High Quality Condenser Gooseneck Microphone
Continuously Variable Pattern Gooseneck Microphone
User Guide
G O A N G - F A N N C O . , L T D .
© 20 10, SUPE RLUX I
LB1 00E 3610 1EN
Specifi cations
Back Electret
Ø16 .0mm
Ø7.3 mm
Polar Pattern
E309D PRO: Select from 3 caps ul es: card io id, superc ardioid
and omni- di rection al . T he three model numbers are as bellow:
E309DU PRO with inco rporated cardioid capsule
445.21 mm
E309DH PRO with inco rporated supercardioid c ap sule
E309DO PRO with inco rporated omni-di rectional capsul e
E361: Dual capsule design with con ti nuously variable polar pattern
Frequency Response:
E309D PRO: 20-20,000 Hz
E361: 80-18,00 0 Hz
Dynamic Range (standard)
E309D PRO: 105 dB
E361: 107 dB
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
E309D PRO: 75 d B
E361: 81 d B
Equivalent Noise Level
E309D PRO: 19 d B
E361: 15 d B
Max. SPL
E309D PRO: 124 dB SPL
E361: 120 dB SP L
E309D PRO: - 38±2 d BV/Pa
E361: - 3 1±2 d B V / P a
Matte-b la ck
Power Requirement
E309D PRO: P48, 5 .5mA
E361: P48, 8.6 mA
Output Impedance
E3 0 9 D P R O
Pola r Patter n (Figu re 3)
E3 0 9 D P R O
Frequenc y Res ponse ( Figure 4)
E3 6 1
Pola r Patter n (Figu re 5)
E30 9D PRO Di mensi ons(F igure 1)
E36 1 Dimen sions (Figu re 2)
Over view
The E309D PRO Miniature Gooseneck Microphone delivers the professional
features needed to achieve optimum speech pickup in board meetings,
conferences, presentations, houses-of-worship and more. The E309D PRO
features a highly sensitive condenser capsule and is available in a cardioid,
super-cardioid or omni-directional pickup pattern for maximum flexibility and
control. The three model numbers for E309D PRO with different capsule are
as bellow:
E309DU PRO with incorporated cardioid capsule
E309DH PRO with incorporated supercardioid capsule
E309DO PRO with incorporated omni-directional capsule
The E361 is a condenser gooseneck microphone with a continuously-variable
pickup pattern achieved by its dual capsule design. The variable pattern
control is selected by the button on its base, making the E361 flexible for a
variety of applications.
Both the E309D PRO and E361 feature a brand-new design in a high-quality
gooseneck. They are immune to radio-frequency (RF) interference from cell
phones, PDAs, wireless internet devices, two-way radios, etc. An On/Off
switch doubles as a power LED, providing status indication. The integrated
desk stand features a programmable membrane switch. The base features
both a 3-pin XLR male output connection and a 4-pin connector to allow a
hard-wired cable to be led out from either the bottom or the rear of the base.
200 ohms
3-pin XLR male ja ck
E309D PRO: see fi gure 1
E361: see f ig ure 2
Frequenc y Res ponse ( Figure 6)
Net Weight
E309D PRO: 938 g (33.1 oz)
E361: 943 g (33 .3 oz)
Fe atures
High qual it y condenser capsu le
Durable , hi gh quality goosen ec k structure
Integra te d program mable stand
Selecta bl e capsules from card io id, super-cardioi d an d omnidirectional for E309 D PRO only
E361 feat ures dual cap sule design and conti nu ously variable pa tt ern
RF immuni ty
Conference room
Board meetings
Houses- of-wors hi p
Included Items
S55F wind sc reen for E3 09D PRO only
S56 winds creen for E36 1 only
S55F wind sc reen S56 windscreen
Optional Related Items
10m mic cable (open end and XLR-M): P/N IA100CMB10100
5m mic cable (XLR-XLR): model#SFM5.0FM
10m mic cable (XLR-XLR): model#SFM10FM
E309D PRO Cardioid capsule: P/N BM1000B9801AS
E309D PRO Supercardioid capsule: P/N BM1000B9801AH
E309D PRO Omni-directional capsule: P/N BM1000B9801AO
Operational Settings
Programmable Membrane Switch
Both E309D PRO and E361 integrate a low-profile microphone base and require a
phantom power supply. Their base provides a soft touch button that can be configured
for "push-to-talk", "push-to-mute" or “toggle on-and-off” operation through the dip
switch on the bottom.
E309D P RO
1. Push-to-talk: The microphone is normally muted. Pushing and holding the soft
touch button will turn the microphone on. As soon as the operator stops holding the soft
touch button, the microphone will return to mute.
2. Push-to-mute: The microphone is normally on. Pushing and holding the soft touch
button will mute the microphone. As soon as the operator stops holding the soft touch
button, the microphone will again turn on.
