Suunto 25001D, 25002D Users Manual


Suunto t6 is your personal tool for better performance in sports. It measures the time between your heartbeats with the accuracy of milliseconds and records it for deeper analysis. The Suunto Training Manager PC software uses the heart rate variation data to analyze the effect of your training and to calculate several other body parameters. Relating this information with your current fitness level, the software also indicates the scale of training load that you need for different training effects. For the first time, in field conditions Suunto t6 tells you whether your training really improves your condition and helps you adjust your training programs accordingly. When you set the target effect for your training, you can use the software to calculate the time and heart rate to reach it. During a training session, Suunto t6 helps you reach the target by offering several control functions such as heart rate limits, real time average heart rate, and a customizable display of stopwatch, lap time, interval timer and altitude. Together with versatile timing, altimeter and logbook functions this makes Suunto t6 a perfect performance monitor for all kinds of sports at all performance levels. Suunto t6 can be upgraded with different wireless accessories such as speed and distance sensors for running and cycling.
NOTE: Read this Instruction manual carefully and make sure you understand the use, displays and limitations of this instrument before using the device. Also read the guidebook ‘How not to rely on luck when optimizing the training effect’ to learn how to get the best benefits out of using the Suunto t6. You find the guidebook on the CD delivered with the Suunto t6.


Make sure the package contains the following items:
• Suunto t6
• Transmitter belt (Suunto ANT-transmission compatible)
• PC-interface cable
• CD containing the Suunto Training Manager, t6 User Manuals and Training Guide Book
• Suunto t6 User Manual
• Suunto t6 Pocket Guide
Should any of these be missing from the package, contact the representative who sold you the package.


The Suunto t6 has the following features.
Time mode
• Time, calendar, alarm, adjustment of units and general settings
Alti/Baro mode
• Altitude, vertical speed, cumulative ascent and descent
• Temperature, air pressure, weather memory
Training mode
• Heart rate, stopwatch with split times, interval timer, logbook and other training control functions
SPD/DST mode (available only when the wrist unit is paired with an external speed and distance sensor)
• Speed, distance, automatic lap time by distance, interval training by distance, speed limit alarm
• Upload and store the logs on your PC
• Follow up the training effect and several physiological parameters based on the recorded heart rate interval data
• Create training plans and monitor your progress
• Upload your logs and publish them on the Web
• Share and compare your training experiences with others
• Download training plans published by other users


Only perform the procedures described in this manual. Never attempt to disassemble or service your Suunto t6. Protect your Suunto t6 from shocks, extreme heat and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. If not in use, store your Suunto t6 in a clean and dry environment at room temperature. Your Suunto t6 can be wiped clean with a lightly moistened (warm water) cloth. If there are stubborn stains or marks, you can apply mild soap to the area. Do not expose your Suunto t6 to strong chemicals such as gasoline, cleaning solvents, acetone, alcohol, insect repellents, adhesives and paint, as they will damage the unit’s seals, case and finish. Keep the area around the sensor free of dirt and sand. Never insert any objects into the sensor opening.


Your Suunto t6 is water resistant up to 100 m/330 ft. and the transmitter belt to 20m/ 66ft. according to ISO 2281 standard ( This means that you can use Suunto t6 for swimming and other water sports activities but it should not be used for scuba diving or freediving. To maintain water resistance and to ensure that the warranty remains valid, it is strongly recommended to have all service, except for battery change, to be done by authorized Suunto service personnel.
NOTE: Do not push the buttons while swimming or in contact with water under any circumstances. Deliberate or unintentional pressing of the buttons while the unit is submerged could cause the unit to malfunction.
NOTE: Despite the fact that both the Suunto t6 and the transmitter belt are water resistant, the radio signal does not carry in water making communication between Suunto t6 and the transmitter belt impossible.


