Suprema BLROC User Manual

This manual is provided for information purpose only. All information included herein is subject to change without notice. Suprema is not responsible for any changes, direct or indirect, arising from or related to us of this manual.
Contents ..................................................................................................................... 3
Safety Instructions .................................................................................................... 5
1. Before Use ............................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Components ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Body.................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Methods for fingerprint input ............................................................................................. 8
1.4 System setup procedure ................................................................................................. 10
1.4.1 Registering the initial administrator .......................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Network configuration............................................................................................... 12
1.4.3 Stand-alone configuration ........................................................................................ 15
1.4.4 Configuring Secure I/O ............................................................................................. 17
1.4.5 Configuring environment settings ............................................................................. 18
1.5 Authorization methods .................................................................................................... 19
1.5.1 Finger Onl y ............................................................................................................... 19
1.5.2 Finger or PIN ............................................................................................................ 20
1.5.3 Finger and PIN ......................................................................................................... 23
1.5.4 PIN Only ................................................................................................................... 24
1.5.5 Card Onl y ................................................................................................................. 25
2. User Management................................................................................................ 26
2.1 Enrolling a user ............................................................................................................... 26
2.2 Editing a user data .......................................................................................................... 28
2.3 Deleting a user data ........................................................................................................ 31
3. Configuration for Screen and Sound ................................................................. 32
3.1 Date, Time .................................................................................................................... .. 32
3.2 Backlight ......................................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Sound ............................................................................................................................. 34
4. Device Configuration .......................................................................................... 35
4.1 Authorization ................................................................................................................... 35
4.2 In/Out .............................................................................................................................. 40
4.3 System ............................................................................................................................ 47
5. Attendance Management .................................................................................... 51
5.1 Operating environment ................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Setup for attendance management ................................................................................ 52
5.3 Operation modes ............................................................................................................ 53
5.3.1 Key Input .................................................................................................................. 53
5.3.2 Manual ...................................................................................................................... 53
5.3.2 Auto .......................................................................................................................... 54
5.3.3 Fixed ......................................................................................................................... 55
6. FAQ ....................................................................................................................... 56
6.1 Error messages .............................................................................................................. 56
6.2 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 57
6.3 Usage summary.............................................................................................................. 58
6.4 System Installation .......................................................................................................... 59
6.4.1 Cable specifications ................................................................................................. 59
6.4.2 Installing the bracket ................................................................................................ 60
6.4.3 Connecting Power & RS-485 ................................................................................... 61
6.4.4 Connecting the switch .............................................................................................. 61
6.4.5 Connecting the relay ................................................................................................ 62
6.4.6 Connecting Network ................................................................................................ 63
6.4.7 Connecting Wiegand ............................................................................................... 63
6.4.8 Electrical specifications ............................................................................................ 64
6.5 Specifications ................................................................................................................. 65
6.6 FCC Notice ..................................................................................................................... 67
Safety Instructions
Do not arbitrarily install o r repair the product.
The warranty does not apply to any product damage caused by an arbitrary installation or repair.
In Use
Endure that password does not exposed to unauthorized individuals. Frequent change of password is recommended.
Any illegal access to your product may
Do not forcibly press the buttons of the product and avoid any contact with sharp object to the device.
It may cause a failure.
Use the power adapter provided or one for 12V 0.5A or above.
When sharing the power with other devices such as electric door lock, check the power capacity considering power requirements for each device. If appropriate power is not used, it may not operate normally.
Be cautioned for the fingerprint contact area not to be contaminated or damaged by dirty hands or foreign materials.
It may affect fingerprint recognition performance or cause a failure.
Do not clean the device with any form of liquid. Use soft and dry cloth only.
1. Before Use
1.1 Components
Main Body Wall mounting bracket Extended bracket
Fixing Screws
(2 EA)
Star-shape wrench
(For fixing bracket)
The components shown abo v e may differ depending on the installation environment.
Knife Blocks
(2 EA)
Ethernet Connecto
Adapter (Option)
1.2 Body
No. Name Description
1 LCD Display The operation status is displayed.
LCD Displa
Key Pad
LED Lamp
Fingerprint Touch Area
2 Key Pad
3 LED Lamp The operation status is display ed with an alert soun d.
4 Fingerprint
Touch A rea
0–9 Buttons: Used to enter the ID and password. < > Arrow Buttons: Used to move the selected item.
Button: Used to select the desired function. Button: Used to enter or exit the menu. Button: Used to exit from the menu or cancel the desired action.
