Condense r microphone shall be k ept in low humidity en vironment f or best sou nd perform ance. Store
the condenser mic rophones in aircondit ioned room or dehumidif ier t o ke ep a way f orm moisture.
Clean air is a nother impor tant factor. Kee p away from smoki ng environmen t to avoid tar resi duals.
PRO 268B
PRA 288A
! Hig h so und press ure level , wi de dynam ic r ange, lo w di stort ion and
hig h gain be fore fee dback .
! Ext ended lo w freq uency re spons e wit h elev ation i n the mi d-hig h
sec tion.
! Fit f or the pi cking -up of i nstru ments w ith mi d-hig h freque ncy, su ch as
Hi- hat and c ymbal , also sui table f or reco rding in i nterv iew.
! Sup plied with H M30S gener al cli p and metal screw adapt or of 3 /8"~
5/8 ".
! Sup plied w ith S20 fo am wind shiel d.
! Tailo red freq uency re spons e for sna re drum .
! Min i shape , unnot iceab le, easy t o insta l.
! Fit f or the mi king of s nare dru m.
! Sup plied w ith HM1 0S gene ral cli p and met al
scre w adapt or of 3/8 "~ 5/8" .
Dr um c lip --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- -- HM1 2A
El asti c s hock mou nt ---- --- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- - H M32
Tabl e s tand -- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- --- --- -- HM 6
Su p pli ed ac cess o ries
Op t ion al ac cess o ries
No t e
Th is u ser gui de i s a lso appl ica ble to othe r m icro pho ne s ets for
dr um s uit e in DRK B se rie s. D RKB con sis ts o f:
PRO2 18A
1 Pc1 P c1 Pc1 Pc
1 Pc
PRO2 28A
3 csP3 Pcs2 csP3 csP2 Pcs
PRO2 68B
2 csP2 csP2 c sP
PRA2 88A
1 Pc
Comp lete se t
Comp lete se t
PRA- 288A
miki ng snare d rum
Mounting the mi crophone
Pressure gradien t microp hone i s very sensi tive to vibra tion. Suitable shock mount for high
performa nce m icrophone is necessa ry f or ex treme low noise recording. Sturd y st and c an s et th e
microphon e exca tly at the sweet spot and keep i t there . Choo se hea vy dut y micro phone stand for
studio con denser microp hone which wei ghts much more tha n handle microp hone.
Superlux provides wid e range of mi crophone sta nds for vari ous demands . Big Foot Wi llie is spec ially
develope d for large condens er mic rophones that able to sup port 2 large microp hones with stereo
bracket fo r single point s tereo recording.
Extensio n foot on all the 'E' ve rsions serve to mount heavy studio microphon e in limit space live
sound appl ications.
Picks up most signal on axis . Reject s side and
picks up least to the back. Suitable for live
sound re-i nforcement. Apparent pro ximity effe ct
and most singer like s to ta ke t his bass boost
advantag es which is not go od for speech.
Cardioi d
Narrower than cardio id pa ttern. Suitable for
multipl e microphone setup. Leas t sensitiv e
angle pointing towa rd side to rear where most
Super C ardioid
About Frequency Response
Suitable for w orking at contro lled en vironment,
or for acoustic measurement s. Althoug h people
persuit fl atness, but f or none-prof essionals, i t is
a challeng e to makes it work s as expectatio n.
Based on years of practic al e xperience of pro
users. There are cur ves to be build for va rious
applicat ions, so t hat it is very simp le to use the
mi cro pho ne for th e pu rp ose . L imi ti ng
bandwidt h, and emphasi ng are typical sk ill.
Popular curve res ponse
Incorpor ating switc hable filt ers to elli minates
interfere nce, such as sub- sonic fil ter to c ut airconditio ner and fl oor vibrat ions. And allows fu ll
flat when us ed in controlle d environment .
Variable response
Ext reme ly l igh t we ight dia phr agm , ver y
sens itiv e to s ound . Very smal l vers ions
ava ila ble for hid ing app lic ati ons . Hi gh
per form ance cond ense r mic roph ones are
regarded as standard eq uipment of recording
studios for ext reme detail captur ing. Operates
with power, su ch as phantom or b attery.
Durable an d simple stru cture, operat es in all
kind s of en viron ment s. A go od dyn amic
microphon e is capable to operate at very high
sound pressure l evel wi thout di stortion. Due to
structure limit, dynamics cannot be built as
small as con denser, but dyna mics
doesn requi re power to opera te.
Knowing your mi crophone
Superlu x provides v ariety sel ection of m icrophones for professi onals and amatures. To
know your m icrophone is th e first step to su ccessful resu lt.
Type of trans ducer
Condens er
Dynamic s
Fe atu res
De s cri pti on
PRO 218A
DRK B 5C2MK II m icrop hone se t is a n id eal can dida te f or s tage
per forma nce and p rofess ional rec ording stu dio. T his mic rophon e set
inc ludes sev eral m ikes t o m atch d iffer ent in strum ents: nam ely, 1
PRO 218A for b ass i nstru ments , 3 P RO228 A for mid- low i nstru ments , 2
PRO 268B fo r mid-h igh in strum ents an d 1 PRA2 88A for s nare dr um.
Amo ng them , PRO22 8A feat ures a sw ivel- integ rated b ody, an d other
mic rophon es are su pplie d with cl ips.
The se qua lity m icrop hones are su itabl e for t he pi cking -up of drum suite
and o ther in strum ents as we ll.
PRO 228A
! Tailo red low fr equen cy respo nse, te nder an d stout i n bass.
! Hard ly a ffect ed by the chan ges of l oad i mpeda nce, high gain bef ore
fee dback .
! Fit for th e mik ing of bass instr ument s with wide dynam ic ra nge, s uch
as ba ss drum , kick dru m etc.
! Sup plied with H M27S a nti-s hock b ushin g and m etal s crew a dapto r of
3/8 "~ 5/8" .
! Ext ended m id-lo w freque ncy fea tures a nd wide fr equen cy respo nse.
! Dur able to h igh sou nd press ure, wi de dynam ic rang e, low di stor tion.
! Fit for inst rumen ts wi th m id-lo w fre quenc y, su ch a s Tom- tom drum,
sid e drum, a nd guit ar.
! Swi vel-i ntegr ated bo dy, meta l screw ad aptor o f 3/8"~ 5 /8".
HM10 S
Mic cl ip
3/8" ~5/8"
HM30 S
Mic cl ip
Pop scre en
HM27 S
Mic cl ip