Sunfire HRS-12 Brochure

Home Theater Performance That Will Be Music To Your Ears
H igH R esolution s e R ies
Fo r Th o s e Wh o v e Ne v e r Un d e r s t o o d Th e Va l u e o f Co m p r o m i s e
Some people long for perfection.
Others demand it. In their dress.
In the style of their homes. In the
performance of their cars. It is for
these people that Sunre developed
the High Resolution Series.
O u r P a s t i s O n c e A g a i n P r e s e n t
Sunfire has been, and always will be, in the business of delivering power. An d we del ive r
that powe r fr om some o f th e sm allest an d mo st b eaut iful form fac tors ava ilab le regardless of p rice . Witne ss e xamp les such a s ou r ul tra h igh output Tru e Su bwoof er EQ or any o f ou r new XT Series products and you’ll quickly be a believer. Now, Sunfire introduces the HRS Seri es; the most powe rful —and the most mus ical sub woofe rs and fu ll range spea kers this size cab inet, and thi s si ze price poin t ha s eve r se en.
The HRS Series is a Home Theater lover’s reason to celebrate. In addition to possessing many of Sunfir e’s patent ed a nd c elebra ted techn ologies, the High Resolution S erie s ta kes many of its cu es d irec tly from some of Sunf ire’s most legendar y ac comp lishments , li ke o ur flagship SubRosa subwoofer and our exclusive Cinema Ribbon full-range lines. The Subrosa is Sunf ire’s 2,700 Watt tour-de-force that achie ves a leve l of son ic perfor manc e ne ver befo re r ealized i n a subwo ofer of its s ize and shap e. The Cine ma R ibbon lin e is a o ne-of-a­kind sta tement ab out just how much clean run ning powe r ca n be lovingly fitt ed i nto some of the most compact and beau tifully d esig ned enclosures ar ound .
The HRS Series features three subwoofer models that perfectly mimic Subrosa’s obsessive atte ntio n to comp onen t se lection a nd a lso share its inn ovative acou stic tailorin g th at w e call Frequency Filtration Design™. Exclusive to Sunfire, FFD™ greatly improves accuracy and gives HRS subs a remarkable ‘sonic intelligence’ that you’ll hear and feel every time you list en t o your favori te m usic or movie s.
Our all- new HRS S atel lite s feature 20 0 Wat ts o f pow er a nd a stun ning ly b eaut iful cabi net
load ed w ith our l ates t 4” Kevla r Series speakers feature long-throw, ultra-low mass woofers with breakthrough surround techn ology. The res ult: stu nningly a ccurate, low d isto rtio n sound a t wha tever volu me s uits your mood.
Stil l ne ed more? Con side r, to o, that HRS S erie s pr oducts de liver all this at a price t hat make s ownin g th em s ound like the bes t idea yet .
woofers and ultra-premium tweeter. What’s more, all HRS
H igH R esolution s e R ies
Subwoofer Control Panel
Speaker-Level Inputs with
5-way gold-plated binding
posts make it easy to connect
right to your receiver’s
speaker outputs
Line Level Input makes it
easy to connect directly to
the subwoofer output on your
A/V receiver or processor
Heavy-duty 3/4” MDF enclosure
resists vibration for tighter bass
Removable IEC line cord
Inside: 1000-Watt RMS
Tracking Downconverter™,
High-Current Power Amplifier
Line Level Output (70Hz
High-Pass) lets you directly connect powered satellite speakers to the subwoofer
Standby LED
Volume Level control.
How much room-shaking bass do YOU want?
0˚–180˚ Phase control for
perfect integration with your speaker system
30Hz -100Hz subwoofer crossover control with
bypass makes it easy to integrate the sub with your main speakers
120 volt & 230 volt models
Back panel features identical on Models HRS-8, HRS-10 and HRS-12
Sunre Corp. 1920 Bickford Ave. Snohomish, Washington 98290
© 2008 Sunre Corp., sun
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