Superlux D 107 Series, TOP 248, TOP 258, D 107A, D 107B User Manual

2009, SUPER LUX I nc. LB10D1070 1TC (Rev . 1)
User Guide
D 107 Series
Dyn amic Voc al Micr ophon e for Prof essio nals
Sp ec ifi ca ti on s
Dyn amic m icrop hone
Pola r pat tern
Uni -di rect ion al (Su per- card ioi d), ro tat iona lly s ymme tri cal ro und microph one axis, whil e maintainin g uniform frequ ency response( Figure 1)
50 t o 16,0 00 Hz (Figu re 2)
Fre quenc y resp onse
250 Ω
Rat ed imp edanc e
Max . SP L (1 kΩ load)
160 dB SPL (THD1 % 1kHz )
The D107 Ser ies o perat es be tween -10 to +50 ( 14 to 122 ) wit h rel ative humi dity betw een 0 to 95%.
Env ironm ental cond itio ns
Net weig ht
188 .0 gra ms (6. 6 oz)
Sen sitiv ity (a t 1,0 00 Hz Open C ircui t Volt age)
-5 4dBV /Pa ( 1.8 5mV/ Pa) 3d B , 1 Pa=9 4dB SPL
Three-p in profession al audio conne ctor (male XLR ty pe)
Con necto r
The D107 Serie s incl uding the p roduct and p ackag es fo llow t he ins truct ion of EU 20 02/95 /EC an d com ply to RoHS .
Fin ish
Metal st ructure, stren gthened stee l grille head and s cratch-resi stant titani um coatin g for D1O7A, and te xtured black sa tin body for D10 7B
Dim ens ion s
Φ42 .3mm x 1 52m m (1.6 7in . x 6.0 0in. ), Fi gure 3
Positive pre ssure on diaphr agm produces po sitive volta ge on pin 2 with respect t o pin 3
Pola rity
Dim ens ion s (Fig ure 3 )
2000 Hz
4000 Hz
8000 Hz
250 Hz
500 Hz
1000 Hz
Frequency Response
20 50 100 200 500 1000 2 000 5000 10000 200 00 Hz
D10 7A
D10 7B
Buildi ng on the success of Superlu x D108 se ries voca l micropho nes, Superl ux no w pre sents the D107 series dyna mic microphone which is a milest one in the world of profess ional v ocal mi crophones, exhibit ing except ionally uniform freq uency response not only on-a xis, but also off­axis. And D107 se ries inher its the ba lanced ton e and natu ral sound profiles and structure of D108 series. With its more compact and ergonomica lly­design ed body and easy hand ling, the D 107 series brings a new concept in profess ional vocal us e. D107 se ries comes with two ver sions, one is D107A de signed for re cording with tailored v ocal resp onse best tor cl ose mikin g, and the other is D10 7B best for l ive sound perf ormance with a ta ilored bass pun ch response. The m odular d esign of the D1 07's caps ule with its go ld-plated connecto rs permit s e asy separati on of the grille and ca psule from the bod y o f the microph one, facilit ating mainte nance. The D107 h as a super-cardio id pickup pat tern which is olates the ma in sound so urce while minim izing backgro und noise. Constr ucted o f dura ble me tal wi th a strength ened m esh gr ille, foam f ilter and shock- mount system to cut down ha ndling noise, the D1 07 i s v ery sturdy, withsta nding even t he occ asional dropping while still producin g a sound quali ty th at is uns urpassed. No matter wheth er in door or o utdoor, singin g or speech, the D107's p erformance will satis fy the most demanding profess ionals.
De sc rip ti on
! D107A fo r Recording with t ailored vocal re sponse best to r close miking
! D107B fo r performance w ith tailored en hanced bass pu nch
! Balanc ed tone and truly n atural sound re production
! Ideal for professiona l vocal use with i ts brig htened midrange, bass roll
off and care fully crafte d frequency resp onse, provid ing excelle nt presenc e
! Super-card ioid capsule g ives exceptio nally high gai n before feedba ck
! High sou nd pressure leve l capability
! High qua lity ON/OFF sw itch with locki ng plate
! Modula r design capsu le with gold coat ed connector s
! All-me tal con struction with strengthen ed stee l gril le head and scratch-
resista nt titaniu m coating for A v ersion an d textured black sa tin body for B versio n
Op ti miz ed p ic k up p att er n
! For the mo st demanding pro fessionals
! New comp act size combin es minimizat ion and optimi zation
Ne w co nce pt s fo r pr ofe ss io nal v oc al m ic
Fe at ur es
Ac ce sso ri es
Sup plied acce ssor ies
Opt ional acce ssor ies
Mic rophon e cli p ---- --- --- - --- ----- H M38S Car rying pouch
--- ----- --- ----- ----- ---
Foa m wind scree n, var ious c olor ----- ----- - --- ----- ---- S40 Table stand ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - HM6 Adj ustab le boo m stan d --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- MS1 31 Ins trume nt boo m stan d --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- MS10 4
--- ---
MS13 1
Adju stabl e
boom s tand
MS10 4
Inst rumen t
boom s tand
Table s tand
Foam winds creen
HM3 8S
Mic rophon e clip
Car rying p ouch
Type of transducer
About Frequency Response
Suitabl e for working at cont rolled environment, or for acoustic measuremen ts. Althoug h people pers uit flatness , but for none- professiona ls, it is a chal lenge to make s it works as e xpectation .