Green (Sound: beep beep beep beep!): Authorization successRed (Sound: beep beep beep!) : Authorization failurePink (Sound: beep!) : ProcessingBlue and Yellow blink in turn at an interval of 2 seconds (No sound): No IP
address is given because DHCP is set in TCP/IP Setup
Blue and Sky Blue blink in turn at an interval of 2 seconds (No sound): Normal
Red and Pink blink in turn at an interval of 2 seconds (No sound): Device locked
or no administrator
Blue and Red blink in turn at an interv al of 2 secon ds (No sound ): Th e time is
reset due to battery discharge.
– At first use, Red blinks at an interval of 2 seconds (No sound): Initialization
error, Consult with the manufacturer.
– In normal use, Red blinks at an interval of 2 seconds (No sound): On the
– Y ellow blinks shortly (No sound): Entry standby or in communication for
getting an IP when DHCP is set in TCP/IP Setup
Used to input a fingerprint for authenticat ion.
1.3 Methods for fingerprint input
BioLite Net can easily recognize fingerprints even though the angle and location of the pattern change. However, it is recommended to properly input fingerprints for more precise recognition.
Selecting a finger on fingerprint enrollment
Up to two fingerprints can be enrolled for each user in preparation of any abnormal situation like having a wounded finger or carrying an object with a hand. In the case of a low recognition, the user can register the same fingerprint twice to increase the recognition rate. It is recommended to use the index or middle finger. In case of other fingers, the recognition rate decreases because it tends to be more difficult to place the finger in the center of the sensor area.
How to proerply place a fingerprint
Place your finger firmly on the sensor area. Adjust the finger so that its middle position can be located in the center of the sensor. When the finger is vertically placed or its angle goes astray, the recognition may be a failure.
When enrolling your fingerprint, the first finger input window prompts. Then register the desired finger on the terminal as shown in the figure below. When the re-entry window appears with a “tick” sound, re-en ter the previously enrolled finger. The fingerprint input is made twice. (Gently push your finger on the sensor to have a full fingerprint.)
Place the first
In case fingerprint is not recognized normally
BioLite Net is designed to normally operate regardless of weather change or the angle and location of the fingerprint to place. However, the recognition rate may vary depending on the external environment or fingerprint condition.
In abnormal cases, follow the directions below:
1. Retry after drying the wetness of your finger.
2. When your finger is too dry, retry after blowing on your fingertip.
3. When you have a cut on your registered finger, register another fingerprint.
Cautions while registering your fingerprint
The initial fingerprint registration is important. Because the recognition process compares the scanned fingerprint with the registered one, an abnormally registered fingerprint can cause a failure.
To increase the recognition rate, follow the directions below:
1. Put the center of your fingerprint on the middle of the sensor.
2. If you have a cut in your finger or your fingerprint is not clear enough, retry with another finger.
3. When fingerprint recognition is in progress, do not move your fingerprint .
1.4 System setup procedure
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Install the system according to the environment
- Grasp the locations for installation site, door open switch, dead bolt, and such.
- Install the system (see 6.4).
Register an initial administrator
- Register the initial administrator for setting devices (See 1.4.1).
Configure the system
- Network configuration (see 1.4.2)
- Stand alone configuration (see 1.4.3.) or
Secure I/O configuration (see 1.4.4)
Test for system operation
- Check the door lock/unlock status and switch operation.
- Deliver the setting items to the customer.
Configure the environment
- Configure various environments (see 1.4.5).
Register users
- Use the system after user registration (see 2.1).
1.4.1 Registering the initial administrator
There is no administrator set for the product in the initial status. So register an administrator for configuring the environments for relay, door open switch, door open detection sensor, and such .
1. When the product is connected, a window
appears as shown in the right figure. Enter an ID and press OK.
2. When the authorization mode window appears,
use  /  buttons to move to PIN Only, and press OK.
3. When the password entry window appears, enter
the desired password and press OK.
4. When the password re-entry window appears,
enter the previously input password again and press OK.
Enter ID
Enroll Admin
Operation Mode
PIN Only
Enter PIN
Confirm PIN
5. The completion message window appears.
This procedure is necessary to temporarily configure the installation­related settings. Modify the administr ator in formatio n afte r the installation is complete.
1.4.2 Network configuration
The network configuration is required to connect the dedicated PC sof twa re or other devices via network. Configure the settings according to the communication environment in your place.
[In case of configuring the network via Ethernet]
1. Connect the terminal to the computer that h as the dedica ted PC sof tware according
to the network environment after seeing “6.4.6 Connecting netw ork.”
