops are set correctly.

5.Unit system is correct.

6.Compass is calibrated. Start the calibration manually to also confirm that the dive computer audible sounds are working. After successful calibration, you should hear a sound.

7.The battery is fully charged.

8.All primary and backup gauges for time, pressure and depth, both digital and mechanical, are showing correct, consistent readings.

9.If Suunto Tank PODs are in use, check that Suunto Tank POD is properly installed and the tank valve is open. Please see the Suunto Tank Pod User Guide for detailed information and proper use.

10.If Suunto Tank PODs are in use, check that connections are working and gas selections are correct.

NOTE: For Suunto Tank POD related information please see the instructions provided with the product.


Suunto D5


3.1.Alarms, Warnings and Notifications


Comments for radio approvals

The following functionality is not available yet.

Suunto D5 has color-coded alarms, warnings and notifications. They are shown prominently on the display with an audible alarm (if tones are on). Alarms are always red. Warnings may be red or yellow. Notifications are always yellow.

Vibra alarm

Suunto D5 has vibra alarm. The vibra can be turned on or off. Turn the vibra on or off in…

When an alarm, warning, or notification occurs, a message is displayed as a pop-up and D5 vibrates optionally. Pop-up messages and the vibration can be acknowledged by pressing any button. The information needing attention remains on screen or as a scrollable element in the bottom field until the situation is back to normal.

Alarms are critical events that always require immediate action. When an alarm situation comes back to normal, the alarm will stop automatically.






Ascent speed exceeds safe speed of 10 m (33 ft) per


minute for five seconds or more.




Decompression ceiling broken by more than 0.6 m (2 ft)


on a decompression dive. Immediately descend back


below ceiling depth and continue to ascend normally.




Partial pressure of oxygen exceeds safe level (>1.6).


Immediately ascend or change to a gas with lower


oxygen percentage.




Partial pressure of oxygen below safe level (<0.18).


Immediately descend or change to a gas with higher


oxygen percentage.



Warnings alert you to events that can impact your health and safety if you do not take action. Acknowledge the warning by pressing any button.


Suunto D5





CNS 100%

Central nervous system toxicity level at 100% limit



OTU 300

Recommended daily limit for Oxygen tolerance unit






Depth exceeds your depth alarm limit



Dive time

Dive time exceeds your dive time alarm limit



Gas time

Gas time exceeds your gas time alarm limit, or tank


pressure is below 35 bar (~510psi), in which case gas


time is zero.



Safety stop broken

Safety stop ceiling broken by more than 0.6 m (2 ft)



Tank pressure

Tank pressure is below your tank pressure alarm limit.


In addition to the configurable gas time alarm, your dive


computer also shows an alarm when 75 bar and 50 bar


pressures are reached. The tank pressure number is


forced onto the display and turns yellow after 75 bar


and red after 50 bar.



Notifications indicate events that require preventive actions. Acknowledge the notification by pressing any button.





CNS 80%

Central nervous system toxicity level at 80% limit



OTU 250

Approximately 80% of recommended daily limit for OTU





Change gas

On multi-gas dive when ascending, it is safe to switch to


next available gas for optimum decompression profile



Low battery

Approximately three hours of dive time left



Re-charge needed

Approximately two hours of battery time left; re-charging


required before next dive



Tank POD low battery

Tank POD battery life low; battery change required



3.2. Apnea Timer

Comments for radio approval

This functionality is not available yet.

You can use the apnea timer for interval training when freediving. You can adjust the following settings:


Suunto D5

Vent.: ventilation time; this is the starting duration of the time your breathing time. The time is increased by the increment time for each interval.

Incr: increment time; this is added to the ventilation time for each interval. For example, if your ventilation time is 1:00 minute and your increment time is 0:30 seconds, the first interval ventilation is 1:00, the second is 1:30, the third is 2:00, and so on.

Repeats: number of intervals

To adjust apnea timer settings:

To be detailed.

WARNING: Anyone who engages in any form of breath hold diving is in danger of shallow-water blackout (SWB), the sudden loss of consciousness caused by oxygen starvation.

3.3. Algorithm Lock

Suunto Fused™ RGBM algorithm is locked for 48 hours if you omit decompression stops for longer than three (3) minutes. When the algorithm is locked, no algorithm information is available and Locked is shown instead. Locking the algorithm is a safety feature, highlighting that the algorithm information is no longer valid.

When you ascend above the decompression ceiling by more than 0.6 m (2 ft), the ceiling parameter turns red with an arrow pointing down appears, and an audio alarm is generated.

In such a condition, you should descend back below the ceiling level to continue the decompression. If you fail to do so within three (3) minutes, Suunto D5 locks the algorithm calculation and displays Locked instead, as shown below. Note that the ceiling value is no longer present.

In this state, you significantly increase your risk of decompression sickness (DCS). Decompression information is not available for the next 48 hours after surfacing.

