Super System XGA Viewer Installation Manual

XGA Viewer
Super Systems Inc.
Cincinnati, OH 45249
513-772-0060 / 800-666-4330
Fax: 513-772-9466
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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Table of Contents................................................................................................................. 2
XGA Viewer Minimum System Requirements .......................................................................... 4
XGA Viewer Software Installation .......................................................................................... 5
Checking For Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 ........................................................... 5
Installing The XGA Viewer Software ................................................................................... 5
Repairing The XGA Viewer Software................................................................................... 7
Uninstalling The XGA Viewer Software................................................................................ 8
Installing The XGA Viewer Software Without An Installation File .......................................... 9
Starting The XGA Viewer Software ...................................................................................... 10
SSi XGA Viewer Software .................................................................................................... 11
SSi XGA Menu Options .................................................................................................... 11
File Button .................................................................................................................. 11
Save Graph Image As… ............................................................................................ 11
Check For Software Updates ..................................................................................... 11
Exit ......................................................................................................................... 12
Print Button ................................................................................................................ 12
Print Chart ............................................................................................................... 12
Print Preview Chart .................................................................................................. 12
Options Button ............................................................................................................ 13
Instruments Setup ................................................................................................... 13
Add An Instrument ............................................................................................... 13
Remove An Instrument ......................................................................................... 14
Modify An Instrument ........................................................................................... 14
Data Backup ............................................................................................................ 14
View Grid Data Button ................................................................................................. 15
Export Button .......................................................................................................... 15
Data To CSV......................................................................................................... 15
Data To TSV ......................................................................................................... 15
Data To TXT......................................................................................................... 16
Print Preview Button................................................................................................. 16
Print Button ............................................................................................................. 16
Real Time Mode Button................................................................................................ 16
Instrument Menu Button .............................................................................................. 16
Edit Template .......................................................................................................... 16
Add A Trend ......................................................................................................... 17
Remove A Trend ................................................................................................... 17
Modify A Trend ..................................................................................................... 17
PGA Setup ............................................................................................................... 19
Saving Changes To The Setup ............................................................................... 21
Cancel Changes To The Setup ............................................................................... 21
Download Data Button................................................................................................. 21
SSi XGA Viewer Overview ................................................................................................ 23
Trend Values Context Menu ......................................................................................... 23
View Statistics.......................................................................................................... 24
Show On Graph........................................................................................................ 24
Properties ................................................................................................................ 24
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Graph Manipulation Buttons ......................................................................................... 25
Cursor Button .......................................................................................................... 25
Zoom Button............................................................................................................ 25
Pan Button .............................................................................................................. 25
Restore Button......................................................................................................... 25
Sessions...................................................................................................................... 25
PGA/MGA – Template Channel 1 Data Definitions ................................................................. 27
Revision History ................................................................................................................. 29
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XXGGAA VViieewweerr MMiinniimmuumm SSyysstteemm RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
Computer with a minimum of 600 MHz processor clock speed (Intel, AMD, etc).
Operating System – Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
Memory – 256 MB RAM or higher
Disk Space - Minimum of 1 GB storage space
CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive
Keyboard and mouse
Monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher and 256 colors
The XGA Viewer software also requires the .NET Framework version 2.0 to be installed on the computer. The install file for the .NET framework is located on the setup disk included with the shipment.
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Checking For Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0
Note: Any person installing software on a target computer should have administrator rights when installing the software
XGA Viewer software can be installed and run, it is suggested that the target computer first have the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 installed first. To check if the .NET Framework version 2.0 is already installed on the target computer, click on Start Menu Control Panel
Add or Remove Programs. Wait until the list of installed programs is filled. Each program can be sorted by: Name, Size, Frequency of Use, or Date Last Used. In the top right corner, there will be a “Sort by:” drop-down list. Make sure “Name” is selected in this list so that each of the programs will be sorted alphabetically. Once the list has filled, scroll down to the M’s section. If “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0” is listed, then the .NET Framework version 2.0 has already been installed. If this item is not present, then the administrator will need to install the .NET Framework version 2.0 on the target computer. The install file for the framework is called “dotnetfx.exe” and it is located on the setup CD.
. Before the
Installing The XGA Viewer Software
Double-click on the “XGAViewerSetup.msi” file from the setup CD. This will begin the installation wizard for the software
The file “setup.exe”, which is on the setup CD, will also begin the installation wizard, although it is suggested that the “XGAViewerSetup.msi” file be run. Only run the “setup.exe” file if there is an issue with running the “XGAViewerSetup.msi”
The first screen displayed is an introductory screen. Click on the Cancel button to cancel the installation of the XGA Viewer. The cancellation must be confirmed. Click on the Next > button to continue with the installation.
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. Note:
The second screen will allow the user to select the location for the installation of the software. The default path is “C:\SSi\XGAViewer\”. To change this path, the user can either type in the new path, or click on the Browse… button and select the new path from the dialog box that is displayed. Clicking on the Disk Cost… button will display all of the available hard drives – network and local – and the amount of disk space available on each drive. This will allow the user to determine if there is enough disk space available to install the software to another location. The two options near the bottom right – “Everyone” and “Just
Me” will allow the user the option of installing the software for the user that is currently logged on to the target computer (“Just Me”) or to install the software so that anyone logged on to the target computer can access the software (“Everyone”). The < Back button will display the first screen again, and the Next > button will continue with the installation.
The third screen will allow the user to begin the installation. Clicking on the < Back button will display the second screen, and clicking on the Next > button will begin the installation of the XGA Viewer software.
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Once the final screen is displayed, the XGA Viewer software has been installed and can be run at any time. Click on the Close button to close out the installation screen.
The next screen will display the progress of the installation. Once the installation has completed. The final screen will be displayed.
Repairing The XGA Viewer Software
Occasionally, an unforeseen error will occur while the software is installing. If an error occurs while the XGA Viewer is installing, and the installation is not complete, it may be necessary to
repair the installation. Repairing the installation means that the files necessary for the software to run will be re-installed without requiring the user to uninstall the software first. To run the repair, double-click the installation file (“XGAViewerSetup.msi”). The Repair/Remove screen will be displayed. Select the option “Repair XGA Viewer” and click the Finish button. This will begin the repair process.
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The progress of the repair will be displayed. Once the repair has completed, the final screen will be displayed. Once the final screen is displayed, the XGA Viewer software has been repaired and can be run at any time. Click on the Close button to close out the installation screen.
Uninstalling The XGA Viewer Software
To remove the XGA Viewer software from the target computer, double-click the installation file (“XGAViewerSetup.msi”). The Repair/Remove screen will be displayed. Select the option “Remove XGA Viewer” and click on the Finish button. This will begin the removal process.
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The progress of the removal will be displayed. Once the removal is complete the final screen will be displayed. Once the final screen is displayed, the XGA Viewer software has been removed from the target computer. Click on the Close button to close out the uninstall screen.
Note: When the software is removed, only the files associated with running the software are removed. No datalog files will be removed when the software is uninstalled
Installing The XGA Viewer Software Without An Installation File
If there is no “XGAViewerSetup.msi” or “setup.exe” installation file, the associated files for the XGA Viewer software will be included on the CD, possibly in a .zip file or other such compression file. If this is the case, the user will have to manually create a folder location on the target computer for these files. Once this is done, the user can copy the files from the CD to the folder. Here is a list of all the necessary files to run the XGA Viewer software:
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