3. Toggle / Power Up ON: As soon as phantom power is applied to the base, the
microphone is on. Momentarily pressing the soft touch button will mute the
microphone. Momentarily pressing the soft touch button again will turn the microphone
on. This operation will repeat indefinitely.
E361 bottomE309D PRO bottom
-4 -5 -6
4. Toggle / Power Up OFF (Muted): As soon as phantom power is applied to the base,
the microphone is muted. Momentarily pressing the soft touch button will turn the
microphone on. Momentarily pressing the soft touch button again will mute the
microphone. This operation will repeat indefinitely.
For the E361 gooseneck microphone, there is a continuously variable pattern control
located on the bottom which can change the microphone pickup pattern from omnidirectional to figure-8.
Users may use an audio cable terminated with a professional 3-pin XLR type connector
to send a balanced audio signal to a microphone preamp, or a three-conductor cable
with one open end and the other terminated with a professional 3-pin male XLR type
connector. If an audio cable terminating in XLR connectors on both ends is used, it can
simply be plugged in to the built-in XLR jack at the back of the base. If a hard-wired
installation is preferred, a three-conductor cable with an open end can be directly
attached to the base following the instructions below; this cable can be led out from the
bottom, or from the back if preferred.
1. Determine whether the cable is to be led out from the bottom or the rear of the
2. If from the bottom, then first of all, open the rectangular plastic panel on the
bottom. The 4-pin connector will be visible. Insert the open end of the cable into the
hole located at the center of the bottom and feed the cable end into the 4-pin connector
recess. Connect the wires according to the pin assignment below.
3. If the wire is to be led out through the rear of the base, then first of all, open the
rectangular plastic panel on the bottom to expose the 4-pin connectors. Remove the
small rubber cover from the hole at the back of the base and feed the open end of the
cable through this hole until it reaches the 4-pin connector recess. Connect the wires
according to the pin assignment below.
4. Replace the plastic panel over the 4-pin connectors.
The pin assignment is as follows:
1.) XLR pin 1 shield cable to position marked no. 1 on pcb
2.) XLR pin 2 red cable to position no. 2 on pcb
3.) XLR pin 3 white cable to position no. 3 on pcb
4.) The no. 4 is disconnected.
Red wire
White wire
Microphone cable
can be led out from
bottom or back
Red wire
White wire
Microphone cable
can be led out from
bottom or back
Knowing your microphone
Superlux provides a great variety of microphones for both professionals and amateurs.
Knowing the performance characteristics of your microphone is the first step in achieving
a successful result.
Type of transducer
Extremely light-weight diaphragm, very sensitive to sound. Very small versions are
available for low-visibility applications. High performance condenser microphones are
regarded as standard equipment in recording studios for their ability to capture extreme
detail. Operation requires a power source such as phantom power or battery.
Powering the microphone
Condenser microphones work with power. The professional standard is 48VDC phantom
power. Both the E309D and E361 require 48V phantom power; make sure your audio
system offers a full 48V phantom power to operate both the E309D and E361.
Using a condenser gooseneck microphone
Uni-directional condenser microphones feature very high sensitivity at -40dBV/Pa for
highly intelligible speech application. Their reduced off-axis sensitivity helps to lower
background noise while their maximized on-axis sensitivity provides the highest gain
before feedback
in a live sound system.
It is recommended that the user should keep a distance of 15 cm to 40 cm from the
microphone and maintain an average speech level. Speaking too close to the
microphone will result in excessive bass due to the proximity effect which will interfere
with intelligibility. A quality conference microphone incorporates a built-in limiter to help
prevent distor tion due to an overly-excited user or one who speaks too close to the
There are several choices of gooseneck to suit various demands. For aesthetics, single or
double bend goosenecks are a better choice over a fully-bendable design. Having a low
bending noise is another important feature of a good gooseneck microphone. It is
recommended that the user not bend the gooseneck too hard or too quickly as this may
generate excessive noise, thus disturbing the audience. In most cases, each attendee has
his own microphone or a microphone is shared by every 2 attendees. Although having
numbers of microphones in operation in one space at the same time is not
recommended due to the potential for a feedback problem, a good system operator can
minimize this risk by keeping as few microphones turned on at the same time as
possible. An auto-mixer is a good choice for multiple microphone installations since it
limits the number of turned-on microphones at one time. An advanced auto mixer
features a dynamic threshold and auto gain reduction which varies according to the
number of turned-on microphones to keep the same system gain. Wind screens are vital
for windy environments such as outdoor venues or proximity to air-conditioning systems.
Keep the capsule and wind screen clean for good audio performance.
Condenser microphone shall be kept in low humidity environment for best sound
performance. Store the condenser microphones in airconditioned room or dehumidifier
to keep away form moisture. Clean air is another important factor. Keep away from
smoking environment to avoid tar residuals.
http:// superlux .tw