Your Suunto t6 operates on a 3-Volt lithium cell, type: CR 2032. The life expectancy is approximately 12 months in the Time mode or 300 hours of heart rate transmission in ideal operating temperatures.
The low-battery warning indicator is activated on the display when approximately 5–15 percent of the battery capacity is still available. When this occurs, you should replace the battery. However, extremely cold weather may activate the low battery warning indicator, even though the battery is still fully operational. If the battery warning indicator is activated in temperatures above 10°C (50°F), replace the battery.
NOTE: When the low-battery indicator is on, the HR transmission becomes automati­cally disabled.
To replace the battery:
1. Insert a coin into the slot located on the battery compartment cover on the backside of Suunto t6.
2. Turn the coin counterclockwise until it is aligned with the open position marker.
3. Remove the battery compartment cover. Ensure that the O ring and all surfaces are clean and dry. Do not stretch the O ring.
4. Remove the old battery carefully.
5. Place the new battery into the battery compartment with the positive side facing up. Make sure to gently slide the battery underneath the contact plate on the side, ensuring that it does not break or bend out of place.
6. With the O ring in the correct position, replace the battery compartment cover and turn it with the coin clockwise until it is aligned with the close position marker.
NOTE: Replace the battery with extreme care to ensure that your Suunto t6 remains water resistant. Careless battery replacement may void warranty.
NOTE: Heavy use of the backlight, especially in the Night Use setting, will signifi­cantly reduce battery life.


The transmitter belt operates on a 3-Volt lithium cell, type: CR 2032. The average expected battery life of the transmitter belt is 300 hours of use in ideal operating temperatures. When your Suunto t6 is not receiving a signal, when the transmitter belt is active, you might need to replace the battery.
NOTE: When the low-battery indicator is on, the HR transmission becomes automati­cally disabled.
To replace the battery:
1. Insert a coin into the slot located on the battery compartment cover on the backside of the transmitter belt.
2. Turn the coin counterclockwise until it is aligned with the open position marker, or even slightly further for easy opening.
3. Remove the battery compartment cover. Ensure that the O ring and all surfaces are clean and dry. Do not stretch the O ring.
4. Carefully remove the old battery.
5. Place the new battery into the battery compartment with the positive side facing up.
NOTE: Suunto recommends that the battery cover and the O ring are changed simul­taneously with the battery to ensure that the transmitter remains clean and water resistant. Replacement covers are available with replacement batteries.
NOTE: Battery covers of the transmitter belt and the wristop computer are not inter­changeable.


1.7.1. Activating the heart rate transmitter belt

To activate the transmitter belt:
1. Attach the transmitter to the elastic strap.
2. Adjust the strap length to fit snugly and comfortably. Secure the strap around your chest, below the chest muscles. Lock the buckle.
3. Raise the transmitter a little off your chest and wet the grooved electrode area on the backside. The electrodes must be wet during the exercise.
4. Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin and the logo is in a central upright position.
5. Wear the Suunto t6 as you would wear an ordinary watch.
6. in the Training mode, long press ALT/BACK to connect the Suunto t6 to the heart rate transmitter belt. Wait for acknowledgement that the transmitter belt has been found.
7. Activate the stopwatch in the Training mode.
NOTE: We recommend you to wear the transmitter against your bare skin to ensure flawless operation.

1.7.2. Warnings

Persons who have a pacemaker, defibrillator, or other implanted electronic device use the transmitter belt at their own risk. Before starting the initial use of the transmitter belt, we recommend an exercise test under a doctor’s supervision. This will ensure the safety and reliability of the pacemaker and transmitter belt when being used simultaneously. Exercise may include some risk, especially for those who have been sedentary. We
strongly advise consulting your doctor prior to beginning a regular exercise program.


Before taking the wireless speed and distance sensor into use, pair it, see section
3.4.8. Pair.

1.8.1. Activating the wireless speed and distance sensor

For information on activating the wireless speed and distance sensor refer to the User Manual for your wireless speed and distance sensor.