It is possible to dive with the device when the algorithm is locked, but instead of the decompression information, Locked is shown. Diving while the algorithm is locked resets the algorithm lock time back to 48 hours when you surface.

3.4. Ascent Rate

During a dive, the bar on the left indicates ascent rate. One bar step corresponds to 2 m (6.6 ft) per minute.

The bar is also color coded:

Green indicates ascent rate is ok, less than 8 m (26.2 ft) per minute


Suunto D5

Yellow indicates ascent rate is moderately high, 8-10 m (26-33 ft) per minute

Red indicates ascent rate is too high, over 10 m (33 ft) per minute

When maximum allowed ascent rate is exceeded for five seconds, an alarm is generated. Ascent rate violations result in longer safety stop times.

WARNING: DO NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ASCENT RATE! Rapid ascents increase the risk of injury. You should always make the mandatory and recommended safety stops after you have exceeded the maximum recommended ascent rate. If this mandatory safety stop is not completed the decompression model will penalize your next dive(s).

3.5. Battery

Comments for radio approval

This functionality is not available yet.

Suunto D5 has a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Charge the battery by connecting Suunto D5 to a power source with the included USB cable. As a power source use your computer USB port.

The battery icon in the XXX of the display shows the battery status. To the right of the battery icon is the estimated remaining dive time in hours.






Estimated remaining dive time is 8 hours; no immediate need to recharge




Estimated remaining dive time is three (3) hours or less; recharge needed




Estimated remaining dive time is less than one (1) hour; recharge






Battery is charging, showing current charge level as remaining dive time



When the charge level drops below 3 (three) hours, you cannot start a dive with Suunto D5. A pop-up message indicates recharge is needed.

3.6. Bookmark

Comments for radio approval

This functionality is not available yet.


Suunto D5

Keep the lower button pressed to add a bookmark (timestamp) to the active log for later reference.

If you save a bookmark while the compass view is active, the bookmark includes both a timestamp and the current compass heading.

3.7. Calendar Clock

Time and date settings are found under General / Device settings / Time & date. Time and date formats are found under General / Device settings / Units and formats. To change time and date

1.Keep the middle button pressed to enter menu.

2.Browse to General / Device settings / Time & date.

3.Scroll to Set time or Set date with the upper or lower button.

4.Press the middle button to enter the setting.

5.Adjust the setting with the upper or lower button.

6.Press the middle button to move to the next setting.

7.Press again the middle button when last value is set to save and go back to Time & date menu.

8.Keep middle button pressed to exit when done.

To change time and date formats

1.Keep the middle button pressed to enter menu.

2.Browse to General / Device settings / Units and formats.

3.Scroll to Time format or Date format with the upper or lower button.

4.Follow steps 5-8 as above to change and save formats.

3.8. Customize Dive Modes with DM5

Comments for radio approval

This functionality is not available yet.

You can customize Suunto D5 views and features with Suunto DM5. Create up to 10 different dive modes with up to four custom views each.

To customize Suunto D5:

1.Download and install Suunto DM5 from

2.Connect your Suunto D5 to the computer with the USB cable.

3.In the devices window, select Suunto D5.

4.Select the Customization tab. You can create new dive modes and modify existing ones.

NOTE: When creating or modifying dive modes, you need to synchronize the changes with your Suunto D5 before disconnecting the USB cable to save the changes to your device.


Suunto D5

Customization is divided into four categories:

Dive mode name

Dive algorithm

Gas settings

Customize views

Dive mode (name)

Maximum length of the name is 15 characters. Use something short and simple that helps you identify easily the features and information that you have customized on this mode.

Dive algorithm

You can select to use Suunto Fused™ RGBM or no algorithm (see 3.27. Suunto Fused RGBM). If you select no algorithm, Suunto D5 functions as a gauge (bottom timer) in that mode. If you select Suunto Fused RGBM, you have two additional options: personal setting (algorithm conservatism) and altitude setting.

Gas settings

Here you configure what you see under the Gas(es) menu in Suunto D5. The multiple gases option can be turned on or off. Turn it on to be able to dive with multiple gases. When turned off, the gas menu is simplified and easier to use with only one gas.

The gas max pO2 setting can be set to manual or fixed. The fixed option means that the

selected value is used for all gases and the option to manually edit them in the Gas(es) menu is disabled. When manual is selected, you can edit the gas max pO2 for each gas individually

in the Gas(es) menu.

3.9. Decompression Dives

If you exceed the no-decompression limit on a dive, Suunto D5 provides the decompression information required for ascent. Ascent information is always presented with two values:

ceiling: depth that you should not go above

asc. time: optimum ascent time in minutes to surface with given gases

WARNING: NEVER ASCEND ABOVE THE CEILING! You must not ascend above the ceiling during your decompression. In order to avoid doing so by accident, you should stay somewhat below the ceiling.