2. Configure the settings for TCP/IP port and server accordin g to the inst allati on
The following example explains how to directly connect the server PC without
using DHCP.
Use  /  buttons to select the Device icon and press OK.
Not Use
Use  /  buttons to set whether or not to use DHCP and press OK.
Subnet Mask TCP/IP
Enter IP address using numeric and arrow button and press OK.
Server IP TCP/IP
Enter Server IP address using numeric and arrow button and press OK.
Use  /  buttons to select the In/Out icon and press OK.
IP Address TCP/IP
Enter the IP address and
ress OK.
Enter Port and press OK.
Server Port
Enter Server Port and press OK.
Use  /  buttons to select the TCP/IP and press OK.
Gateway TCP/IP
Enter the Gateway using numeric and arrow buttons and press OK.
Use  /  buttons to select the Use and press OK.
100Base-T support
Not support
Use  /  buttons to set whether or not to support 100Base-T and press OK.
The completion message window appears.
When you exit from the menu before completing the TCP/IP setting, the data is not stored so please finish the remaining steps until the setting completion mess age appears.
IP Address/Gateway/Subnet Mask Setup: If DHCP is used, the values for
IP address, gateway, and subnet mask are automatically assigned. Otherwise, set DHCP to Not Use and enter the corresponding values. (When the right arrow is pressed, “.” is entered while the left arrow deletes characters one by one.)
Server: To directly connect the server of the dedicated PC software that enables
monitoring and setting the terminal, use Server for its setup and enter the values for IP address and port number. (Refer to the dedicated PC software manual.)
TCP/IP Port, Server Port: Should be the same values defined in the ded icated
PC software. It is recommended to set t he TCP/IP port to “1471” and Server to “1480.” (When the port number is modified as you want, TCP/IP communication may not be active.)
[In case of configuring the network via RS-485]
1. Connect the terminal to the computer that h as the dedicate d PC so f tware or to
another device according to the network environment af ter seei ng “6.4.3 Connecting Power & RS-485.”
2. Configure the settings for RS-485 according to the installation environment.
Use  /  buttons to select the Device icon and press OK.
PC Conn.
Serial Conn.
Use  /  buttons to select the PC Conn. and press OK.
The completion message window appears.
Use  /  buttons to select the In/Out icon and press OK.
Use / buttons to◀▶
select 115200 for PC connection speed and press OK.
Serial Conn.
Use  /  buttons to select the Serial Conn. and press OK.
Serial Conn.
Not Use
Serial Conn.
Use / buttons to◀▶ select Not Use for termination and press
1.4.3 Stand-alone configuration
This configuration is required to use the device for st and alone purpose, which device
which requires no communication with PC or other devices.
1. As shown in the figure, connect BioLite Net to respective sw itches.
For actual wring meth od, see “6.4 System Installation.”.
2. Configure the internal relay settings as shown below. (It is explained based on the
figure above.)
Follow the instructions below only when the dedicated PC software is not used. When using the so ftware, refer to the software manual.
Press MENU -> Enter ID
-> Enter the password -> Use  /  buttons to select the Device icon and press OK.
Use  /  buttons to select Internal and press OK.
Use  /  buttons to select the In/Out icon and press OK.
Exit Button
Input 0
Use  /  buttons to select Input 0 and press OK.
Use  /  buttons to select Door and press
Item Door
Exit Button
Use  /  buttons to select N.O and press OK.
Door Sensor
Input 1
Use  /  buttons to select Input 1 and press OK.
*Not Use/Input0/Input1
Enter the time and press OK.
*The time is set for automatically closing the door after the specified time.
The completion message window appears.
Open Time
Door Sensor
Use  /  buttons to select N.O and press OK.
Held Open Alarm
Use  /  buttons to select Not Use for Open Alarm OK.
*Not Use/Sound/ Backlight/Sound and Light/SIO Relay0/SIO Relay1
Not Use
and press
Use  /  buttons to select Temporary Open for opening mode and press OK.
* Temporary Open/ Toggle
Use  /  buttons to
select Not Use for Forced Open Alarm and press OK.
*Not Use/Sound/ Backlight/Sound and Light/SIO Relay0/ SIO Relay1
Opening Mode
- Temporary Open
- Toggle: The door is open after the first authorization success and it remains unlocked
: When the door is open, it is automatically closed after a specific time.
until the second authorization success.
When you exit from the me nu b ef o re completing the relay setup, the configuration is not stored so please finish configuration until the message “Complete” appears.
Opening Mode
Temporary Open
Forced Open Alarm
Not Use
1.4.4 Configuring Secure I/O
This connects BioLite Net to Secure I/O.