2.1.1. Mode indicator

On the left side of the display there is a mode indicator that shows you the currently active mode. The mode indicator displays the modes from the top down in the following order: TIME, ALTI/BARO, TRAINING and SPD/DIST. The active mode is indicated by the moving segment next to the indicator bar.

2.1.2. Battery level indicator

On the upper side of the display there is a battery level indicator. The indicator is activated when approximately 5–15 percent of the battery capacity is still available. When this occurs, you should replace the battery.

2.1.3. Alarm symbols

Suunto t6 can display 2 different alarm symbols: Time alarm and HR limits or Speed limits alarm. When you set a time alarm, its symbol is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the display. When you set a HR limits alarm, its symbol is displayed in the upper left hand corner of the display.

2.1.4. Key Lock

The key lock prevents you from accidentally pushing the buttons. To activate the key lock: Press ENTER. Press START/STOP within 2 seconds. The buttons are locked and is displayed in the upper right corner. If you try to press a button, the message “unlock press enter” is displayed.
To deactivate the button lock: Press ENTER. The text “now press start” is displayed. Press START/STOP within 2 seconds.

2.2. MENUS

2.2.1. Basic menu structure

The menus are organized hierarchically under the modes. When you select a mode with UP/DOWN, first the icon of the mode is displayed, then its main display opens. If the stopwatch is on, switch between the modes with DOWN/LIGHT. When you scroll from one mode to another quickly, only the icons of the modes are displayed. When you press ENTER in the mode’s main display, the mode’s menu opens. The menus have several functions, all of which have sub-functions or settings.

2.2.2. Press and long press

The buttons may have different functions depending on how long you press them. “Press” means that the button is pressed quickly, “long press” means that the button is pressed for more than 2 seconds. If a function requires a long press, it is always mentioned.

2.2.3. Navigating in the menus

To navigate in the menus:
1. Scroll the menu items with UP/DOWN buttons. The name of the new mode is dis­played for a short while before the main display opens. The indicator bar on the left side of the display tells you what the currently active mode is.
2. Press ENTER to open the selected menu. Three menu items are displayed at the same time. The menu item that is currently active and can thus be selected is
displayed in reversed color.
3. To move deeper in the hierarchy, select a menu item and press ENTER.
4. To return one step up in the hierarchy, press ALT/BACK. Remember that if you only press ALT/BACK, the changes made in the menu are not saved. First you have to accept the changes with ENTER.
5. If you want to return to the main display of the active mode, press either ENTER (saves the changes) or ALT/BACK (discards the last change) for more than 2 seconds.



Suunto t6 has four different modes: TIME, ALTO/BARO, TRAINING and SPD/DIST. You can switch between the modes with UP/DOWN. If the stopwatch is on, switch between the modes with DOWN/LIGHT. The mode indicator on the left side of the display indicates the active mode.


The Time mode includes normal watch functions such as time, date and alarm. In the Time menu, you can define the measuring units for the data displayed in other modes and adjust the general settings.

3.2.1. Main display

When you select the Time mode, the main display opens. It has three rows.
The first row displays the current date.
The second row displays the current time.
The third row displays alternatively the weekday, seconds or dual time. Change the displayed infor­mation with ALT/BACK.

3.2.2. Alarm

You can set three different time alarms. When the alarm is set, the time alarm symbol
appears on the main display.
Activating alarms
To activate an alarm:
1.In the Time menu, Alarm is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.
2.Scroll to the alarm you want to set and press ENTER.
3.Press either the UP or DOWN button to change the alarm status to On. Press ENTER.
4.Set the correct hour with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
5.Set the correct minutes with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. The alarm is now set and you return to the Alarm menu. If the alarm is set to 12-hour format, the letter A is displayed for AM. PM is not separately indicated.
Deactivating alarms
To deactivate the alarm:
1. In the Time menu, Alarm is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.
2. Scroll to the alarm you want to deactivate and press ENTER. The alarm information is displayed and the On/Off field is activated.
3. Press either the UP or DOWN button to change the alarm status to Off and long press ENTER. The alarm symbol disappears from the main display.
Acknowledging alarms
When you hear the alarm, you can acknowledge it by pressing any of the Suunto t6 buttons. If you do not acknowledge the alarm, it will automatically stop sounding after 30 seconds.