On a decompression dive, there could be three kinds of stops:

Safety stop

Deep stop

Decompression stop

You can turn deep stops on or off under DIVE SETTINGS / PARAMETERS. In addition, you can adjust the safety stop time to be 3, 4 or 5 minutes.

The illustration below presents how decompression is displayed on Suunto D5. When you ascend close to the ceiling depth and enter the deco window area, two arrows appear in front of the ceiling number.


Suunto D5

The deco window area is ceiling depth + 3.0 meters (9 ft). This is the area where decompression takes place.The closer to the ceiling you stay, the more optimal the decompression time is.

If you ascend above the ceiling depth, there is still a safe margin area, equal to ceiling depth

– 0.6 meters (2 ft). In this safe margin area, decompression calculation still continues, but you are advised to go down below ceiling depth. This is indicated by the ceiling depth number turning yellow with a downward pointing arrow in front of it.

If go above the safe margin area, the decompression calculation is paused until you go back down below this limit. An audible alarm and a downward arrow in front of a red ceiling number indicate unsafe decompression.

If you ignore the alarm and stay above the safe margin for three minutes, Suunto D5 locks the algorithm calculation, and decompression information will not be available anymore on the dive. See 3.3. Algorithm Lock.

Below is a typical decompression dive view showing ascent time and the first required deep stop at 20.3 meters:

Suunto D5 shows the ceiling value always from the deepest of these stops. deep stop and safety stop ceilings are always at constant depth when you are at the stop. Stop time is counted down in minutes and seconds.

Below is an example of what Suunto D5 displays during deep stop:

Below is an example of what Suunto D5 displays during safety stop:


Suunto D5

With decompression stops, the ceiling is always decreasing while you are near the ceiling depth, providing continuous decompression with optimum ascent time.

Below is an example of what Suunto D5 looks like on decompression stop:

NOTE: It is always recommended to keep close to the decompression ceiling when ascending.

Ascent time is always the minimum time needed to reach the surface. It includes:

Time required for deep stops

Ascent time from depth at 10 m (33 ft) per minute

Time needed for decompression

WARNING: YOUR ACTUAL ASCENT TIME MAY BE LONGER THAN DISPLAYED BY THE DIVE COMPUTER! The ascent time will increase if you: (1) remain at depth, (2) ascend slower than 10 m/min (33 ft/ min), (3) make your decompression stop deeper than at the ceiling, and/or (4) forget to change the used gas mixture. These factors might also increase the amount of breathing gas required to reach the surface.

3.9.1. Last stop depth

You can adjust the last stop depth for decompression dives under Dive settings / Parameters / Last stop depth. There are three options 3, 4.5 and 6 m (10, 15 and 20 ft).

By default, the last stop depth is 3 m (10 ft). This is the recommended last stop depth.

NOTE: This setting does not a‚ect the ceiling depth on a decompression dive. The last ceiling depth is always 3 m (10 ft).

3.10. Dive History

Comments for radio approval

This functionality is not available yet.

Dive history is a summary of all the dives done with your Suunto D5. The history is divided according to the dive mode used for the dive. Each dive type summary includes the number of dives, cumulative dive hours and maximum depth.


Suunto D5

NOTE: If there is more history information available than can be shown in a single screen, you can scroll through the additional information with the upper and lower buttons.

3.11. Device info

Information about your Suunto D5 can be found under GENERAL / About EON. This information includes device history, software version and radio compliance.

To access Suunto D5 information

1.Keep middle button pressed to enter the main menu.

2.Scroll to General with the upper or lower buttons and press the middle button.

3.Press the middle button to enter About EON.

4.Keep middle button pressed to go back and exit from the menu.

3.12. Dive Modes

Comments for radio approval

Currently only Air/Nitrox mode with compass on is available. Other dive modes are not available yet. This functionality is not available yet.

By default Suunto D5 has three dive modes: Air/Nitrox, Free and Gauge (bottom timer). Select the appropriate mode for your dive under Dive settings / Mode.

NOTE: Air/Nitrox dive mode is a single gas mode. The GAS(ES) menu under this mode will not allow you to add more than one gas. However, this can be changed through customization. See 3.8. Customize Dive Modes with DM5.

You can create additional dive modes using Suunto DM5. See 3.8. Customize Dive Modes with DM5.

In DM5 you can also enable multigas mode for more advanced decompression dives.

The decompression algorithm used in Suunto D5 is Suunto Fused™ RGBM. For more information about the algorithm, see 3.27. Suunto Fused RGBM.

Gauge is a bottom timer mode and thus has no decompression information or calculation included.

NOTE: After diving in gauge mode, decompression calculation is locked for 48 hours. If during this time you dive again, there is no decompression calculation available and LOCKED is shown in decompression information fields.

3.12.1. Air / Nitrox Mode

Air mode is for diving with regular air.

Nitrox mode is for diving with oxygen-enriched gas mixtures.


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