Based on year s of practical experien ce of pro use rs. There are c urves to be b uild for various applicat ions, so that i t is v ery simp le to u se the microphone for th e purpos e. Limitin g bandwidth, a nd emphasing a re typical skil l.
Popular curve re sponse
Incorpo rating sw itchable filters t o ellimin ates inte rference, such as sub-sonic filter t o cut air-condition er and floor vibra tions. And al lows f ull fl at whe n used in controlled environm ent.
Variable response
Knowing your microphone
Superlu x provides v ariety sel ection of m icrophones for professi onals and amatures. To know your m icrophone is th e first step to su ccessful resu lt.
Mounting the microphone
Pressure gradient microphone is ver y sensiti ve to v ibration. Suitable shock m ount for high performa nce m icrophone is necessary for extreme low noise recordin g. Stu rdy stand can set the microp hone excatl y at the sweet s pot and keep i t there. Choo se heavy duty microphon e stand for studio conden ser mi crophone which weights much more than hand le microphone .
Superlu x prov ides wide range of mi crophone stands for variou s dem ands. Big Foot Willie is spec ially de veloped f or large condense r microph ones that able to suppor t 2 large micro phones with st ereo bracket fo r single point s tereo recording .
Extensi on foot on all t he 'E' v ersions s erve to mount hea vy studio microphon e in lim it space liv e sound applic ations.
Using a handheld microphone
For b est sign al to noise ratio, distance from th e handh eld micro phone t o the sound source shall be as sh ort as possib le.
For higher ga in before feedba ck and lowest back ground noise, th e microphone sha ll be pointed d irectly to th e sound source . (refer to th e illustrati on below) Th e sensitivi ty of a super cardioid mi crophone is hig hest on axis and l owest at 120 to 13 5 degrees.
To avoid interferenc e between multipl e micropho nes, each sound s ource shal l be pi cked-up by on e microp hone, u se as less m icrophones as p ossible in one space, or tu rn-on a s less microphon es as possible a t the same time.
To reduc e cross talk be tween microphones , an 1:3 guide line s hall b e foll ow: The dista nce between m icrophone A to th e sound so urce A is " 1", the di stance bet ween any o ther microphon e to the sound sou rce A shall be more th an 3 times.
When the (super) cardioid micro phone get c loser to t he sou nd so urce, the lo w freq uency response is boost ed, as s o call " proximity effect". Experience singer t akes adva ntages of the proximity e ffect to improve th e r ichness of his/ her voice or to incre ase the bass of the instrume nt as if an extremely high qualit y equalize r is used. Same idea to reduce th e bass by increase th e distance to red uce the bass whe n needed.
Reflectin g surface a ffect sound as well. Be ware of these surfaces s uch as wall, table, or f loor. Place the m icrophone aw ay from the hard s urfaces or di rectly contac t these surfa ces to form a pressure zon e microphone.
When using th e microp hone out door or in w indy env ironment, addition al foam wind screen helps to redu ce wind noise.
Keep gril l pop scree n clean to avoid degrading the s ound quali ty. Do not e xpose the microphon e at high humidi ty/tempera ture environme nt to avoid dama ge.
Condens er microphone sh all be kept in low humi dity environm ent for best soun d perform ance. Store the c ondenser mi crophones in ai rconditione d room or dehumi difier to keep away form moisture. Clean air is another impo rtant factor. Keep away from smoking e nvironment to a void tar residu als.
Durable and si mple stru cture, op erates in all ki nds of environment s. A go od dynam ic micropho ne is capab le to oper ate at ver y high sou nd pressure level with out distor tion. Due to structure limit, dy namics can not be b uilt as s mall as c ondenser, b ut dynamic s don't requ ire power to oper ate.
Dynami cs
Narrower than cardioid pattern. Su itable for m ultiple mic rophone setu p. Least sensit ive angle poi nting toward si de to rear where mo st stage monit ors are locate d. Same proximit y effect as cardi oid microphon e.
Super Cardioid
120 ~13 5° °
120 ~13 5° °
Monit or
Loudsp eaker ( s)
P.A . Syste m
Loudsp eaker
Reco mmend ed
Loud speak er Loca tions
-5-4 -6