3.2.3. Time

The current time is displayed on the second row of the Time mode’s main display. The dual time enables you to keep track of another time, for example, another time zone. The dual time can be displayed as a shortcut on the third row of the Time mode’s main display. Scroll to the dual time with ALT/BACK.
Setting the time and the dual time
To set the time and dual time:
1. In the Time menu, scroll to Time and press ENTER.
2. Scroll to either Time or Dual time and press ENTER.
3. Change the hour with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
4. Change the minutes with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. If you are setting the time, the seconds are activated. With dual time you can only set the hours and minutes. The seconds are synchronized from the current time setting.
5. Press DOWN to zero the seconds. If you want to set specific seconds, press and hold UP and the seconds start running. When the seconds are correct, press ENTER. You return to the Time menu
NOTE: When you set the seconds for the Time, they are automatically updated in the Dual time as well.

3.2.4. Date

The current date is displayed on the first row of the Time mode’s main display. The current week day can be displayed as a shortcut on the third row of the Time mode’s main display. Scroll to the week day with ALT/BACK.
Setting the date
To set the date:
1.In the Time menu, scroll to Date and press ENTER.
2.Change the day with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
3.Change the month with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
4.Change the year with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. You return to the Time menu.

3.2.5. General

The general menu contains several general settings for your Suunto t6.
Setting the tones
Tones are the sounds that indicate that you have successfully pressed a button. You can set the tones on or off. To set the tones:
1. In the Time menu, scroll to General and press ENTER.
2. Scroll to Tones and press ENTER. The On/Off field is activated.
3. Change the value of the field to either On or Off with UP/DOWN an press ENTER.
Setting the icons
When the Icons function is on and you scroll to a mode, the mode icon appears on the display for a while before the main display opens. When it is off, the main display opens straight away. To set the icons:
1. In the Time menu, scroll to General and press ENTER.
2. Scroll to Icons and press ENTER. The On/Off field is activated.
3. Change the value of the field to either On or Off with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
Setting the light
With the light setting you can adjust the backlight of the Suunto t6 display. It has three possible settings:
Normal: The light switches on when you press DOWN/ LIGHT for more than 2 seconds or when an alarm is activated. The light stays on for 6 seconds after the last press of a button.
•Off: The light does not switch on from any button or during any alarm.
•Night Use: The light switches on when you press any of
the buttons and stays on for 7 seconds after the last press of a button. To change the light settings:
1.In the Time menu scroll to General and press ENTER.
2.Scroll to Light and press ENTER. The current light setting is displayed in reversed color.
3.Select a suitable light setting with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
With this function you can calibrate the air pressure sensor of your Suunto t6. Normally there is no need for this but if a certified reference barometer verifies that your Suunto t6 does not display correct values, you can adjust the offset with this function. To change the sensor settings:
1.In the Time menu scroll to General and press ENTER.
2.Scroll to Sensor and press ENTER. The current setting is displayed.
3.Change the sensor settings with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
NOTE: You can return the original calibration by selecting ‘ calibration value.
DEFAULT’ as the sensor

3.2.6. Units

The Units menu includes the unit and format settings used with all Suunto t6 functions. They have an effect on how the information is displayed in the modes.
Setting the time format
The time format setting defines the format in which the time is displayed. The possible formats are:
12h: using 12 hour time format (i.e. 1.57 pm)
24h: using 24 hour time format (i.e. 13.57)
To change the time format:
1. In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.
2. Time is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.
3. Select the desired time format with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
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