1. Connect wires between BioLite Net, Secure I/O, and respective sw itches as show n
For actual wiring, see “6.4 System Installation.”
2. Configure the relay settings as shown below. (Based on the figure above)
Follow the instructions below only when the dedicated PC software is not used. When using the so ftware, refer to the software manual.
Press Menu -> Enter ID -> Enter password ->Use /  buttons to select the
Device icon and press OK.
SIO Relay 0
Use  /  buttons to select SIO Relay 0 and press OK.
Use  /  buttons to select the In/Out icon and press OK.
Exit Button SIO Input 0 SIO Relay 0
Use  /  buttons to select SIO Relay 0 and press OK. (*Not Use/ SIO
Input 0/ SIO Input 1)
Use  /  buttons to select Door and press
Item Door
Exit Button
Use  /  buttons to select N.O and press
Door Sensor
SIO Input 1 SIO Relay 0
Use  /  buttons to select SIO Input 1 and press OK.
*Not Use/ SIO Input0/ SIO Input1
Enter the time and press OK.
*The time is set for automatically closing the door after the specified time.
The completion message window appears.
Opening Mode
-Temporary Open: When the door is open, it is automatically closed after a specific time.
-Toggle: The door is opened after the first authorization success and it remains unlocked
Use  /  buttons to select N.O and press
Open Time(sec)
Use  /  buttons to select Not Use for Held Open Alarm and press OK.
*Not Use/Sound/Backlight/ Sound & Light/SIO Relay0/ SIO Relay1
until the second authorization success.
Sync. Button
(In case of using Secure I/O)
Sync. button should be pressed when Relay setting is completed.
Door Sensor
Held Open Alarm
Not Use
Opening Mode
Temporary Open
Use  /  buttons to select Temporary Open for opening mode and press OK.
* Temporary Open/Toggle
Forced Open Alarm
Use  /  buttons to select Not Use for Forced Open Alarm and press OK.
*Not Use/Sound/Backlight/ Sound & Light/SIO Relay0/ SIO Relay1
When you exit from the me nu b ef o re completing the relay setup, the configuration is not stored so please finish configuration until the message “Complete” appears.
Not Use
1.4.5 Configuring environment settings
Settings for date and time: Set the values as “3.1 Date, Time.” Fingerprint auth orization related settings: Set the values after reading the case of
fingerprint selection in “4.1 Authorizatio n.”
Operation mode setting: Finish the setting after seeing the operation mode
selection case in “4.1 Authoriza t ion.”
1.5 Authorization methods
For changing the terminal authorization method, see the operati on mode selection case in “4.1 Autho rization.” To separately set the authorization method for each user, see “2.2 Editing a user data.”
1.5.1 Finger Only
When the user authorization method is set to “Finger Only,” you can open the door by using the three different methods:
1. Fingerprint recognition
2. Fingerprint recognition after entering ID
3. Fingerprint recognition after identifying user card
Fingerprint recognition
BioLite Net
Input the fingerprint of the user.
Fingerprint recognition after entering ID
BioLite Net
ccess Granted
ID : 2
The door is open with the authentication success message.
Enter ID
Enter the ID of the user and press OK.
ccess Granted
ID : 2
The door is open with the authentication success messa
Input the fingerprint of the user.
Fingerprint recognition after identifying user card
BioLite Net
Place the user card on the SUPREMA logo area.
Input the fingerprint of the user.
ccess Granted
ID : 2
The door is open with the authentication success message.
1.5.2 Finger or PIN
When the user authorization method is set to “Finger or PIN,” you can open the door by using the five different methods:
1. Fingerprint recognition
2. Fingerprint recognition after entering ID
3. Password entry after en tering ID
4. Fingerprint recognition after identifying the user card
5. PIN entry after identifying the user card
Fingerprint recognition
BioLite Net
Input the fingerprint of the user.
ccess Granted
ID : 2
The door is open with the authentication success messa
Fingerprint recognition after entering ID
BioLite Net
ccess Granted
ID : 2
Enter ID
Enter the ID of the user and press OK.
The door is open with the authentication success message.
PIN entry after entering ID
BioLite Net
Enter ID
ccess Granted
ID : 2
The door is open with the authentication success message.
Enter the ID of the user and press OK.
Fingerprint recognition after identifying user card
BioLite Net
Access Granted
ID : 2
Place the user card on the SUPREMA logo area.
The door is open with the authentication success message.
Input the fingerprint of the user.
Enter Finger or PIN
Enter the password of the user and press OK.
Input the fingerprint of the user.
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